Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

lugar mal iluminado
ill-lit place

The term 'lugar mal iluminado' in Spanish translates to 'ill-lit place' in English. This phrase is used to describe a place or space that lacks appropriate or sufficient lighting, often implying a sense of obscurity or difficulty to perceive things clearly in that place. It could refer to both physical darkness or a metaphorical lack of clarity or understanding.


The Spanish word 'lujoso' translates to 'luxury' in English. It is often used to describe something that is extravagant, lavish or superior in quality. It is typically associated with wealth and high standards or quality. It can be used to describe a wide range of items including cars, houses, clothing, hotels, etc. For example, a five-star restaurant with world-class cuisine and opulent decor would be described as 'lujoso'.


'Luna' is the Spanish noun for moon. The moon is the natural satellite of the earth, visible at night by reflected light from the sun.

Example sentences with  luna
luna llena
full moon

The Spanish phrase 'luna llena' translates to 'full moon' in English. The word 'luna' means 'moon' and 'llena' means 'full'. So, when combined together, 'luna llena' represents the lunar phase that occurs when the Moon is completely illuminated as seen from Earth. This happens when the Earth is located directly between the Sun and the Moon, making the latter fully visible and appearing as a beautiful, bright circle in the night sky.

Example sentences with  luna llena
luna trasera
rear moon

The Spanish term 'luna trasera' translates into 'rear moon' in English. However, it's usually not used to refer to an actual moon. In the context of automobiles, 'luna trasera' refers to the rear window or back glass of a car. This term is widely used in Spain and other Spanish speaking countries as a metaphorical term for car parts. So when you hear 'luna trasera', think of it as the 'rear window' or 'back glass' of a car rather than a 'rear moon'.

Example sentences with  luna trasera

In Spanish, the word for 'light' is 'luz'. In most contexts, it is used to indicate the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible. However, it is also sometimes used metaphorically to refer to enlightenment or understanding. Just as in English, it can also refer to the device which produces illumination.

Example sentences with  luz
luz alegre
cheerful light

The Spanish phrase 'luz alegre' is translated in English as 'cheerful light'. The phrase is a combination of two words, 'luz' which means light, and 'alegre' which means cheerful. Therefore, 'luz alegre' can be used to denote a light that is cheerful, or perhaps even joyful or uplifting. Such phrasing can be used metaphorically to describe a mood, atmosphere, or demeanor that is positive and bright.

luz antiniebla
anti-white light

The Spanish term 'luz antiniebla' does not translate to 'anti-white light' in English. Instead, it translates to 'fog light'. This is an additional light installed in motor vehicles to enhance visibility during foggy conditions. The main purpose of these lights is to illuminate the road directly in front of the vehicle in poor visibility situations. They are strategically angled and positioned lower than the main headlights to limit the reflection and glare from the fog, snow, or rain and to reduce the risk of temporarily blinding other drivers.

Example sentences with  luz antiniebla
luz corta
short light

'Luz corta' is a Spanish term directly translating to 'short light' in English. However, in a practical context, it is usually used within the field of automotive vocabulary. It refers to the configuration of a vehicle's headlight beam, being 'short' or 'low', as opposed to 'luz larga' or long (high-beam) light. This is a term you would typically encounter while talking about driving or car-related matters.

Example sentences with  luz corta
luz de emergencia
emergency light

The term 'luz de emergencia' translates to 'emergency light' in English. An emergency light is a battery-backed lighting device that switches on automatically when a building experiences a power outage. These are standard in new commercial and high occupancy residential buildings, such as college dormitories. This is to ensure that exits are properly illuminated and visible at all times, making it easy for people to evacuate in case of emergencies.

Example sentences with  luz de emergencia
luz de freno

The Spanish term 'luz de freno' translates to 'brakelight' in English. It is composed of two words, 'luz', which means light, and 'freno', which means brake. Therefore, 'luz de freno' can be understood as the 'light of brake' in direct translation. It is a term used in the automotive industry to refer to the red light at the back of a vehicle that illuminates when the driver applies the brake, signaling other drivers that the vehicle is slowing down or stopping.

Example sentences with  luz de freno
luz de posición
position light

The Spanish phrase 'luz de posición' translates to 'position light' in English. In automotive terms, it refers to a small, usually white or red, light on a vehicle that helps to indicate its position and width. These lights are generally visible from both front and rear, and are always on when a vehicle is in operation, irrespective of whether it is day or night. They are typically less bright than headlights and are usually placed at the corners of a vehicle. The purpose of these position lights is to make the vehicle visible to other drivers and pedestrians, thereby increasing safety.

Example sentences with  luz de posición
luz de vela

The Spanish equivalent for the English word 'candlelight' is 'luz de vela'. This term is used to denote the light that is produced by a candle. Much like in English, it could be used in various contexts in Spanish literature and conversation such as in describing a romantic dinner setting, a peaceful meditation space, or a power outage situation where candles are used for light.

Example sentences with  luz de vela
luz directa
direct light

The Spanish term 'luz directa' translates to 'direct light' in English. It is used to describe light that travels straight from the source without changing direction or being scattered. For instance, sunlight that has not been diffused by clouds is considered 'luz directa'. This term is often used in both daily conversations and in various fields such as photography, theater, and physics.

luz indirecta
indirect light

The Spanish term 'luz indirecta' translates into English as 'indirect light'. It's a type of light that has been diffused or reflected off other surfaces, resulting in a soft, even glow which prevents sharp shadows. This is commonly used in photography, interior design, and lighting design to create a warm, inviting atmosphere.

luz suave
soft light

The Spanish phrase 'luz suave' translates to 'soft light' in English. The word 'luz' is Spanish for 'light' and 'suave' is Spanish for 'soft'. The phrase is typically used to refer to a gentle, soothing form of luminance, such as the soft glow of a candle or a relaxed, warm ambient lighting. This term can be used in a variety of contexts, from poetry and literature to everyday conversation.

luz tenue
dark light

'Luz tenue' in Spanish is often referred to in English as 'dim light' or 'soft light'. The phrase directly translates to 'faint light', highlighting a low intensity or subtle illumination. This term is commonly used in descriptions of lighting conditions, particularly in photography, interior design and other visual arts, where the intensity and quality of light can significantly impact the perception of the subject or space.

macedonia de frutas
fruit salad

The Spanish phrase 'macedonia de frutas' translates into English as 'fruit salad'. This term generally refers to a dish made up of a variety of different fruits, often served in a syrup or their own juices. 'Macedonia de frutas' is a popular dessert or snack in Spanish-speaking countries, and it is known for its vibrant colors and fresh, sweet flavor. This dish is as diverse as the fruits that compose it, opening up infinite possibilities according to the choice or seasonality of the fruits.


The Spanish word 'maceta' translates directly to 'flowerpot' in English. It is a container in which flowers and other plants are cultivated and displayed. Traditionally, flowerpots were made from terracotta, but they can now be made from a variety of materials including plastic, metal, wood, stone, and even sometimes biodegradable material. You will typically find them in homes, patios, gardens and other outdoor spaces.

Example sentences with  maceta

The word 'madrastra' is a noun in Spanish language, used to represent a female figure who is married to one's father following the death or divorce of the latter's previous partner. In English, this word is translated as 'stepmother'. This term does not necessarily mean that the 'madrastra' has legal obligations or relationship by blood with the child, but rather, she is a part of the child's life due to her relationship with the child's father.


The Spanish word for 'mother' is 'madre'. It is generally used to refer to one's female parent. Similar to its usage in English, 'madre' can also be used in a broader sense to refer to a woman who has given birth or who has responsibility for the care of children. It is commonly used in various phrases and idioms.

Example sentences with  madre
madre de alquiler
surrogate mother

The term 'madre de alquiler' is a Spanish term which, when translated to English, means 'surrogate mother'. In the context of family and relationships, a 'madre de alquiler' is a woman who agrees, usually by contract and for a fee, to bear a child for another person or persons, who will become the child's legal parents after the birth. This method is often used as an option for people who are unable to bear children themselves.

madre soltera
single mother

The Spanish phrase 'madre soltera' translates to 'single mother' in English. It's used to describe a woman who has a child or children and is not living with the child's or children's father. This could be due to various circumstances such as separation, divorce, death or by personal choice. The phrase recognizes the woman as the sole parent taking responsibility for raising her child or children.


The Spanish word 'madrina' translates to 'godmother' in English. A godmother is a female chosen by the parents of a child to assist in the child's religious education and personal development. This term is widely used in various cultural and religious ceremonies globally. Its male equivalent is 'padrino', which means 'godfather' in English.

madrina (de boda)

The Spanish word 'madrina (de boda)' directly translates to 'bridesmaid' in English. In English-speaking cultures, a bridesmaid is a woman who supports the bride in her wedding. Generally, she may be a close friend or family member. Meanwhile, in Spanish-speaking cultures, 'madrina (de boda)' represents an equivalent role with similar responsibilities in a wedding. Her role includes providing support to the bride during the wedding planning process and the ceremony itself.


The Spanish word 'madurar' translates to 'mature' in English. Its primary uses relate to the process of becoming fully developed physically or mentally, possessing advanced intellectual development, or being appropriate for adults only. Just like 'mature', 'madurar' can be used in various contexts, such as the ripening of fruits or the development of feelings or relationships. It serves as a significant concept in human growth and development, as well as in agriculture and emotional intelligence.


The Spanish word 'madurez' translates to 'maturity' in English. This noun typically refers to the state or quality of being fully grown or developed. It can be used in different contexts, such as biological or psychological. In both languages, it carries the connotation of wisdom gained through age or experience, and is often associated with adulthood and full development. In Spanish, it can also denote the sweetness or ripeness of fruit, similar to its usage in English.


'Mae' is a common term in Costa Rica used informally to refer to a friend, similar to 'dude' or 'mate' in English.

Example sentences with  Mae

A 'maestro' refers to a person who teaches, particularly in a school. The term is gender neutral.

Example sentences with  maestro

The Spanish word 'magdalena' translates to the English word 'muffin'. These are small baked goods that can be sweet or savory. They are similar to cupcakes in size and cooking methods, and typically are served for breakfast. However, 'magdalena' typically refers to a sweet variety of muffin.

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