Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'negociante' translates to 'negotiator' in English. It is a noun that describes a person who discusses something formally in order to make an agreement, a deal, or to argue for a specific cause or purpose. Negotiators often represent others in business or political discussions to bring about resolution or compromise.


The Spanish word 'negociar' translates to 'negotiate' in English. To negotiate is to deal or bargain with another party to come to an agreement. It can refer to discussions around the conditions of an agreement, like the terms of a job contract or a price agreement for a transaction. In general, negotiation is a process where two or more people or groups aim to reach a mutually acceptable solution.

Example sentences with  negociar
negociar el horario
negotiate the schedule

The Spanish phrase 'negociar el horario' translates to 'negotiate the schedule' in English. This involves discussing and agreeing on a mutually acceptable time for an event, meeting, or other scheduled activity. It is often used in professional contexts, such as business meetings and appointments, but can also be used in personal contexts like planning social activities.

negociar el sueldo
negotiate the salary

The Spanish term 'negociar el sueldo' translates to 'negotiate the salary' in English. This term is usually used in professional and workplace context. It refers to the discussion or negotiation process between an employee and their employer (or potential employer) surrounding the employee's salary. 'Sueldo' means salary, and 'negociar', the verb form, translates to negotiate. When you 'negociar el sueldo', you are discussing your wage or income, generally with the intent to get a pay raise, or during an interview to set an acceptable rate of pay.

negociar las condiciones laborales
negotiations on working conditions

The Spanish phrase 'negociar las condiciones laborales' translates to 'negotiations on working conditions' in English. It pertains to the bargaining process between employees, often represented by a labor union, and their employers regarding the terms of employment. These can include pay, working hours, work environment, safety protections, and other working conditions. This is an important concept in labor rights and industrial relations.

negociar un contrato
negotiate a contract

The Spanish phrase 'negociar un contrato' translates to 'negotiate a contract' in English. This phrase usually refers to the process of discussing and agreeing upon the terms of a contract between two or more parties. In business, it often involves discussions on price, delivery and other relevant details of a transaction or agreement. It's important in ensuring all parties involved understand their roles, benefits, and obligations in the agreement. Therefore, someone who can 'negociar un contrato' may have skills in communication, understanding of contractual law, and/or business.


This noun is used to refer to an organization or economic system where goods and services are exchanged for one another or for money.

Example sentences with  negocio

The Spanish word 'negro' is most often used as an adjective to describe the color of an object. It can be used similarly to how 'black' is used in English, referring to the color of clothing, animals, text, and more. It can also be used metaphorically to refer to a dark or ominous situation or event. It is essential to remember pertaining its usage according to the gender and number of the noun it modifies, negra if the noun is feminine and negros or negras for plural masculine and feminine nouns respectively.

Example sentences with  negro

The Spanish word 'nervio' translates to 'nerve' in English. A 'nerve' is a bundle of fibers that transmits impulses of sensation to the brain or spinal cord and impulses from these to the muscles and organs. It's also utilized commonly in the English language to mean 'courage' or 'boldness.' For instance, 'He had the nerve to say that.' would translate to 'Tenía el nervio de decir eso.' in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'nervioso' translates to 'nervous' in English. It is an adjective that describes a state of feeling anxious, worried, or scared, usually due to something that is happening or might happen. This term is commonly used in both languages to convey emotional states or reactions in certain situations that may cause unease or fear. For instance, one might feel 'nervioso' before giving a public speech or during stressful situations.


The Spanish word 'neumonía' translates to 'pneumonia' in English. It is a noun and refers to a severe lung disease that causes inflammation of the air sacs in one or both lungs. These air sacs may fill with fluid, causing symptoms such as cough with phlegm or pus, fever, chills, and difficulty breathing. The term is most commonly used in a medical context.

Example sentences with  neumonía

The Spanish word 'neurología' translates to 'neurology' in English. Neurology is a branch of medicine dealing with disorders of the nervous system. It involves the diagnosis and treatment of all categories of conditions and disease involving the central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems, including their coverings, blood vessels, and all effector tissue, such as muscle.

Example sentences with  neurología

The word 'neurona' is a noun in Spanish language. The equivalent word in English is 'neuron'. Neurons are a key part of the nervous system and they transmit information to other nerve cells, muscle, or gland cells. Neurons have a specialized structure for receiving and transmitting information.

Example sentences with  neurona
to snow

The Spanish word 'nevar' translates to 'to snow' in English. This is a verb that depicts the natural process in which the atmospheric water vapour freezes into ice crystals and falls to the ground. 'Nevar' is most commonly used to describe the weather and is used in various contexts, just like in English, to symbolize the falling of snow.

Example sentences with  nevar

The Spanish word 'nevera' translates to 'fridge' in English. It's a common household appliance used for storing and preserving food and beverages at low temperatures. The term 'nevera' can be used in various contexts related to food storage, cooling, or refrigeration.

nevera portátil
Portable fridge

The Spanish term 'nevera portátil' translates to 'portable fridge' in English. A portable fridge is a compact, mobile appliance that can be easily carried around. It's used to keep food, drinks and medication cool over a prolonged period of time, especially when a regular fridge isn't available. It's primarily useful for activities such as camping, picnics, road trips and other outdoor events. The power source for a portable fridge can be electricity or a vehicle's electrical system.

Example sentences with  nevera portátil

The Spanish word 'nido' translates to 'nest' in English. A nest is a structure built by certain animals to hold their eggs and provide a safe place where they can take care of their offspring. Similarly, in Spanish, 'nido' is used to refer to the home or shelter created by birds or other animals for the same purpose. It can also be metaphorically used to refer to a protected or comfortable place where a person, family, or other group lives.

Example sentences with  nido

The Spanish word 'niebla' translates to 'fog' in English. It is a noun which refers to a thick cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth's surface, obscuring visibility. This term can often be found in weather forecasts and climate descriptions.

Example sentences with  niebla

The word 'nieto' is a noun in Spanish, often used in familial contexts. It translates to 'grandson' in English. 'Nieto' refers to a child's male offspring, especially the son of one’s son or daughter. It is widely applicable in different scenarios in Spanish speaking cultures and families.


The Spanish word 'nieve' translates to 'snow' in English. It's a feminine noun in Spanish and is commonly used to refer to the frozen precipitation that falls during the winter season. Besides its literal meaning, 'nieve' can figuratively be used in Spanish to depict a situation or landscape that is as pure or as white as snow.

Example sentences with  nieve

Niña is the Spanish word for a female child or girl.

Example sentences with  niña

The Spanish word 'niñez' translates to 'childhood' in English. This term is used to refer to the period of life that is experienced by individuals before they reach adolescence. It is a time often associated with playfulness, innocence, and learning. In different cultural contexts, it can carry different connotations and experiences but universally it refers to the early formative years of an individual's life.


Niño is the Spanish term for a male child or boy.

Example sentences with  niño
niño adoptado
adopted child

The Spanish phrase 'niño adoptado' translates to 'adopted child' in English. It consists of two words 'niño', which means child, and 'adoptado', which means adopted. Therefore, when combined, they mean a child who has been legally taken by someone other than their biological parents to be permanently raised as his or her own child. This term reflects a legal process that gives new parent(s) the same rights and obligations as a child's biological parents.

niño huérfano
orphaned child

The Spanish phrase 'niño huérfano' translates directly to 'orphaned child' in English. This phrase can be broken down into two parts: 'niño' meaning 'child' and 'huérfano' meaning 'orphaned'. It refers to a child who has lost both parents and consequently lacks parental care, often as a result of death of parents. The context in which 'niño huérfano' is used can vary, but it is generally used to describe such unfortunate situations.

niño probeta
test tube child

The Spanish term 'niño probeta' translates to 'test tube child' in English. This phrase is often used to refer to children conceived through in vitro fertilization, a process in which an egg is combined with a sperm outside the body, in a lab. Once the egg is fertilized, it is inserted into a woman's uterus. This term may be used colloquially and not necessarily in a scientific context.


The word 'nitrógeno' in Spanish translates to 'nitrogen' in English. Nitrogen is a chemical element with the symbol N and atomic number 7. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that's the most plentiful element in Earth's atmosphere. Nitrogen is essential to life because it is a constituent of DNA and, as such, is part of the genetic code.

Example sentences with  nitrógeno

The Spanish word 'nivel' is used just like the English word 'level'. It can refer to a position on a scale of amount, quantity, extent, or quality, express the height of something, or alternatively, it could mean a device used to ascertain whether a surface is horizontal. Typically, it is used in contexts of education, video games, construction, physics, and more.

Example sentences with  nivel
no dar ni golpe
Don't give up.

The translation provided for 'no dar ni golpe' is not accurate. This Spanish phrase does not mean 'don't give up' in English. Instead, it is a colloquial expression that literally translates to 'not giving even a hit'. It's used to describe someone who is lazy or not doing any work.

no estar del todo mal
not to be completely wrong

The Spanish phrase 'no estar del todo mal' translates to 'not to be completely wrong' in English. In everyday use, it refers to a situation or thing that may not be perfect or right, but also isn't entirely incorrect or bad. This phrase lends itself to subjective situations where there can be multiple perspectives or interpretations.

Example sentences with  no estar del todo mal
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