Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


'Anticipo' is a Spanish word that translates to 'advance' in English. It is often used in the contexts of finance and planning, where it can refer to a payment made ahead of its due date, or an action taken earlier than planned. This word exhibits the kind of forward-thinking that is common in both Spanish and English cultures. Thus, 'anticipo' provides an interesting glimpse into the shared values and priorities across languages.

antiguo amigo
Old friend

The Spanish term 'antiguo amigo' translates to 'old friend' in English. This phrase can refer to a friend whom one has known for a prolonged period of time. 'Antiguo' means 'old' and 'amigo' stands for 'friend'. This term indicates a deep bond and shared history between two individuals, reminiscent of many shared experiences and moments. It can often carry a nostalgic connotation, evoking feelings of fondness for times past.

Antiguo Testamento
Old Testament

The term 'Antiguo Testamento' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'Old Testament' in English. The 'Old Testament' refers to the first part of the Christian Bible, which is based mainly on the Hebrew Bible. It is a collection of religious texts that were written before the birth of Jesus Christ and forms the foundation of both Jewish and Christian religions. In Spanish, 'Antiguo' means 'Old', and 'Testamento' translates to 'Testament'.

Example sentences with  Antiguo Testamento

The Spanish word 'antiinflamatorio' means 'anti-inflammatory' in English. 'Anti-inflammatory' pertains to reducing inflammation or swelling. This term is mostly used in the medical field, often in reference to drugs or medications that help temper the body's inflammation response to injury, infection, or disease. Familiar examples of anti-inflammatory substances include aspirin, ibuprofen, and corticosteroids, among others.

Example sentences with  antiinflamatorio

The Spanish word 'antipático' translates to 'antipathic' in English. It is primarily used as an adjective in Spanish and describes a person who is unsympathetic, unlikable, or unpleasant. It can also be used to depict a lack of friendliness or goodwill towards other people. This word's antonym is 'simpático', which stands for a likable or pleasant person. So, if you come across an individual who seems unfriendly, the word 'antipático' would be an appropriate term to apply.


The word 'antivirus' in Spanish means 'antivirus' in English. It refers to a type of software designed to detect and destroy computer viruses. The word shares the same meaning in both languages, derived from the term 'virus,' and the prefix 'anti-' implying 'against.' Being a significant element of cybersecurity, it's used globally, including in Spanish-speaking regions, and as such, it's written and pronounced the same way in both Spanish and English.

anular un billete
cancel a ticket

The Spanish phrase 'anular un billete' translates to 'cancel a ticket' in English. It is often used in contexts such as travel, events, and transportation. To 'anular un billete' means to make a ticket or reservation null and void, often with the intention of receiving a refund or being able to book at another time.

Example sentences with  anular un billete

The Spanish word 'anunciante' translates to 'advertiser' in English. An advertiser is an individual or an organization that sponsors advertisements for themselves or for their products. The purpose is to influence people's decisions and behaviors through commercial messaging, making them aware of their products or services, or to encourage them to take a particular course of action. They typically publicize these messages through various mediums such as newspapers, television, internet, etc. The role of the advertiser is crucial in the fields of marketing and communication.

Example sentences with  anunciante

The Spanish verb 'anunciar' translates to 'announce' in English. It is used when someone wants to publicly inform or declare something, such as news, an event, or a decision. Just like its English counterpart, 'anunciar' can be used in various contexts including media, academia, social gatherings, and official communications.

anunciar el programa oficial de las fiestas
announce the official program of the holidays

The Spanish phrase 'anunciar el programa oficial de las fiestas' translates to 'announce the official program of the holidays' in English. This translation suggests an announcement or communication about the official schedule or line-up of events for a certain celebration or festivity, typically during holiday seasons.

anunciar un vuelo
announce a flight

The Spanish phrase 'anunciar un vuelo' translates to 'announce a flight' in English. It is commonly used in the context of airport announcements to articulate and publicly declare or notify all passengers present about scheduling details pertaining to a specific flight. It can be divided into three separate words - 'anunciar' meaning 'announce', 'un' meaning 'a', and 'vuelo' meaning 'flight'.

Example sentences with  anunciar un vuelo
anuncio de trabajo
announcement of work

The Spanish term 'anuncio de trabajo' can be translated into English as 'job announcement'. This term is commonly used in job listings and advertisements where companies announce open vacancies in the workforce. They provide information about the type of work, qualifications needed, and how to apply. So, in essence, 'anuncio de trabajo' is typically used to announce or advertise job positions for potential applicants.


The Spanish word 'anuncios' translates to 'ads' in English. It is used to refer to advertisements that are designed to encourage the purchase of a product or service. These can appear in various formats and through different channels, including newspapers, television, radio, websites, and public spaces. The concept of 'anuncios' is a fundamental part of the marketing and communication strategy for many businesses, helping them to promote their offerings and reach their target audience.

apagar un electrodoméstico
turn off an appliance

The Spanish phrase 'apagar un electrodoméstico' translates to 'turn off an appliance' in English. It is a common phrase used when instructing someone to power down a specific device, such as a TV, computer, oven, or any other electronic appliance. Apagar means 'to turn off' and 'un electrodoméstico' translates to 'an appliance'. This phrase can be found in everyday household conversation as it directly relates to energy conservation and safety measures.

apagarse (una estrella)
go out (a star)

The Spanish term 'apagarse (una estrella)' translates to 'go out (a star)' in English. Used often in the context of astronomy, it describes the process when a star loses its brightness and eventually disappears or dies. This phrase can also be used metaphorically in other contexts to depict the end or disappearance of something bright or prominent.

Example sentences with  apagarse (una estrella)
aparato digestivo
digestive tract

The term 'aparato digestivo' in Spanish refers to the 'digestive tract' in English. It is a complex system in the body that helps process food and absorb its nutrients. This system includes various organs such as the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and rectum. Other accessory organs like the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are also part of this system. In essence, the 'aparato digestivo' breaks down food, absorbs nutrients that the body needs for energy, growth, and cell repair, and rids the body of waste products.


The word 'aparcamiento' in Spanish translates to 'parking' in English. It is primarily used in reference to the action of bringing a vehicle to a halt in a designated area or space where it can be left temporarily. This word is typically used in Spain more so than in Latin America. In usage, it is commonly found in contexts referring to roadside or controlled parking facilities, as well as in general discussions about driving or traveling. When visiting Spanish-speaking countries, this term could be very useful, especially if you are driving and need to find a place to park your vehicle.

aparcar en doble fila
park in double row

The Spanish phrase 'aparcar en doble fila' translates to 'park in double row' in English. It refers to the act of parking a vehicle directly beside another parked vehicle on the road, essentially creating a second row of parked vehicles. This is often considered illegal or inappropriate because it can obstruct traffic and cause inconvenience for the other road users.

Example sentences with  aparcar en doble fila
aparcar en zona azul
park in blue zone

The Spanish phrase 'aparcar en zona azul' translates to 'park in blue zone' in English. In many Spanish cities, especially in the downtown areas, parking spaces are categorized into different zones, each having different rules and payment rates. The blue zone, or 'zona azul', is a paid parking area where you are allowed to park your vehicle for a limited time period. These areas are usually highly sought after as they are typically located in central or high-traffic areas.

Example sentences with  aparcar en zona azul
aparcar en zona de carga y descarga
park in the loading zone

The term 'aparcar en zona de carga y descarga' translates to 'park in the loading zone' in English. This Spanish phrase is commonly seen on road signs or in parking lots, indicating an area where vehicles are allowed to be temporarily parked for the purposes of loading or unloading goods. Therefore, it's important not to leave your vehicle there for longer than it's necessary, as it could obstruct the normal functioning of businesses or could result in a parking ticket.

Example sentences with  aparcar en zona de carga y descarga
aparcar en zona prohibida
park in prohibited area

The Spanish phrase 'aparcar en zona prohibida' translates to 'park in prohibited area' in English. In context, this phrase may be used in reference to parking a vehicle in an area where parking is not allowed or is restricted. It is a specific phrase typically used in situations involving traffic laws or regulations.

Example sentences with  aparcar en zona prohibida
aparcar en zona verde
park in green area

The Spanish phrase 'aparcar en zona verde' translates to 'park in green area' in English. It's typically used to describe the act of parking a vehicle in a designated green area. Often, these green areas are marked for public, residential or environmentally friendly parking spaces, or they could possibly refer to areas with a lot of greenery, such as parks or gardens. The exact implications might vary depending on the context and local regulations.

Example sentences with  aparcar en zona verde
Stand up.

The translation of 'aparearse' from Spanish to English is incorrect. The word 'aparearse' in Spanish actually means 'to mate' or 'to pair up' in English. It is often used in a nature or biological context, when talking about animals, but can also be used for humans in a metaphorical sense. The word you might be looking for Spanish to English translation for 'stand up' is 'levantarse'

Example sentences with  aparearse

The word 'aparecer' in Spanish is usually used to denote the action of coming into sight or becoming visible. It can also refer to the act of becoming present or available. It's used in much the same way as the English word 'appear'. Context may vary the use and meaning of the word.

Example sentences with  aparecer
apartado de correos
post office box

The term 'apartado de correos' in Spanish generally refers to a 'post office box' in English. Strategically placed within post offices, these boxes are assigned particular numbers and rented out to individuals or businesses on an annual basis. This rental service allows individuals or businesses to collect mail and small packages at a location separate from their home or business address. The term is widely used for receiving mail in areas where mail delivery is not possible or practical.


The Spanish word 'apartamento' translates to 'apartment' in English. An apartment refers to a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor and part of a larger building. Apartments can vary in size and typically include amenities such as a kitchen, bathroom, and living area. They are a type of housing unit that are typically rented by tenants.


An 'apartotel' in Spanish is the same as 'apartotel' in English. The term is a blend of 'apartment' and 'hotel'. It refers to a type of accommodation that combines the amenities and services of a hotel with the self-catered nature of an apartment. This type of accommodation often includes private cooking facilities, a lounge area, and separate bedrooms, along with services such as a reception desk and cleaning services commonly found in hotels.

Example sentences with  apartotel

The Spanish word 'apasionado' translates to 'passionate' in English. It is an adjective often used to describe someone who has very strong feelings or enthusiasm about something or someone. It can be used in various contexts, for example, 'He is passionate about music' could be translated as 'Él es apasionado por la música'. The passion can be towards a hobby, a person, a cause, or anything that one deeply cares about or has a strong interest in.


The Spanish word 'apasionamiento' translates to 'passion' in English. This word is often used to express strong emotions or feelings, like intense love, fervor, or enthusiasm for something or someone. It also can convey mental or physical states, reflecting a great deal of interest, energy, or fervor. While 'apasionamiento' might be used in various contexts, it essentially encapsulates a powerful and overwhelming feeling or state of being.

apellido compuesto
composite name

The term 'apellido compuesto' in Spanish refers to a composite name in English, which is a type of surname that includes two (or more) separate words often linked by a hyphen. It is a common practice in many cultures, including Spain, where a child is given both their mother's and father's surnames. This practice reflects the importance of both parents' family names in the child's identity. The use of composite names can also signify nobility, denoting a person's lineage from both sides of their family.

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