Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The word 'marginal' in Spanish has a similar meaning to its English counterpart. It may describe something that is not fully developed or important, not central or main, but rather at the lower limit of quality, at the edge or border, or not included in the main part of a group or society. In a literal sense, it can also refer to something situated on the border or edge of something. In an economic context, 'marginal' is often used to describe a small change in a system or in the production of goods, like marginal benefit, cost, or product.

Example sentences with  marginal

The Spanish verb 'marginar' aligns with the English verb 'to marginalize'. This verb is used to express the action of treating a person, group, or concept as insignificant or peripheral. It is often associated with social, economic, or political situations where certain individuals or groups are pushed to the periphery of a society or system. In common use, 'marginar' signifies enforcing the feeling of isolation or insignificance upon someone.

Example sentences with  marginar

The word 'marinero' is a Spanish noun that translates to 'sailor' in English. It is typically used to refer to someone who works on board a sea vessel. 'Marinero' comes from the Spanish word 'mar', which means 'sea', emphasizing the connection of the sailor to the sea. This term can be used in various contexts, whether literal, as in the occupation, or metaphorical, as in someone who likes to navigate through different situations.

Example sentences with  marinero

The word 'marisco' in Spanish translates to 'seafood' in English. This term is used to describe various kinds of ocean life that are consumed as food. This includes shellfish, crustaceans, and fish. Popular types of 'mariscos' include shrimp ('gambas'), lobster ('langosta'), and clams ('almejas'). This is a common word used in culinary contexts, particularly relevant in coastal regions where seafood is a staple part of the diet.


The Spanish word 'marítimo' is translated into English as 'maritime'. The term 'maritime' is used in various fields such as geography, law, and business. In geography, it refers to anything related to the sea. In terms of law, 'maritime' pertains to laws that govern seafaring trade and business. Meanwhile in commerce, it may be used to describe a type of climate that is influenced by a body of water, particularly the sea. Hence, 'marítimo' is a versatile term in Spanish that has multiple uses in the English language.

Example sentences with  marítimo

The Spanish word 'marroquí' is an adjective and refers to something or someone originating from or associated with Morocco, a country in North Africa. The term is not directly translated as 'Morocco' in English, rather it might be translated as 'Moroccan'. For example, if you are describing a man from Morocco, you would say 'un hombre marroquí' in Spanish, which translates to 'a Moroccan man' in English.


The Spanish word 'mártir' translates to 'martyr' in English. This term is used to refer to a person who willingly suffers death rather than renounce his or her religion or beliefs. It can also be used more generally to describe someone who endures great suffering or hardship for a cause or principle.

Example sentences with  mártir

Marxismo, better known as 'Marxism' in English, is a social, political, and economic theory originated by Karl Marx, which emphasizes the role of class struggle in society and the ways in which capitalism, as a socio-economic system, leads to social inequality. It suggests the means of production should be owned and controlled by the proletariat (workers) and promotes the establishment of a classless society. These ideas have had large influences on numerous political movements and social change throughout history, and they continue to be important theoretical frameworks within sociology, political science, and various other disciplines.

Example sentences with  marxismo

The Spanish word 'más' corresponds to English 'more'. It can be used both in the context of wanting more quantity of something, as well as in comparisons to indicate that something is superior in some aspect. For example, 'quiero más' means 'I want more', while 'Ella es más alta que yo' means 'She is taller than me'.

Example sentences with  más
más allá

The term 'más allá' is a phrase in Spanish that is directly translated to 'beyond' in English. It is used to indicate something that is further away, in the distance, or happening after a certain point or event. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including physical distance, time, or even metaphysical concepts.

Example sentences with  más allá
más bien

The Spanish word 'más bien' is an adverb used to indicate preference or to provide a correction to a previous statement, similar to how 'rather' is used in English. It is often used in sentences to clarify or contrast information.

Example sentences with  más bien
más tarde

The Spanish phrase 'más tarde' translates to 'later' in English. It is most commonly used to indicate a future time. Just like in English, it can be used in the context of postponing something to a later time or referring to a time coming after the present time.

Example sentences with  más tarde

The Spanish word 'masa' translates to 'mass' in English. It is typically used in the context of physical sciences to denote the property of matter that is a measure of its resistance to acceleration when a net force is applied. It also has applications in other fields, where it may refer to a large amount or number, such as a mass of people or vegetation. In culinary contexts, 'masa' may also refer to the dough used to make traditional Latin American foods, such as tortillas.

Example sentences with  masa

The word 'mascota' in Spanish translates to 'pet' in English. It is generally used to refer to animals that are kept for companionship and enjoyment, or a domesticated animal. The term is often associated with household animals that have been tamed and are kept as a constant companion, such as dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, etc. However, it can also occasionally refer to exotic pets depending on the context.

Example sentences with  mascota

The Spanish word 'masticar' translates to 'chew' in English. This verb is most often used to indicate the process of breaking down food by biting and grinding it in your mouth using your teeth, preparing it to be swallowed and digested.


The Spanish word 'matar' translates to 'kill' in English. It is a verb and is used in various contexts similar to English, for instance, 'Quiero matar el tiempo' (I want to kill time) or 'El cazador mató al ciervo' (The hunter killed the deer). Remember, as with all verbs, the precise form of 'matar' can change with tense and subject.

Example sentences with  matar

The Spanish word 'matasellos' refers to a postmark in English. A postmark is a mark printed on a letter, package, or other postal article, indicating the date and place of mailing. This is commonly observed on the postage stamps where it signifies the place and the time of posting. The term 'matasellos' is a combination of two words in Spanish: 'mata' means 'kill' and 'sellos' means 'stamps', when combined it can be understood metaphorically as 'cancelling the stamp', which is a fundamental function of the postmark.


The word 'mate' in Spanish refers to a traditional South American drink made from steeping yerba mate leaves in hot water. It is also a social activity, as it is often shared amongst a group of people. The word 'mate' is also used in Chile and Argentina to refer to a friend or mate, similar to 'buddy' or 'pal' in English. Additionally, 'mate' can mean 'I killed' in a more formal or literary context. Its meaning depends on the context in which it is used.


Mathematics is a field of study that involves shapes, quantities, arrangements, and their relationships. It is a fundamental discipline that is essential to many areas, including the natural sciences, engineering, medicine, and the social sciences.

Example sentences with  matemáticas

The word 'matemático' is a Spanish noun that translates to 'mathematician' in English. This term is used to refer to a person engaged in the field of Mathematics. A 'matemático' is someone who studies, teaches or applies Mathematics in different contexts. This could involve disciplines such as algebra, calculus, geometry, or statistics. The role of a 'matemático' can vary greatly, depending on the context, they might be involved in theoretical research or the practical application of mathematical principles.

Example sentences with  matemático

The Spanish word for 'matter' is 'materia'. In general usage, it is often associated with school subjects (like in 'science matters' translated to 'materias de ciencia'). However, it can also refer to the substance or material that something is made of. Like in English, it can also be used in more abstract concepts like 'issues' or 'matters of importance (asuntos de importancia)'. It's important to note that context is key when determining the correct use of 'materia'.

Example sentences with  materia
materia anual

'Materia anual' is a Spanish term that is usually used to speak about a school subject that lasts for the entire academic year. Its direct English translation can be 'annual subject'. However, in English, it is more common to refer to it simply as a 'year-long course' or 'annual course'.

materia combustible

The Spanish term 'materia combustible' directly translates into English as 'combustible material'. However, in a more colloquial or common usage, it is used to refer to 'fuel'. Fuel, in English, is any material that is used to produce heat or power by burning. This term is commonly used in industries like energy production, automotive, aviation, and more. It represents substances like coal, wood, oil, or gas, which upon combustion in the presence of oxygen release energy. The energy is then used for achieving different tasks, ranging from simple cooking and heating to propelling vehicles and running factory machines.

Example sentences with  materia combustible
materia impermeable
Waterproof material

The phrase 'materia impermeable' in Spanish translates to 'waterproof material' in English. This can refer to any type of material that is designed to prevent water from penetrating or passing through it. These materials are often used in various industries such as construction, clothing, or technology, to protect against water damage. This property can be inherent in the material itself or can be achieved through the application of water-resistant treatments or coatings.

Example sentences with  materia impermeable
materia inflamable
flammable matter

The Spanish term 'materia inflamable' translates to 'flammable matter' in English. In general usage, 'materia inflamable' typically refers to any substance or material that can easily ignite and burn when heat or a flame is applied. This could comprise a variety of materials, from dry wood and paper to certain chemicals and gases. Awareness and precautions are necessary when handling 'materia inflamable' to prevent fires and accidents.

Example sentences with  materia inflamable
materia opaca
opaque matter

The Spanish term 'materia opaca' translates to 'opaque matter' in English. It is a term used in physics and physical sciences to describe substances that do not transmit light or other forms of radiation. 'Opaque' stems from the Latin 'opacus' and it refers to the inability to see through, blocking out or absorbing light. 'Matter' refers to the physical substance in general that occupies space and possesses mass. Thus 'materia opaca' can be anything from a solid object to a dense cloud of dust or gas in space that blocks light.

Example sentences with  materia opaca
materia prima
raw material

The term 'materia prima' in Spanish translates to 'raw material' in English. Raw materials are the basic substances or components used in manufacturing or primary production. They are often natural resources such as oil, iron, and wood. For instance, in the production of furniture, the 'materia prima' could be wood. This term can apply to industries such as manufacturing, construction, or even cooking where primary ingredients could be referred to as 'materia prima'.

Example sentences with  materia prima
materia trimestral

The Spanish term 'materia trimestral' translates to 'quarterly subject' in English. It is generally used in academic circumstances, referring to a course or subject that is taught over a three-month, or quarterly, period. This term is typically used in schooling systems that divide the academic year into four quarters.

materia troncal
core matter

The Spanish term 'materia troncal' refers to 'core matter' in English. This term is often used in educational contexts, referring to primary or mandatory subjects that act as the foundation or core of a particular curriculum or course of study. It is the primary knowledge or skills that are fundamental to a particular field or discipline. The phrase can also be used more generally to refer to the main or most important part of anything.


The word 'material' in Spanish is used in the same context as in English and it means substance out of which things are made or considered as a potential or actuality. It can also be used to refer to information or ideas for use in creating a book or other work.

Example sentences with  material
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