Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

lesión grave
serious injury

The term 'lesión grave' in Spanish is translated to mean 'serious injury' in English. It consists of two words: 'lesión', which means 'injury', and 'grave', which means 'serious'. This term would be used in medical or legal contexts to denote a severe physical injury that significantly affects an individual's health or well-being. Be sure to note the pronunciation of the accent on 'lesión', as it's often a point of difficulty for non-Spanish speakers.

to injure

The Spanish verb 'lesionar' translates to 'to injure' in English. It is commonly used to refer to causing harm or damage to a person's body, often in the context of physical activity or an accident. Like most Spanish verbs, 'lesionar' can be conjugated in various ways to indicate tense, mood, and aspect. For instance, 'yo lesiono' (I injure), 'tu lesionaste' (you injured), 'el lesionará' (he will injure), and so on.

letra (de una canción)
lyrics (of a song)

The word 'letra (de una canción)' in Spanish refers to the written words or text that make up a song, which is typically made up of verses and choruses. In English, we use the term 'lyrics' for this concept. Lyrics in a song may be either sung or spoken and can convey a wide range of emotions and storytelling elements. This is an important part of any song as it often sets the tone, theme, and overall narrative of the musical piece.

Example sentences with  letra (de una canción)
letra pequeña del contrato
fine print of the contract

The Spanish term 'letra pequeña del contrato' translates in English to 'fine print of the contract'. This refers to important details or conditions that are written in tiny, often hard to read, print in an official document or contract. These instructions are legally binding and may limit or affect the rights of the person who signs the contract.


The Spanish word 'levadura' translates to 'yeast' in English. Yeast is a type of fungus that is used in baking and brewing due to its ability to ferment sugar and produce alcohol and carbon dioxide. Its role in baking is to help dough rise and grow, giving bread its fluffy and soft texture. In brewing, yeast converts sugar into alcohol, thereby producing beer or wine.


The word 'levantamiento' in Spanish translates into 'uprising' in English. This term is commonly used in historical or political contexts to refer to a rebellion or revolt wherein a group rises in opposition against an established governing body or authority. The use of 'levantamiento' suggests a powerful collective action intended to bring about significant change, often through dramatic or forceful means.

Example sentences with  levantamiento

In Spanish, 'levantar' signifies the English word 'raise'. It is widely used in various contexts like picking up something from a surface, waking up from sleep, or even increasing the level or amount of something. For instance, 'levantar la mano' symbolizes to raise your hand.

Example sentences with  levantar
levantar la cabeza
raise your head

The phrase 'levantar la cabeza' is a commonly used expression in Spanish. It directly translates to 'raise your head' in English. This phrase can be used both in a literal physical sense, such as when someone is asked to look up from what they are doing, and metaphorically, such as when urging someone to overcome adversity and maintain their dignity.

levantar la mano
raise your hand

The phrase 'levantar la mano' is Spanish translates to 'raise your hand' in English. It is typically used in educational settings such as classrooms where a teacher might instruct students to 'levantar la mano' if they have a question or wish to contribute to a discussion. However, it can also be used in any environment where such a gesture is fitting, such as in meetings or group gatherings for taking votes.

levantar las manos
raise your hands

The Spanish phrase 'levantar las manos' directly translates in English to 'raise your hands'. This phrase is a verb phrase commonly used in scenarios where someone is asked or instructed to lift their hands upwards, such as in a classroom setting, during exercise, or when surrendering.

levantar los brazos
raise your arms

The Spanish phrase 'levantar los brazos' translates to 'raise your arms' in English. It's a command or instruction often used in various contexts such as in exercises, games or other physical activities. Specifically, 'levantar' means 'to lift or raise', 'los' is a plural article that translates as 'the', and 'brazos' means 'arms'. Combined, they form the phrase 'raise your arms'. The phrase can also be used metaphorically in situations such as encouraging someone to not give up ('levantar los brazos' as in 'surrender').

levantar un edificio
to erect a building

The phrase 'levantar un edificio' in Spanish translates to 'erect a building' in English. It is often used in the context of construction, implying the process of building or constructing a structure from the ground up. An example of this phrase in a sentence could be: 'Vamos a levantar un edificio en esa parcela', which translates to 'We are going to erect a building on that plot'.

levantar una casa
to erect a house

The Spanish phrase 'levantar una casa' translates to 'to erect a house' in English. This phrase typically refers to the construction or building process of a house from the ground up. It can be used in a broad sense to suggest the creation or establishment of a home, which might involve several stages such as planning, building structures, and installing utilities.

levantar una vivienda
to erect housing

The Spanish phrase 'levantar una vivienda' translates to 'to erect housing' in English. In the context of construction or building, it refers to the process of building or setting up a place of residence, such as a house or apartment. This could involve various steps such as laying the foundation, erecting the structure, installing roofing, and more. The phrase conveys not only the physical act of constructing the building but also the planning and coordination that goes into the process.

stand up

The Spanish term 'levantarse' translates to 'stand up' in English. It's a reflexive verb that frequently appears in day-to-day conversation. It communicates the action of moving to an upright position from a sitting or lying posture. It's also used metaphorically to mean getting up after a fall or setback or waking up and getting out of bed in the morning.

ley de protección
Protection Act

The Spanish term 'ley de protección' translates to 'protection act' in English. This phrase is typically used in legal and government contexts to denote a certain legislative act or law created to safeguard or protect specific rights, interests, or assets. It may provide protection in various areas like environment, consumer rights, data privacy, etc., depending on the specifics of the particular act.


The Spanish word 'leyenda' translates to 'legend' in English. A legend is typically a traditional story or group of stories told about a particular person or place. Often, these are considered historical but unauthenticated. In the same way, 'leyenda' in Spanish holds this meaning. It's a popular term in historical and cultural contexts, and can also be used to describe someone who is renowned, influential, or whose fame is well-known within a particular field.

Example sentences with  leyenda

The Spanish word 'liberal' translates to 'liberal' in English, retaining the same meaning. It is used to describe someone who is open to new behavior or opinions and is willing to discard traditional values. Liberals aim for equality, where the freedom of the individual is usually emphasized over the authority of the state or the requirements of religion.

Example sentences with  liberal

The Spanish word 'liberalización' translates into English as 'liberalization'. Liberalization is a term used mainly in economics to refer to a reduction in restrictions and regulations which results in an economic environment favoring greater freedom and less government intervention. It can also be used more generally to refer to any sort of relaxation or abolishing of restrictions or controls in social or cultural contexts. The term is often used in discussions about trade, industry, and politics.


The Spanish word 'liberar' is used similarly to the English 'release'. The word can be used to refer to situations where something or someone is set free or allowed to go. For instance, an animal might be 'liberado' into the wild, or a prisoner might be 'liberado' from jail. It can also mean to relieve or rid of something, such as stress or a burden.

Example sentences with  liberar
libertad de expresión
freedom of expression

The Spanish term 'libertad de expresión' translates as 'freedom of expression' in English. It refers to the right to express one's ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others' character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. Freedom of expression is recognized as a human right under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

libertad de prensa
freedom of the press

The Spanish term 'libertad de prensa' directly translates to 'freedom of the press' in English. This is a fundamental concept of democratic societies. It refers to the right of media outlets to disseminate news, opinions, and information without censorship, intimidation, or interference from the government or any other entity. It is a principle tied to the larger concept of freedom of speech, encouraging transparency and facilitating democratic participation by informing the public about the actions of its representatives or other matters of public interest.

librarse de la suciedad
get rid of dirt

The Spanish phrase 'librarse de la suciedad' translates to 'get rid of dirt' in English. It implies the act of cleaning or removing dirt, unwanted elements, or impurities from a particular space or surface. This phrase is often used in the context of cleaning or tidying up tasks, where one might need to free a space from dirt, dust, or undesired filth.


The Spanish word for 'free' is 'libre'. It is mostly used in the same context as in English, representing the absence of constraint or cost. It can describe a person, a place, or a state of mind. However, 'libre' might not be used in situations where 'free' means without charge; 'gratis' would be more appropriate there.

Example sentences with  libre
libre de impuestos

The phrase 'libre de impuestos' in Spanish translates to 'tax-free' in English. When something is 'libre de impuestos', it means that it is not subject to or exempt from taxes that would usually need to be paid. It is often used in reference to duty-free products or financial transactions for which related taxes have been absorbed or waived. This phrase can be related to both goods from a store, or a type of income or inheritance that is not taxed by the government.

Example sentences with  libre de impuestos

The Spanish word 'librería' translates to 'bookshop' in English. It denotes a place, generally a physical store, where books are sold. Moreover, these books can cover a spectrum of genres, from fiction, non-fiction, to academic works. It is a hotspot for bibliophiles and literati, providing a space to delve into literary wonders. 'Librería' can also refer to bookstores located in academic institutions.


'Libro' is a noun in Spanish that means book. This can refer to a set of pages bound together containing text or illustrations.

Example sentences with  libro
libro de bolsillo
pocket book

The Spanish phrase 'libro de bolsillo' translates to 'pocket book' in English. This phrase can be used to refer to a small, usually inexpensive book that is about the same size as a standard pocket and can conveniently be transported by the reader in their pocket. Pocket books are typically abridged versions or cheaper editions of larger works, designed with portability and ease of access in mind.

Example sentences with  libro de bolsillo
libro de cabecera
header book

The Spanish phrase 'libro de cabecera' does not exactly translate to 'header book' in English. A more accurate translation would be 'bedside book'. This is usually a book kept conveniently at one's bedside for casual or intermittent reading.

Example sentences with  libro de cabecera
libro de consulta
reference book

The Spanish term 'libro de consulta' translates to 'reference book' in English. This is a type of book that is not typically read from beginning to end but is instead used to provide information on specific topics or subjects. A 'libro de consulta' is used primarily for its informational resource rather than as a continuous read. Examples of reference books in English could be dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs, atlases, etc. These books are commonly kept for consultation at a convenient location or are easily accessible on an as-needed basis.

Example sentences with  libro de consulta
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