Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

mostrar una actitud adecuado
show an appropriate attitude

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar una actitud adecuado' translates to 'show an appropriate attitude' in English. It is an instruction or advice, often used in a context where there is a need for caution, respect, or professionalism. For example, in a work setting or in formal situations. 'Mostrar' means 'show', 'una' means 'an', 'actitud' stands for 'attitude', and 'adecuado' means 'appropriate'. The phrase is indicative of the importance of demonstrating proper behavior or mindset in certain situations.

Example sentences with  mostrar una actitud adecuado
mostrar una actitud injusto
show an unfair attitude

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar una actitud injusto' translates to 'show an unfair attitude' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts where someone is perceived to be demonstrating an attitude or behavior that is considered to be unjust, discriminatory, or biased. The phrase expresses a kind of condemnation or disapproval of such behavior or attitude.

Example sentences with  mostrar una actitud injusto
mostrar una confianza absoluta
show absolute confidence

The given Spanish phrase 'mostrar una confianza absoluta' translates to 'show absolute confidence' in English. The phrase is used to convey the idea of demonstrating complete certainty or belief either in oneself or in a given situation or entity. The usage is fairly common in both written and spoken Spanish.

Example sentences with  mostrar una confianza absoluta
mostrar una confianza ciega
show a blind trust

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar una confianza ciega' translates into English as 'show a blind trust'. It is used to describe the action of trusting someone or something without question or doubt. Despite potentially not having substantial evidence or reasons to justify this trust, the individual chooses to believe unconditionally. This phrase is often used to critique or describe situations where unquestioning trust may not be justified or could potentially lead to negative outcomes.

Example sentences with  mostrar una confianza ciega
mostrar una confianza plena
show full confidence

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar una confianza plena' translates to 'show full confidence' in English. This phrase is often used to express one's complete trust or belief in someone or something. It is a common phrase used in both formal and informal settings. 'Mostrar' means to show, 'una' means a or one, 'confianza' translates to confidence, and 'plena' means full or complete, together they create a powerful expression of trust and certainty.

Example sentences with  mostrar una confianza plena
mostrar una confianza total
show total confidence

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar una confianza total' translates to 'show total confidence' in English. This phrase is typically used to convey the act of demonstrating complete trust or faith in a person or situation. For example, one might use it under contexts reflecting unwavering belief in someone's abilities or a scenario's ultimate outcome.

Example sentences with  mostrar una confianza total

The word 'mote' in Spanish translates to 'nickname' in English. It is often used to refer to a name that is given to someone, typically by friends or family, that has a personal or humorous significance. This could reference their personality, appearance or behavior, etc. It is not usually the person's official name, but rather a term of endearment or friendship. 'Mote' is a common term used in many Spanish-speaking countries.


The Spanish word 'motel' is directly translated into English as 'motel'. In both languages, it refers to a type of hotel that is designed for motorists, often having rooms arranged in low blocks with parking directly outside. Motels are typically roadside accommodations for people who are traveling long distances by car.

Example sentences with  motel

A motorcycle, also known as a motorbike, is a two or three-wheeled motor vehicle. They are most commonly used for commuting, long distance travel, and sport racing.

Example sentences with  moto

The Spanish word 'motor' translates to 'motor' in English. It commonly refers to a machine, especially one powered by electricity or internal combustion, that supplies motive power for a vehicle or for some other device with moving parts. It is widely used in various fields like automotive, mechanical, electrical, and many more. Just like in English, the word can also be used metaphorically in Spanish to describe a driving force or influence.

Example sentences with  motor

In Spanish, 'mover' is used just like the English 'move'. It can be used to express physical movement or the process of changing the position or location of something or someone. It is often used in the context of 'moverse', a reflexive form, which would be translated as 'to move oneself'.

Example sentences with  mover
mover la cabeza
move your head

The phrase 'mover la cabeza' in Spanish translates to 'move your head' in English. This typically refers to the physical action of moving one's head, either as a gesture of confirmation or denial (nods and shakes), or simply to change the direction in one is looking in. It is a commonly used phrase in both languages.

mover las manos
move your hands

The Spanish phrase 'mover las manos' translates to 'move your hands' in English. It is commonly used in instructions or imperative sentences, often in scenarios like dance classes, exercise routines, or when providing directions. In these contexts, the phrase may be used as a command or suggestion to change or control the position or movement of one's hands.

mover los brazos
move your arms

The Spanish phrase 'mover los brazos' translates to 'move your arms' in English. This phrase is an instruction, often used in the context of exercise or dance. 'Mover' is a verb which means 'to move', 'los' is a plural article which translates to 'the', and 'brazos' is the plural form of the noun 'brazo', meaning 'arms'. It is used when one wants to ask or instruct someone to move their arms, perhaps as a part of a physical activity or as a direction in a situation.


The Spanish word 'móvil' translates to 'mobile' in English. It can refer to different contexts such as mobile phone, or indicating that something is capable of being moved. For instance, when used in the context of telecommunications, un 'teléfono móvil' means a mobile phone. In a broader context however, it generally signifies something that is not fixed and can move or be moved. The word is commonly used in both human and scientific connotations as desired.

movilización pública
Public mobilization

The Spanish phrase 'movilización pública' translates to 'public mobilization' in English. It refers to the act of a group of people, often a large number, uniting for a specific cause or reason. This can involve activities such as protests, demonstrations, or other forms of collective action, with the goal of bringing about social or political change. The phrase might be used in news reports, political speeches, or discussions on social issues.


The word 'movimiento' in Spanish is used to depict any kind of movement or shift, being it physical or metaphorical such as in social movements. It can refer to the action of moving, a change of position or it can also refer to a group of people working together to advance their shared political, social, or artistic ideas.

Example sentences with  movimiento
movimiento migratorio
migratory movement

The term 'movimiento migratorio' in Spanish translates to 'migratory movement' in English. This could refer to the large-scale movement of people from one geographical area to another. The reasons for these movements could be numerous - economic, social, political or environmental. Whether voluntary or involuntary, these movements have sociological, historical, and geographical interest.

Example sentences with  movimiento migratorio
movimiento sísmico
seismic movement

The Spanish phrase 'movimiento sísmico' refers to what is commonly known as 'seismic movement' in English. This term is primarily used in the field of geology and earth sciences to denote the movement of the Earth's crust caused by the release of energy accumulating over time. Such movements are often the result of geological faults, volcanic activity, or other underground phenomena. The understanding and monitoring of seismic movements form a crucial part of predicting and assessing the impacts of earthquakes and other potential natural disasters.

Example sentences with  movimiento sísmico

The Spanish word 'mucho' is used in exactly the same context as the English word 'much'. It is used to denote a large quantity or degree of something. For example, just like you say 'I have much work to do' in English, in Spanish it is 'Tengo mucho trabajo que hacer'.

Example sentences with  mucho

The Spanish word 'muchos' is used to represent the English word 'many' and is typically used in the same way to describe or quantify a large number of people or things. For example, 'muchos estudiantes' translates to 'many students'.

Example sentences with  muchos
mudarse de barrio
moving from neighborhood

The Spanish phrase 'mudarse de barrio' translates to 'moving from neighborhood' in English. This is often used when someone is changing their residence from one neighborhood to another. For example, one might say 'Voy a mudarme de barrio' to mean 'I am going to move from one neighborhood to another'. This phrase represents a common occurrence in day-to-day life, and is a useful one to understand and use in conversation.

mudarse de zona
moving from area

The Spanish phrase 'mudarse de zona' directly translates to 'moving from area' in English. This is often used metaphorically to indicate a change in position, situation, or environment. For instance, you might use this phrase when describing moving from one neighborhood to another, changing jobs or even transitioning from one stage of life to the next. It's important to note that 'mudarse de zona' implies a significant change, rather than a small or temporary shift.


The Spanish word 'mudo' translates to 'mute' in English. This could refer to a state where a person is unable or chooses not to speak. 'Mudo' could also indicate the condition of an object or device that is not producing any sound, similar to when a television or radio is on mute. The context will help determine the exact meaning of 'mudo'.


The word 'muela' in Spanish does not translate to 'fly' in English. Instead, 'muela' is translated as 'molar'. A molar is a type of tooth located at the back of the mouth, designed for grinding food during chewing. The term 'fly' is translated to 'mosca' in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'muelle' translates to 'pier' in English. This term usually refers to a platform extending from the shore into the water, designed for people to walk on or to allow boats to dock. It is commonly seen in coastal areas where sea or river transportation and recreational activities are prevalent. In various contexts, 'muelle' can also be interpreted as dock, wharf, or spring (in mechanical terms).

Example sentences with  muelle

The term 'muérdago' in Spanish refers to 'mistletoe', a type of plant. It is commonly used in Spanish speaking cultures in Christmas traditions, much like its use in English speaking cultures. The word 'muérdago' is used in contexts such as Christmas decorations, festive traditions, or discussions about plants and wildlife.

Example sentences with  muérdago

The Spanish word for 'death' is 'muerte'. It's a feminine noun used to talk about the end of life. It's often used just like the word 'death' in English, such as in expressions of condolence or in discussions about mortality.

Example sentences with  muerte

The Spanish word 'muestra' translates to 'sample' in English. This can refer to a small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like. For example, in a scientific context, a 'muestra' could be a sample of tissue or blood. In a retail context, it may refer to a sample product given for free in order to try it. Depending on its usage, 'muestra' can also be translated as a demonstration, display, or exhibit.

muestra de arte
art exhibition

The Spanish phrase 'muestra de arte' is translated as 'art exhibition' in English. An art exhibition is a space or a venue where any form of art is displayed for the public to see. This can include works of fine arts like paintings, sculptures, installations, or graphics. It can be a one-time event or a long-term display. Similarly, 'muestra de arte' in Spanish signifies the same - an event or location where works of art are exhibited.

Example sentences with  muestra de arte
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