Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

aprobar un examen oral
adopt an oral examination

'Aprobar un examen oral' in Spanish translates to 'pass an oral examination' in English. It refers to the successful completion of a spoken test or evaluation. The phrase can be used in various educational contexts, with the verb 'aprobar' indicating the action of successfully meeting the standards or requirements in an oral examination or test.

aprobar un proyecto
adopt a project

The Spanish phrase 'aprobar un proyecto' translates to 'adopt a project' in English. This term is often used in business or governmental contexts to signify the acceptance or official approval of a specific project or proposal. After approving, or 'adopting', a project, it can then proceed to be worked on and implemented.

aprobar un test escrito
approve a written test

The Spanish phrase 'aprobar un test escrito' translates to 'approve a written test' in English. If used in a sentence, it suggests the approval or passing of a test that is written, which might be intended for academic, professional or other contexts. 'aprobar' means 'approve', 'un test' translates to 'a test', and 'escrito' implies 'written'. Depending on context, it might also imply that someone has managed to pass such a test.

aprobar una ley
passed a law

The Spanish term 'aprobar una ley' equates to 'passed a law' in English. This action-oriented phrase pertains to the legislative process where a proposed measure or 'bill' is reviewed and eventually accepted or 'passed' into law by a legislative body such as a parliament or congress. The phrase can be used in various contexts that pertain to legal and regulatory discussions, political discourses, societal debates, history, and other sectors where laws are deliberated upon and enacted.

Example sentences with  aprobar una ley
aprovechar la luz
seize the light

The Spanish phrase 'aprovechar la luz' translates to 'seize the light' in English. In a literal sense, this could mean making the most out of natural light, perhaps in art, photography, or everyday life. However, it could also be interpreted metaphorically to mean making the most of an opportunity or moment of clarity. The verb 'aprovechar' means to take full advantage of or to profit from, while 'la luz' refers to light. In English, the phrase 'seize the day' has a similar sentiment, encouraging individuals to make the most of each moment.

aprovechar los espacios
take advantage of the spaces

The phrase 'aprovechar los espacios' in Spanish translates to 'take advantage of the spaces' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts where the idea of utilizing the available space, opportunity, or gap is conveyed. It may be used in a physical context, such as in organizing or decorating a room, or figuratively, like in a conversation or a schedule, where 'spaces' represent pauses or free time.

aprovechar los huecos
take advantage of the gaps

The phrase 'aprovechar los huecos' can be translated to 'take advantage of the gaps' in English. In this context, 'aprovechar' means to take advantage, 'los' means the, and 'huecos' means gaps. It is often used to denote the act of utilizing opportunities, breaks or free time efficiently and effectively. For instance, if there are gaps or free periods in a schedule, a person might 'aprovechar los huecos' to get some other tasks done.

aprovechar los recursos naturales
use of natural resources

The Spanish phrase 'aprovechar los recursos naturales' translates to 'use of natural resources' in English. This phrase is typically used in environmental, economic, and sustainability contexts, referring to the human practice of using various elements of nature for human benefit. These resources include minerals, soil, water, vegetation, and wildlife. The way these resources are used can have implications for the environment, society, and the economy.

Example sentences with  aprovechar los recursos naturales

The Spanish word 'aptitud' translates to 'aptitude' in English. It is often used to describe a natural ability or skill in doing something. Just like in English, it can also refer to a certain suitability or fitness for a particular job, role, or task. It is derived from the Latin word 'aptitudo', which means fitness, suitability, or aptness.

Example sentences with  aptitud
apuntarse en una lista de distribución
sign up on a distribution list

The Spanish phrase 'apuntarse en una lista de distribución' translates in English to 'sign up on a distribution list'. This phrase is generally used in the context of subscribing to a list primarily used for widespread distribution and discussion of topics, products, or services among its members. It could refer to any kind of list such as email newsletter lists, product update information lists, etc where one could sign up or subscribe to receive regular updates or information. 'Apuntarse' means to sign up, 'en' means on, 'una lista' means a list and 'de distribución' means of distribution. Thus when combined it means to 'sign up on a distribution list'.


The word 'apuntes' in Spanish translates to 'notes' in English. This could refer to various things depending on the context. For example, it may indicate notes taken during a lecture or meeting, musical notes in a song, or even short messages written for reminders or to communicate with others. Therefore, 'apuntes' is a versatile word that is frequently used in both academic and everyday Spanish language.


This adverb describes location, pointing to or specifying that something or somebody comes to the place the speaker is referring to.

Example sentences with  aquí

The Spanish word 'árbitro' translates to 'arbitrator' in English. In more detail, it refers to someone who has been officially chosen to make decisions in a dispute or competition, particularly in contexts like sports, law, and business. This individual is seen as a neutral party who can fairly decide or resolve disagreements. So, in different settings, an 'árbitro' may serve as a judge, a referee, or a mediator.


The English word 'tree' translates to 'árbol' in Spanish. In a Spanish sentence, you can use it the same way as in English. For instance, 'Veo un árbol' means 'I see a tree'. Just like in English, it can also be used in various expressions, proverbs, or metaphors.

Example sentences with  árbol
árbol centenario
centenary tree

The Spanish term 'árbol centenario' is translated into English as 'centenary tree'. It refers to a tree that is at least one hundred years old. Trees are often used as symbols of long life and permanence, and a centenary tree thus embodies resilience, longevity, and historical continuity. As living monuments, they are tangible reminders of the past and can sometimes even outlive several human generations.

Example sentences with  árbol centenario
árbol de hoja caduca
deciduous leaf tree

The Spanish term 'árbol de hoja caduca' translates to 'deciduous leaf tree' in English. This refers to a tree that sheds its leaves annually, usually in the fall or autumn season. These trees have a cyclic leaf pattern which typically involves new growth in the spring, full maturity in the summer, color change and shedding in the fall, and dormancy in the winter. Examples of deciduous trees include oak, maple, and birch among others.

Example sentences with  árbol de hoja caduca
árbol de hoja perenne
evergreen tree

The Spanish 'árbol de hoja perenne' translates to 'evergreen tree' in English. Evergreen trees are a type of tree that keeps its leaves throughout the year, hence remaining green all year round. This phrase can be broken down into three parts: 'árbol' means 'tree', 'de' means 'of', and 'hoja perenne' means 'evergreen leaf' or 'leaf that is always green'. Therefore, 'árbol de hoja perenne' is literally 'tree of the evergreen leaf' in English.

Example sentences with  árbol de hoja perenne
árbol frondoso
lush tree

The word 'árbol frondoso' in Spanish translates to 'lush tree' in English. The word is used to describe trees that are full of bright, healthy leaves or foliage, giving them a vibrant, rich appearance. The term 'lush' often connotes lushness and abundance in English, which is similar to how the word 'frondoso' is used in Spanish. In terms of usage, it can be used to talk about the natural environment, parks, forests or any place where there are trees that are full and rich in foliage.

Example sentences with  árbol frondoso
árbol frutal
fruit tree

The Spanish term 'árbol frutal' translates to 'fruit tree' in English. A fruit tree is a tree which bears fruit that is consumed or used by humans and some animals. Different fruit trees are known for their respective fruit, for instance, an apple tree for its apples. The term 'árbol frutal' thus describes a category of trees that provide a food source in nature, and are also commonly grown for their attractive, delicious fruits in gardens, orchards, and farms.

Example sentences with  árbol frutal
árbol genealógico
genealogical tree

The Spanish phrase 'árbol genealógico' translates to 'genealogical tree' in English. In family history research, a genealogical tree or 'family tree' is a chart representing family relationships in a conventional tree structure. The more detailed version can include each person's birth date, death date, and other details. The primary use is to display the ancestor-descendant relationship, frequently to trace the lineage.


The Spanish word 'arbusto' translates to 'bush' in English. A 'bush' is a small to medium-sized perennial woody plant which is distinguished from a tree by its multiple stems and shorter height. 'Arbusto' in various Spanish-speaking regions can refer to any range of different plants, so the exact meaning may vary based on context and local ecosystem. It is an example of common Spanish vocabulary related to nature and the natural world.

Example sentences with  arbusto

The Spanish word 'arcén' refers to the shoulder of the road in English. It is the lateral part of the road that drivers can use in case of an emergency or to rest. 'Arcén' might also refer to the edge or boundary of a flat surface.

Example sentences with  arcén

The Spanish word 'archivador' translates to 'file cabinet' in English. It's a piece of office furniture, typically constructed from metal or wood, used for storing files and documents. Such an item usually contains various compartments, known as drawers, which are designed to hold file folders in a vertical or horizontal arrangement. The term 'archivador' is not unique to one Spanish-speaking country but rather has broad usage across several regions, and its meaning generally remains the same.

archivar documentos
archive documents

The Spanish phrase 'archivar documentos' translates to 'archive documents' in English. This usually refers to the process of filing or organizing documents in a systematic order, traditionally in a physical location like a file drawer or cabinet. In today's digital age, it could also refer to the digital storage of data or files on a computer or online storage system for later retrieval or reference.

ardor de estómago
stomach burning

The Spanish phrase 'ardor de estómago' translates to 'stomach burning' in English. It's commonly used to describe a sensation of discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen, often associated with indigestion or heartburn. The phrase can be used in medical or everyday contexts.

Example sentences with  ardor de estómago

The Spanish word for 'area' is 'área'. Just like in English, 'área' can be used in many contexts to refer to a particular extent of space or surface, whether it's the area of a room, a geographic region, or a topic of study or interest.

Example sentences with  área
área de conocimiento
area of knowledge

The Spanish term 'área de conocimiento' translates to 'area of knowledge' in English. This commonly refers to a particular subject or field of study where specific knowledge and skills are learned and applied. For instance, in an academic context, this could be a reference to distinct departments or faculties, such as the 'area of knowledge' in biology, mathematics, literature, or social sciences. In a broader sense, it can also correspond to the range or scope of understanding of any topic. Overall, the term 'área de conocimiento' is used to denote a specialization or focus in a certain field or subject in both an educational and professional setting.

área de descanso
Rest area

The Spanish term 'área de descanso' translates into English as 'rest area'. This term is often used in reference to a designated place, typically off the side of highways and roads, where drivers can stop to rest, relax, and refresh during long journeys. Rest areas often include amenities such as bathrooms, picnic tables, and maybe even a food court or gas station.

Example sentences with  área de descanso
área de estudio
study area

The Spanish phrase 'área de estudio' translates to 'study area' in English. It can refer to a specific physical space designated for studying, such as a desk at home or a library. Additionally, it may also refer to a particular field or discipline that one examines or researches in depth, such as biology or history, in educational contexts.

Example sentences with  área de estudio
área despoblada
area depopulated

The term 'área despoblada' in Spanish refers to a place or region where there is little or no population. It's an area that has been depopulated, either due to migration, natural disasters, or any other incidents that could cause people to leave. This could be in the context of rural areas that lack modern facilities leading to a decrease in human population, specific residential places abandoned because of economic downturn, or regions experiencing conflict or turmoil. In English, 'área despoblada' is translated as 'depopulated area'.

Example sentences with  área despoblada
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