Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

mantenimiento de equipos
maintenance of equipment

The Spanish term 'mantenimiento de equipos' directly translates to 'maintenance of equipment' in English. This phrase is commonly prefaced by the specific type of equipment being maintained, as in 'mantenimiento de equipos de computación' (maintenance of computer equipment). It refers to the process of keeping equipment in functional condition, or restoring it to a working condition after malfunction. This involves troubleshooting, repairing, cleaning, and updating the equipment as necessary.

Example sentences with  mantenimiento de equipos
mantenimiento de máquinas
maintenance of machines

The phrase 'mantenimiento de máquinas' in Spanish translates to 'maintenance of machines' in English. This phrase refers to the procedure of keeping machinery in working order through periodic inspection, cleaning, servicing, and necessary repair or replacement of worn-out or non-working parts. It encompasses a wide range of activities from routine actions such as lubrication, refitting, screw tightening, and performance checking, to more complex tasks like complete machinery overhauls. This term is commonly used in industries and factories where machinery is frequently used and maintained.

Example sentences with  mantenimiento de máquinas
mantenimiento de piezas
maintenance of parts

The Spanish phrase 'mantenimiento de piezas' translates to 'maintenance of parts' in English. This phrase is commonly used in industries like manufacturing or mechanical engineering, where routine or preventative maintenance of different parts or components is crucial. It is used to indicate actions designed to keep equipment in working order or prevent potential breakdowns.

Example sentences with  mantenimiento de piezas

The Spanish word 'mantequilla' translates to 'butter' in English. This is a noun typically used to refer to a yellowish or whitish emulsion of butterfat, water, and air, churned from milk or cream and used in cooking or as a spread or topping. In many Spanish-speaking cultures, it's frequently used in various recipes or served with bread.


The Spanish word 'manuscrito' translates to 'manuscript' in English. A 'manuscrito' typically refers to a document that has been handwritten, not printed, especially in the historical context. In more modern usage, 'manuscrito' can refer to any document that is written by hand as opposed to typed or printed, but it still often carries a connotation of something unique, special or antiquated. Similar to the English word 'manuscript', 'manuscrito' can also refer to the draft of a book, essay, or other written work.

Example sentences with  manuscrito

'Manzana' is the Spanish word for 'apple'. It's a significant term in Spanish, as apples constitute a common and popular fruit in many Spanish-speaking countries.

Example sentences with  manzana

The Spanish word 'mapa' translates to 'map' in English. It is a noun that refers to a representation, usually on a flat surface, of the whole or a part of an area. It can show geographical features, roads, cities, etc. It is often used for navigation or for referencing particular places or regions. So, when you say 'mapa' in Spanish, you are referring to a similar concept of a visual depiction of an area.

mapa de carreteras
road map

The Spanish term 'mapa de carreteras' translates to 'road map' in English. A road map is a detailed graphical representation, typically used by drivers and travellers, offering routing and geographical information about roads, streets, and sometimes tourist or other essential details of a specific region or area. Understanding road maps is a crucial skill for navigation, whether on a local, national, or international trip.

Example sentences with  mapa de carreteras

The Spanish term 'maquillador' translates to 'make-up artist' in English. This is a professional specializing in altering or enhancing the appearance of individuals by applying cosmetic products. Some make-up artists work in the film and theatre industry, making up actors and actresses, while others work for fashion shoots or in beauty salons.


The Spanish word 'maquillaje' translates to the English word 'makeup'. This term often refers to cosmetics applied to change or enhance facial or bodily appearance. Makeup could include products like lipstick, mascara, blush, and many others. 'Maquillaje' like makeup, is commonly used in fashion, television and theater, jewelry, women's daily life, or to create characters for film or stage.

Example sentences with  maquillaje

The word 'maquinaria' in Spanish translates to 'machinery' in English. The term refers to machines, either collective or functioning together as a system, used in an industrial or manufacturing setting. Whether complex or simple, indices or heavy-duty, the aim of machinery is to aid in automating tasks and processes thereby making production and other industrial activities more efficient. Examples of machinery can include everything from a sewing machine to large-scale industrial equipment.

Example sentences with  maquinaria
maquinilla de afeitar
shaver chin

The Spanish phrase 'maquinilla de afeitar' translates to 'shaving razor' in English. It is used in reference to a small handheld device that is applied to the skin to remove unwanted hair. These tools can be manual or electric, and they are commonly used by both men and women for shaving purposes such as facial hair, leg hair, and so on.

Example sentences with  maquinilla de afeitar

The Spanish word 'mar' translates to 'sea' in English. It is a common term used to indicate the large body of salt water that covers most of the Earth's surface. 'Mar' is a noun and it can be used in various contexts including geographical discussions, travel descriptions, literature, and more. It's a singular masculine noun in Spanish, so you'd use 'el' (the) with it; 'el mar' means 'the sea'. Remember, the pronunciation is important in Spanish language, 'mar' is pronounced as 'mar' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  mar
mar Báltico
Baltic sea

The Spanish term 'mar Báltico' translates to 'Baltic Sea' in English. The Baltic Sea is a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean, enclosed by Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Poland, Germany and the North and Central European Plain. It includes the Gulf of Bothnia, the Bay of Bothnia, the Gulf of Finland, the Gulf of Riga, and the Bay of Gdańsk. 'Mar Báltico' is a well-known geographical term widely used in international context and maps.

Example sentences with  mar Báltico
mar Mediterráneo
Mediterranean Sea

The Spanish phrase 'mar Mediterráneo' translates to 'Mediterranean Sea' in English. It is the term used to refer to one of the largest seas connected to the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by the Mediterranean region and almost completely enclosed by land. It is known in Spanish-speaking countries as 'mar Mediterráneo'.

Example sentences with  mar Mediterráneo
mar Rojo
Red sea

The term 'mar Rojo' in Spanish translates to 'Red Sea' in English. The Red Sea is a seawater inlet of the Indian Ocean, lying between Africa and Asia. The sea is known for its rich and diverse ecosystem, making it a popular destination for diving and underwater exploration. Its name is derived from the seasonal blooms of the red-colored Trichodesmium erythraeum algae near its surface.

Example sentences with  mar Rojo

The Spanish word 'maracuyá' translates to 'passionfruit' in English. It is a tropical fruit that's native to South America. It is known for its sweet, somewhat tart flavor, vibrant color, and the seed-filled pulp inside. The word 'maracuyá' is mostly used in Latin America while in Spain it is commonly referred to as 'fruta de la pasión'.


The Spanish word 'maravilla' is generally used to express admiration or surprise towards something beautiful or spectacular. It can be used in a variety of contexts just like 'wonder' in English is used to express similar feelings. For example, you can 'maravilla' to describe a beautiful piece of scenery, an impressive achievement, or a surprising piece of news.

Example sentences with  maravilla
maravilla invernal
winter wonderland

The phrase 'maravilla invernal' is used in Spanish to describe a place that is extraordinarily beautiful during winter. It can refer to a natural landscape covered in snow, a place decorated for the holiday season, or even a metaphorical state of happiness during the winter months.

Example sentences with  maravilla invernal
marcar un número de teléfono
dial a phone number

The phrase 'marcar un número de teléfono' in Spanish is translated in English as 'dial a phone number'. It is typically used in the context of making a phone call. It refers to the action of inputting a specific sequence of numbers (the phone number) into a telephone or a cell phone. This could be performed by pressing physical buttons on a traditional touch-tone phone, tapping on a screen for modern smartphones, or even using voice commands on more recent phone systems.

marcha nupcial
bridal march

The term 'marcha nupcial' refers to a piece of orchestral music, commonly used in the context of weddings. It is the formal music that is generally played to announce the arrival of the bride, marking the start of the wedding ceremony in many Western cultures. In English, this is known as the 'bridal march'.

marcharse de fin de semana
leave at weekend

The Spanish phrase 'marcharse de fin de semana' translates to 'leave at weekend' in English. It can be used to describe a situation where someone is planning to leave or depart for the weekend. It can typically be used in scenarios like planning weekend vacations or short trips. In some contexts, it could also imply taking off from work or other regular responsibilities for the weekend.

Example sentences with  marcharse de fin de semana
marea negra
black tide

The word 'marea negra' translates to 'black tide' in English. It is often used within the context of ecological or environmental discussions where it refers to an oil spill, specifically in the ocean or sea. Oil spills are often described as 'black tides' due to their authority in covering vast expanses of water and the black color that is characteristic of oil. This term serves as a metaphorical description for this environmental disaster.

Example sentences with  marea negra

The Spanish verb 'marearse' translates to 'to get dizzy' in English. It is a reflexive verb which implies the involvement of the subject in the action. It can be used in a variety of contexts such as expressing a spinning sensation in the head, a feeling of unsteadiness, or a state of confusion and disorientation.

Example sentences with  marearse

The Spanish word 'maremoto' translates to 'tsunami' in English. It's a natural disaster involving a series of waves in a water body caused by the displacement of a large volume of water. These can have disastrous effects when they reach land, causing large-scale devastation and loss of life. The word 'maremoto' is used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to this natural event.

Example sentences with  maremoto

The Spanish word 'mareos' translates to 'dizziness' in English. It is often used to describe a physical sensation of feeling lightheaded or unsteady, similar to the sensation you might experience when you stand up too quickly. In a medical context, 'mareos' might be used to describe a symptom of certain conditions, such as low blood pressure or dehydration.

Example sentences with  mareos

The Spanish word 'margarina' is translated into English as 'margarine'. Margarine is a spread made from vegetable fats and is often used as an alternative to butter in cooking and baking. Originating from France in the mid-19th century, it has since gained global popularity due to its lower cost and perceived health benefits. The word 'margarina' carries the same meaning in the context of Spanish language and culture.


The Spanish word 'margarita' translates to 'daisy' in English. The term is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to the daisy flower, known for its white petals and prominent yellow center. The word 'margarita' plays a crucial role in gardening terminology and flower classification in Spanish language, and it is also a popular female name. Interestingly, 'Margarita' also refers to a well-known cocktail made primarily of tequila, lime juice, and orange liqueur, served with salt on the rim of the glass.

Example sentences with  margarita

The Spanish word 'marginación' translates to 'marginalization' in English. It refers to a process of pushing certain individuals or groups to the edge of society by not allowing them an active role or place in it. These individuals are essentially dismissed as unimportant, becoming excluded from any form of participation, decision-making, or social mixing. As a result, they typically have limited resources, rights, and opportunities.


The Spanish word 'marginado' translates to 'marginalized' in English. It refers to someone who is treated as insignificant or peripheral within a society or group. This term may be used in a variety of contexts, such as social, economic, cultural, or political situations. It stems from the word 'margen' which means 'margin', implying the idea of being on the edge or outside of something.

Example sentences with  marginado
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