Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

libro de escolaridad
school book

The Spanish phrase 'libro de escolaridad' translates to 'school book' in English. It is often used in academic or educational contexts to refer to books used for studying in school. The phrase is comprised of two parts: 'libro' meaning 'book' and 'de escolaridad' meaning 'of schooling'. Therefore, when put together, the phrase denotes a book that is associated with schooling or education.


The Spanish word 'licenciado' translates to 'licensed' in English. It refers to a person who has obtained a university degree, similar to Bachelor's degree, or who has received official authorization to do certain work or activity, depending on the context. In some Spanish-speaking countries, it can also mean professional, indicating the completion of studies and possession of a degree that allows you to exercise a profession.


The word 'licenciarse' is a Spanish verb which translates to 'to get a degree' in English. It is most commonly used to refer to the process of completing a university or college degree, similarly to how 'graduate' might be used in English. However, it's important to note that 'licenciarse' specifically refers to receiving a 'licenciatura' which is a specific type of degree in Spanish-speaking countries. It does not directly translate to 'license.'


The word 'lichi' in Spanish represents the term 'lychee' in English. This word relates to a specific tropical fruit, which is native to China. This fruit is known for its bright red exterior, which is rough in texture, and covers a sweet, luscious white flesh inside. This delectable fruit is widely used in various cuisines worldwide, especially in desserts and beverages due to its unique sweet flavor and pleasant aroma. Thus, when you encounter the term 'lichi' in Spanish texts, it's certainly referring to the delightful lychee fruit in English context.


The Spanish translation for leader is 'líder'. It is used similarly in both Spanish and English to denote a person who leads a group, team, or organization. It can apply to various contexts, ranging from a team leader in sports, a leader in a business organization, to a political leader.

Example sentences with  líder

The Spanish word 'liga' translates to 'league' in English. In most contexts, it is used to refer to a group or a series of teams that compete against each other in a sport. For example, La Liga is a popular Spanish football league. The word can also refer to a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially in political or business matters. Thus, 'liga' can be used in various contexts and its meaning can slightly change based on that.


The Spanish word 'ligar' translates to 'flirt' in English. It is a verb often used to describe the playful behavior people demonstrate to show fondness or romantic interest towards one another. It could range from playful banter, flattering compliments, to body language often with a lighter and endearing tone. It's a common term in the context of romance and dating in Spanish conversation.

ligarse a alguien
Linking to someone

The Spanish phrase 'ligarse a alguien' is often used in a romantic or flirty context. Despite its literal translation in English being 'linking to someone', it's not typically used in that way. More commonly, this phrase is used to imply that someone is trying to attract, or 'pick up', another person romantically. For example, you might use this phrase when talking about someone trying to get a date at a bar or party. It's also used at times to refer to the concept of 'making a pass' at someone.


The Spanish word 'lima' translates to 'lime' in English. A lime is a round green fruit from a tree, known for its sour flavors and is typically used in many dishes and drinks. In Spanish speaking countries, you would use 'lima' when referring to this green citrus fruit.

Example sentences with  lima
limarse las uñas
file your nails

The Spanish phrase 'limarse las uñas' translates to 'file your nails' in English. This term is commonly used in the context of manicure or self-care routines, where you use a special tool called a nail file to shape and smooth the edges of your nails. Practicing such routine can help maintaining healthy and well-groomed fingernails. 'Limarse' comes from 'lima' or 'file' in English, and 'uñas' translates into 'nails'. Therefore, the literal translation of 'limarse las uñas' would be 'to file the nails'.

Example sentences with  limarse las uñas
limitar al este
limit to the east

The phrase 'limitar al este' is a Spanish term that translates to 'limit to the east' in English. This phrase is commonly used in geographical contexts or descriptions to indicate a boundary or restriction towards the eastern direction. For example, a piece of land or country might 'limitar al este' with another geographical feature or area, showing its eastern boundaries. Knowledge of such phrases can be crucial in understanding descriptions or discussions involving directions, boundaries, or geographical locations.

Example sentences with  limitar al este
limitar al norte
limit to the north

The Spanish phrase 'limitar al norte' translates to 'limit to the north' in English. It's used in geographical contexts and it typically means that a certain area, region or country is bounded or limited to the north by another geographical feature or area. This phrase can be used in different types of conversations or writings that deal with geography, directions, or descriptions of a place.

Example sentences with  limitar al norte
limitar al oeste
limit to the west

The Spanish phrase 'limitar al oeste' translates to 'limit to the west' in English. It is often used in geographical context to designate boundaries or limitations towards the western direction. An example of a sentence could be 'El territorio limita al oeste con el océano', which means 'The territory limits to the west with the ocean'. This could indicate that the western boundary of the mentioned territory is the ocean.

Example sentences with  limitar al oeste
limitar al sur
limit to the south

The Spanish phrase 'limitar al sur' translates to 'limit to the south' in English. It is often used in geographical contexts to describe a boundary or an area that is confined to the south. This could refer to southern boundaries of countries, states, cities or any other geographical locations. Its usage is not limited to just geographical contexts but can also be used in metaphorical contexts where 'south' signifies a direction, a limit or a boundary.

Example sentences with  limitar al sur

A lemon is a citrus fruit known for its sour taste. It’s oval and often yellow, with a thick rind. It’s commonly used in cooking, baking, and also for its juice.

Example sentences with  limón

The Spanish word 'limpiacristales' does not mean 'cleanliness' in English. Instead, it is a compound word translating to 'window cleaner' or 'glass cleaner'. This term refers to a person who cleans windows or to a product that is specifically used to clean glass surfaces.

limpiar a fondo
thoroughly cleaned

The Spanish phrase 'limpiar a fondo' has a specific meaning in English that describes a detailed and profound cleaning process. It is typically used when reference is made to a cleaning procedure that involves careful attention to every corner or aspect of a place or object. In English, the phrase 'limpiar a fondo' can thus be translated as 'thoroughly cleaned'.

limpiar de arriba abajo
clean from top to bottom

The Spanish phrase 'limpiar de arriba abajo' translates to 'clean from top to bottom' in English. This is often used to describe a thorough cleaning of a space, where every part of the area, from the highest point to the lowest point, is cleaned. For example, if cleaning a house, one might 'limpiar de arriba abajo', cleaning from the attic down to the basement.

limpiar el baño
clean the bathroom

The Spanish phrase 'limpiar el baño' translates to 'clean the bathroom' in English. It is comprised of two parts: 'limpiar', which is a verb that means 'to clean', and 'el baño', which is a noun phrase that means 'the bathroom'. This is a common phrase that might be used in a household context, for example, to instruct someone to clean the bathroom.

limpiar en seco
dry cleaning

The Spanish term 'limpiar en seco' translates to 'dry cleaning' in English. It is a cleaning process for clothing and textiles using a solvent other than water. It is used to clean fabrics that degrade in water, and removes grease and oil more effectively than washing with water. This can prevent fabrics from shrinking and distorting in shape. In simple terms, 'limpiar en seco' involves cleaning clothes and fabrics without the use of water.

limpiar la casa
clean the house

The Spanish phrase 'limpiar la casa' translates to 'clean the house' in English. This phrase is usually used in the context of household chores or duties, and it could mean literally cleaning the house, such as sweeping, dusting, or mopping, or it may refer to overall tidying such as putting things away or decluttering. The verb 'limpiar' literally means 'to clean' and 'la casa' means 'the house'.

limpiar la cocina
clean the kitchen

The Spanish phrase 'limpiar la cocina' translates to 'clean the kitchen' in English. It is a common phrase used in households to indicate the task of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in the kitchen. 'Limpiar' is a verb which means 'to clean' and 'la cocina' refers to 'the kitchen'. Therefore, when combined, the phrase 'limpiar la cocina' refers to the act of cleaning the kitchen.

limpiar por encima
clean up

The Spanish phrase 'limpiar por encima' translates to 'clean up' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of tidying a house or workspace. It can refer to a quick, surface-level clean, like dusting or sweeping, or it could involve a more thorough cleaning process including putting things away, washing dishes, and so forth. The contextual use in a sentence determines its exact English equivalent.


The Spanish word 'limpieza' translates to 'cleaning' in English. It's a feminine noun often used to refer to the activity of removing dirt, marks, or unwanted substances from an area or object. It's also used in a household context to refer to the routine of maintaining a clean living space. This term is not just limited to physical cleaning, it can also refer to cleaning in a more metaphorical sense such as 'limpieza de corazón' which means 'cleansing of the heart', indicating an emotional or spiritual cleaning.


The Spanish word 'limpio' translates to 'clean' in English. It can be used as an adjective in various contexts, such as describing a tidy and clean room as 'una habitación limpia', or indicating the act of cleaning as 'limpiar'. This term can also reflect symbolic meanings of being clean, like a clean record in terms of law. In all, 'limpio' as a Spanish word shares a similar range of applications with the English word 'clean'.


The word 'limusina' in Spanish translates to 'limo' in English. Just like a limo in English, a 'limusina' in Spanish refers to a large luxury vehicle that is usually driven by a chauffeur and is often used for special occasions like weddings, parties, or corporate events. This word is generally used in formal contexts or when referring to luxury transportation services.

Example sentences with  limusina
línea (ocupada)
line (occupied)

The Spanish term 'línea (ocupada)' translates to 'line (occupied)' in English. It is commonly used in telecommunications to indicate that a phone line is in use, or 'busy', by another party. Additionally, it can be used more generically to specify that a physical or metaphorical line or route is currently being utilized or occupied, preventing its immediate use by others.

línea ADSL
ADSL line

The term 'línea ADSL' in Spanish translates to 'ADSL line' in English. ADSL is an abbreviation for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, which is a type of internet connection that uses the existing telephone lines to deliver high-speed internet service. This phrase is commonly used in telecommunications to denote a specific type of internet connectivity.

línea continua
continuous line

The Spanish term 'línea continua' translates to 'continuous line' in English. It represents an unbroken, unending line that extends indefinitely. In conversations and contexts, it could refer to an ongoing series of events or actions. In visual arts or graphics, it refers to a line that does not break or ends. The term 'continuous' signifies something that is unceasing or uninterrupted. Therefore, 'línea continua' could function as a noun in many texts and is considered two separate words in Spanish.

Example sentences with  línea continua
línea de teléfono
phone line

The Spanish term 'línea de teléfono' translates to 'phone line' in English. A phone line usually refers to a single telephone communication circuit. Generally, it includes all physical parts such as the wiring from the telephone company's switching station to a residential or business setup. It can also imply a particular connection from the multiple ones in a telecommunication circuit. So, the term correlates to the physical circuit or its connection in English.

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