Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

apellido de soltera
maiden name

The Spanish phrase 'apellido de soltera' translates to 'maiden name' in English. This refers to a person's last/family name at birth, before marriage, which might change post marriage in some cultures. It is typically used for women, referring to their surname prior to their married name.


The Spanish word 'apenado' is generally used to indicate a feeling of sorrow or remorse, similar to the English word 'sorry'. It might be used when you feel upset because of something you did wrong or regret. Expression of regret or asking for forgiveness in Spanish might often include this word. It's important in the Spanish language to be able to express such sentiments accurately.


The term 'aperitivo' refers to a small dish usually consumed prior to the main meal to stimulate or enhance one's appetites. In English, it can be roughly translated as a 'snack' or 'appetizer'. This is typically a light fare and can encompass various types of foods, from simple finger foods to complex culinary creations. It is a common part of meal tradition in several Spanish and Latin cultures.


The Spanish word 'apetitoso' does not directly translate to 'appetite' in English. Instead, it is an adjective that is used to describe something that is appetizing, tasty, or delicious to the senses. It typically applies to food and is used to imply that something is enticing or desirable to eat. English equivalent might include words such as delicious, mouth-watering, appetizing, or tasty. It can also be used metaphorically to describe something that is appealing or attractive, not just for food. So, in English context, 'apetitoso' may be used to describe a meal that looks very attractive and makes you want to eat it.


The Spanish verb 'aplaudir' translates to 'applaud' in English. This word is commonly used to express appreciation or admiration for an achievement or performance in both languages. For example, the audience might 'aplaudir' or 'applaud' after a concert, movie, or theater performance. The action related to it involves clapping the hands together.

aplazar un pago
postponement of payment

The Spanish term 'aplazar un pago' refers to the act of postponing or delaying a payment. This could be for various reasons such as financial difficulties, negotiation of terms, or awaiting fund disbursement. It is a commonly used phrase in finance and banking sectors where the due date for debt repayment can be shifted forward in time.

Example sentences with  aplazar un pago

The Spanish word 'aplicación' translates to 'implementation' in English. It is a noun that can be used in several contexts, like in the field of programming where it's used to refer to the process of putting a decision or plan into effect. In general terms, 'aplicación' stands for the action or process of making something active or operative. It could also refer to an application, particularly in the context of mobile or computer apps.

Example sentences with  aplicación

The Spanish verb 'aplicar' translates to 'apply' in English. It is commonly used to express the action of making a formal application or request, or to put something into operation. For example, 'Voy a aplicar para la universidad' means 'I will apply for university'. It can also mean to practically use an idea, method, or suggestion.

Example sentences with  aplicar
aplicar una fórmula
apply a formula

The Spanish phrase 'aplicar una fórmula' translates to 'apply a formula' in English. It is a common phrase used in various fields such as mathematics, science, and computer programming. It instructs one to use or implement a specific formula, often to solve a problem or carry out a calculation.


The Spanish verb 'apostar' translates to 'bet' in English. It refers to the action of risking a certain amount of money or valuables on the outcome of an event, such as a game or a sport, with the intention of winning more money or goods. 'Apostar' can also metaphorically mean to strongly believe in the success of someone or something.

apoyo y orientación
support and guidance

The Spanish phrase 'apoyo y orientación' translates into English as 'support and guidance'. This phrase is used in contexts where assistance, advice, or direction is provided. 'Apoyo' can refer to emotional, financial, or any type of practical support. 'Orientación', on the other hand, usually implies providing direction or advice on how to proceed in a particular situation. Together, the phrases 'apoyo y orientación' clearly convey the provision of help or support along with the assistance in guiding or advising on the course of action.


The Spanish word 'apreciación' translates to 'appreciation' in English. It is derived from the verb 'apreciar' meaning 'to appreciate'. This term is mainly used in the context of recognizing the value or quality of someone or something. It can also denote understanding, accurate judgement, and full notice of details. For example, 'Tengo apreciación por tu ayuda' means 'I have appreciation for your help'.

Example sentences with  apreciación
apreciar un plato
appreciate a dish

The Spanish phrase 'apreciar un plato' translates to 'appreciate a dish' in English. This could be used in a variety of contexts, but most frequently in reference to enjoying or valuing a particular meal or specific type of food. The verb 'apreciar' denotes a sense of appreciation or admiration, while 'un plato' simply means a dish or plate, often used to refer to a meal. So, if you hear someone say they 'aprecian un plato', they are expressing that they have a high regard for a particular dish or meal.

apreciar una comida
appreciate a meal

The Spanish phrase 'apreciar una comida' translates to 'appreciate a meal' in English. This phrase is often used when someone really enjoys a meal or wants to express gratitude for it. Appreciating a meal not only involves enjoying the taste, but also acknowledging the time and effort put in to prepare it.


This verb denotes gaining knowledge or understanding of a subject. It is a regular -er verb.

Example sentences with  aprender
aprender de memoria
learn from memory

The Spanish phrase 'aprender de memoria' translates to 'learn from memory' in English. It is often used in educational contexts and refers to the act of memorizing information or knowledge. This phrase may be directed at students to encourage them to study and remember specific information, such as facts, figures, or language vocabulary. Similar phrases in English could include 'memorize', 'commit to memory', or 'learn by heart'.

aprender una fórmula
learn a formula

The Spanish phrase 'aprender una fórmula' translates to 'learn a formula' in English. It is a verb phrase commonly used in academic and professional settings, especially in the fields of mathematics, physics and chemistry. The word 'aprender' means 'to learn', and 'una fórmula' is translated as 'a formula'. Together, they are used to express the acquisition of knowledge or understanding of a specific formula.

aprender una regla
learn a rule

The Spanish phrase 'aprender una regla' translates to 'learn a rule' in English. It refers to the process of acquiring knowledge about a principle or guidelines that dictate what actions should be taken or avoided in certain circumstances. Like in English, this phrase can be used in different contexts in Spanish, including sports, academics, or societal norms. 'Aprender' means 'learn', 'una' means 'a', and 'regla' means 'rule'.


The Spanish word 'aprendiz' translates to 'apprentice' in English. This word is often used to describe someone who is learning a particular skill or trade under the guidance of a skilled or experienced person. In a broader sense, an 'aprendiz' is anyone learning any skill, task, or discipline. It characterizes the stage where person is gaining experience through practice.


The Spanish word 'aprendizaje' translates to 'learning' in English. This term encompasses the process of acquiring new, or modifying existing, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences. The ability to learn is a fundamental trait in humans, but also many animals. It is a critical component in any educational process and learning process or steps may vary, but often include phases of observing, understanding, repetition, and application.

aprendizaje académico
Academic learning

The term 'aprendizaje académico' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'academic learning' in English. This refers to the process of using skills, knowledge, and attitudes to understand and master academic material in an educational setting. It's a structured form of learning which is typically offered by an educational institution, such as a school, college, or university. Academic learning often leads to a recognized qualification, such as a diploma or degree.

aprendizaje autónomo

The phrase 'aprendizaje autónomo' in Spanish translates to 'self-learning' in English. It's a concept where learners take the initiative in identifying their learning needs, formulating learning goals, choosing and implementing appropriate learning strategies, and assessing learning outcomes. This phrase is frequently used in educational contexts and is a key factor in lifelong learning. It emphasizes the need for learners to take control of their own learning processes.

aprendizaje formal
formal learning

The Spanish term 'aprendizaje formal' translates to 'formal learning' in English. This refers to a type of learning that occurs within an organized and structured environment, like a school or college, where curriculums and specific educational programs are typically followed. This kind of learning involves direct instruction, is usually intentional from the learner's perspective, and leads to a degree or certification.

apretar el botón
press the button

The Spanish phrase 'apretar el botón' translates to 'press the button' in English. This can be in the context of pressing a physical button, such as on a device or machine, or a digital button, like on a touch screen or computer interface. The phrase is a verb action and the literal meaning is to apply pressure or force to a button in order to activate or control something.

Example sentences with  apretar el botón
apretar la cintura
tighten the waist

The Spanish phrase 'apretar la cintura' translates to 'tighten the waist' in English. It is a literal translation where 'apretar' means 'to tighten', 'la' is 'the', and 'cintura' is 'waist'. This phrase can be used in situations such as when referring to adjusting the fit of clothing like a belt or a dress, among others. In a figurative sense, it can be used to imply reducing expenses or making a budget stricter.

apretar los zapatos
tighten your shoes

The Spanish phrase 'apretar los zapatos' translates to 'tighten your shoes' in English. It is a common phrase used when someone's shoes are loose or when preparing to go for a walk or run and requiring secure footwear. Essentially, it is an instruction to secure the fit of your shoes possibly by pulling on the laces or straps.


The Spanish verb 'aprobar' generally means 'to pass', as in passing a test or approving something, like a law. Though it can be translated to 'adopt' in certain contexts, most often, it is used refer to passing or approving something. For instance, in a legislative context, when a law is approved, it may be translated as 'adopted'. However, caution should be used when translating, as context significantly impacts the meaning of this verb.

aprobar el curso
approve the course

The Spanish phrase 'aprobar el curso' translates to 'approve the course' in English. It may also be used to mean 'pass the course' in the context of educational grading systems. In everyday usage, it's commonly used to reference the act of successfully completing a class or course of study.

aprobar el programa oficial de las fiestas
approve the official program of the holidays

The Spanish phrase 'aprobar el programa oficial de las fiestas' translates to 'approve the official program of the holidays' in English. This phrase could be used in scenarios when an event or holiday celebration requires approval for its schedule or list of activities. This might be spoken by committee members, government officials, or anyone responsible for overseeing holiday or event plans and ensuring they meet particular standards or regulations.

aprobar por los pelos
approved by hairs

The Spanish phrase 'aprobar por los pelos' directly translates as 'approved by hairs' in English. However, it's used metaphorically to indicate a situation where something is barely approved, passed or succeeded, typically by a very slim margin. It's similar to the English idioms 'by the skin of your teeth' or 'just barely.'

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