Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

medicina alternativa
alternative medicine

The term 'medicina alternativa' in Spanish translates to 'alternative medicine' in English. Alternative medicine includes a variety of health practices, approaches, knowledge and beliefs incorporating plant, animal and mineral-based medicines, spiritual therapies, manual techniques and exercises, applied singularly or in combination to treat, diagnose and prevent illnesses or maintain well-being.

Example sentences with  medicina alternativa
medicina deportiva
sports medicine

The Spanish term 'medicina deportiva' translates to 'sports medicine' in English. This is a branch of medicine that deals with physical fitness, and the treatment and prevention of injuries related to sports and exercise. Doctors in this field often focus on managing injuries that occur from sports activities, and they work closely with physical therapists and other healthcare professionals to ensure the patient's recovery and return to their sports activity. They also place a great emphasis on injury prevention and implement strategies to reduce the risk of injuries in athletes. This field of medicine is multi-disciplinary and it involves various other specialities like cardiology, orthopedics, rehabilitative medicine, amongst many others.

Example sentences with  medicina deportiva
medicina general
General medicine

The Spanish phrase 'medicina general' translates to 'general medicine' in English. This term is often used within the medical field. In general, it refers to the practice of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases. It is the type of medicine that is practiced by doctors who are 'general practitioners'. These are physicians who do not specialize in any particular area of medicine, but provides routine health care mainly in office settings.

Example sentences with  medicina general
medicina natural
natural medicine

The term 'medicina natural' in Spanish directly translates to 'natural medicine' in English. Natural medicine refers to the methods and products used to maintain health and treat disease that do not involve synthetic chemicals, surgery, or other invasive procedures. This can include plants, herbs, dietary supplements, natural foods, sunshine, air, and water, among other things. It is an area that also embraces a preventive approach to health.

Example sentences with  medicina natural
medicina tradicional
Traditional medicine

The term 'medicina tradicional' refers to traditional medicine in English. This pertains to the knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures, used in the maintenance of health, as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of physical and mental illness. Often used for centuries, these methods may not be supported by modern scientific understanding, but still fulfill an important role in numerous communities around the world.

Example sentences with  medicina tradicional

The Spanish word 'médico' is used in contexts relating to the science or practice of medicine, doctors, or medical fields. Similar to English, it can be used both as an adjective and a noun. For example, when talking about a 'medical center' you would say 'centro médico'. If referring to a doctor, you can use 'médico' as a noun.

Example sentences with  médico
médico de cabecera
header doctor

The phrase 'médico de cabecera' in Spanish directly translates to 'header doctor' in English. However, in context, it refers to your 'primary care physician' or 'family doctor'. This is a medical professional who serves as the first point of contact for a patient and provides ongoing care, attending to a variety of health-related concerns and conducting routine check-ups.

Example sentences with  médico de cabecera
médico de familia
family doctor

The Spanish term 'médico de familia' translates to 'family doctor' in English. In many cultures, a family doctor is a general practitioner who provides healthcare to all members of a family, regardless of their age. The family doctor has a broad range of knowledge and skills that allow them to diagnose and treat a wide variety of health conditions. Their role often encompasses health maintenance, disease prevention, counseling, patient education, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses in a variety of healthcare settings.

Example sentences with  médico de familia
médico de guardia
doctor on duty

The term 'médico de guardia' in Spanish is translated into English as 'doctor on duty'. This term is used to refer to a doctor who is currently on his work shift and is responsible for attending to any emergencies or patients that arrive during his designated period of service. This term is common in hospitals and clinics where various doctors rotate shifts to ensure the availability of medical personnel at all times. In contexts outside the medical field, 'de guardia' can also mean a person who is currently in charge or standing by to attend to any issues or problems that may arise.

Example sentences with  médico de guardia
medida de seguridad
security measure

The term 'medida de seguridad' in Spanish translates to 'security measure' in English. It refers to the strategies, tools, or precautions used to protect an individual, group, place, or entity from harm, damage, or any form of unwanted or unauthorized access. In information technology, it can refer to protocols that protect data; in a physical environment, it might involve locks, security cameras, fences, etc. Understanding this term is crucial for navigating conversations about safety, protection and precautionary actions.

medio ambiente

In Spanish, 'environment' is translated as 'medio ambiente'. It is most often used in discussions about the natural world, climate issues, or ecological concerns. It's widely used the same way it is in English, referring to surrounding conditions or influences.

Example sentences with  medio ambiente
medio kilo
half a kilo

The Spanish term 'medio kilo' translates to 'half a kilo' in English. It is a unit of measure used in Spanish-speaking countries to weight and is especially prevalent in markets and stores. Kilo is short for kilogram, a metric unit of weight, and medio signifies half. Therefore, 'medio kilo' is the equivalent of 500 grams in English.


The Spanish word 'mejilla' translates to 'cheek' in English. It refers to the area of the face below the eye and between the nose and ear. 'Mejilla' is a feminine noun in Spanish, so you would use 'la' (the) with it to say 'the cheek'. For example, 'la mejilla' means 'the cheek' in English.


The Spanish word 'mejillón' translates to 'mussel' in English. Mussels are a type of shellfish that can be found in both fresh water and salt water environments. They are widely used in cooking and are often served steamed, boiled, or fried in various cuisines around the world.


The word 'mejor' in Spanish is an adjective used to describe something or someone that is superior in some way. This could be in terms of quality, ability, or performance. Like in English, it can be used in various contexts, such as comparing two or more things, stating preferences, or showing improvement. For instance, 'Este es el mejor café' means 'This is the best coffee.'

Example sentences with  mejor
Mejor amigo
Best friend

This is the Spanish phrase for 'best friend'. It refers to a friend who someone regards as their closest and dearest friend.

Example sentences with  Mejor amigo

The Spanish verb 'mejorar' translates to 'improve' in English. It refers to making something better than it was before, or enhancing the quality, value, or extent of something. This could be applied in a variety of contexts, such as improving one's skills, health, or performance in certain activities.

mejorar una nota
improve a grade

The Spanish phrase 'mejorar una nota' translates into English as 'improve a grade'. It is often used in academic and education contexts. If a student wants to do better in a class or a specific assignment, they would desire to 'mejorar una nota'. This phrase can be directly linked to the efforts put into studying, attending classes, and completing tasks, all targeting to enhance academic performance.


The Spanish word 'mellizos' translates to 'twins' in English. This refers to two children birthed by the same mother in the same pregnancy who share a birthday. The term 'mellizos' is commonly used in the Spanish language when referring to a set of twins, similar to the English usage of the term. Although 'mellizos' often refers to fraternal (non-identical) twins, it can also be used broadly to refer to any set of twins.


Melodía is the term for 'Melody'. It denotes a sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying.

Example sentences with  melodía

A melon is any of various plants of the family Cucurbitaceae with sweet, edible, and fleshy fruit. The melon from a botanical point of view is a simple berry, like a grape.

Example sentences with  melón

The Spanish word 'membrete' translates to 'letterhead' in English. A letterhead refers to the heading at the top of a sheet of letter paper. It usually includes the name, address, and logo of a company or organization. It's traditionally used in official correspondences to convey professionalism and authenticity.


In Spanish, 'memoria' is used to refer to the mental capacity to remember things. It can be used in the same contexts as the English word 'memory'. For example, you can use it when talking about short-term or long-term memory ('memoria a corto plazo' or 'memoria a largo plazo'), or to refer to someone's ability to remember things ('tiene buena memoria').

Example sentences with  memoria

The Spanish word 'memorias' translates to 'memories' in English. This noun is used to refer to something that is remembered from the past. It is a cognate, meaning it has the same linguistic derivation as an English word and the two words have the same meanings. Thus, it can also relate to recalling information from memory or the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences.

Example sentences with  memorias
to memorize

Memorizar refers to the process of committing information to memory. It is often used as a study technique when specific information needs to be recalled, like dates, formulas, or vocabularies.

Example sentences with  memorizar
memorizar una fórmula
memorize a formula

The Spanish phrase 'memorizar una fórmula' translates to 'memorize a formula' in English. It consists of the verb 'memorizar' which means to commit something to memory or to learn something by heart, and 'una fórmula', which refers to a method, principle, or procedure for achieving something, often in mathematics or science. So, if you're studying for a math or science test, your teacher might advise you to 'memorizar una fórmula'.

memorizar una regla
memorize a rule

The Spanish phrase 'memorizar una regla' translates to 'memorize a rule' in English. It is often used in educational contexts, where students are asked to remember specific rules or procedures. The verb 'memorizar' indicates the action of committing something to memory, while 'una regla' refers to a rule or guideline that should be remembered. This phrase can also be used metaphorically in various social and professional settings, indicating the importance of understanding and adhering to certain rules or principles.


In Spanish, the word 'mencionar' is used quite similarly to the English word 'mention'. It can refer to the act of talking about something briefly or to reference someone or something in a piece of writing or a speech. Like in English, 'mencionar' is a common verb and can be used in a variety of contexts.

Example sentences with  mencionar

The Spanish word 'menores' translates to 'minors' in English. It is commonly used in contexts related to law and human rights to refer to individuals who are under the age of legal maturity. This age varies depending on national legislation but is commonly 18 in many countries. However, it can also be used to simply refer to younger individuals in non-legal contexts.


The Spanish word 'menos' is the direct translation for the English word 'least'. It is often used in comparisons, just like in English, to express the lowest degree out of a group or set. It can also be used in negations to imply the absence of something, although this usage is less common. Always remember to use it in appropriate contexts for proper comprehension.

Example sentences with  menos
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