Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

juez instructor
investigating judge

The Spanish term 'juez instructor' translates to 'investigating judge' in English. An investigating judge, in legal terminology, refers to a judge who is responsible for conducting investigations into serious crimes. The investigating judge is often responsible for collecting evidence, conducting necessary inquiries, and evaluating whether there is sufficient proof to justify a prosecution and move forward with a court trial. This is a very important role within the legal systems of several Spanish-speaking countries.

Example sentences with  juez instructor

In Spanish, 'jugador' is used to refer to someone who plays, usually related to sports or games. It can be used in the same context as 'player' in English, such as a football player or a chess player. Like in English, it's gender-neutral when written, but when spoken it can change to 'jugadora' for a female player.

Example sentences with  jugador

This verb is commonly used in the context of children, games, and sports. It's an irregular verb, so it doesn't follow the standard conjugation pattern.

Example sentences with  jugar
jugar a la lotería
play lottery

The Spanish phrase 'jugar a la lotería' translates to 'play lottery' in English. This is a verb phrase that is commonly used to indicate the action of participating in a lottery game with the hope of winning a prize. People tend to 'jugar a la lotería' by purchasing tickets with specific numbers and then waiting for those numbers to possibly be chosen in a future drawing.

jugar a las canicas
play marbles

Play marbles, or 'jugar a las canicas' in Spanish, is a game usually played by children. The game involves using marbles (canicas), which are small spheres often made of glass, and trying to hit each other's marbles with your own. The aim of the game varies, sometimes the purpose is to knock the other's marbles out of a certain region, or to hit a target. This game demonstrates the cultural importance of playful activities amongst children in different cultures.

jugar a las cartas
play cards

The Spanish phrase 'jugar a las cartas' translates to 'play cards' in English. It is a verb phrase used to describe the activity of playing any card game, similar to poker, blackjack, or solitaire. It is commonly used in informal contexts and can be found in many Spanish-speaking areas.

jugar a las palas
play paddles

The Spanish term 'jugar a las palas' translates to 'play paddles' in English. This phrase is commonly used to describe a recreational activity involving the use of paddles or racquets to hit a ball back and forth. The game is typically played on a beach and is enjoyed by both children and adults. Its simplicity, combined with the physical exercise it offers, makes it a popular choice for an outdoor pastime or an informal sport among friends.

Example sentences with  jugar a las palas
jugar a los bolos
play bowling

The Spanish phrase 'jugar a los bolos' is translated as 'play bowling' in English. This phrase is used when referring to the action of participating in the popular sport of bowling. In general, 'jugar' means 'to play', 'a los' is a preposition expressing the action towards something, and 'bolos' is translated as 'bowling'. So, when you want to imply that you are going to play bowling in English, you would say 'Voy a jugar a los bolos' in Spanish.

jugar a los dardos
play darts

The Spanish phrase 'jugar a los dardos' translates to the English phrase 'play darts'. This phrase is often used when referring to the common pub game in which small missiles are thrown at a circular target. 'Jugar' is the Spanish verb for 'play', 'a los' translates to 'the', and 'dardos' is the Spanish term for 'darts'. Thus, when combined, it directly translates to 'play the darts'. However, in English, we typically drop the 'the' and simply say 'play darts'. In Spanish, there may be different variations of this phrase depending on the region and the specific type of dart game being played.

jugar al ajedrez
play chess

The Spanish phrase 'jugar al ajedrez' translates to 'play chess' in English. This is an action or activity phrase, typically used to express an ongoing action or a hobby. 'Jugar' is a verb that means 'to play'. 'Al' is a Spanish preposition often used to combine the verb with the following noun which in this case is 'ajedrez' meaning 'chess'. Together, 'jugar al ajedrez', means 'to play chess'.

jugar al baloncesto
play basketball

The Spanish phrase 'jugar al baloncesto' translates to 'play basketball' in English. This verb phrase is composed of the infinitive 'jugar', which means 'to play', and the object 'al baloncesto', which means 'basketball'. Therefore, when you say 'jugar al baloncesto', you're expressing the action of playing basketball. This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as talking about hobbies, discussing sports, and so on.

jugar al béisbol
play baseball

The phrase 'jugar al béisbol' in Spanish translates to 'play baseball' in English. In this phrase, 'jugar' is a verb that means 'to play', and 'béisbol' is a noun that means 'baseball'. In Spanish, the preposition 'al' is often used when we talk about playing a sport. So 'jugar al béisbol' is a common phrase used in Spanish to describe the action of playing baseball.

jugar al billar
play pool

The Spanish phrase 'jugar al billar' directly translates to 'play pool' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the act of engaging in the game of billiards or pool. This can take place in various venues such as pubs, clubs, or residential game rooms etc. It is a popular recreational activity or sport enjoyed by many people worldwide.

jugar al escondite
play hideaway

The Spanish phrase 'jugar al escondite' translates to 'play hide and seek' in English. This is a popular children's game where one person closes their eyes and counts to a certain number while the others hide. The one counting then opens their eyes and tries to find the hiders, hence the name 'hide and seek'. In Spanish, 'jugar' means 'to play', 'al' is a preposition that indicates action, and 'escondite' means 'hideout' or 'hiding place'. So, when you put it all together, 'jugar al escondite' refers to the act of playing hide and seek.

jugar al fútbol
play football

The Spanish phrase 'jugar al fútbol' translates to 'play football' in English. It's a common phrase used to refer to the act of playing the sport of football (soccer in American English), which is one of the most popular sports in Spanish-speaking countries. The verb 'jugar' means 'to play,' and 'al fútbol' specifically means 'football.' Therefore, if you're ever in a Spanish-speaking country and someone asks you if you want to 'jugar al fútbol,' they're inviting you to play a game of football.

jugar al tenis
play tennis

The Spanish phrase 'jugar al tenis' translates to 'play tennis' in English. This verb phrase will be used when referring to the act of playing tennis. In this phrase, 'jugar' represents the verb 'to play', 'al' is a preposition akin to 'to' or 'at' in English, and 'tenis' stands for the noun 'tennis'. Applying the phrase in a sentence could be: 'A Pedro le gusta jugar al tenis', which is translated as 'Peter likes to play tennis'.

jugar al voleibol
play volleyball

The Spanish phrase 'jugar al voleibol' translates in English to 'play volleyball'. This is a common phrase used to refer to engaging in a game or match of volleyball, a popular sport in many countries. The word 'jugar' means 'to play' and 'voleibol' represents the name of the sport itself - volleyball. Hence, 'jugar al voleibol' implies participating in a volleyball game.

jugar con la pelota
play with the ball

The phrase 'jugar con la pelota' in Spanish translates to 'play with the ball' in English. It is usually used in the context of sports or games, where 'jugar' means 'to play', 'con' is a preposition that stands for 'with', and 'la pelota' is 'the ball'.

jugar con los juguetes
play with toys

The phrase 'jugar con los juguetes' in Spanish translates to 'play with toys' in English. It is a common verb phrase often used to instruct or explain an activity for children. 'Jugar' is the verb that translates to 'to play', 'con' translates to 'with' and 'los juguetes' translates to 'the toys' in English. Therefore, combined it means 'play with the toys' in English.

jugar en la arena
play in the sand

The phrase 'jugar en la arena' in Spanish translates to 'play in the sand' in English. This is a common phrase that you might hear at a beach or a playground, where you might find sand to play in. It's often associated with the childhood activities such as building sandcastles or digging holes. In general, 'jugar' means 'to play', 'en' means 'in', and 'la arena' means 'the sand'. So, breaking it down this way can also help someone understand individual words and their meaning.

Example sentences with  jugar en la arena
jugar limpio
play clean

Jugar limpio is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'play clean' in English. It is used metaphorically to describe someone who is fair, honest, or follows the rules, especially in a competitive situation such as a game or competition. This phrase might be used to compliment someone's sportsmanship, to encourage fair play, or to chastise someone who isn't playing by the rules. It is not typically used to describe physical cleanliness. As with many phrases, it is important to understand the context it is being used in to fully understand its meaning.

jugar sucio
to play dirty

Jugar sucio is a Spanish phrase which in English means 'to play dirty'. It is often used in the context of sports or games, suggesting that someone is not following the rules or is using underhanded tactics to try and win. However, it can also be applied to other situations in life where someone might be acting dishonestly or unfairly to gain an advantage.

jugar una partida
play a game

The Spanish phrase 'jugar una partida' translates to 'play a game' in English. This commonly used phrase indicates the act of participating in a game, which may be a board game, a card game, a video game, or any type of game. The verb 'jugar' means 'to play', while 'una partida' is more literally translated as 'a match', but in this context, it is generally understood to mean 'a game'. This phrase can be used in various tenses and contexts, making it a versatile addition to a Spanish language learner's vocabulary.

jugarse algo a cara o cruz
to play heads or tails

The Spanish phrase 'jugarse algo a cara o cruz' is an idiomatic expression which translates to 'to play heads or tails' in English. This means to decide something by flipping a coin and depending on whether it lands on its 'head' (the side of the coin with the face) or 'tail' (the opposite side). This phrase is generally used in situations where a decision has to be made, but either outcomes are equally likely or desirable, hence relying on chance or luck to make the decision.

jugarse algo a suertes
to gamble

The phrase 'jugarse algo a suertes' in Spanish translates to 'to gamble' in English. It is a colloquial Spanish expression referring to taking a risk or chance on an uncertain outcome, often in the context of a game or any situation involving a potential gain or loss. Just as 'to gamble' in English indicates a wager or bet, 'jugarse algo a suertes' implies the possibility of either winning or losing something significant depending on random factors or luck.


Juguete is the Spanish word for toy, a common object in a child's life.

Example sentences with  juguete

Juguetón translates to 'playful'. It refers to a person who is fond of playing, amusing and lighthearted. For example, 'El niño es juguetón' translates to 'The child is playful'.

Example sentences with  juguetón

The Spanish word 'juicio' has several meanings in English, one of which is 'trial'. It relates to a formal examination of a case in a court of law. 'Juicio' is a noun, most commonly used in legal contexts. It represents the process where a judge or jury examines the evidence and arguments presented by opposing parties to come to a decision or verdict.

Example sentences with  juicio
juicio civil
civil trial

The Spanish term 'juicio civil' translates to 'civil trial' in English. A civil trial is a type of court case that involves two or more parties and usually deals with disputes between individuals that pertain to the definitions of legal rights and responsibilities, as opposed to criminal matters. This can include numerous situations such as personal injury cases, divorce proceedings, property disputes, and more.

Example sentences with  juicio civil
juicio penal
criminal trial

The Spanish term 'juicio penal' refers to a specific legal proceeding in which the state stands against an individual or a group accused of committing a criminal offence. This legal process, known in English as a 'criminal trial', is aimed at determining whether the accused are guilty of the alleged crimes. A criminal trial usually involves the presentation of evidence by both the prosecution and defense, followed by a verdict given by a judge or jury.

Example sentences with  juicio penal
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