Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

junta municipal
municipal council

The term 'junta municipal' in Spanish translates to 'municipal council' in English. It refers to a local level of government that manages the public affairs of a city, town, or locality. It often includes a group of persons, usually elected by local residents, who make decisions and regulations on local matters such as sanitation, parks and recreation, and community services.

Example sentences with  junta municipal

The term 'juntos' in Spanish translates directly to 'together' in English. This word can be used in various contexts similarly to English, mostly to denote togetherness or unity. For instance, 'Vamos a comer juntos' means 'Let's eat together'. Like in English, it doesn't change according to gender or number.

Example sentences with  juntos

The word 'jurado' translates to 'jury' in English. It is often used in legal contexts and refers to a group of people who are sworn in to render a verdict in a trial. This group is usually formed by ordinary citizens who are brought together to decide if someone is guilty or innocent based on the evidence presented during the trial.

Example sentences with  jurado

The Spanish word for 'justice' is 'justicia'. It is used in the same contexts as in English. It refers to the concept of fairness, moral rightness, lawfulness and punishment or reward administration in accordance to the law. It is widely used in legal and social discussions.

Example sentences with  justicia
justicia social
Social justice

The term 'justicia social' in Spanish translates to 'social justice' in English. It refers to the equal distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. It encompasses notions of fairness, equity, and human rights. It advocates for creating and promoting just relationships among individuals in society, ensuring that every individual gets equal economic, political, and social rights and opportunities. Just like in English, 'justicia social' in Spanish is often a central theme in discussions related to politics, education, healthcare, and other societal structures.

Example sentences with  justicia social

The Spanish word 'justificante' is a noun that translates to 'justifiable' in English. The term is often used in legal or formal contexts to refer to an action or decision that is acceptable according to the law or moral rules. It can also imply a reason, evidence, or proof that justifies such an action or decision. For instance, a 'justificante' might be a document that provides proof for a certain action or decision, legitimizing it and making it 'justifiable'.

Example sentences with  justificante

The Spanish word 'justo' translates to 'fair' in English. It is used to denote something that is in accordance with the rules or standards. It can be used to describe a person who treats everybody equally as well as a situation or judgment that is equitable and just. For instance, in a sentence, it can be used like 'El juez fue justo en su veredicto' meaning 'The judge was fair in his verdict'.

juzgado de instrucción
trial court

The Spanish term 'juzgado de instrucción' translates to 'trial court' in English. This is a court of law which is responsible for conducting preliminary investigations into serious crimes and misdemeanours. It determines whether the prosecutor's charges will proceed to trial. The investigatory role of the 'juzgado de instrucción' or 'trial court' is to collect evidence, examine witnesses, arrest the accused if necessary and ultimately to decide whether the case should be sent for trial.

Example sentences with  juzgado de instrucción
juzgado de paz
magistrate's court

The Spanish phrase 'juzgado de paz' translates to 'magistrate's court' in English. This term refers to a lower court where preliminary sessions of both civil and criminal cases are held. A magistrate, who is a civil officer or lay judge, presides over this court. The role of the magistrate includes ensuring the smooth functioning of court procedures, such as issuing warrants and adjudicating minor infractions.

Example sentences with  juzgado de paz
juzgado de primera instancia
Court of first instance

The term 'juzgado de primera instancia' refers to a specific level of court in some Spanish-speaking regions. It is typically where a legal case will start and where decisions will be made regarding civil and criminal matters. The judge at this level usually takes statements, looks over evidence, and decides whether a case needs to go to a higher court or not. In English, this term translates to 'court of first instance'.

Example sentences with  juzgado de primera instancia
kilo de filetes
kilo of fillets

The Spanish phrase 'kilo de filetes' translates to 'kilo of fillets' in English. This is often used in reference to buying meat, where the word 'kilo' is a unit of weight measurement similar to pounds in English speaking countries, but metric based, and 'filetes' refers to a style of cut, generally thin, and can apply to various types of meat, including beef, chicken, or fish.

kilo de patatas
kilo of potatoes

The term 'kilo de patatas' in Spanish translates to 'kilo of potatoes' in English. This term is commonly used in grocery shopping, indicating a weight measure for potatoes. 'Kilo' is a metric unit of measurement equivalent to 1000 grams, similar to a kilogram in English. 'Patatas' is the Spanish word for 'potatoes', a type of starchy vegetable that is widely used in cooking in different cultures.


The Spanish word 'kiwi' translates to 'kiwi' in English. The word refers to the kiwi fruit, a small brown-skinned fruit with bright green flesh and tiny black seeds. It's also known for its distinctive sweet-tart flavor. The term 'kiwi' can also refer to a flightless bird native to New Zealand, or a colloquial term for a New Zealander.

labios carnosos
fleshy lips

The phrase 'labios carnosos' in Spanish translates to 'fleshy lips' in English. It is often used to describe lips that are full and plump, typically considered a desirable trait in many cultures. The word 'labios' specifically means 'lips', and 'carnosos' translates to 'fleshy' or 'meaty', relating to their fullness or voluptuous appearance.

labios finos
fine lips

The Spanish phrase 'labios finos' directly translates to 'fine lips' in English. In Spanish, 'labios' means lips and 'finos' means fine, thin, or delicate. The phrase can be used to describe someone's physical appearance, specifically the shape and texture of their lips. It's often used to compliment or provide a detailed description of someone's lips indicating that they are well defined and slender.

labios gruesos
thick lips

The Spanish phrase 'labios gruesos' directly translates to 'thick lips' in English. These words can be used separately or together. 'Labios' is the Spanish word for 'lips', a body part located in the lower facial region used for speaking and eating. 'Gruesos', an adjective qualifying 'labios', means 'thick' in English. It's utilized to describe something that has a larger than the average or standard size or volume, particularly when comparing similar or related items. 'Labios gruesos' is generally used in a physical context to describe a person's appearance.


'Laboratorio' is a Spanish word, which translated into English means 'laboratory'. A laboratory is a controlled environment where scientists conduct experiments or carry out scientific research. In many types of learning environment, it is also a place where students learn and experiment in a safe and controlled manner. The laboratory is essential in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.


The Spanish word 'labrador' translates directly to 'labrador' in English. It is also a term used to describe a worker in the field, such as a farmer. However, in most contexts, especially in relation to pets, 'labrador' refers to a breed of dog known for its loyalty and friendly nature. Labradors are often used as service dogs due to their trainability and are well-loved as family pets.

Example sentences with  labrador
ladera abrupta
steep slope

In Spanish, 'ladera abrupta' directly translates to 'steep slope' in English. This term is frequently used to describe geographical features, specifically to denote an area of land which has a noticeable and often sharp incline. It can be applied to various natural or man-made landscapes including hillsides, mountains, or even roads.

Example sentences with  ladera abrupta
ladera escarpada
the steep hillside

The Spanish phrase 'ladera escarpada' translates to 'steep hillside' in English. It encompasses two concepts: 'ladera', which means side or slope of a mountain or hill, and 'escarpada', which means sharp, steep or precipitous. Combined, 'ladera escarpada' vividly describes a hill or mountain slope that is dramatically and sharply inclined, making it more challenging to traverse. This phrase can be used in geographical contexts or to metaphorically describe uphill challenges.

Example sentences with  ladera escarpada
ladera rocosa
rocky hillside

The Spanish term 'ladera rocosa' translates to 'rocky hillside' in English. It is made up of two words - 'ladera' means 'hillside' and 'rocosa' means 'rocky'. This term is frequently used to describe geographic features where the side of a hill or mountain has a lot of rocks. It's a more specific term representing a particular type of natural terrain.

Example sentences with  ladera rocosa

The Spanish word 'lado' is used pretty much the same way as the English word 'side'. It can denote the left or right part of something, next to or from the point of view of someone facing the object. It can also refer to a particular aspect or feature of something; or in relation to someone's position when they are considering a situation, like 'on his side'.

Example sentences with  lado
to bark

The Spanish word 'ladrar' translates to 'to bark' in English. This is commonly used to describe the sound that dogs make. In use, it can refer to the action of a dog or any animal that makes a similar sound. Just like in English, it can also be used metaphorically in Spanish to describe the loud, annoying noise or talk from someone.

Example sentences with  ladrar

The Spanish word 'ladrillo' translates to 'brick' in English. A 'brick' is a type of building material and it is often used in construction of buildings primarily due to its durability. A 'brick' is generally rectangular in shape and it can be made from various types of materials such as clay, concrete, and lime. The word 'ladrillo' in Spanish refers to the same concept.


The Spanish word 'lago' translates to 'lake' in English. It is a common term used to refer to a large body of water surrounded by land. Formed by a variety of geological processes, lakes are usually found in mountainous areas, rift zones, and areas with ongoing glaciation. Many lakes are artificial and are constructed for industrial or agricultural use, for hydro-electric power generation or domestic water supply.

Example sentences with  lago

The Spanish word 'laguna' translates to 'lagoon' in English. The term can be used specifically to denote coastal water bodies separated from the larger sea by a barrier such as a sandbar, coral reef or barrier island. Similarly, in Spanish contexts, 'laguna' could also be used to refer to smaller water bodies such as a pond.

Example sentences with  laguna

The Spanish word 'lamentar' translates to 'regret' in English. It is a verb often used to express a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity. For instance, if someone missed an event, they might say, 'lamento haberlo perdido', which means, 'I regret missing it'.


A lamp is a device that produces light. They are used in residential and commercial properties as supplementary lighting.

Example sentences with  lámpara

The Spanish word 'lana' translates to the English word 'wool'. Wool is a natural textile fibre obtained from sheep and some other animals, including goats, llamas, and certain species of rabbits. It is used in various forms of clothing and textiles due to its various benefits, such as its ability to retain heat, its durability, and its natural resistance to moisture and dirt.

lancha motora

The Spanish term 'lancha motora' translates to 'motorboat' in English. A motorboat, as the name suggests, is a boat that is propelled by a motor or an engine, rather than by sails or oars. It is commonly used in various water activities, such as fishing, water skiing, or simply for recreational cruising. The term 'lancha motora' in Spanish includes all different types of motorboats, from small, personal craft to larger, professional vessels. Like in English, the term does not speak to the boat's size, shape or purpose, only its means of propulsion.

Example sentences with  lancha motora
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