Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

línea diagonal
line diagonal

The Spanish term 'línea diagonal' translates to 'diagonal line' in English. Diagonal lines do not run straight up, down, or across. Instead, they run at a slant or an angle. They are neither vertical nor horizontal, and they always alter direction. Diagonal lines are often used in geometry, design, and several different fields of mathematics.

Example sentences with  línea diagonal
línea horizontal
horizontal line

The Spanish term 'línea horizontal' directly translates to 'horizontal line' in English. This term is typically used in mathematics, architecture, design, art, and other fields that require the study or use of geometric shapes and spatial orientation. As the name suggests, a horizontal line is one which runs from left to right on a plane, parallel to the ground or the horizon.

Example sentences with  línea horizontal
línea recta
Straight line

The Spanish phrase 'línea recta' translates to 'straight line' in English. It describes an object or path that does not curve or bend in any direction, but rather continues on the same angle without changing. It often refers in geometry to the shortest distance between two points. The term is used commonly in daily conversations and also in various scientific and mathematical fields.

Example sentences with  línea recta
línea telefónica
Telephone line

The Spanish term 'línea telefónica' translates to 'telephone line' in English. This term refers to a circuit or wiring system that conducts telephone signals and connects two or more devices for communication purposes. Telephone lines can include both landline and mobile communications.

línea vertical
vertical line

The term 'línea vertical' translates to 'vertical line' in English. This phrase is commonly used in geometrical contexts or in parlance that involves describing layouts or orientations. In a mathematical setting, a 'línea vertical' refers to a line that goes from top to bottom, or vice versa, without any sideward deviation. It is drawn parallel to the y-axis in a coordinate graph. In more general contexts, it signifies any structure, marking or object that stands upright at a right angle to the earth's surface, having length but no breadth or depth.

Example sentences with  línea vertical

The Spanish word 'lino' corresponds to 'linen' in English. Linen is a type of textile made from the fibers of the flax plant. It is known for its strength, absorbency, and breathability. 'Lino', or linen, is often used for clothing, bed linens, tablecloths, and more. The production of linen is labor-intensive, making it more expensive than other materials.


The Spanish word 'linterna' refers to a portable device used to illuminate areas. It is commonly used for outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, or during power outages. An English equivalent of 'linterna' would be 'flashlight'. It is interesting to note that, while a 'linterna' produces light, it is not the same as a lamp ('lámpara' in Spanish) which is typically a fixed light source often used within homes for general illumination.


The Spanish word 'liso' translates to 'smooth' in English. It can be used to describe various types of surfaces that are free from bumps or roughness. For example, in context, 'un papel liso' means 'a smooth paper'. Its usage is not just confined to physical objects but can also extend to abstract notions like smooth transitions or operations.


In Spanish, 'list' is translated as 'lista'. 'Lista' is a feminine noun in Spanish and is often used to denote an enumeration or series of things or tasks to be checked or consulted, such as 'Hacer una lista de compras' which means 'Making a shopping list'. Similar to its English counterpart, it can be used in various contexts.

Example sentences with  lista

The Spanish word 'listo', is used similar to the English equivalent 'ready'. It usually describes when someone or something is prepared or set for the actions or events about to happen. For instance, 'Estoy listo para la fiesta', means 'I am ready for the party'. However, it can also mean smart or clever when used to describe a person.

Example sentences with  listo

The Spanish word 'literatura' translates to 'literature' in English. It also pertains to the body of written works. The word 'literatura' in Spanish, just like 'literature' in English, includes anything from novels and short stories to poems that are written creatively.

Example sentences with  literatura
literatura clásica
Classical literature

The Spanish term 'literatura clásica' translates to 'classical literature' in English. Classical literature traditionally refers to literature created by ancient civilizations, such as Rome and Greece, and is considered timeless and universally significant. It might also be used more broadly to refer to any highly esteemed works of literature that have stood the test of time. The term can further be extended to include canonical works of literature from various time periods and cultures.

Example sentences with  literatura clásica
literatura contemporánea
Contemporary literature

The term 'literatura contemporánea' in Spanish translates to 'contemporary literature' in English. Contemporary literature refers to literature that has been written after World War II. It is the literature of the present time, differing significantly from classical literature or literature from former periods. It usually reflects current trends, social issues, and political climates, frequently attempting to directly confront and address the challenges, issues, and expectations of the time in which it is written.

Example sentences with  literatura contemporánea
literatura medieval
Medieval literature

The term 'literatura medieval' refers to 'medieval literature' in English. This phrase represents a wide range of written works created during the Middle Ages, a period in European history that spans from the 5th to the 15th century. Medieval literature can encompass various forms such as epic poetry, religious texts, philosophical writings, and chronicles. Often, it is characterized by themes of chivalry, religion, and historical or mythical narratives, reflecting the social context and cultural practices of the medieval period.

Example sentences with  literatura medieval
literatura moderna
Modern literature

The term 'literatura moderna' translates to 'modern literature' in English. It typically refers to the literary works produced from the late 19th century until the present day. The works of modern literature are often characterized by a deep sense of reality, self-consciousness, and exploring inner emotions. They tend to reject traditions and conventional norms, depicting the world as it is. The periods of modern literature usually include Realism, Naturalism, Symbolism, and Existentialism among others.

Example sentences with  literatura moderna
literatura realista
realistic literature

The term 'literatura realista' translates to 'realistic literature' in English. This represents a literary trend or genre that aims to represent reality as close as possible, without artificiality or romantic element. It tends to focus on every detail of daily life and social issues. It is one of the major genres in literature and has paved the way for various significant works in many languages around the world.

Example sentences with  literatura realista
literatura romántica
Romantic literature

The term 'literatura romántica' in Spanish translates to 'romantic literature' in English. This refers to a genre of writing that originates from the Romantic period, which typically emphasizes individualization, imagination, and the depth of human emotions. It frequently focuses on themes of love and personal freedom, often set against the backdrop of high drama or adventure.

Example sentences with  literatura romántica

The Spanish word 'litoral' translates to 'coast' in English. It typically refers to the area where the land meets the sea or ocean. The usage in sentences or context mainly revolves around geographical and natural descriptions or dialogues. So, when you hear or see the word 'litoral', you can associate it with beaches, ocean views, coastal areas, and related maritime contexts.

Example sentences with  litoral
litoral protegido
protected coast

The term 'litoral protegido' in Spanish translates to 'protected coast' in English. This phrase is used to describe a coastal area that has been designated as a protected zone. In these areas, certain laws or regulations are typically enforced to prevent activities that could harm the environment, wildlife, or natural resources. These may include restrictions on construction, fishing, or tourism. The aim of a 'litoral protegido' is to conserve the unique rule of the coast, preserving biodiversity and promoting sustainable practices.

Example sentences with  litoral protegido
litoral virgen
virgin coast

The Spanish term 'litoral virgen' translates to 'virgin coast' in English. This is a phrase used to describe sections of a coastline that remain undisturbed and untouched by urban development or tourism activities. It retains its natural landscape and does not have infrastructure like hotels, roads or stores, preserving the native flora, fauna, and overall natural beauty. This type of untouched or undeveloped coastal area is often protected because of its high environmental value.

Example sentences with  litoral virgen
litro de agua
litre of water

The Spanish phrase 'litro de agua' translates into English as 'litre of water'. It is used to measure the volume of liquid, particularly water, in the metric system. A 'litro' is equivalent to the measurement of a litre in English, and 'agua' is the Spanish word for water. This phrase is commonly used in everyday contexts, such as grocery shopping or cooking, where quantities of liquids are discussed.

litro de leche
litre of milk

The phrase 'litro de leche' in Spanish directly translates to 'litre of milk' in English. It is a common phrase in Spanish-speaking countries, often used in everyday conversation, especially in the domain of shopping or cooking. A 'litre' is a unit of measurement used to measure the volume of liquids and 'leche' means milk which is a standard dairy product. Thus, 'litro de leche' is typically indicating the quantity of milk in terms of litres.


The Spanish word 'llamar' is used to describe the act of calling someone, either on the phone or in person. It can also be used contextually to denote attracting someone's attention. For instance, 'llame al doctor' translates to 'call the doctor'.

Example sentences with  llamar
llamar a alguien para una entrevista (de trabajo)
call someone for an interview (working)

The Spanish phrase 'llamar a alguien para una entrevista (de trabajo)' translates to English as 'call someone for an interview (working)'. This is typically used in the context of a work or job environment, where a recruiter or hiring manager might 'llamar a alguien para una entrevista (de trabajo)' when they are interested in discussing a potential job opportunity with a candidate. This phrase emphasizes the action of reaching out to someone to schedule a formal conversation or evaluation, known as an interview, for a job or work role.

llamar a cobro revertido
call collect

The Spanish phrase 'llamar a cobro revertido' translates to 'call collect' in English. It refers to a type of telephone call where the cost of the call is charged to the receiving party, rather than the one making the call. Typically, this service is facilitated by an operator who will connect the call after the recipient agrees to accept the charges.

llamar a la policía
call the police

The Spanish phrase 'llamar a la policía' translates to 'call the police' in English. It is made up of the verb 'llamar' meaning 'call', the preposition 'a' which can translate to 'to', and the noun 'la policía' meaning 'the police'. Therefore, when you say 'llamar a la policía', you are instructing someone to call the police.

llamar a los bomberos
Call the firefighters.

The Spanish phrase 'llamar a los bomberos' translates to 'call the firefighters' in English. This phrase is used in situations where there is an emergency that requires the help of firefighters, such as a fire, car accident, or any situation that may involve life-threatening danger. The verb 'llamar' means to call, 'a los' mean to the, and 'bomberos' means firefighters. Therefore, when combined, it signals the action of reaching out to the firefighters for immediate assistance.

llamar por el apellido
call for the last name

The Spanish phrase 'llamar por el apellido' translates to 'call for the last name' in English. Essentially, it implies the act of addressing someone by their last name, a practice common in formal or professional contexts. In some cultures, it's considered respectful to use a person's last name, particularly in formal, academic, or professional situations. This may include workplaces, schools, or when interacting with elders or superiors.

llamar por el nombre
call by name

The Spanish phrase 'llamar por el nombre' translates to 'call by name' in English. This term is often used to signify directly addressing someone or something by their proper name or title. This can be used both in literal dialogues and metaphorical expressions, akin to its usage in the English language. Just like in English, this phrase can imply respect, familiarity or a demand for attention.


The Spanish verb 'llamarse' is reflexive and directly translates to 'call oneself' in English. It is commonly used to tell or to ask someone's name. For instance, 'Me llamo John' means 'My name is John', which is literally 'I call myself John'. So, while it has the literal meaning of 'call oneself', in practical usage, it is used to signify someone's name.

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