Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

modificar el código de circulación
modify the highway code

The Spanish phrase 'modificar el código de circulación' translates to 'modify the highway code' in English. In this context, 'modificar' means to change or alter, 'el código' refers to a system of rules or principles, and 'de circulación' pertains to traffic or movement of vehicles. So in essence, it could refer to changing or revising the set of rules and regulations that govern the movement of vehicles on highways or roads.

Example sentences with  modificar el código de circulación
modificar el código de circulación de tráfico
modify the traffic code

The Spanish phrase 'modificar el código de circulación de tráfico' translates to 'modify the traffic code' in English. It's often used in regulatory contexts, for instance when discussing changes to driving rules and regulations, or adjustments to ways that cars and other vehicles are expected to navigate on roads and highways. Modificar means modify, el código refers to the code, de circulación means of circulation and de tráfico means traffic.

Example sentences with  modificar el código de circulación de tráfico
modificar las normas (de circulación)
to change the (traffic) rules

The Spanish phrase 'modificar las normas (de circulación)' translates to 'to change the (traffic) rules' in English. This phrase is typically used when referring to changes being made to regulations or standards in regards to the operation and movement of vehicles within a specific area or region. It can also be used in a broader context to talk about making changes to any set of established norms or rules.

Example sentences with  modificar las normas (de circulación)
modificar las normas de tráfico
to change traffic regulations

The Spanish phrase 'modificar las normas de tráfico' translates to 'change traffic regulations' in English. This action-oriented phrase can be used when discussing the alteration or amendments of rules and regulations guiding traffic system in a place. This could encompass any changes to traffic laws, rules for vehicles, pedestrian guidelines, or traffic protocols that are intended to ensure roads are safer, and traffic is well-regulated and managed efficiently.

Example sentences with  modificar las normas de tráfico
modo de preparación
preparation mode

The Spanish phrase 'modo de preparación' translates to 'preparation mode' in English. It typically refers to the method or way in which something, often a meal or beverage, is prepared or made ready. This phrase can be found in cooking instructions and recipes, where different preparation modes could involve boiling, frying, baking, etc. It is often used in contexts where specific methods of preparation can significantly affect the outcome or result, such as taste and presentation in food or functional efficiency in non-edible items.


The Spanish word 'molécula' refers to 'molecule' in English. A molecule is the smallest particle in a chemical element or compound that has the chemical properties of that element or compound. Molecules are made up of atoms that are stuck together in a specific shape or structure. In essence, 'molécula' is a fundamental concept in the field of chemistry and physics.

Example sentences with  molécula
moler el café
grind the coffee

The Spanish phrase 'moler el café' translates to 'grind the coffee' in English. This phrase is a directive command often used in the process of brewing coffee, where the coffee beans are ground into finer particles before brewing. The action of 'moler' or 'grinding' in this sense, suggests to mechanically break down the coffee beans using a grinder or a similar appliance. 'El café' directly translates to 'the coffee', referring to the coffee beans that are to be ground.

moler el trigo
grind the wheat

The Spanish phrase 'moler el trigo' translates to 'grind the wheat' in English. In agriculture, grinding wheat refers to the process of breaking down the wheat grains into flour, a staple ingredient in many foods. The phrase may be used literally in the context of making food, or metaphorically to signify hard labor or meticulous effort.


In Spanish, 'momento' is used similarly to how 'moment' is used in English. It can refer to a brief period of time, or a specific point in an event or story. For instance, 'what's happening at this moment?' can be translated as '¿qué está pasando en este momento?'. It can also be used to express 'just a moment' as 'solo un momento'.

Example sentences with  momento

The word 'monarquía' is a Spanish term that corresponds to the English word 'monarchy'. It refers to a form of government where the power is specifically invested in one individual, who is the monarch or the king/queen. The rule and the power are usually inherited within a certain family. Monarchs may have different roles and powers depending on the country and its specific form of monarchy, some can have absolute power, whereas others are merely symbolic or ceremonial in nature.

Example sentences with  monarquía

The Spanish word 'monasterio' translates to 'monastery' in English. A monastery is a building or complex of buildings comprising the domestic quarters and workplaces of monastics, monks or nuns, whether living in communities or alone. In Spanish culture, monasteries are highly revered places associated with religious, social and historical significance.

Example sentences with  monasterio

The Spanish word 'moneda' translates to 'currency' in English. It represents a medium of exchange, typically cash, coins or other forms of tender recognized by a legal system for trading goods and services. 'Moneda' is used in many Spanish-speaking countries to denote both a single unit of currency as well as the general concept of money or monetary system. This term plays a crucial role in economy and finance.

moneda extranjera
foreign currency

The phrase 'moneda extranjera' in Spanish translates to 'foreign currency' in English. It is commonly used in financial and business settings. It refers to the money or currency of a foreign country, which could be in the form of paper money, coins, or electronic units of exchange. In essence, if the currency you have is not used in your domestic country and is from a foreign country, it is classified as 'moneda extranjera'. This term is broadly used in businesses, banks, or anywhere else where the exchanging of currencies take place.

monitor de actividades
activities monitor

The Spanish phrase 'monitor de actividades' translates to 'activities monitor' in English. This phrase is used to refer to a tool or a person that oversees, tracks, or manages various activities. It might be used in a technological context to refer to a system or software that monitors activities happening in a computer or network. It may also refer to a person, such as a teacher or a coach, who supervises activities in an educational or sports setting.


The word 'monja' in Spanish translates to 'nun' in English. A 'nun' is a member of a religious community of women, typically living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. This term is generally used in the Roman Catholic church, but is also used more broadly to refer to a woman leading a monastic life in other religious traditions too. It's interesting to note that 'monja' is a noun in Spanish, and like other nouns, its article changes based on the gender and number.

Example sentences with  monja

Monkeys are primate of the family Cercopithecidae. Monkeys can often be very intelligent and cunning creatures, and some are able to use tools and engage in complex social behavior.

Example sentences with  mono

The Spanish word 'monólogo' translates to 'monologue' in English. A 'monologue' refers to a long speech by one individual in a conversation, drama, or performance. It is usually used in the context of theatre, where a character may deliver a monologue to express their thoughts aloud or directly address another character or the audience. However, 'monologue' can also refer to any long, uninterrupted speech in a conversation or discussion.

Example sentences with  monólogo

The Spanish word 'monovolumen' translates to 'minivan' in English. It's often used to refer to vehicle style that is prioritized for passenger space and comfort, often with 3 rows of seats. Minivans are typically used by families for their practicality, versatility, and space capabilities. You may also hear it referred to as a 'people carrier' or 'MPV (multi-purpose vehicle)' in other regions.

Example sentences with  monovolumen

The Spanish word 'montaje' translates to 'assembly' in English. This can be used in various contexts such as a physical assembly of objects or people, or in a technological context such as the assembly of a software application. In arts and media, it may refer to the process of arranging or editing different pieces into a whole, like a film or music montage.


'Montaña' refers to a landform that rises above the surrounding areas. It is higher and steeper than a hill, and often has a peak.

Example sentences with  montaña

The Spanish word 'montañero' translates to 'mountaineer' in English. A 'montañero' is a person who practices or is interested in mountaineering, which refers to the sport, hobby or profession of walking, hiking and climbing up mountains. It is often associated with outdoor activities and exploration in high mountainous areas.

Example sentences with  montañero
montar en bicicleta
bike ride

The Spanish phrase 'montar en bicicleta' translates to 'bike ride' in English. It is often used when referring to the activity of riding a bicycle for leisure, exercise, or transportation. In this phrase, 'montar' means 'to ride', 'en' means 'in', and 'bicicleta' signifies 'bicycle'. Therefore, when combined, the phrase means 'to ride a bicycle' or simply a 'bike ride' in English.

montar en el tobogán
riding in the slide

The Spanish phrase 'montar en el tobogán' translates to 'riding in the slide' in English. This phrase is commonly used in reference to a recreational activity that mostly children partake in parks or playgrounds, where they ride down a strong, smooth, slanting surface called the slide. The verb 'montar' typically means 'to mount' or 'to ride', whereas 'el tobogán' refers to 'the slide'. Thus, it can be used in various contexts such as a child's playtime or describing activities in an amusement park.

montar en los columpios
riding on swings

The Spanish phrase 'montar en los columpios' translates to 'riding on swings' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of childhood or outdoor activities, and it represents an action or activity in which one rides on a swing, usually in a park or playground. The verb 'montar' is commonly used to denote the action of riding or mounting something, such as a horse, a bike, or, in this case, a swing. 'Los columpios' is the plural form of 'el columpio', which refers to a 'swing' or 'swing set' in English.

montar en moto
riding motorcycle

The Spanish phrase 'montar en moto' translates to 'riding a motorcycle' in English. This phrase is used to describe the action of operating or being a passenger on a motorcycle, similar to how it would be described in English. It is composed of the verb 'montar', which means to 'mount' or 'ride', followed by 'en', which means 'on', and 'moto', which means 'motorcycle'. Collectively, the phrase captures the experience of freedom and thrill usually associated with riding a motorcycle.

Example sentences with  montar en moto
montar la tienda de campaña
put up the tent

The Spanish phrase 'montar la tienda de campaña' translates to 'put up the tent' in English. It's a phrase commonly used in a camping context. 'Montar' is a verb that means 'to put up' or 'to set up', 'la tienda' translates to 'the store' but in this context, it refers to 'the tent', and finally, 'de campaña' means 'of campaign' but in this context, it's translated as 'camping'. Therefore, when you combine these words, they collectively mean 'put up the camping tent'.

Example sentences with  montar la tienda de campaña
montar un restaurante
ride a restaurant

The English translation for 'montar un restaurante' is not 'ride a restaurant'. Instead, it translates to 'set up a restaurant' or 'open a restaurant'. It is a phrase used when someone is planning to start a new restaurant business. 'Montar' can mean 'to mount' or 'to ride' in certain contexts, but when used with 'restaurante', it implies the act of starting or creating a business.

montar un viaje
ride a trip

The Spanish phrase 'montar un viaje' translates to 'ride a trip' in English. The verb 'montar' normally refers to the action of riding, as in riding a bike or horse, and 'un viaje' means a trip. Therefore, the phrase can be used metaphorically to mean the process of planning and going on a trip. It implicates not just the journey, but all the planting and experience of the travels. However, it's not commonly used in the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  montar un viaje
montar una exposición
mounting an exhibition

The Spanish phrase 'montar una exposición' translates in English as 'mounting an exhibition'. This phrase is typically used in arts and cultural contexts, where it refers to the act of setting up and organizing an exhibition in a museum, gallery, or other public space. The word 'montar' means to mount or set up, 'una' means 'an', and 'exposición' is the Spanish equivalent of 'exhibition'. Therefore, when one is 'montando una exposición', they are typically involved in the various aspects of preparing an exhibition, which can include selecting the artworks or items to be displayed, arranging them in the space, and coordinating the logistics of the exhibition's public viewing.

montar una fiesta a lo grande
to throw a big party

The Spanish phrase 'montar una fiesta a lo grande' translates to 'to throw a big party' in English. This is often used when one is planning or intending to host a large and extravagant celebration. The verb 'montar' literally means 'to mount' or 'to set up', 'una fiesta' translates to 'a party' and 'a lo grande' means 'in a big way' or 'grandly'. Therefore, when combined, it signifies the action of organizing a grand or extensive party.

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