Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

llevarse la victoria
take the victory

The Spanish phrase 'llevarse la victoria' translates to 'take the victory' in English. This is commonly used when a person, team, or group becomes a winner in a competition or achieves success in a particular endeavor. Effective usage of the said phrase often conveys triumph, achievement, or success.

llevarse mal
get hurt.

The Spanish phrase 'llevarse mal' does not mean 'get hurt' in English. In fact, this phrase is better translated as 'to get along poorly'. It is often used to describe social relationships, particularly when there are disagreements or conflicts. For example, you may use 'llevarse mal' to describe two friends who are constantly arguing and have a strained relationship.


The Spanish verb 'llorar' translates to 'cry' in English. It is a regular verb nearly always used to express the act of crying, either in the physical sense of shedding tears due to sadness, pain, or strong emotion, or in a symbolic sense to indicate a deep level of sadness or hurt feelings. Examples of its use in Spanish sentences could be 'No quiero llorar' which means 'I don't want to cry' or 'El bebe esta llorando' which translates to 'The baby is crying'.

to rain

The Spanish verb 'llover' translates to 'to rain' in English. It is representative of the natural phenomenon where drops of water fall from the clouds towards the earth. An example of this word in use could be 'Va a llover mañana', which translates to 'It is going to rain tomorrow' in English. Like many Spanish verbs, 'llover' changes form depending on the context, such as who is doing the action, when it is happening, and more.

Example sentences with  llover

The Spanish word 'llovizna' translates to 'drizzle' in English. It refers to light, scattered, and typically brief rain showers. Its use is common in weather forecasts or descriptions of slightly rainy conditions. It does not carry any special connotations or usages apart from its literal meaning.

Example sentences with  llovizna
to rain

The Spanish word 'lloviznar' translates to 'to drizzle' in English. It is a verb that describes a weather phenomenon whereby light rain falls. Unlike heavy rain, during a drizzle, the water droplets are small and lightly dispersed. It is used in contexts where the rain is lighter and less severe.

Example sentences with  lloviznar
lluvia intermitente
intermittent rain

The Spanish phrase 'lluvia intermitente' translates to 'intermittent rain' in English. This is a meteorological term used to describe rain that starts and stops at irregular intervals, rather than a continuous rainfall or persistent rain. It includes periods of rainfall and periods of no rainfall. The word 'lluvia' stands for 'rain' and 'intermitente' stands for 'intermittent'. Therefore, whenever you hear or see the phrase 'lluvia intermitente', it is referring to rain coming and going in an irregular pattern.

Example sentences with  lluvia intermitente
lluvia persistente
Persistent rain

The Spanish phrase 'lluvia persistente' translates to 'persistent rain' in English. This term is often used in weather forecasts or to describe a long lasting or continuous period of rainfall. It can be used in several contexts related to weather, climate or even metaphorically in literature and songs.

Example sentences with  lluvia persistente
lluvia torrencial
torrential rain

The Spanish phrase 'lluvia torrencial' translates to 'torrential rain' in English. It is composed of two words - 'lluvia', which stands for 'rain', and 'torrencial', which means 'torrential'. We use this term to talk about a heavy, powerful rainstorm, typically the kind that brings a massive volume of water in a short period of time. This precipitation is usually very intense and can often lead to flooding. It is a common term used in weather forecasts or reports.

Example sentences with  lluvia torrencial
lo siento

In Spanish, 'sorry' translates to 'lo siento' and it is commonly used to express regret or ask for forgiveness, as you would in English. It can be used in casual or formal situations, and the use largely depends on the context. For instance, you would say 'lo siento' when you apologize for a mistake or want to express sympathy.

Example sentences with  lo siento

The word 'local' in Spanish retains the same spelling as its English equivalent - 'local'. However, pronunciation differs slightly. It is used in contexts referencing local regions or establishments, such as 'tienda local' (local shop). It can also mean 'local' in the context of 'local news', translated as 'noticias locales'. As always, usage is highly dependent on context.

Example sentences with  local

The Spanish word 'localidad' translates to 'locality' in English. This word is often used to define a certain area or region. It can imply a geographic place like a city, town or community, or any other specific place within a larger scope. The use of 'localidad' is common in both formal and informal contexts, referring to local territorial or administrative divisions. It often helps in specifying the exact location or place to which one is referring.

Example sentences with  localidad

The Spanish word 'locutor' translates to 'announcer' in English. It generally refers to a person who communicates information to an audience on a medium, such as radio or television. This term is often used in the context of broadcasting, where the announcer could be responsible for reading news, advertisements, sports updates, or other types of material.


The term 'lógica' in Spanish is translated to 'logic' in English. It refers to reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity. It's the systematic use or the principles underlying the arrangement of elements in some sphere of activity or a particular method of reasoning or argumentation. 'Lógica' is a noun in Spanish. Like its English equivalent, it is used in the context of reasoning, philosophy, computation, and other such sectors.

Example sentences with  lógica

The word 'logística' in Spanish translates to 'logistics' in English. It refers to the careful organization and implementation of complex operations. Often used in a business context, 'logistics' involves the measurement of planning, execution, and control of the production, delivery, and storage of goods, services, and related information from the source of origin to the final consumer.

Example sentences with  logística

The Spanish word 'lomo' directly translates to 'loin' in English. It is primarily used in a culinary context and refers to a cut of meat from the area alongside the backbone of an animal. By understanding 'lomo', you will be better equipped to handle food-related conversations and understand menus in Spanish. Remember, Spanish pronunciation emphasizes vowels, so 'lo-mo' is pronounced with strong 'o' sounds.

loncha de jamón
ham slice

The term 'loncha de jamón' in Spanish translates to 'ham slice' in English. It refers to a thin piece of ham which is typically used in various dishes, sandwiches or for direct consumption. This is a common term used in Spanish-speaking countries and one will often find it in supermarkets, delis, or on menus in these regions.

loncha de queso
cheese slice

The Spanish phrase 'loncha de queso' directly translates to 'slice of cheese' in English. This phrase is typically used in the context of food and cuisine. It would often be used when discussing ingredients, or in situations like ordering a sandwich in a Spanish-speaking place.


The Spanish word 'longitud' translates to 'length' in English. This term is often used in measurements, it can be referred to the measurement of an object from one end to the other end. The term 'longitud' can be found in various contexts such as mathematics, physics, and everyday conversation to describe the measurement of an object, distance or a period of time.

Example sentences with  longitud
Los hijos
The children

In Spanish, 'los hijos' means 'the children', and it represents any person who is under the age of adulthood. A child commonly refers to a son or daughter at any age. Children are considered great blessings in Spanish cultures.

Example sentences with  Los hijos
Los tíos
The aunts and uncles

'Los tíos' directly translates to 'the aunts and uncles' in English. Spanish cultures maintain a strong emphasis on the extended family, often including aunts and uncles in family gatherings and important occasions.

Example sentences with  Los tíos

In Spanish, 'luces' is the plural form of the noun 'luz' meaning 'light'. It's used to refer to light sources such as light bulbs or natural lights. But it can also symbolize mental clarity or intelligence. For instance, 'Ella tiene muchas luces' means 'She's very bright'.

Example sentences with  luces

The Spanish word 'lucha' translates to 'fight' in English. It is primarily used to denote a struggle or a conflict. 'Lucha' can refer to a physical fight, such as a boxing match, or it can be metaphorical, as in a fight or struggle for rights or justice. Use it in the same manner as you would use 'fight' in English.

Example sentences with  lucha
luchar contra el delito fiscal
against the prosecution

The Spanish phrase 'luchar contra el delito fiscal' translates to 'fight against tax crime' in English, rather than 'against the prosecution'. It refers to the act of combating, resisting or opposing illegitimate actions in regards to taxation. This phrase can be used in legal, political, and social contexts where tax evasion or other forms of tax crimes are being discussed.

Example sentences with  luchar contra el delito fiscal
gambling addiction

The Spanish word 'ludopatía' translates to 'gambling addiction' in English. This term refers to a behavioural disorder wherein an individual develops an intense urge and takes on harmful risks with a persistent and recurrent use of any substance that alters their mood. The subject may continue such behaviour despite harmful negative consequences, which may involve gambling heavily whether they are in a good or bad situation financially. 'Ludopatía' comes from the Latin term 'ludus', which means 'game', and the Greek term 'pathos', which means 'suffering'.

Example sentences with  ludopatía

The Spanish word 'lugar' is used to describe a place or location. It can be used in various sentences and contexts for example, '¿Dónde está el lugar?' translates to 'Where is the place?'. It is also used in phrases like 'en primer lugar' which means 'in the first place'. As with English, 'lugar' can refer to a physical location or a conceptual one.

Example sentences with  lugar
lugar bien acondicionado
well conditioned place

The Spanish phrase 'lugar bien acondicionado' translates to 'well conditioned place' in English. This could refer to a room or area that is maintained in a good state, usually referring to the regulation of temperature and humidity, such as an air-conditioned room. It could also be used to describe a place that has been well prepared or arranged for a particular purpose or event.

lugar bien iluminado
well illuminated place

The Spanish phrase 'lugar bien iluminado' translates to 'well illuminated place' in English. This phrase could refer to any physical space or geographic locale that has ample light, perhaps due to a plethora of light fixtures or natural sunlight exposure. It may be used when describing a home, business, outdoor environment, etc. that benefits from unusually good lighting conditions.

lugar de nacimiento
place of birth

'Lugar de nacimiento' is a Spanish phrase that translates directly to 'place of birth' in English. It is often used in official forms and documents to indicate the specific city or town where a person was born. This phrase is composed of two words: 'lugar' meaning 'place', and 'nacimiento' meaning 'birth'. So, 'lugar de nacimiento' is a straightforward translation to 'place of birth'.

lugar mal acondicionado
mal conditioned place

'Lugar mal acondicionado' is a Spanish phrase which translates to 'mal-conditioned place' in English. The phrase implies a location or place that is not properly set up or prepared for use. This could include inadequate facilities, poor sanitation, lack of necessary tools or equipment, or other unfavorable conditions. It can be used to describe anything from a run-down building, to a camping site that hasn't been adequately prepared, or even a workplace lacking the appropriate resources for the assigned task.

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