Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

material de construcción
construction material

The Spanish phrase 'material de construcción' translates to 'construction material' in English. This phrase is used to describe the raw materials or substances such as wood, concrete, metal, etc., used in the construction or manufacturing of buildings, structures, infrastructure, and other physical entities. It is commonly used in industries related to engineering, architecture, construction, and manufacturing.

materiales de primera calidad
top quality materials

The Spanish term 'materiales de primera calidad' is translated as 'top quality materials' in English. This phrase is often utilized in circumstances where the quality of the materials used, like in construction or manufacturing, is a focal point or major consideration. It is an assertion that the materials utilized in the process are not only of high standard, but are also the best available.


The Spanish word 'maternidad' translates to 'maternity' in English. It denotes the period during pregnancy and shortly after childbirth. It's a term largely used in the contexts of healthcare, such as 'maternity ward' or 'maternity leave', where a woman takes off from work for the birth or adoption of a child. It can also reflect abstract concepts relating to motherhood.


The Spanish word 'matrícula' translates to 'tuition' in English. It is most commonly used in the context of education and seamlessly translates to the fee that students pay at universities, colleges, or schools for instruction. It can occasionally also refer to the act of registering or enrolling in course, equivalent to 'registration', especially in a higher education context.

matricular un vehículo
to register a vehicle

The term 'matricular un vehículo' in Spanish translates to 'register a vehicle' in English. This phrase refers to the official process of adding a vehicle to the relevant authorities' records in your country, state, or region. After purchasing a new or used vehicle, one needs to register it under their name. This step ensures legal ownership, allowing the vehicle to be driven publicly. Registration typically involves providing certain details about the vehicle, such as its make, model, VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), and proof of automobile insurance.

Example sentences with  matricular un vehículo

Matricularse is a Spanish verb that translates into English as 'to enroll'. It primarily refers to the act of registering or signing up for something, especially within the context of education. For example, a student might 'matricularse' in a course or at a university. Thus, if someone is in the process of 'matricularse', they are enrolling or registering for a course or institution.

matrimonio civil
civil marriage

The phrase 'matrimonio civil' in Spanish refers to a civil marriage, a type of marital union where the legal formalities are observed and validated by a government official or authorized person, rather than a religious ceremony. It is the legally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship, established by a civil or secular authority rather than by the church, often performed in a city hall or municipal court.

matrimonio de conveniencia
marriage of convenience

The Spanish term 'matrimonio de conveniencia' translates to 'marriage of convenience' in English. A marriage of convenience is generally one that is not based on love, but rather on some other personal gain for at least one of the parties involved. This could be for business, social standing or even for legal status in a foreign country. Such marriages are often organized or facilitated by others, and can sometimes be compared to arranged marriages.

matrimonio religioso
religious marriage

The phrase 'matrimonio religioso' in Spanish translates to 'religious marriage' in English. A religious marriage is a type of marriage where the ceremony is officiated by a religious figure such as a priest, pastor, rabbi, imam or others, depending on the religion. The ceremony often follows a specific protocol defined by the religious institution, and might take place in a religious building like a church, mosque, synagogue, etc. It is often recognized not only by the religious institution but also legally, though this may vary in some areas or cases.

maximizar un documento
maximize a document

The term 'maximizar un documento' in Spanish translates to 'maximize a document' in English. The phrase is typically used in the context of computer language, specifically to describe the action of expanding a document or window to fill the computer screen completely for better visibility and usage. The individual word 'maximizar' means 'maximize' and 'un documento' means 'a document'. Thus immediate word-for-word translation also yields the same meaning as the original Spanish term.

Example sentences with  maximizar un documento
maximizar una ventana
maximize a window

The term 'maximizar una ventana' in Spanish translates to 'maximize a window' in English. It is a common phrase used in the context of computer software and applications. When you maximize a window, you enlarge it to fill the entire screen. This allows you to view all the contents of the window at once without the need to scroll or move around. On many computer systems, you can usually maximize a window by clicking on the relevant button in the window's title bar, often represented by a square or two overlapping squares.

Example sentences with  maximizar una ventana

The Spanish word 'mayonesa' translates to 'mayonnaise' in English. Mayonnaise is a thick, creamy dressing often used in salads and sandwiches, and as a condiment. It is typically made from oil, egg yolks, and either vinegar or lemon juice, with other seasonings added according to taste.


The Spanish word 'mayor' is commonly used as an adjective and can be translated as 'most' in English. It is generally placed before the noun it modifies. Sometimes it is also used in comparison context. Like English, it's also used to denote 'greater in amount or degree.' It's a versatile word that often sees use in everyday Spanish conversation and writing.

Example sentences with  mayor
mayoría étnica
ethnic majority

The term 'mayoría étnica' in Spanish refers to 'ethnic majority' in English. This concept is commonly used in social, political, and demographic contexts to speak about the ethnicity that has the most significant number of individuals within a given population. It's important to acknowledge that majorities can vary considerably in different regions or contexts, providing a complex and colorful tapestry of human diversity.

Example sentences with  mayoría étnica
mayoría religiosa
religious majority

The Spanish phrase 'mayoría religiosa' translates to 'religious majority' in English. It is used to denote the largest group of individuals sharing the same religious beliefs within a given community, population, or region. This could refer to followers of any given religion, including but not limited to Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc., depending on the context and demographic being referred to.

Example sentences with  mayoría religiosa
mayoría social
social majority

The term 'mayoría social' in Spanish translates to 'social majority' in English. This term refers to the larger or greater number of a specific population or group within a society. It can be used in a variety of societal and political contexts to describe the group that has the most number of people in a particular setting, often indicating a common viewpoint or shared characteristics among the majority.

Example sentences with  mayoría social

The Spanish word 'mecánico' translates to 'mechanical' in English. It can be used in different contexts, but primarily refers to something relating to machinery or engines. For instance, in the case of a 'mecánico de automóviles', it would mean 'car mechanic', indicating a person who fixes cars. Similarly, it could also indicate a scientific concept like 'energía mecánica', translating to 'mechanical energy'. It is therefore important to understand the context in which 'mecánico' is being used.

Example sentences with  mecánico

The Spanish word 'mecedora' translates to 'rocking' in English. It is commonly used to describe the act of moving softly and rhythmically back and forth, usually as a form of relaxation. The term is often associated with a 'rocking chair', a type of chair with two curved bands attached at the bottom, which allows it to rock back and forth. Such chairs are also referred to as 'mecedoras' in Spanish.

media pensión
half board

The Spanish term 'media pensión' translates to 'half board' in English. In travel and tourism context, half board means that your accommodation comes with two meals usually breakfast and either lunch or dinner. This is a common option in hotels and other forms of accommodation, particularly in Europe. For those who want some meals included but also want to explore the local cuisine outside of their guesthouse, this is an ideal option.

Example sentences with  media pensión

The Spanish word 'medianoche' refers to the middle of the night, specifically the point in time when it is exactly 12:00 AM. It is used in the same contexts as the English word 'midnight'. For example, you might use the term to plan a meeting for the very start of the day, or to describe when a certain event took place.

Example sentences with  medianoche

The Spanish word 'medias' is used to refer to stockings in English. Just like in English, 'medias' in Spanish can be used in various contexts. For instance, it can refer to a type of hosiery worn by women, which cover the foot and part or all of the leg. It's important to note that in Spanish, 'medias' is always used in plural form even when referring to a single pair.

Example sentences with  medias

The Spanish word 'medias' translates to 'socks' in English. It is a feminine, plural noun that pertains to the clothing item worn on the feet, before shoes. The singular form is 'media'. Typically, 'medias' can be of various types, including, but not limited to, sports socks, woolen socks, summer socks, winter socks, ankle socks, etc.

medicamento agresivo
aggressive medicine

The Spanish term 'medicamento agresivo' translates to 'aggressive medicine' in English. This can refer to a strong, potent, or intensely acting medicine, often in the context of treating a serious or aggressive illness. It can also indicate a medicine that has significant side effects or can cause drastic changes in the body.

Example sentences with  medicamento agresivo
medicamento curativo
healing medicine

The term 'medicamento curativo' in Spanish refers to a kind of medicine that possesses or includes properties intended to cure or heal a disease or sickness. It is often used in a context related to medical interventions or treatment paradigms where the focus is on eradicating the illness or repairing the health aberration.

Example sentences with  medicamento curativo
medicamento eficaz
effective medicine

The Spanish phrase 'medicamento eficaz' translates to 'effective medicine' in English. It refers to medicinal drugs, pills, capsules or any other medicinal preparations that work well and successfully produce the desired result of treating or preventing an illness or disease. Not only does it imply beneficial effects but also highlights the reliability and potency of the medicine. It indicates a credible or dependable medicine that could be prescribed or suggested by health experts.

Example sentences with  medicamento eficaz
medicamento fuerte
strong medicine

The Spanish term 'medicamento fuerte' translates to 'strong medicine' in English. In a health context, it usually refers to a medicine or drug that has a powerful effect or a high potency. The term could also be used metaphorically in a range of contexts, to mean any form of powerful, potentially transformative intervention.

Example sentences with  medicamento fuerte
medicamento genérico
generic medicine

The Spanish term 'medicamento genérico' refers to a type of medicine in English known as 'generic medicine'. A generic medicine is a medication that has exactly the same active ingredients as the original branded medicine and used as their substitute. It is generally sold at significantly lower prices as it does not carry the brand name.

Example sentences with  medicamento genérico
medicamento homeopático
homeopathic medicine

The Spanish phrase 'medicamento homeopático' translates to 'homeopathic medicine' in English. Homeopathic medicine is a form of alternative medicine that uses small, highly diluted amounts of natural substances to stimulate the body's healing processes. It was developed in the late 18th century and remains popular in many parts of the world today. Increasingly, these treatments are being integrated with traditional medical approaches in holistic and homeopathic clinics.

Example sentences with  medicamento homeopático
medicamento preventivo
Preventive medicine

The Spanish term 'medicamento preventivo' translates to 'preventive medicine' in English. This is a branch of medicine engaged with preventing disease instead of treating it. It can include services like disease prevention, screenings, and promoting health. It is not about gearing the body towards diseases, but taking precautions towards the onset of disease.

Example sentences with  medicamento preventivo

The Spanish word 'Medicina' translates to 'Medicine' in English. It is used in the same context as it is in English, referring to the science and practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. It can also be used to reference drugs or medication used in the treatment and prevention of illnesses. Additionally, 'Medicina' can refer to a course of study at universities, similar to 'medical school' in English.

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