Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word for woman is 'mujer'. It is a noun used to refer to an adult human female. It can be used in different contexts just like its English counterpart, for example to denote gender, to refer to a specific female, in expressions etc. Like all Spanish nouns, 'mujer' has a grammatical gender and it is feminine.

Example sentences with  mujer

The Spanish word 'multinacional' translates to 'multinational' in English. A multinational is a large corporation that produces or delivers services in more than one country. It can also refer to a corporation that has manufacturing or service operations in a number of different countries.


The Spanish word 'multiplicar' translates to 'multiply' in English. In math, it means to get the product by combining two or more quantities. For instance, multiplying 2 by 3 gives 6. In the context of daily usage, it may be used in the context of increasing or augmenting something, as in the phrase 'Los problemas se multiplicaron rápidamente', which means 'The problems multiplied rapidly'. Learning verbs such as 'multiplicar' can help in understanding a fundamental aspect of the Spanish language, mathematics, and general usage.

Example sentences with  multiplicar

The Spanish word 'mundo' translates to 'world' in English. It is used in similar contexts as it is in English, such as when referring to the entire Earth or to the general public. It is also used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish such as 'El mundo es un pañuelo' which translates to 'It's a small world'.

Example sentences with  mundo
mundo vegetal
Plant world

The term 'mundo vegetal' originates from the Spanish language and it translates to 'plant world' in English. In a broader sense, it can refer to the entirety of plant life, biodiversity, and ecosystems on Earth. It can also imply the study and exploration of plants, their types, their growth, and their significance in the world. It's widely used in scientific, educational, and environmental contexts. Its use might also suggest a focus on the importance of plants in our daily lives and for the planet's sustainability.

Example sentences with  mundo vegetal

The Spanish term 'muñeca' translates to 'wrist' in English. It describes the joint connecting the hand with the forearm. This term may also have other meanings depending on the context. For instance, 'muñeca' could also mean 'doll' in English. In terms of anatomy or body parts, however, 'muñeca' refers to the flexible and complex human joint that allows us to bend and rotate our hands in different directions.

muñeco de nieve

The Spanish word 'muñeco de nieve' refers to a figure made of snow in the shape of a human. It's usually built by children during winter months when there's sufficient snow. The exact usage of 'muñeco de nieve' in conversation or written text heavily depends on context. It could be used literally to refer to a real snowman, or figuratively to describe something cold or someone emotionless.

Example sentences with  muñeco de nieve

The Spanish word 'municipio' translates to 'municipality' in English. It represents an administrative division within a country or region, typically governed by a mayor and council. Municipalities can vary greatly in size, from a small village or town to a large urban city. In many Spanish-speaking countries, a 'municipio' may comprise of several towns or communities, each with its own town hall, much like a county or a district. This term is commonly used in government or legal contexts.

Example sentences with  municipio

The word 'mural' in Spanish refers to an impactful piece of artwork typically painted or applied directly on a wall, ceiling or other large permanent surface. The great scale and integration with the architectural elements, often bringing context to the surrounding space, distinguishes murals from other forms of paintings. Spanish murals can be found in churches, government buildings, and even on city walls, often telling a story or carrying a message. They express the culture, history, and perspective of the artist or the society they represent.

Example sentences with  mural

The Spanish word 'músculo' translates as 'muscle' in English. It refers to a band or bundle of fibrous tissue in a human or animal body that has the ability to contract, producing movement in or maintaining the position of parts of the body. Muscles are the driving force behind physical activity, whether it be voluntary, such as walking or talking, or involuntary, such as breathing or heartbeat.


A 'Museo' is a building or institution where objects of historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural interest are stored and exhibited.

Example sentences with  museo

Vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.

Example sentences with  música
música barroca
Baroque music

The term 'música barroca' in Spanish translates to 'baroque music' in English. The Baroque period in music history refers to the styles of Western music composed from approximately 1600 to 1750. This period is known for its intricate ornamentation and complex, highly detailed, and often extravagant pieces. Popular composers from this period include Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frideric Handel, and Antonio Vivaldi.

Example sentences with  música barroca
música clásica
classical music

The Spanish term 'música clásica' translates to 'classical music' in English. In the context of Western art music, 'classical music' is generally defined as music produced or rooted in the traditions of Western culture, including both liturgical (religious) and secular music. It covers a broad period from roughly the 11th century to the present day. Much like its English equivalent, 'música clásica' is a broad term that is typically used to refer to music that was written in a formal style, often for large ensembles, from roughly the late 1700s to the early 1900s in Spanish-speaking countries.

Example sentences with  música clásica
música de cámara
chamber music

The term 'música de cámara' is a type of classical music that is composed for a small group of instruments. The English translation for 'música de cámara' is 'chamber music'. This type of music traditionally takes place in palace chambers, small halls, or in a private room. It is different from orchestral music, as orchestral music is intended for full orchestras in large halls. The term 'música de cámara' can encompass duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and more, with total musicians typically not exceeding 10-12.

Example sentences with  música de cámara
música moderna
Modern music

The term 'música moderna' is a Spanish phrase that directly translates to 'modern music' in English. It is used to describe a broad variety of contemporary and popular music genres that have emerged after the 1950s, ranging from rock, pop, hip-hop to electronic music. This term examines music that is currently in the mainstream or has been recently developed, demonstrating an evolution of different music styles and aesthetic trends over time.

Example sentences with  música moderna
música popular
popular music

The Spanish term 'música popular' translates to 'popular music' in English. It refers to a variety of musical genres that are accessible and enjoyed by a large number of people. This term encompasses many different styles that range from traditional folk music to contemporary pop. It is often characterized by its wide appeal and is commonly heard and shared through various platforms such as radio, television and the internet.

Example sentences with  música popular
música religiosa
religious music

The Spanish term 'música religiosa' translates to English as 'religious music'. It refers to music performed or composed for religious use or through religious influence. It is often used in worship or devotional services and can be part of various religious traditions, including Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, and many other faiths.

Example sentences with  música religiosa
música tradicional
traditional music

'Música tradicional' is a Spanish term that translates to 'traditional music' in English. This term often refers to historical, indigenous, or culturally ingrained styles of music found within a given region or population. It includes genres that have been passed down from generation to generation, typically within a specific community or cultural group. Traditional music varies worldwide, reflecting the diverse cultural, social, and historical contexts from which it originates.

Example sentences with  música tradicional

The word 'musical' in Spanish translates directly to 'musical' in English. It is used to denote anything pertaining to or characterized by music. It may refer to a form of theatre that combines songs, spoken dialogue, and dance or simply describe the property of being pleasing to the ear as in 'sounds that are musical'. The Spanish term shares not only similar spelling but also identical meaning with its English counterpart.


The term 'músico' in Spanish translates to 'musician' in English. A musician is an individual who plays a musical instrument, particularly as a profession, or is musically talented. Musicians can perform solo or as part of a group, band or orchestra. They compose, conduct, or perform music in a variety of genres. This term can be used to describe anyone from classical composers, like Mozart, to modern pop stars, like Justin Bieber. Moreover, 'músico' can be applied to a variety of roles in making music, such as instrumentalists, singers, conductors, bandleaders, arrangers, composers, music educators, music directors or music therapists.

Example sentences with  músico
muslos de pavo
turkey thighs

The Spanish phrase 'muslos de pavo' refers to the specific part of a bird's body known as the thighs. In English, this phrase can be translated as 'turkey thighs'. This term is commonly used in culinary contexts when referring to particular cuts of meat from a turkey. The thighs are considered dark meat, and are often cooked separately in various meals and recipes due to their rich flavor and tender texture when cooked.

muslos de pollo
chicken thighs

The Spanish phrase 'muslos de pollo' translates to 'chicken thighs' in English. It is a common phrase used in Spanish cooking recipes and menus. Chicken thighs are a specific part of the chicken that is often used in a variety of dishes due to its flavor and tenderness. Typically, 'muslos de pollo' can be baked, roasted, grilled, or cooked in many different cuisine types depending on the recipe. This Spanish term is very helpful to know when navigating culinary contexts or grocery shopping in Spanish-speaking countries.


The word 'musulmán' in Spanish corresponds to 'Muslim' in English. A 'musulmán' is a follower of the religion of Islam, a monotheistic, Abrahamic faith. It's important to remember the correct pronunciation, 'moo-soo-l-mahn'. These individuals believe in the teachings of the prophet Muhammad as the last prophet of God, value the Quran as their holy text, and observe practices such as prayer, fasting, charity and pilgrimage.

Example sentences with  musulmán

In Spanish, 'muy' is an adverb that is used to intensify the meaning of an adjective or another adverb. It is equivalent to the English word 'very'. Just like in English, the adverb 'muy' is typically positioned before the word it modifies.

Example sentences with  muy
muy hecho
very well done

The Spanish phrase 'muy hecho' translates to 'very well done' in English. It is often used in the context of cooking, to refer to food that has been cooked thoroughly or for a long period of time, such as a steak that is 'very well done'. However, it can also be used more broadly to mean that something has been done to a high standard or with a lot of effort.


The Spanish word for 'birth' is 'nacimiento.' It is primarily used in phrases to describe someone's birth, such as 'fecha de nacimiento' (date of birth). It can also be used in a broader sense to describe the birth or beginning of something, such as 'nacimiento de una idea' (the birth of an idea).

Example sentences with  nacimiento
nacimiento de un río
birth of a river

The Spanish phrase 'nacimiento de un río' translates to 'birth of a river' in English. This is a natural phenomenon where water from underground reservoirs, often from rain or melted snow, comes to the surface to create the starting point of a river.

Example sentences with  nacimiento de un río

The word 'nación' in Spanish is used to refer to a community of people, who live in a specific territory, have a common culture and are politically organised. It can also refer to a country or state. Just as in English, 'nación' can be used in various contexts, including politics, geography, and culture.

Example sentences with  nación

The word 'nacional' in Spanish is used to refer to something that is related to a nation or country, similar as in English. It encompasses areas like national identity, national law, national interest, etc. For example, 'Parque Nacional' means 'National Park'. It can also relate to a citizen or item from the country, for instance, 'Equipo nacional de fútbol' translates to 'National football team'.

Example sentences with  nacional
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