Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'magistrado' translates to 'magistrate' in English. A magistrate is a civil officer or lay judge who administers the law, especially one who conducts a court dealing with minor offenses and holds preliminary hearings for big crimes. They have the power to issue warrants and have jurisdiction over certain types of cases. In a similar way, 'magistrado' in Spanish refers to an official who holds similar roles in their respective legal systems.

Example sentences with  magistrado
magro de cerdo
lean pork

The Spanish term 'magro de cerdo' is translated into English as 'lean pork'. This refers to pieces of pork meat that have been trimmed to remove most of the fat content. 'Magro de cerdo' is therefore a healthier type of pork that is often used in a variety of different dishes due to its lower calorie and fat content compared to regular pork.

magro de ternera
veal wizard

The term 'magro de ternera' does not translate to 'veal wizard' in English. Instead, it translates to 'veal lean' or 'lean veal', referring to a cut of meat that comes from a young cow, known as a calf, and is particularly low in fat. This term often appears in cooking and culinary contexts, as 'magro de ternera' is a popular ingredient in many Spanish dishes due to its tender texture and mild flavor.

mal comunicado

The Spanish term 'mal comunicado' can be translated into English as 'misrepresented'. It is used to denote an incorrect, misleading, or distorted representation of someone or something. It could refer to the wrong portrayal of a person's character, the incorrect depiction of a situation, or the unfaithful representation of a concept or idea. In essence, 'mal comunicado' carries a negative connotation implying that the information conveyed does not accurately reflect the subject it is supposed to represent.

mal estado

The Spanish phrase 'mal estado' translates to 'bad state' or 'poor condition' in English. It might refer to a physical object that is damaged or not working properly, a person's bad health, or a situation that is not favorable. Although 'mal estado' can be translated as 'bad' in some contexts, it's more specific than 'bad' and often implies 'unusable' or 'unhealthy'.

mal expediente académico
miscellaneous academic record

The term 'mal expediente académico' translates to 'miscellaneous academic record' in English. It can refer to a collection of various academic documents or records that may include grades, transcripts, degrees, certificates and other academic work. This term suggests that these documents or pieces of information may not fit neatly into other, more conventional categories of academic records, hence the use of 'miscellaneous'. It is often used in administration and evaluations within educational institutions.

mal orientado

The Spanish term 'mal orientado' is a compound adjective, comprised of the words 'mal,' which translates to 'bad' or 'poorly', and 'orientado', which translates to 'oriented' or 'guided'. So, 'mal orientado' can be translated into English as 'poorly oriented' or 'badly guided'. In a broader context, it is used to describe something or someone who is misguided or not set in the right direction.

mala distribución
poor distribution

The Spanish term 'mala distribución' translates to 'poor distribution' in English. It's often used to describe an ineffective dispersion or spread of resources in economics, or to critique the arrangement or spread of elements in design and visual arts. Its connotations generally imply imbalance, inequality or inefficiency.

malcriar a los hijos
spoil the children

The phrase 'malcriar a los hijos' in Spanish translates to 'spoil the children' in English. It typically refers to the action where parents excessively give in to their children's desires and needs, often resulting in a lack of discipline or respect. This phrase is used to express the negative consequence of overindulging or overprotecting children, leading to their impaired character development or social skills.


The term 'maleta' means 'suitcase' in English. People use it when they need a storage medium to carry their clothes and other belongings while traveling.

Example sentences with  maleta

The Spanish word 'maletín' translates to 'briefcase' in English. A 'maletín' is a flat, rectangular container, often made of leather, for carrying documents or books. It typically has a handle and can be closed with a clasp. It's commonly used in a professional setting by people who need to carry important documents or work tools such as laptops. Its literal translation would be 'small suitcase' as it is derived from the Spanish word 'maleta' which means suitcase, and the suffix '-ín' in Spanish is used as a diminutive.


The Spanish word 'mamá' translates to the English word 'mom'. It is a common and informal term used by people, especially children, to address or refer to their mother. It is similar in usage to other words such as 'mother' or 'mum' in English. The use of 'mamá' tends to connote a sense of warmth, familiarity, and affection. This word is part of standard Spanish vocabulary and is widely used in all Spanish speaking countries.


The term 'mamífero' is Spanish for 'mammal'. Mammals are a group of vertebrate animals which form the class Mammalia. They distinguish themselves from other animal classes through the presence of mammary glands which in females produce milk for feeding their young, a trait evolutionary tied to the subclass Theria. Other key characteristics of mammals include their hair or fur, which helps to regulate their body temperature, and their highly advanced and specialized teeth.

Example sentences with  mamífero

The word 'manada' in Spanish does not exactly translate to 'packed' in English. Instead, it typically refers to a 'herd', 'pack' or 'group' especially of wild animals or in a broader context, it can also refer to a group of people. It's commonly used to describe a large number of animals of the same species moving together.

Example sentences with  manada

The Spanish word 'mañana' is used to refer to the period of time from sunrise to noon, similar to how 'morning' is used in English. It is also commonly used in greetings such as 'Buenos días' which means 'Good morning'. However, the term 'mañana' can also mean 'tomorrow' depending on the usage and context, highlighting the flexibility of Spanish vocabulary.

Example sentences with  mañana

The Spanish word 'manantial' translates to 'spring' in English. This can refer to the season following winter, known for the blossom of flowers and mild weather. However, in its primary definition, 'manantial' is used to refer to a place where water or other liquid collects or issues naturally out of the ground; essentially a source or origin of a stream or river. The term is not used to refer to the elastic device that can change shape under pressure and then come back to its original shape when the pressure is removed, which is another meaning of 'spring' in English.

Example sentences with  manantial

The Spanish word 'manchas' translates to 'stains' in English. This term can refer to both a physical mark or discoloration that is difficult to remove, such as a stain on clothing or furniture, and a metaphorical stain or blemish on a person's character or reputation. It is a noun and is used in various contexts, such as household cleaning, personal hygiene, and abstract discussions about morality and ethics.

Example sentences with  manchas
mandar por correo

The Spanish phrase 'mandar por correo' is translated into English as 'mail'. This term is often used to denote the system for sending letters and packages from one place to another. In a broader context, it can also refer to the act of sending electronic letters or messages through the internet. The term can be used both as a noun and a verb in a sentence. For instance, when used as a verb, it may imply the act of sending something, usually a letter or package, through the mail service.

mandar un mensaje electrónico
send an e-mail

The Spanish phrase 'mandar un mensaje electrónico' translates to 'send an e-mail' in English. This is typically used in the context of digital communication, particularly when referring to the action of sending a digital message via an email service. To further illustrate, imagine you are instructing someone how to send a message through their email, you will tell them 'mandar un mensaje electrónico'.


The Spanish word 'mandato' translates to 'mandate' in English. It generally refers to an official order, instruction or directive given by an authority. It can also mean the authority granted to an individual or body to act in certain ways or to perform certain tasks. Used in a context, it could be part of a sentence like 'El mandato presidencial dura cuatro años' - 'The presidential mandate lasts four years'.

Example sentences with  mandato
manejar un antivirus
handle an antivirus

The Spanish phrase 'manejar un antivirus' translates to 'handle an antivirus' in English. This means to use or operate an antivirus software effectively for the protection of a computer system or network against viruses and other malicious software. This term is commonly used in the field of cybersecurity and computer technology.

manejar un programa
manage a program

The Spanish phrase 'manejar un programa' translates into English as 'manage a program'. The verb 'manejar' means to manage or handle in English, and 'un programa' is a Spanish term for a program. Altogether, it implies having control or responsibility over a program, with skills to direct or control it effectively. This phrase can be applied in many contexts, such as managing a software program, driving a program, or leading a program/initiative in a business or organizational context.


A tropical fruit that is known for its flavor, fragrance, taste, and heath promoting qualities. It is rich in vitamins A, C, and D.

Example sentences with  Mango

The Spanish word 'manifestar' translates to 'manifest' in English. It is a verb often used to express display, show, demonstrate or voice. It could be used in contexts like displaying emotions, showing signs, demonstrating skills or voicing opinions. The variations of this verb include 'manifiesto, manifiestas, manifiesta' in present tense, and 'manifesté, manifestaste, manifestó' in past tense.

manifestar una actitud abierta
manifest an open attitude

The Spanish phrase 'manifestar una actitud abierta' translates to 'manifest an open attitude' in English. It implies expressing or exhibiting an open or accepting attitude towards different ideas, perspectives, or changes. This can be by demonstrating respect for others' viewpoints, showing flexibility in decision-making processes, and excelling in communication and collaboration. This phrase can be used in both personal and professional contexts to denote a positive and closer attitude.

Example sentences with  manifestar una actitud abierta
manifestar una actitud tolerante
manifesting a tolerant attitude

The Spanish phrase 'manifestar una actitud tolerante' translates to 'manifesting a tolerant attitude' in English. This phrase describes the act of showing or expressing a tolerant attitude towards certain situations or people. Essentially, it means letting others have their own opinions and accepting their differences, rather than forcing your own beliefs or behavior on them.

Example sentences with  manifestar una actitud tolerante
manipular a los hijos
manipulate children

The Spanish phrase 'manipular a los hijos' translates to 'manipulate children' in English. This phrase is generally used in the context of manipulating someone's emotions or actions, specifically children's. In a broader sense, it can refer to any form of control or misuse of authority to influence a child's behaviours or thoughts.

manipular un alimento
manipulate a food

The term 'manipular un alimento' in Spanish translates to 'manipulate a food' in English. It usually refers to the physical handling or modification of food for a variety of purposes like preparation, cooking, or presentation, among others. It is vital in culinary practices, food safety and hygiene transactions.

manipular una información
manipulate information

The Spanish phrase 'manipular una información' translates to 'manipulate information' in English. In context, it is typically used to describe the action of controlling or falsifying information to alter the outcome or perception of a situation or a piece of data. It can refer to the deceptive handling of information in various settings, such as in the media, in research data, or in personal conversations.


In Spanish, 'mano' refers to the end part of a person's arm which includes the fingers and thumb. Just as in English, it can be used in various contexts and phrases e.g. 'Dame tu mano' which means 'Give me your hand'. It's a feminine noun despite ending in 'o' which is atypical as most Spanish words ending in 'o' are masculine.

Example sentences with  mano
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