Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

mano de obra barata
cheap labor

The Spanish phrase 'mano de obra barata' translates to 'cheap labor' in English. This phrase is used to refer to work or workers that are available at a relatively low cost. In economies, cheap labor is often associated with jobs that do not require specialized skills, or are labor-intensive. These roles are typically offered at lower wages, hence the term 'cheap labor'. It's widely used in contexts relating to economics, business, and social discussions about workforce and employment conditions.

mano de obra especializada
skilled workforce

The Spanish phrase 'mano de obra especializada' translates to 'skilled workforce' in English. This phrase is used to describe a group of workers who possess a high degree of professional and technical skills in a particular field. These skills are usually gained through training, education, and practical experience. This term can be used across various industries where specialized skills are needed for operations such as construction, technology, healthcare, or any highly technical industry. It emphasizes the quality of work performed by these experienced professionals compared to non-skilled or semi-skilled workforces.

manos libres
hands free

The Spanish term 'manos libres' translates to 'hands free' in English. This phrase is commonly used to refer to devices or technologies that enable people to use them without the need for hand operation. For instance, a 'manos libres' phone implies a hands-free device that doesn't require being held, often using Bluetooth technology. It is a compound term, with 'manos' meaning 'hands' and 'libres' meaning 'free' in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'mansión' translates to 'mansion' in English. A mansion is a large, impressive house. It's often used to describe very large houses that often have many rooms for specific activities. These structures are typically found in wealthier neighborhoods, and are generally associated with notable affluence. They are a symbol of high societal standing and wealth. Whether they are known for their history, their architectural significance, or their sheer size, mansions are buildings that draw attention and admiration.


The word 'manso' in Spanish translates to 'meek' or 'gentle' in English. It can be used to describe a person who is soft-spoken, mild and submissive, or to describe an animal that is not wild and is easily controlled or handled. This word emanates a sense of peace or calmness.

Example sentences with  manso

The Spanish word 'manta' translates to 'blanket' in English. This word is a feminine noun in Spanish and is commonly used in various contexts. For example, during colder months, it is common to hear the phrase 'necesito una manta' which means 'I need a blanket'. It can also be used metaphorically, such as 'manta de estrellas' which means 'blanket of stars', suggesting a sky filled with stars.

Example sentences with  manta

The Spanish word 'mantelería' translates to 'tablecloths' in English. It is often used in contexts involving dining or kitchenware. A 'mantelería' could refer to a single tablecloth or a collection of tablecloths, typically used to protect the table and enhance aesthetic appeal during meals. In certain Spanish-speaking cultures, it is a common practice to use 'mantelería' for family gatherings, special occasions or everyday dining.


The Spanish word 'mantener' stands for 'keep' in English. It refers to a variety of actions depending on the context, including to keep doing something (mantener haciendo algo), to keep something in a particular state or condition (mantener algo en un estado o condición) or to support oneself (mantenerse). It is a regular verb in Spanish, and so follows the regular conjugation rules.

Example sentences with  mantener
mantener (las) distancias
maintain (the) distances

The Spanish term 'mantener (las) distancias' translates to 'maintain (the) distances' in English. It is often used in contexts where it is necessary to preserve a certain space or separation from others. It can also refer to keeping an emotional or social distance from a person or a situation. Similarly, in the context of driving, 'mantener las distancias' urges drivers to keep a safe distance from the vehicle ahead to prevent accidents. Hence, the interpretation of the term may vary slightly based on the situation it is used in.

Example sentences with  mantener (las) distancias
mantener correspondencia

The Spanish phrase 'mantener correspondencia' translates to 'correspondence' in English. It implies the practice of writing, receiving, and reading letters, particularly if it is done on a regular basis between two parties. This could be for personal, professional, or academic purposes. Therefore, when we 'mantener correspondencia' in Spanish, we are maintaining a consistent communication or exchange, often through written correspondence or letters.

mantener el contacto
maintain contact

The Spanish phrase 'mantener el contacto' translates to 'maintain contact' in English. This phrase is often used in conversational or written communication to express the idea of keeping in touch with someone. It is essentially about continuing communication or connection with someone over a period of time. Just like its English equivalent, 'mantener el contacto' can be used in both personal and professional contexts.

mantener la comunicación
maintain communication

The Spanish expression 'mantener la comunicación' translates to 'maintain communication' in English. It is commonly used in both personal and professional contexts. It refers to the act of keeping an open line of conversation or information exchange with someone. This is often used to indicate the importance of ongoing dialogue in order to understand a situation, reach an agreement, or build stronger relationships.

mantener la mirada
keep your eyes

The Spanish term 'mantener la mirada' could be translated into English as 'keep your eyes'. This phrase is often used in a context where someone is being advised or instructed to maintain their gaze on something or certain things without changing it, similar to the English phrase 'keep your eyes on the ball'. It means to stay focused or attentive on something. The phrase is composed of two Spanish words, where 'mantener' means 'to keep or maintain', and 'la mirada' means 'the gaze or sight'. Altogether, it vividly expresses the idea of steadfastness and constant vigilance.

mantener lazos (de amistad)
to maintain bonds (of friendship)

The phrase 'mantener lazos (de amistad)' in Spanish translates to 'to maintain bonds (of friendship)' in English. It is often used to express the idea of keeping a strong connection or relationship with friends, despite time, distance, or other obstacles. The verb 'mantener' translates to 'maintain' and 'lazos de amistad' translates to 'bonds of friendship', thus when combined, they form this phrase. This is a common phrase used in both casual and formal contexts, and understanding it can enhance your conversational and written Spanish.

mantener una actitud abierta
keep an open attitude

The Spanish phrase 'mantener una actitud abierta' is translated into English as 'keep an open attitude'. It is commonly used to encourage someone to be receptive and understanding of new or different ideas, perspectives, or experiences. It promotes the values of flexibility, tolerance, and adaptability. It is more than simply listening, but actively seeking to understand and appreciate where others are coming from. Keeping an open attitude not only benefits personal growth, but also strengthens communication, relationships, and the ability to work effectively in diverse teams.

Example sentences with  mantener una actitud abierta
mantener una actitud tolerante
to maintain a tolerant attitude

The Spanish phrase 'mantener una actitud tolerante' translates to 'to maintain a tolerant attitude' in English. It implies the ongoing action of keeping a mindset of tolerance. This can relate to various circumstances, whether it be in the cultural, social, or personal context. It suggests the idea of accepting and understanding the differences of others without expressing negative judgment or impact.

Example sentences with  mantener una actitud tolerante
mantener una familia
maintain a family

The Spanish phrase 'mantener una familia' translates into English as 'maintain a family'. This phrase could be used in various circumstances where one needs to express the concept of bearing the responsibility of taking care of the needs and wants of a family, maintaining them financially, emotionally, physically and socially. Depending on the context, it could be related to providing food, shelter, health, education, and love among other needs of a family.

mantener una relación
maintain a relationship

The Spanish phrase 'mantener una relación' translates to 'maintain a relationship' in English. This could mean to keep a relationship ongoing or in good standing. From a linguistics perspective, 'mantener' is a verb and means 'to keep' or 'to maintain', 'una' is an indefinite article means 'a', and 'relación' is a noun means 'relationship'. When combined, they are used to express the continuing effort one gives to keep a relationship strong or thriving.

mantener una relación cordial
maintain a cordial relationship

The Spanish phrase 'mantener una relación cordial' translates to 'maintain a cordial relationship' in English. It's often used in contexts where two or more parties are expected to interact politely and respectfully on a continual basis, despite any potential conflict or difference of opinion. The usage of this phrase implies a balance and ongoing effort in the relationship between the involved individuals, groups, or entities.

mantener una relación de amor-odio
maintain a love-odium relationship

The Spanish phrase 'mantener una relación de amor-odio' translates to 'maintain a love-odium relationship' in English. In essence, it refers to a relationship where feelings of love and hate alternate or exist simultaneously. This complex emotional state is often seen in intense relationships, where people can highly appreciate each other one moment and highly resent each other the next.

mantener una relación de convivencia
maintain a relationship of coexistence

The Spanish sentence 'mantener una relación de convivencia' translates to 'maintain a relationship of coexistence' in English. This phrase means to sustain a relationship where two or more individuals or groups are living and interacting together in harmony, shared spaces or a community, respecting each other's existence and differences. This could be used in a variety of contexts such as interpersonal relationships, societal relationships, or even international relations.

mantener una relación de dependencia
maintain a dependency ratio

The phrase 'mantener una relación de dependencia' in Spanish is translated to 'maintain a dependency ratio' in English. This phrase is symbolic of any kind of relationship, communication, function, etc., where one or more elements depend on others for their state or performance. It is frequently used in economic and social contexts where it describes a ratio that compares the number of dependents (children or elders who aren't in the workforce) to the number of working-age people. The higher the dependency ratio, the greater number of people who depend on the working class for sustenance.

mantener una relación estable
maintain a stable relationship

The Spanish phrase 'mantener una relación estable' translates to 'maintain a stable relationship' in English. This phrase is commonly used in situations where there is a need to express the concept of keeping a relationship (may it be romantic, platonic, or professional) consistent, harmonious, and well-balanced over time. It emphasizes the continual effort and contribution required to ensure the overall health and longevity of a relationship.

mantener una relación fluida
maintain a fluid relationship

The Spanish phrase 'mantener una relación fluida' translates to 'maintain a fluid relationship' in English. The phrase can be used in a variety of contexts but is most commonly used to discuss the importance of steady and open communication in a relationship, which helps to prevent misunderstandings and disagreements from escalating into more serious conflicts.

mantenerse bien
Stay well

The Spanish phrase 'mantenerse bien' directly translates to 'stay well' in English. You can use this phrase when you want to instruct or wish someone to stay in good health or condition. It's a way of expressing your good wishes or concern for their wellness and can be used in casual, formal, professional, or personal contexts

Example sentences with  mantenerse bien
mantenerse bien informado
Stay well informed

The Spanish phrase 'mantenerse bien informado' translates to 'stay well informed' in English. This phrase indicates the act of keeping oneself updated with the recent events or happenings around one's surroundings or environment. It's useful when discussing habits of good communication practices, news and information sharing, or in any context where up-to-date knowledge is essential.

mantenerse joven
stay young

The Spanish phrase 'mantenerse joven' translates to 'stay young' in English. It is often used metaphorically or literally to express the desire or effort to retain youthful qualities such as energy and vitality. It can also refer to a physical appearance or maintain a young mindset. In some contexts, it can be used to suggest resistance to aging processes or lifestyle habits that contribute to staying healthy and young.

Example sentences with  mantenerse joven
mantenerse mal
Stay bad.

The Spanish phrase 'mantenerse mal' can be translated into English as 'stay bad'. It is typically used to describe someone who persists in a poor or negative behavior pattern. However, like many phrases, its exact meaning can vary based on context.

Example sentences with  mantenerse mal
mantenerse mal informado
Stay uninformed

The Spanish phrase 'mantenerse mal informado' translates to 'stay uninformed' in English. This is typically used to describe a person who chooses not to stay updated or aware about specific events, situations, or topics. It could be due to the person's lack of interest, accessibility to information, or intentionally avoiding information. It's worth noting that the phrase has a negative or critical connotation in both languages, suggesting the person's responsibility to be informed.


The word 'mantenimiento' is a Spanish term commonly used to refer to 'maintenance' in English. It is usually utilized in various contexts like vehicle maintenance, system maintenance, software maintenance, etc. In most cases, it pertains to the process of preserving, keeping, or sustaining something in its original or existing state, making sure it performs its functions efficiently. Just like the term 'maintenance' in English, it has broad usage extending beyond a single domain, and can be used essentially for any language need requiring the concept of upkeep or preservation.

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