Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'langosta' translates to 'lobster' in English. It is a term used to identify a variety of marine crustaceans with a hard shell, large claws and are generally considered a delicacy in many cuisines around the world. The term 'langosta' can also be used colloquially in Spanish to refer to a shade of the color red, resembling the color of a cooked lobster.


The Spanish word 'langostino' translates to 'shrimp' in English. They are a type of seafood that play a crucial role in many cuisines around the world. Shrimps are small, elusive, and primarily aquatic crustaceans. 'Langostino' or 'shrimp' are typically served in varied dishes, from salads to tacos, pasta, and more. They are also often cooked in a variety of ways - boiled, grilled, deep-fried, or sauteed.

lanzamiento de un producto
launch of a product

The phrase 'lanzamiento de un producto' in Spanish translates to 'launch of a product' in English. This phrase is commonly used in business contexts and refers to the process of introducing a new product or service to the market. The objective of the product launch process is to make customers aware of the new item and generate interest and sales.

Example sentences with  lanzamiento de un producto
lanzamiento espacial
Space launch

The Spanish term 'lanzamiento espacial' is a compound noun that directly translates to 'space launch' in English. It is used within the context of aeronautics and space exploration, and refers to the process by which a spacecraft or satellite is propelled and directed up from Earth's surface into space. This term can be used in a variety of contexts, typically to describe the launching of telescopes, satellites, or manned missions into orbit or beyond.

Example sentences with  lanzamiento espacial

The Spanish word for 'throw' is 'lanzar'. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as throwing a ball ('lanzar una pelota'), discarding or getting rid of something ('lanzarlo a la basura') or even launching a new product ('lanzar un nuevo producto'). Just like in English, 'lanzar' is a versatile verb in Spanish usage.

Example sentences with  lanzar
lanzarse en paracaídas

The Spanish phrase 'lanzarse en paracaídas' translates to 'parachute' in English. However, it's more literally describes the action, and would be more akin to 'to parachute' or 'parachuting'. It gives the idea of a person who is willingly making a descent to the ground using a parachute, often as a recreational activity or a tactical move. 'Lanzarse' can be translated as 'to throw oneself', and 'en paracaídas' means 'by parachute'.

Example sentences with  lanzarse en paracaídas

A writing implement or art medium usually constructed of a narrow, solid pigment core in a protective casing that prevents the core from being broken or marking the user’s hand.

Example sentences with  lapiz

The Spanish word 'largo' corresponds to the English word 'long' and is used to describe the length of something. It can refer to both physical length (as in a long road or a long book) as well as metaphorical length (as in a long wait or a long conversation). Its usage is similar to that in English. Note that 'largo' should agree in gender with the noun it describes; use 'larga' when describing feminine words.

Example sentences with  largo
long film

The Spanish word 'largometraje' refers to what is commonly known in English as a 'long film' or 'feature film'. This term is generally used to describe movies that have a full-length duration, typically over an hour long. It's an important term in the film industry to differentiate full-length films from shorter films, such as shorts or mid-length films.

Example sentences with  largometraje

The Spanish word 'lata' translates into English as 'tin'. 'Lata' is a common word in Spanish and is primarily used in the context of materials or containers. For instance, it can be used to refer to a tin can ('una lata de sopa' - a tin of soup). While 'lata' typically refers to the metal in English, in Spanish, it can also mean 'annoyance' or 'nuisance' in informal settings. Like most words, the exact meaning of 'lata' depends on the context it's used in.

lata de atún
can of tuna

The Spanish phrase 'lata de atún' translates to 'can of tuna' in English. This is a combination of three words: 'lata' meaning can, 'de' meaning of, and 'atún' meaning tuna. So put together, 'lata de atún' represents a convenient, oftentimes pre-cooked, seafood product that is stored in a can. Tuna is a popular type of fish with a distinctly meaty texture, and when contained in a can, it can be preserved for a long time. Therefore, 'lata de atún' may be found in many kitchens, stores, or supermarkets.

lata de tomate
tomato can

The Spanish term 'lata de tomate' translates to 'tomato can' in English. 'Lata de tomate' is a phrase composed of two words: 'lata' and 'tomate.' The word 'lata' in this context refers to a can, a common type of packaging for food and drink products. 'Tomate' is the Spanish word for tomato, a round, red fruit that's often used in cooking. When combined, these words refer to a can of tomato, which might contain whole tomatoes, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, or tomato paste. These canned tomatoes are a staple item in many kitchens, used in a variety of dishes such as stews, soups, and sauces.


The Spanish word 'latitud' translates to 'latitude' in English. Latitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the North-South position of a point on the Earth's surface. It is an angular measurement, usually expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds, and ranges from 0 degrees at the Equator to 90 degrees at the North and South Poles. The line of latitude is referred to as parallels as they run parallel to the Equator. Understanding and using latitude is an essential part of navigation and geography.

Example sentences with  latitud

The Spanish word 'lavabo' refers to a 'basin' or 'sink' where one can wash their hands or face. However, it's often also used to refer to the porcelain fixture found in a bathroom (a 'toilet' in English), particularly in some dialects or regions. This can sometimes be confusing, as 'toilet' in English-speaking contexts more often refers to the specific fixture used for waste disposal (more accurately translated to 'inodoro' in Spanish), whereas 'lavabo' encompasses the broader bathroom sink area in general.


The Spanish word 'lavado' translates to 'washing' in English. It is primarily used to describe the process of cleaning things, especially clothes and dishes. This term can be associated with household chores and industrial processes such as vehicle washing and brainwashing. The word 'lavado' shows the past participle of the verb 'lavar' which means to wash. For instance, you can use it in a sentence like 'El lavado de los platos es tu responsabilidad', which means 'The washing of the dishes is your responsibility' in English.

washing machine

The Spanish word 'lavadora' translates to 'washing machine' in English. It is a household appliance used for washing laundry such as clothes, bed linens, and towels. This word is feminine in Spanish, so it should be used with feminine articles like 'la' or 'una'. For example, 'la lavadora' means 'the washing machine', and 'una lavadora' means 'a washing machine'.

lavar el coche
wash the car

The Spanish phrase 'lavar el coche' translates to 'wash the car' in English. In this phrase, 'lavar' is a verb that means 'to wash', 'el' is an article that corresponds to 'the' in English, and 'coche' is a noun that means 'car'. Therefore, when put together, 'lavar el coche' implies the action of cleaning a vehicle using water and usually some kind of soap or detergent.

Example sentences with  lavar el coche
lavar la ropa
wash clothes

The Spanish term 'lavar la ropa' translates into English as 'wash clothes'. It is a common phrase used in daily conversation to refer to the action of cleaning one's clothes, typically in a washing machine or by hand. You might hear or use this phrase when discussing household chores or plans for the day. It integrates the verb 'lavar' meaning 'to wash' and the noun 'ropa' meaning 'clothes'.

lavar los platos
wash dishes

The Spanish phrase 'lavar los platos' translates to 'wash dishes' in English. This is a common household task where dishes, cutlery, and cookware are cleaned after meals. The verb 'lavar' means 'to wash', and 'los platos' means 'the dishes'. In Spanish, the verb typically comes before the object, similar to English. This phrase can be used in various contexts, primarily in conversations related to cooking, cleaning, or domestic chores.


The word 'lavarse' is a reflexive verb in the Spanish language. In translation to English, it means 'to wash oneself'. It is often used to refer to self-cleaning activities. For example, 'lavarse las manos' translates to 'wash one's hands'. The form 'lavarse' is an infinitive form. It can change according to the tense and the subject in use.

lavarse el pelo
wash your hair

The Spanish phrase 'lavarse el pelo' translates to 'wash your hair' in English. This is usually used in the context of daily hygiene and personal care. It's a reflexive verb phrase, meaning you're performing the action on yourself.

Example sentences with  lavarse el pelo
lavarse la cara
wash your face

'Lavarse la cara' is a Spanish phrase that translates directly to 'wash your face' in English. It is derived from the verb 'lavarse' which means 'to wash oneself', and 'la cara' which means 'the face'. This phrase is often used as a part of daily routine conversations and instructions, similar to how one might use 'wash your face' in English.

Example sentences with  lavarse la cara
lavarse las manos
wash your hands

The phrase 'lavarse las manos' in Spanish translates to 'wash your hands' in English. This is an important phrase, often used in the context of personal hygiene and health. It involves using soap and water to clean your hands, which is a common practice around the world to prevent the spread of germs and disease.

Example sentences with  lavarse las manos
lavarse los dientes
Wash your teeth

The Spanish phrase 'lavarse los dientes' translates to 'brush your teeth' in English. It's a common phrase used to instruct or remind someone to clean their teeth using a toothbrush and toothpaste, typically as part of a daily hygiene routine in the morning and evening. The literal translation is 'wash your teeth', but the normal English phrase is 'brush your teeth'.

Example sentences with  lavarse los dientes

The Spanish word 'lavavajillas' translates to 'dishwasher' in English. It is a compound word that is made up of two words, 'lava' which means 'wash' and 'vajillas' meaning 'dishes'. So, the literal translation would be 'washes dishes'. In Spain and other Spanish speaking countries, this term is commonly used to refer to the machine used in kitchens for washing dishes and cutlery automatically. A dishwasher is a very useful appliance that saves time and effort in the kitchen.


The Spanish word 'lealtad' translates to 'loyalty' in English. It is a noun and is used to denote a sense of allegiance or faithfulness. It can be towards a person, group, country, or cause. Used in a sentence it might be 'He mostrado lealtad a mi equipo a través de los años,' which means, 'I have shown loyalty to my team over the years.' Remember that Spanish words can take on different meanings based on context, just like in English, so lealtad may not always translate directly to loyalty.

Example sentences with  lealtad

The Spanish term 'lección' translates to 'lesson' in English. This can be understood as a structured period of learning, a chunk of educational instruction, or a useful piece of advice based on life experiences. In a formal context, a lesson is part of a course given by a teacher, possibly in a school, college, or university setting. Lessons can be in the form of reading, writing, or practical exercises. In an informal or metaphorical context, a lesson might be a life teaching that comes through a challenging or enlightening experience. In essence, 'lección' or lesson is a unit or measure of learning or teaching.


'Leche' translates to 'milk' in English. From a glass of warm milk for breakfast to the use in different recipes, milk is an everyday item in Spanish-speaking cultures.

Example sentences with  leche
leche condensada
Condensed milk

Leche condensada, commonly known as condensed milk in English, is a type of dairy product made by evaporating the water content from milk. The result is a thick, sweet substance which is often used in baking, dessert recipes and in beverages across many cultures around the world. The process of condensation involves reducing raw milk to about a third of its original volume, ultimately concentrating the nutrients, especially protein and fat. It is often canned and can be preserved for a long period of time due to its low moisture content.

leche descremada
dairy milk

The Spanish term 'leche descremada' refers to a type of milk that has had the majority of its fat content removed. In English, this is usually referred to as 'skim milk' or 'non-fat milk'. It is a common choice among individuals who are seeking to limit their intake of fat and calories, or who simply prefer the taste and texture of non-fat milk. Besides, it is used in the same way as whole milk in cooking and baking, and can even be used to lighten coffee or tea.

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