Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

leche desnatada
skim milk

The term 'leche desnatada' is a Spanish term that translates to 'skim milk' in English. It refers to milk from which the cream or fat has been removed. Skim milk is often used in diets as a low-calorie substitute for whole milk. It provides almost all of the same nutrients as whole milk but with significantly fewer calories and less fat. 'Leche desnatada' is often found in recipes, supermarkets, and on menus in Spanish-speaking regions.

leche en polvo
milk powder

The Spanish phrase 'leche en polvo' directly translates to 'milk in powder' in English, which is commonly referred to as 'milk powder'. Milk powder is a product that is created by evaporating milk to complete dryness. It is often used in baking and confectionery production, and it is also a convenient and popular choice for those who do not have ready access to fresh milk.

leche entera
whole milk

The Spanish term 'leche entera' translates to 'whole milk' in English. This is a type of milk from which no constituent (such as fat) has been removed, and is generally rich and creamy. This is contrasted to other types of milk such as skimmed milk or semi-skimmed milk, where some or all of the fat content has been removed. 'Leche entera' is commonly found in supermarkets and is used in a variety of dishes due to its full-bodied flavor and nutrient-rich content.


Lechuga is a noun in Spanish language which translates to 'lettuce' in English. It's a type of vegetable which is widely used in salads and other dishes. In Spanish speaking countries, it's commonly found in local markets and it's important in their daily diet.


The Spanish word 'lector' translates to 'reader' in English. It can be used to refer to any person who reads or perceives written words. In more specific contexts, 'lector' may refer to a person who reads out the news in a radio program, or a university lecturer. Its feminine form is 'lectora'. However, like many Spanish words, its specific meaning can vary slightly depending on the regional dialect.

lector de CD-ROM
CD-ROM reader

The Spanish phrase 'lector de CD-ROM' translates to 'CD-ROM reader' in English. It's a device that can read data from a CD-ROM. CD-ROM is an acronym for 'Compact Disc Read-Only Memory'. These devices can be internal (part of a computer) or external (connected to a computer via USB). Used primarily for data storage, CD-ROM readers were more common in the past, but now have been largely replaced by more modern forms of data storage and transfer.

Example sentences with  lector de CD-ROM
lector de DVD
DVD player

The Spanish term 'lector de DVD' translates to 'DVD player' in English. A DVD player is an electronic device that plays discs produced under both the DVD-Video and DVD-Audio technical standards, two different and incompatible standards. Some DVD players will also play audio CDs. DVD players are connected to a television to watch the DVD content, which could be a movie, a recorded TV show, or other content.

Example sentences with  lector de DVD
to read

'Leer' corresponds to the act of interpreting written, typographic, or printed symbols for the purpose of communication.

Example sentences with  leer
leer el periódico
read the newspaper

The term 'leer el periódico' in Spanish refers to the action of reading a newspaper in English. It is a common phrase utilized in Spanish-speaking cultures when someone is engaged in the activity of reading the news printed on a newspaper. This action can be part of a daily routine in many households. 'Leer' is the infinitive form of the verb to read and 'el periódico' refers to the newspaper.

leer entre líneas
read between lines

The Spanish phrase 'leer entre líneas' literally translates to 'read between the lines' in English. This is an idiomatic expression meaning to understand or find an implicit meaning in something that is not openly stated or obvious. It is often used in reference to interpreting a deeper meaning in literature, conversations or situations. The suggestion is that the truth or an additional meaning lies beneath the surface of the words or actions, and one needs to look a little deeper to fully understand.

leer la tesis doctoral
read the doctoral thesis

The Spanish phrase 'leer la tesis doctoral' translates to 'read the doctoral thesis' in English. This phrase is composed of 'leer' which means 'read', 'la tesis' which means 'the thesis', and 'doctoral' which translates to 'doctoral'. This phrase is used to indicate the action of reading a thesis written for the purpose of acquiring a doctoral degree. Similar to English, the phrase can be used in various contexts such as academia and formal discussions.

leer un libro
read a book

The Spanish phrase 'leer un libro' translates to 'read a book' in English. This phrase is typically used to talk about the act of reading a book. 'Leer' is the infinitive form of the verb 'to read' in Spanish, and 'un libro' translates to 'a book'. So, if someone tells you 'Me gusta leer un libro', they are saying 'I like to read a book'. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts in daily conversations.

leer un periódico
read a newspaper

The Spanish term 'leer un periódico' translates to 'read a newspaper' in English. This is a common phrase used to denote the action of perusing a newspaper. 'Leer' is the action of reading in Spanish, 'un' is a singular indefinite article which corresponds to 'a' in English, and 'periódico' is the Spanish word for newspaper. Thus, when combined, the phrase implies consuming written content, specifically on a newspaper.

leer una revista
read a magazine

The Spanish phrase 'leer una revista' directly translates to 'read a magazine' in English. This phrase also provides an example of a common Spanish verb conjugation for the infinitive 'leer' (to read) in present tense. It is instructive on how Spaniards typically use their language in everyday conversation, like letting someone know that they are about to read a magazine or suggesting someone else to read one.


The word 'legal' is the same in Spanish, meaning both legal in the sense of something being related to law, and also meaning cool or great in popular urban slang. Be attentive to the context in which it is used to correctly interpret the intended meaning.

Example sentences with  legal

The Spanish word 'legalidad' translates to 'legality' in English. This term is mostly used in legal and law contexts to define the quality or state of being in accordance with the law. It is used to indicate the condition of an action, process or thing that is performed or exists according to the stipulations of the law. For example, discussing the 'legalidad' of a business transaction refers to ensuring it complies with all the judicial norms and regulations.

Example sentences with  legalidad
legalizar un partido político
legalize a political party

The Spanish phrase 'legalizar un partido político' translates to 'legalize a political party' in English. It refers to the process by which a political party is recognized and officially allowed to participate in political activities such as elections. This term is commonly used in the context of political discussions or legal proceedings.

Example sentences with  legalizar un partido político

The word 'legislación' in Spanish translates to 'legislation' in English. It refers to the process of making or enacting laws. It is traditionally seen as a function of the government. This term is used in discussions of law-making public policy, legal drafting, and political science. In simple terms, 'legislación' is the act of making and preparing laws or statutory rules.

Example sentences with  legislación

The Spanish word 'legislar' translates to 'legislate' in English. 'Legislate' is a verb that refers to the act of making or enacting laws. It's typically used in the context of a legislative body such as a Parliament or Congress. However, it can also be broadly applied to indicate setting rules or guidelines in other fields or contexts. This is a term often used in politics, law, and governance. 'Legislar', similarly, is a common term in Spanish regarding political legislation.

Example sentences with  legislar

The Spanish term 'legumbres' is translated as 'legumes' in English. Legumes are a group of plants that produce a pod with seeds inside. They include beans, peas, lentils, and peanuts, among others. In many countries, legumes are a significant source of protein, fiber, and other essential nutrients. Apart from their nutritional values, they are also crucial to agriculture because of their ability to fix nitrogen in the soil, improving soil fertility.


The Spanish word 'lejía' translates to 'bleach' in English. It is often used to refer to a strong chemical substance that is used for cleaning and removing stains. This term can be found in various contexts, particularly in household chores or industrial cleaning processes. Its use is common in many Spanish-speaking countries.


The Spanish word for 'away' is 'lejos'. It is used similarly in Spanish as it is in English, indicating the state of not being present in a certain location, or indicating distance from a certain point. For example, 'No estoy lejos' translates to 'I am not away' in English. It should be noted that Spanish has several other words that can also translate to 'away' depending on the context, including 'fuera', 'alejado', and 'ausente'.

Example sentences with  lejos

The Spanish word 'lema' translates to 'slogan' in English. It is often used in marketing, politics, and other fields that require catchy and memorable phrases to encapsulate an idea or concept. Just like in English, a 'lema' in Spanish is a short, striking, and appropriate phrase used to encapsulate the beliefs or ideals guiding an individual, group, or institution.

Example sentences with  lema

This adverb is used in reference to slow action or when giving instructions for caution or care.

Example sentences with  lentamente

The Spanish word 'lentejas' refers to a kind of legume that is often used in various dishes. This legume is known as 'lentils' in English. Lentils are small, flat and usually have a green or brown color. They are high in protein and fiber, making them a staple in many diets around the world, including Spain. Lentils are used in a wide variety of dishes, from soups and stews to salads and side dishes.


The Spanish word 'lentillas' translates to 'lenses' in English. They are typically used in glasses or contact lenses to correct vision, though they can also be found in items such as cameras and microscopes. The term is widely used in both professional and everyday settings. 'Lentillas' could refer to either a single lens or multiple ones, depending on the context.


'Lento' falls on the direct opposite of the speed spectrum which pertains to something slow or sluggish.

Example sentences with  lento

The Spanish word 'Leo' translates to 'Leo' in English. It is a proper noun and is often used as a first name, just as 'Leo' is frequently used as a first name in English. The name originates from Latin, where 'leo' means 'lion'. This name is often given to people born under the Leo zodiac sign, which is represented by a lion. 'Leo' possesses the same spelling and pronunciation in both Spanish and English.

Example sentences with  Leo

The lion is a species in the family Felidae and a member of the genus Panthera. It is most recognisable for its muscular, deep-chested body, short, rounded head, round ears, and a hairy tuft at the end of its tail.

Example sentences with  león
lesión crónica
chronic injury

The Spanish term 'lesión crónica' translates to 'chronic injury' in English. In the medical field, a chronic injury refers to a long-lasting condition that may not be completely curable. This type of injury is often caused by doing the same motion repetitively over a substantial period of time, leading to stress and damage on particular body part or parts. 'Lesión crónica' carries the same meaning in Spanish, referring to an injury or damage to the body that persists for an extended duration.

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