Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'mensaje' represents the English term 'message'. It is used in similar contexts as in English, for instance when referring to a short piece of written or verbal communication, or a central theme or idea in a conversation, speech, or literary work. Like in English, 'mensaje' can also metaphorically refer to the underlying point or moral of a story.

Example sentences with  mensaje

The Spanish word 'mensajero' translates to 'messenger' in English. A 'mensajero' may refer to anyone who delivers messages from one place or person to another, such as an employee who carries mail within a company, a courier who delivers packages, or even an electronic method for sending messages like an email application. 'Mensajero' can also have a figurative use such as a bearer of news or information.


The Spanish word 'menstruación' translates to 'menstruation' in English. It is a term used in female reproductive health indicating the monthly cycle where the uterine wall sheds its lining, commonly known as a 'period'. In this context, it can be used interchangeably between Spanish and English conversations regarding feminine health. It is considered a medical term by nature, and thus holds the same technical significance in both languages.


The Spanish word 'mente' stands for the English term 'mind'. It is used commonly in Spanish to refer to the cognitive process of thought, the intellectual capacity of the brain, or to convey a person's state of thinking. It can be used in various contexts, whether in phrases, idioms, songs or literature, and can be used to describe both the physical organ and the abstract concept of one's consciousness.

Example sentences with  mente
mercado de dinero
money market

The phrase 'mercado de dinero' in Spanish translates to 'money market' in English. A money market is a section of the financial market in which financial instruments with high liquidity and short-term maturities are traded. The money market is used by participants as a means for borrowing and lending in the short term, with maturities that usually range from overnight to just under a year.

Example sentences with  mercado de dinero
mercado negro
black market

The term 'mercado negro' in Spanish translates to 'black market' in English. It is used to refer to a type of economic activity where goods or services are sold illegally. These goods or services can be illegal in themselves; for example, drugs or weapons, or they could be legally available goods but sold in an illegal manner such as without paying taxes or surpassing government regulations. The term is used globally and is not unique to Spanish-speaking regions.

Example sentences with  mercado negro

The Spanish word 'mercancía' translates to 'merchandise' in English. This is a general term that can refer to any kind of goods, items or commodities that are to be bought, sold, or traded. 'Mercancía' is commonly used in the context of commerce and business where it can be used to talk about both physical and non-physical goods ranging from clothing and accessories, to software products and digital content.

mercancía extranjera
foreign goods

The term 'mercancía extranjera' in Spanish is translated as 'foreign goods' in English. It refers to goods or products that are produced or manufactured outside the country they are currently in. These goods are often imported from abroad, thus carrying the label 'foreign'. The phrase 'mercancía extranjera' is often used in the context of trade, commerce or customs.

Example sentences with  mercancía extranjera
mercancía internacional
international merchandise

The term 'mercancía internacional' in Spanish translates to 'international merchandise' in English. This term is frequently used in trade and business fields to symbolize goods or commodities that are transported across international borders or are involved in international trade. It's a vocabulary word that's very common in global commerce, shipping, and logistics, particularly when discussing import and export activities, customs policy, trade restrictions, or tariff systems among different countries.

Example sentences with  mercancía internacional
mercancía nacional
national merchandise

The Spanish term 'mercancía nacional' translates to 'national merchandise' in English. This means products or goods that have been produced or manufactured within a particular country. It is used to identify goods within trade or commerce sectors that have been sourced domestically, promoting local businesses and industries. This contrasts with imported merchandise, which are goods produced in other countries.

Example sentences with  mercancía nacional

Mercurio is the Spanish name for Mercury, which is the smallest and innermost planet in our solar system. This term may not only refer to the celestial body itself, but also to the chemical element with the symbol Hg and atomic number 80 on the periodic table, which is known for its silvery, fluid-like appearance at room temperature. In Roman mythology, Mercurio (Mercury) is a major god, serving as the messenger to the gods, guide of dead souls to the underworld, and patron of commerce, among other roles.

Example sentences with  Mercurio
merecer la confianza de alguien
deserve the trust of someone

The Spanish phrase 'merecer la confianza de alguien' translates to 'deserve the trust of someone' in English. It is used when someone has done something to earn the trust of another individual. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, including personal, professional, or romantic relationships. In usage, it implies that trust is not given out freely, but must be earned through one's actions and behavior.

Example sentences with  merecer la confianza de alguien

Merengue is a term in Spanish that refers to a type of dessert made from whipped egg whites and sugar. This sweet treat is known for its light, airy texture and crisp exterior. Often used as a topping for pies or made into cookies, 'merengue' is a common dessert found in many Spanish-speaking countries. It can also refer to a style of music and dance originating in the Dominican Republic.


The Spanish word 'merienda' refers to a light meal that people often have in the afternoon, similar to what is commonly known as a 'snack' in English. It could comprise a variety of food items, from sandwiches to fruits, pastries, or beverages. The concept of 'merienda' extends beyond just the food, it's also seen as a social opportunity to spend time with friends or family.


The Spanish word for 'month' is 'mes'. It is used in the same context as in English to denote a time period of approximately 30 days or one-twelfth of a year. For example, 'Un mes tiene 30 o 31 días' translates to 'A month has 30 or 31 days'. It's also used in expressions of time like 'el mes pasado' for 'last month' or 'el próximo mes' for 'next month'.

Example sentences with  mes
mesa auxiliar
side table

The Spanish term 'mesa auxiliar' translates to 'side table' in English. In terms of furniture, a side table, or mesa auxiliar, is often placed next to a main piece of furniture like a sofa or a bed. It's used as a convenient surface to place objects such as lamps, books, glasses, or decorative items. It's a versatile piece that can be found in many rooms of a house, assisting in both functionality and aesthetic appeal.

mesa de centro
center table

The Spanish term 'mesa de centro' translates to 'center table' in English. This is a type of table that is commonly placed in the center of a living room. It is often used to hold items like magazines, drinks, or decorative pieces. The table serves both a functional and decorative purpose. In some households, it may also be referred to as a coffee table.

mesa de comedor
dining table

The Spanish phrase 'mesa de comedor' directly translates to 'dining table' in English. A 'mesa de comedor' is a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating meals. This usually stands in a dining room where family members gather to eat meals together. In many homes, the dining table is also a center for activities like doing homework, crafting, and games, making it an essential piece of furniture in most houses.

mesa de despacho

The phrase 'mesa de despacho' is Spanish for 'desk'. Derived from the Spanish words 'mesa' meaning 'table' and 'despacho' meaning 'office', it is commonly used in workplace contexts. These words typically refer to a piece of furniture with a flat top surface used for reading, writing, or using computers, usually found in office environments.

mesa electoral
electoral table

The term 'mesa electoral' in Spanish refers to an electoral table in English. It's generally associated with elections in Spanish-speaking countries, where voters physically go to a location, such as a school or a town hall, to cast their ballots. The 'mesa electoral' consists of pertinent materials like the ballot box, electoral roll, legal instructions for voting, and the necessary privacy materials. Due to the democratic nature of these countries, it represents voting and democracy and is known to all citizens who can vote.

Example sentences with  mesa electoral

The Spanish word 'meseta' translates to 'plateau' in English. A plateau is a flat or gently sloping elevated area that has been uplifted due to geological forces. Similarly, in Spanish, 'meseta' refers to an elevated, flat or slightly sloping region. It could be found between mountains or as high plains, and it's a term commonly used in geographic contexts.

Example sentences with  meseta
mesilla de noche
night table

The Spanish word 'mesilla de noche' translates to 'night table' in English. This is typically a small table or cabinet designed to stand beside a bed or elsewhere in a bedroom. It is often used to support things that might be useful during the night, such as a lamp, alarm clock, glasses, a book, a drink, or medication.


The Spanish word 'metafísica' translates to 'metaphysics' in English. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that explores the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, potentiality and actuality. In other words, it is the study of what is truly real. The term 'metafísica' shares similar meanings in Spanish, often related to philosophical, existential or spiritual concepts.

Example sentences with  metafísica

The word 'metafísico' in Spanish translates to 'metaphysical' in English. This is an adjective often used in philosophical context to refer to the nature of reality that is beyond the physical or observable world. It deals with concepts like existence, consciousness, and the universe as a whole. It is also used in the context of works of art, literature and music to suggest meanings that go beyond the strictly literal or physical levels.

Example sentences with  metafísico

The Spanish word 'metáfora' translates to 'metaphor' in English. In both languages, this term refers to a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. It helps in creating a comparison without the use of 'like' or 'as'. Examples of metaphors in English are phrases like 'Time is money' and 'Life is a rollercoaster'. Similarly, Spanish metaphors might include 'La vida es un sueño' (Life is a dream) or 'El tiempo es oro' (Time is gold). Metaphors are an important aspect of both English and Spanish languages as they add color and creativity to the language.

Example sentences with  metáfora

In Spanish, 'metas' is used to refer to objectives or goals one intends to achieve. It can be used in a variety of contexts, just like 'goals' in English. For example, personal goals (metas personales), career goals (metas de carrera), etc.

Example sentences with  metas

The Spanish word 'meteorito' translates to 'meteorite' in English. This refers to a small piece of a meteor that survives its passage through the Earth's atmosphere and lands on its surface. Meteorites can vary in size, ranging from dust particles to massive rocks. They are mainly composed of rock and metal, and their study helps scientists understand more about our solar system and the universe beyond.

Example sentences with  meteorito

Meteorology is the scientific study of the atmosphere and its phenomena, especially in relation to weather and weather forecasting. It seeks to understand and predict the Earth's atmospheric conditions, including patterns such as climate and weather.

Example sentences with  Meteorología
meter datos en el ordenador
enter data into the computer

The Spanish phrase 'meter datos en el ordenador' translates to 'enter data into the computer' in English. This phrase is commonly used in professional settings, particularly in jobs where data entry or management of digital information is required. It can also directly refer to the act of typing or inputting information via a keyboard into a software program or digital file stored within a computer system.

meter dinero de la cuenta
put money into the account

The Spanish phrase 'meter dinero de la cuenta' translates to 'put money into the account' in English. The verb 'meter' means 'to put', 'dinero' means 'money', and 'de la cuenta' means 'into the account'. Therefore, in this case, the phrase is referring to the action of depositing or adding funds into a financial account, such as a bank or savings account.

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