Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

montar una fiesta por todo lo alto
to throw a party in style

'Montar una fiesta por todo lo alto' is a Spanish phrase that translates roughly to 'throw a party in style' in English. The literal translation would be something along the lines of 'mount a party on all heights', which can be interpreted as arranging or organizing a party to a large or lavish scale. The phrase can be used when speaking of really memorable, elaborate parties - the kind where no expense or effort is spared to ensure everyone has a great time.

montar(se) en un coche
riding in a car

The Spanish phrase 'montar(se) en un coche' is translated in English as 'riding in a car'. The action referred to by this phrase involves getting into a vehicle, such as a car, for the purpose of traveling from one place to another. It is commonly used in daily conversation and implies that the person is a passenger in the car and not the driver.

Example sentences with  montar(se) en un coche
montar(se) en una bicicleta
riding on a bicycle

The Spanish phrase 'montar(se) en una bicicleta' translates to 'riding on a bicycle' in English. This can refer to the act of getting onto a bicycle to start a ride or the entire process from start to finish, which includes balancing, pedaling, steering, and stopping. It is a form of transport, exercise, or recreational activity.

Example sentences with  montar(se) en una bicicleta
montar(se) en una moto
riding on a motorcycle

The Spanish phrase 'montar(se) en una moto' translates to 'riding on a motorcycle' in English. This phrase is used when referring to the action of being on a motorcycle, whether it's moving or stationary. The verb 'montar' is used in many Spanish phrases to signify the action of riding or being on top of something. Hence, the phrase 'montar(se) en una moto' can be translated word by word as 'mount oneself on a motorcycle', but in common English we would simply say 'riding on a motorcycle'. Referring to this phrase will help you describe the mode of transportation in Spanish-speaking countries.

Example sentences with  montar(se) en una moto

The Spanish word 'monumento' translates to 'monument' in English. Monuments are structures which are erected to commemorate a historical event or a person. They help in preserving the culture and history of a place. Monuments are usually symbolic and unique like the Statue of Liberty in New York or the Eiffel Tower in Paris which represent their respective countries. Similar to English, 'monumento' in Spanish is also a masculine noun and used to refer to a building, structure, or site that is of historical importance or interest.

Example sentences with  monumento

Blackberries are versatile fruits, commonly used in desserts, jams, seedless jelly, and sometimes wine. They are high in fiber and vitamin C.

Example sentences with  mora

The Spanish word 'morada' translates to 'abode' in English. It is commonly used to refer to a place where a person lives or stays - their residence or home. It is a feminine noun in Spanish, so one must use 'la' when referring to 'la morada'. Apart from this primary meaning, it can also signify the color purple or a deeper shade of violet in certain contexts.


The Spanish word 'morir' translates to 'die' in English. It is an irregular verb in Spanish often used to express the action of losing life or ceasing to exist. It's widely used in various contexts, like natural death, withering of plants, deterioration of materials, or the end of a situation or condition. It should be used carefully as it imparts a strong notion of finality.

morirse de aburrimiento
dying of boredom

The Spanish phrase 'morirse de aburrimiento' translates to 'dying of boredom' in English. This is an idiomatic expression that is used to convey extreme boredom. The literal translation is 'to die of boredom', but in everyday use, it expresses the feeling of being so bored that it feels as though you are dying. It is frequently used in informal situations and can describe both temporary states of boredom or more chronic, generalized feelings of monotony.

morirse de cansancio
dying of tiredness

The Spanish phrase 'morirse de cansancio' can be translated into English as 'dying of tiredness'. This is an idiomatic expression used to emphasize a state of extreme tiredness or exhaustion. This could be due to physical or mental fatigue. Just like the English equivalent, it doesn't necessarily mean a physical death but rather it emphasizes the severity of the tiredness to the point it feels like 'dying'. It is typically used in casual, informal conversation.

morirse de frío
dying of cold

The Spanish phrase 'morirse de frío' translates to 'dying of cold' in English. This phrase is usually used metaphorically or in an exaggerated way to express that someone is feeling extremely cold, rather than literally dying because of the cold.

morirse de miedo
to die of fear

The Spanish phrase 'morirse de miedo' is an idiom that directly translates into English as 'to die of fear'. However, it's not used to denote actual death. Instead, it's a hyperbolic expression used when someone is extremely scared or terrified of something. It's similar to English expressions like 'scared to death' or 'scared stiff'.

morirse de pena
to die of grief

The Spanish phrase 'morirse de pena' is an idiomatic expression, similar to an English idiom, which translates literally as 'to die of grief' in English. However, in usage, it is more often used to describe an overwhelming feeling of sadness and sorrow, or a profound sense of grief that is so strong, it feels as though it could cause one's death. Like many idioms, the phrase is used metaphorically and not literally. It is often used in situations of extreme emotional distress, loss or disappointment.

morirse de rabia
dying of rage

The Spanish phrase 'morirse de rabia' translates into English as 'dying of rage'. This is a figurative expression used to describe a person's strong feeling of anger or frustration to the point that it feels intensely overwhelming. It's equivalent to the English expressions 'fit to be tied' or 'mad enough to spit nails'. It's important to note that the phrase isn't meant to be understood literally, but rather emphasizes the depth and intensity of one's anger.

morirse de sed
dying of thirst

The phrase 'morirse de sed' in Spanish means 'dying of thirst' in English. This is an idiomatic expression used to emphasize a strong and urgent craving for a drink, typically for water. It can also be used metaphorically to express a strong desire or need for something else.

morirse de sueño
dying of sleep

The Spanish phrase 'morirse de sueño' is a colloquial and figurative way to express extreme tiredness. It doesn't literally mean 'dying of sleep,' but it signifies that someone is so sleepy or tired that they feel as if they're dying from it. Just like in English, such idiomatic expressions are used to emphasize feelings in a more dramatic and exaggerated way.


The Spanish word 'mortadela' translates to 'mortadella' in English. Mortadella is a type of Italian sausage made of finely hashed or ground, heat-cured pork. It originated in Bologna, Italy. In Spain, it's a popular food that often appears in sandwiches and charcuterie boards. This sausage usually has a distinctive flavor, given by the addition of various spices and herbs. It can be served sliced thin for sandwiches or used as a part of an antipasto platter.


The Spanish word 'mosquito' translates to 'mosquito' in English. It is used to describe a small flying insect that feeds on the blood of humans and animals. These insects are usually active during the nighttime or in dark places. They are considered pests because some types of mosquitoes are carriers of diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and zika virus.

Example sentences with  mosquito

The Spanish word 'mostaza' translates to 'mustard' in English. It is a typically yellow condiment commonly used in various cuisines worldwide especially in sandwiches, hot dogs, and salads. The English equivalent, 'mustard', is derived from similar vintage culinary use symbolizing the spiciness of this condiment.


In Spanish, 'mostrar' is the equivalent of 'show' in English. It is often used in the context of displaying or presenting something. For instance, if you wanted to say 'show me the book', you would say 'muéstrame el libro'. It can be conjugated differently depending on the subject of the sentence.

Example sentences with  mostrar
mostrar apoyo
show support

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar apoyo' directly translates to 'show support' in English. This can be used in various situations where one person is displaying emotional, financial, or moral backing to another. It is a common phrase used to exhibit solidarity or encouragement towards someone's ideas, actions, or in times of difficulties. Displaying posters, liking or sharing someone's post on social media, or simply standing by someone in their time of need are some instances where 'mostrar apoyo' could be used.

Example sentences with  mostrar apoyo
mostrar comprensión
show understanding

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar comprensión' translates to 'show understanding' in English. It is typically used to suggest that someone should demonstrate that they understand something, or it can be used to express or acknowledge understanding of a particular situation or concept.

Example sentences with  mostrar comprensión
mostrar confianza
show confidence

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar confianza' translates to 'show confidence' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts, but the underlying idea is the same: to demonstrate a level of certainty and assurance. For example, it can be used to describe the attitude of a person who is not intimidated by challenges or difficulty, or to encourage others to express their confidence in their abilities or in a specific situation.

Example sentences with  mostrar confianza
mostrar respeto
show respect

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar respeto' translates to 'show respect' in English. It is a common phrase used in interactions to signify giving due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others. It can be used in various contexts such as in a family setting, work environment, formal occasions, or in everyday communication to signify the importance of respecting others.

Example sentences with  mostrar respeto
mostrar un comportamiento adecuado
show proper behavior

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar un comportamiento adecuado' is translated in English as 'show proper behavior'. This is often used in many social situations implying the expected, appropriate, or acceptable actions or reactions in certain settings or contexts. It can be used in a general sense or directed to a specific individual. Displaying proper behavior can include actions like respecting others, maintaining professionalism, being polite, and other actions that are socially acceptable or required.

Example sentences with  mostrar un comportamiento adecuado
mostrar un comportamiento injusto
showing unfair behaviour

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar un comportamiento injusto' translates to 'showing unfair behaviour' in English. It is used to describe a situation or an act that is not justified or not done in a fair and decent manner. This can involve actions that are perceived as not right or not conforming to the fundamental standards of fairness or justice in a given context. It is often used in the analysis of behaviours in social, personal, or professional situations.

Example sentences with  mostrar un comportamiento injusto
mostrar un sentimiento amargo
show a bitter feeling

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar un sentimiento amargo' translates to 'show a bitter feeling' in English. This phrase is often used to describe situations where someone is expressing feelings of deep resentment or disappointment. This might occur in the context of a conversation or a literary work, where a person is conveying their negative emotions related to a particular event or experience.

mostrar un sentimiento íntimo
show an intimate feeling

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar un sentimiento íntimo' translates to 'show an intimate feeling' in English. It can refer to the act of expressing or revealing a deep or personal emotion or sensation to others, such as love, affection, longing, or sorrow. This phrase might be used in the context of romantic or close heart-to-heart conversations where one opens up about their innermost feelings.

mostrar un sentimiento profundo
show a deep feeling

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar un sentimiento profundo' translates to 'show a deep feeling' in English. In this context, 'mostrar' means to show or display, 'un' is an article meaning 'a', 'sentimiento' denotes feeling and 'profundo' translates to deep. Thus, when put together, it conveys the action of expressing a profound or intense emotion.

mostrar un sentimiento puro
show a pure feeling

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar un sentimiento puro' translates to 'show a pure feeling' in English. This phrase calls for the display or demonstration of an emotion or feeling that is pure, genuine, or untainted. For example, it might be used in contexts where someone is expressing deep and sincere emotions. It can be used in various sentences or phrases where the expression or display of an undiluted emotion is concerned.

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