Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

meter el dobladillo
to tuck the hem

The Spanish phrase 'meter el dobladillo' literally translates to 'to put in the hem' but is used in context to mean 'to tuck the hem'. It often refers to the action of folding an edge over on itself and securing it, commonly in reference to fabrics or clothing items.

meter la cintura
to tuck in the waist

The Spanish phrase 'meter la cintura' directly translates to 'to tuck in the waist' in English. It is often used in the context of adjusting clothing for a better fit or to achieve a certain style. For example, when you tuck in a shirt or blouse into your pants, skirt or shorts, you are 'metiendo la cintura'. This phrase can be literal or metaphorical, meaning the act of toning or reducing one's waist size through exercise or dieting. As with all phrases, the specific context often determines the exact meaning.

meter la manga
Put your sleeve in

The Spanish phrase 'meter la manga' is a direct translation for 'put your sleeve in' in English. It is composed of 'meter' which means 'put' or 'insert', 'la' that translates to 'the', and 'manga' translates to 'sleeve'. It is typically used in contexts where you are referring to the action of inserting or putting a sleeve into something else such as a coat or jacket. However, its use can be extended to other similar contexts as well.

meter segunda

'Meter segunda' is a phrase in Spanish that is often used in the context of driving. It refers to the action of shifting into second gear. Although the literal translation of 'meter' is 'put' and 'segunda' is 'second', the phrase does not imply 'put second' in English. It's specific to the action of changing gears in a vehicle.

Example sentences with  meter segunda
meter tercera

The phrase 'meter tercera' is not directly translated as 'third' in English. It's an idiomatic expression in Spanish, specifically used in the context of driving a vehicle. It metaphorically means 'to step it up' or 'to take it to the next level' by referring to shifting to the third gear in driving. Just like how shifting to a higher gear in driving accelerates the speed, 'meter tercera' implies increasing pace, intensity or making more effort in a situation. Though 'tercera' means 'third', the whole expression 'meter tercera' holds a different implicit meaning.

Example sentences with  meter tercera
meterse en el papel
get in the paper

The phrase 'meterse en el papel' in Spanish does not directly translate to 'get in the paper' in English. Instead, it is an idiomatic expression meaning 'to get into character' or 'to empathize'. This phrase is typically used in the context of performing arts, where actors are required to 'get into character' to portray their roles convincingly.

Example sentences with  meterse en el papel
meterse en el personaje
get into the character

The Spanish phrase 'meterse en el personaje' translates to 'get into the character' in English. It is often used in arts and drama context, and it implies that someone is preparing and portraying a character so convincingly that it appears as if they have become the character. It's about totally immersing oneself in a role, adopting and internalizing the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors of the character one is tasked to represent.

Example sentences with  meterse en el personaje
meterse en la película
Get in the movie

'Meterse en la película' is a Spanish phrase rather than a single word, often used in colloquial speech. It roughly translates to 'get in the movie' in English, but it doesn't mean literally entering into a film. In context, it's used to depict someone who is deeply involved or absorbed in a situation or a problem. It's as though they're not merely observing a situation as an outsider, but they're actively participating, absorbed in it just like a character in a movie.

Example sentences with  meterse en la película

The Spanish word for 'method' is 'método'. It is used almost similarly to the English usage, referring to a particular procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established one. For example, 'Este es el método que usamos para resolver el problema' means 'This is the method we use to solve the problem'.

Example sentences with  método
método de análisis
method of analysis

The term 'método de análisis' in Spanish translates to 'method of analysis' in English. It refers to the systematic procedures used to carry out an examination or inspection. It is often used in scientific, academic, or professional contexts. For instance, in finance, a 'método de análisis' might be a specific procedure for evaluating the performance of an investment. In a laboratory setting, it might refer to the steps taken in a scientific experiment.

Example sentences with  método de análisis
método de aprendizaje
learning method

The term 'método de aprendizaje' is Spanish for 'learning method'. It refers to the particular way in which an individual absorbs, comprehends, and retains information or skills. Learning methods are often categorized into types such as visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic (VARK), and they may differ greatly between individuals based on their unique cognitive styles and capabilities.

método de estudio
study method

The Spanish phrase 'método de estudio' translates to 'study method' in English. It refers to an organized, systematic, and strategized way of studying to enhance understanding and learning. This can include various techniques such as flashcards, memory games, frequent review, and others, depending on what works best for an individual.

Example sentences with  método de estudio
método enseñanza
method of teaching

The term 'método enseñanza' in Spanish translates to 'method of teaching' in English. It refers to a systematic way, a procedural approach or a series of steps used to facilitate and enhance learning. This might include strategies, techniques, or styles employed by an educator to convey knowledge, guide the learning process, and support learners in mastering new skills or grasping information effectively.


The word 'metralleta' in Spanish translates to 'machine gun' in English. 'Metralleta' comes from the combination of the Spanish words 'metralla', meaning shrapnel, and the diminutive ending '-eta'. While it could be assumed that 'metralleta' refers to 'machine', it is specificaly used for the term 'machine gun', which is a rapid-fire, automatic firearm designed for the tactical role of suppressing enemy troops.

Example sentences with  metralleta

The Spanish word 'metro' translates directly into English as 'metro'. It is commonly used in reference to a system of public transportation that operates in a major city, particularly underground, such as subways or rapid transit systems. This word is very common in urban areas where there is a heavy reliance on public transportation.

Example sentences with  metro

The term 'metropolitano' in Spanish translates to 'metropolitan' in English. In many contexts, it often refers to something that pertains or belongs to a large, capital, or important city, that has a high degree of urbanization and concentration of services. For example, a metropolitan area, a metropolitan museum. It can also mean pertaining to the see or province of a metropolitan, in ecclesiastical terms.

Example sentences with  metropolitano

The word 'mexicano' is an adjective in the Spanish language, relating to Mexico, its people, culture or language. In English, it translates to 'Mexican'. For example, it can be used to describe a person who is from Mexico (un hombre mexicano), Mexican food (comida mexicana), or the Mexican culture (la cultura mexicana).

mezclarse con alguien
mixing with someone

The Spanish phrase 'mezclarse con alguien' translates to 'mixing with someone' in English. It can refer to becoming involved with a person or group, blending in with a crowd, or simply interacting with others. This can be in a physical, social, or metaphorical context. The phrase invokes a sense of integration or combination, suggesting a seamless joining or blending together.


The Spanish word 'microondas' translates to 'microwave' in English. A microwave is an appliance used for heating food quickly by exposing it to electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range. This induces polar molecules in the food to rotate and produce thermal energy in a process known as dielectric heating. In Spanish-speaking countries, 'microondas' is commonly used in households and restaurants for rapid heating of food.


The Spanish term 'microscopio' translates to 'microscope' in English. A microscope is a scientific instrument that magnifies objects that are too small to be seen by the naked eye, such as bacteria, cells, and even atoms in some cases. Similarly, in Spanish, 'microscopio' refers to this tool that is widely used in fields such as biology, medicine and materials science.

Example sentences with  microscopio

In Spanish, 'miembro' is used to refer to a person who is part of a group, community, team or organization. Just like in English, it can apply to any context, whether it's a family member, a team member, or a member of a specific organization or club.

Example sentences with  miembro

The Spanish word 'mientras' is used to mean 'while', typically indicating simultaneous events or a condition that is true as long as something else is happening. For instance, you might say 'Escucho música mientras estudio' to mean 'I listen to music while I study'. It can also be used to imply a contrast, similar to how 'while' is used in English.

Example sentences with  mientras

The term 'mierda' in Spanish is an informal or vulgar term, similar to the English word 'shit.' It is used to express disappointment or frustration. Like its English counterpart, it is also used to refer to feces. However, keep in mind that its usage might be considered rude or offensive in many contexts due to its vulgarity.

Example sentences with  mierda

The word 'milagro' is used in the Spanish language to refer to an extraordinary event or phenomenon that cannot be explained by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency. Similar to the English term 'miracle', 'milagro' is often used in religious contexts, or to describe situations where there is a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.

Example sentences with  milagro

In Spanish, 'militar' is used in similar contexts as in English, referring to anything related to the armed forces. It could be either a noun or an adjective, depending on the context. For example, 'uniforme militar' translates to 'military uniform', while 'El militar' would refer to 'The military man'.

Example sentences with  militar

The word 'milla' is used in Spanish in the same context as 'mile' is used in English. It represents a unit of length, commonly used to measure distance between places. It's used in conversation and writing, and is understood in all Spanish-speaking countries, although the metric system is generally more common.

Example sentences with  milla

In Spanish, 'millón' is used in the same way as 'million' in English. It represents the number 1,000,000. It is commonly used when talking about quantities, populations, and finances. It is worth noting that when this word is used in plural form, 'millones', it must be directly followed by 'de' before the thing being quantified - for instance, 'dos millones de personas' which means 'two million people'.

Example sentences with  millón
mina (antipersona)
mine (anti-person)

The Spanish word 'mina (antipersona)' is translated as 'mine (anti-person)' in English. It refers to a specific type of explosive device that is used primarily in warfare, designed to detonate when a person or vehicle comes into contact with it, hence the 'anti-person' specification. This term is commonly found in military discourse and can refer to both land and sea mines. The usage in everyday language, however, may vary depending on context.

Example sentences with  mina (antipersona)

The Spanish word 'minifalda' translates to 'miniskirt' in English. A miniskirt refers to a skirt with a hemline well above the knees, generally no longer than 10 cm (4 in) below the buttocks. The term 'minifalda' is a combination of two words in Spanish. 'Mini' refers to something that is very small or minimal, and 'falda' means skirt. Therefore, when combined, 'minifalda' represents a very short skirt, aligning with its English translation, miniskirt.

minimizar un documento
minimize a document

The Spanish phrase 'minimizar un documento' translates to 'minimize a document' in English. This is a command given to reduce a window or file to its smallest size, usually depicted as a small icon, on a computer screen. It is mainly used in computing language. Consequently, this allows for multiple windows or files to be open at the same time, while only taking up a minimal amount of space on the screen.

Example sentences with  minimizar un documento
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