Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'nacionalidad' translates to 'nationality' in English. It is used to indicate a person's country of origin or, in some cases, the nation they identify with. This can refer to where they were born, where they currently live, or where their ancestors are from. The concept of 'nacionalidad' is important in legal and societal contexts, often influencing a person's rights, responsibilities, and identity. It's commonly used in legal documents, forms, and discussions of heritage or citizenship.


The Spanish word 'nada' is often used in similar contexts as we use 'nothing' in English. It can represent the absence of something or a lack of response. It's also used in expressions such as 'de nada' meaning 'you're welcome'. Please note that in negative sentences in Spanish, double negation is grammatically correct, so 'nada' can be used in those instances as well.

Example sentences with  nada
to swim

'Nadar' refers to the act of moving through water by moving the body.

Example sentences with  nadar
nadar a braza
swim breaststroke

The phrase 'nadar a braza' in Spanish translates to 'swim breaststroke' in English. This refers to one of the swimming styles where the swimmer is on their chest and extends their arms in a manner similar to a bird flying, while their legs perform a whip-like kick. This style is originally known for being taught to beginners for its simplicity and is also used in professional swimming competitions.

Example sentences with  nadar a braza
nadar a crol
swim front crawl

The Spanish phrase 'nadar a crol' translates to 'swim front crawl' in English. The front crawl, also known as freestyle, is a swimming style usually regarded as the fastest and most efficient of the four front primary strokes. It involves alternate over-the-top arm strokes and a flutter kick. 'Nadar' is the Spanish verb that means to swim, while 'a crol' refers to the specific style of swimming, in this case, it's the 'front crawl'. Thus, 'nadar a crol' essentially means to swim using the front crawl technique.

Example sentences with  nadar a crol
nadar de espaldas
swim on your back

The Spanish phrase 'nadar de espaldas' translates to 'swim on your back' in English. This is a term often used in swimming instructions or advisories, typically referring to a method of swimming where the swimmer is face-up in the water. This is a common swimming style and an essential survival swimming technique, providing the benefit of being able to breathe and see while swimming, which can be especially useful in rough water or survival situations.

Example sentences with  nadar de espaldas

The Spanish word 'nadie' represents 'nobody' in English. It's used when referring to no person or no one in a certain context. For example, if you want to say 'Nobody is here', you can say 'Nadie está aquí' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  nadie

The Spanish word 'napia' refers to the 'proboscis' in English. It is a more informal or colloquial term mainly used in Spain. The word specifically refers to a large or prominent nose. In zoology, the term 'proboscis' is often used to describe the long, flexible snout or trunk of certain animals. However, when 'napia' is used in everyday Spanish, it is mostly referring to the human nose, especially when it is noticeable or prominent.


The orange is the fruit of the citrus species Citrus × sinensis in the family Rutaceae. It is a sweet-tasting fruit that can be used for making juice.

Example sentences with  naranja

The Spanish word 'nariz' translates to 'nose' in English. It's one of the fundamental body parts vocabulary in Spanish. The word 'nariz' is used in the same way we use 'nose' in English, for example, to identify the body part in the middle of the face that we use to smell and breathe.

nariz aguileña
eagle nose

The Spanish term 'nariz aguileña' translates to 'eagle nose' in English. It is used to describe the physical characteristic of a nose that is curved or hook-like, somewhat similar to the beak of an eagle. This term is often used in literature and descriptive texts to depict a person's appearance in a more visual and striking manner.

nariz chata
snub nose

The Spanish phrase 'nariz chata' translates to 'snub nose' in English. 'Nariz' is the Spanish word for 'nose', and 'chata' translates to 'snub', often used to describe a short or small nose or one that is turned up at the end. This term is commonly used in physical descriptions.

nariz respingona
upturned nose

The Spanish phrase 'nariz respingona' is a descriptive term used in physical contexts, primarily referring to the structure of one's nose. In English, this term translates to an 'upturned nose'. An upturned nose, as the name suggests, is characterized by a slightly lifted or turned-up appearance of the nasal tip, often considered a desired aesthetic in many cultures. The term can be used in both, a flattering admiration or a teasing context, depending on how it is used.


The Spanish word 'narración' translates to 'narration' in English. It refers to the action or process of telling a story, either orally or in writing. This can be in various formats like books, films, plays, etc. 'Narración' denotes the method by which the story is conveyed to the audience, making it an integral part of storytelling in any form of medium.

Example sentences with  narración

The Spanish word 'narrador' translates to 'narrator' in English. A narrator is a person who tells a story, usually in writing, movies, or television shows. As a storyteller, a narrator sets the tone and mood of a story, gives background details, and guides readers or viewers through the plot. The narrator can have different perspectives - first person, second person, or third person, and can either be a character in the story or an outside voice.

Example sentences with  narrador

The Spanish word 'narrar' translates to 'narrate' in English. This is a verb that is used to indicate the action of telling a story or describing a series of events. It could be used in various contexts such as literature, performances, movies, or personal anecdotes. It's the process of giving an account or giving details about something in a sequential manner. For example, a person can 'narrar' their experience of a trip they made, or an author can 'narrar' a story in a book.

Example sentences with  narrar

The Spanish word 'nata' translates to 'cream' in English. It refers to the thick white or yellowish fatty liquid that forms a layer on the top of milk before it is homogenized. It's often whipped and used in cooking or desserts.


Swimming is a sport or activity of propelling oneself through water using the limbs. It can be done either competitively or leisurely for exercise.

Example sentences with  natación

The word 'nativity' in Spanish is translated as 'natividad'. It is used in the same context as in English, especially in religious contexts, referring to the birth of Christ. It can also be used to refer to the circumstances surrounding someone's birth, similar to its usage in English.

Example sentences with  natividad

The Spanish word 'natural' aligns perfectly with its English counterpart and is used quite similarly. It can be applied to denote something of nature, not artificial or synthetic; not markedly strange or abnormal; spontaneous, easy, instinctive; and also like a natural object viewed as the impact of factors not covered by physical sciences. It can be used across various contexts just as it is in English. The usage is 'Es un comportamiento muy natural', which translates to 'It is very natural behavior'.

Example sentences with  natural

The Spanish word 'naturaleza' is used to refer to the natural world encompassing all the living and non-living things occurring naturally. It can also refer to the inherent or fundamental qualities or characteristics of something or someone. Just like in English, it can be used in different contexts including science, philosophy, and everyday conversations.

Example sentences with  naturaleza
to wreck

The Spanish word 'naufragar' translates to 'to wreck' in English. It is often used in the context of maritime incidents where a ship is destroyed or ruined during a journey. It can metaphorically also be used for plans or schemes that fail or don't go as expected. For example, it can describe when a project fails or when something is ruined.

Example sentences with  naufragar
nave industrial
industrial ship

'Nave industrial', a term in Spanish language, refers to 'industrial ship' in English. This might be a term used in context of transportation, engineering or logistics where an industry-specific or large-scale vessel or structure is involved. However, it's often used in Spanish to describe an 'industrial warehouse' or 'industrial building', not a literal ship. It could be a place where manufacturing, storage, or other industry-related activities are performed.

Example sentences with  nave industrial

The Spanish word 'navegador' translates to 'browser' in English. It's frequently used in the context of internet or web browsing. For example, Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari are all types of 'navegadores'. In a broader sense, a 'navegador' can also refer to a person who navigates or sails, drawing on its root word, 'navegar', meaning to navigate or sail.


The Spanish term 'navegar' translates to 'sail' in English. It refers to the action of traveling or moving in a watercraft, specifically in a boat or a ship, across a body of water such as an ocean, lake, or river. This could include activities like steering, navigating, or managing a boat or ship. 'Navegar' could also imply the act of surfing or browsing the internet.

Example sentences with  navegar
navegar por Internet
browse the Internet

The phrase 'navegar por Internet' in Spanish translates to 'browse the Internet' in English. It is commonly used in Spanish conversations involving digital communication or online activities. Similar to the English phrase, it refers to the activity of exploring or going through information on the internet, whether it be for purposeful research or leisurely browsing various websites and platforms.

navegar por la red
browse the network

The Spanish phrase 'navegar por la red' translates in English to 'browse the network'. This phrase is typically used in the context of using the internet, where 'navegar' means to navigate or browse, 'por' means by or through, and 'la red' refers to the network or, by implication, the internet. It's the equivalent of saying 'surfing the web' in English.


The Spanish word for 'christmas' is 'Navidad'. It is used the same way as 'christmas' in English. It refers to the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on December 25 in the Western Church. It's a widely celebrated holiday in Spanish-speaking countries, often marked with family gatherings and festive decorations.

Example sentences with  Navidad

The Spanish word 'necesitar' corresponds to 'need' in English. It is a verb and is more specifically used to express a necessity or requirement for something. For instance, 'Necesito un café' means 'I need a coffee'. It is a commonly used verb in daily conversations.

Example sentences with  necesitar

The Spanish word 'negligencia' in English translates to 'negligence'. The term refers to the failure to take proper care in doing something. It generally implies a person's careless or indifferent attitude towards their responsibilities which can result in unintended harm or errors. This can be applicable in various sectors such as law, healthcare, and general personal behaviour, where one is expected to adhere to a certain standard of care.

Example sentences with  negligencia
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