Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'jardinería' translates to 'gardening' in English. Gardening is the practice of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture. It is a relaxing and rewarding hobby for many people, allowing them to enjoy the beauty of nature. In Spanish, 'jardinería' carries the same connotations, covering activities such as planting flowers and vegetables, pruning plants, and generally maintaining a tidy and attractive outdoor space.

jarra de agua
water jug

The phrase 'jarra de agua' in Spanish directly translates to 'water jug' in English. This term is used to refer to a container, often made of glass or pottery, generally with a narrow mouth and a handle, that is used for storing and serving beverages such as water. The usage of this term is very common in households and restaurants for serving water to drink.

jarra de cerveza
jug of beer

The Spanish term 'jarra de cerveza' translates to 'jug of beer' in English. It is made up of two components: 'jarra', which means jug, and 'cerveza', which means beer. So, when combined, 'jarra de cerveza' essentially means a jug (or a large container usually with a handle and a lid) filled with beer. This term is widely used in Spanish-speaking locations, such as restaurants and bars, to order a generous serving size of beer.


The Spanish word 'jarrón' translates to 'vase' in English. A 'jarrón' is a decorative container, typically made of glass or ceramic, that is often used to display arrangements of flowers. It is a common household item and can be found in various shapes, sizes and designs. Much like in English-speaking cultures, 'jarrones' in Spanish-speaking cultures are a popular form of interior decor and are considered an important aspect of home aesthetics.

Example sentences with  jarrón

The word 'jazz' in Spanish has the same meaning as it does in English. It refers to a music genre that originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Jazz can express many different emotions, from pain to pure joy. In jazz, the sounds of brass and woodwind instruments and pianos are often overlaid with breakbeat and high hat cymbals.

Example sentences with  jazz

The Spanish word 'jefe' translates to 'chief' in English. It is used in professional or organizational contexts to refer to a person who is in charge or leading a group, project, or organization. This could be a job title or a general term for a person in a position of authority.

jefe de Estado
Head of State

The Spanish term 'jefe de Estado' translates to 'Head of State' in English. It refers to the highest-ranking political position and constitutional authority in a country. It can refer to a president, king, queen, or other leader who serves as the nation's main representative or symbol. The specific duties and powers of the 'jefe de Estado' often depend on the country's form of government and its constitution.

Example sentences with  jefe de Estado
jefe de estudios
Head of studies

The term 'jefe de estudios' originates from Spanish and translates to 'head of studies' in English. This term is often used in the context of academia and refers to the person who is in charge of academic matters in an institution such as a school or college. The 'jefe de estudios' or 'head of studies' has the responsibility of overseeing academic activities, coordination between faculty members, ensuring the quality of education, managing academic resources, and so on.

jefe de obra
construction manager

The Spanish term 'jefe de obra' translates to 'construction manager' in English. A 'jefe de obra' is an individual in charge of supervising and managing a construction project or site. They are responsible for coordinating personnel, managing resources and materials, ensuring safety regulations are followed, and overseeing the general success of the construction process. They act as the primary point of contact between different stakeholders such as architects, engineers, and clients.

Example sentences with  jefe de obra
jefe de personal
chief of staff

The Spanish term 'jefe de personal' translates to 'chief of staff' in English. The 'jefe de personal' is typically a senior official who provides support and advice to a leader, such as a president or chief executive officer, in a political, governmental, or business setting. The exact responsibilities of a 'jefe de personal' can vary greatly depending on the organization, but they often involve coordinating activities, managing staff, and facilitating communication.

Example sentences with  jefe de personal

The Spanish word 'jerarquía' translates to 'hierarchy' in English. It is a noun that typically refers to a system or organization in which people, groups or things are ranked one above the other according to status or authority. It can be used in various contexts, such as corporate, social, or religious structures. Much like in English, 'jerarquía' can also refer to a sequence or ordering of items in terms of importance, significance, or precedence.

Example sentences with  jerarquía

The Spanish word 'jersey' directly translates to 'jersey' in English. The term can be used in a similar context as in English, often referring to a knitted jumper, pullover, or sweater. Despite sharing a term with a type of athletic apparel in English, the Spanish usage of 'jersey' typically does not imply a context of sports or athletics.

jornada laboral
working day

The term 'jornada laboral' in Spanish generally refers to the working day in English. It is commonly used to denote the period of time that an employee spends at work within a day. The working day may vary from profession to profession, and depending upon the context, can also include aspects like breaks and overtime. 'Jornada laboral' is an important concept in employment law and work-life balance discussions in Spanish-speaking countries.


The Spanish word 'joven' is used exactly as the English word 'young'. It can be used to refer to a person, animal, or thing that is in the early stages of life or growth. It can also be used in a broader sense to describe something that is new or fresh.

Example sentences with  joven

The word 'joya' in Spanish translates to 'jewel' in English. It is used to denote a precious stone or piece of gemstone jewelry. Like in English, it can also be used metaphorically in Spanish to refer to something or someone very valuable or exemplary.


The Spanish verb 'jubilarse' is used to express 'retire' in English. It refers to the action taken by individuals who decide to leave their work or professional activities after reaching a certain age or after a certain period in service. This term can also be used metaphorically to indicate that a person has stopped doing a certain activity. For example, if someone 'se jubila' from playing basketball, it means they have stopped playing it, similarly to retirement from work.


'Judío' is a Spanish noun that translates to 'Jew' in English. It is used to refer to people who follow or are connected with Judaism, a monotheistic religion considered one of the world's major religious groups. This term is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries to identify someone as a follower of Judaism, the same way 'Jew' is used in English.

Example sentences with  judío

The word 'juego' is used in Spanish just like 'game' is used in English. It can stand for a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck. It could also mean a complete episode or period of play, typically ending in a definite result. Also, don't forget about the other use of '-game' like 'video juego' which means 'video game'.

Example sentences with  juego
juego de azar
Game of chance

The Spanish term 'juego de azar' translates to 'game of chance' in English. This phrase refers to various forms of games and activities in which the outcome depends on luck and random events more than on the participant's skills or abilities. It's widely used in reference to games like lottery, slot machines, card games, dice games, and more, which are typically found in casinos and gambling houses.

juego de café
coffee set

The Spanish phrase 'juego de café' translates to 'coffee set' in English. This is a matching set of items that serve the purpose of making, serving, and possibly drinking coffee. The exact components of a coffee set may differ, but in general, it can include items such as a coffee pot, coffee cups, saucers, a milk jug, and a sugar bowl. The phrase can be used in both literal and figurative settings, describing the physical items or the act of gathering to drink coffee.

juego de cartas
card game

The Spanish phrase 'juego de cartas' translates to 'card game' in English. A card game is any game that uses playing cards as its main equipment. These games often have rules that dictate how to use the cards and they can vary greatly in complexity, with some games like 'Go Fish' being simple and straightforward, while others like 'Poker' can be more complicated. Card games can be played for fun, or competitively in tournaments.

juego de mesa
table game

'Juego de mesa' is a Spanish phrase that directly translates to 'table game' in English. It is often used to refer to games that are played on a flat surface, usually a table, such as board games, card games, dice games, miniatures games, and tile-based games. The term encompasses a wide variety of game types, and the specific games that are considered 'juegos de mesa' can vary depending on cultural and regional differences.

juego de té
tea set

The Spanish term 'juego de té' translates to 'tea set' in English. A 'tea set' is traditionally a collection of dishes and drinking vessels, usually made out of ceramic, glass, or metal materials, used for brewing and serving tea. In addition to the teapot, a typical tea set might include a sugar bowl, cream or milk jug, and tea cups with matching saucers. 'Juego de té' hence refers to a similar concept in Spanish speaking cultures, offering a way to present and enjoy tea in a formal or casual situation.

juego limpio
fair play

The Spanish term 'juego limpio' translates to 'fair play' in English. It is often used in situations where the adherence to rules, honesty, and sportsmanship are highlighted. In sports, it refers to the idea of playing in a just and consistent manner. The concept extends beyond sports and can be applied in daily life where it represents fairness, decency, and respect for others.

juegos olímpicos (JJ. OO.)
Olympic Games (JJOO)

The word 'juegos olímpicos (JJ. OO.)' is Spanish for 'Olympic Games (JJOO)'. This refers to the major international multi-sport event, held every four years, where athletes from around the world participate in a variety of competitions. The Olympic Games are considered the world's foremost sports competition and more than 200 nations participate. The phrase 'juegos olímpicos' directly translates to 'Olympic Games' and 'JJ. OO.' or 'JJOO' is a common abbreviation used in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'juerga' carries the essence of fun and noises, usually involving a group of people. Similar to 'revelry' in English, 'juerga' is used to indicate wild enjoyment from music, dance, drinks, and socializing. It reflects a merry, festive, or party-like atmosphere.

Example sentences with  juerga

The Spanish word 'juez' translates to 'judge' in English. In the context of a legal system, a judge is a public official appointed or elected to hear and decide legal matters in court. The word can also be used metaphorically to refer to anyone who makes important decisions or judgments. Similarly, 'juez' in Spanish can refer to an official in sports or other competitive activities who determines the outcome based on rules and performance. The word 'juez' is a common term in both legal and everyday contexts, and knowing its meaning can significantly enhance your understanding of Spanish conversations or texts.

Example sentences with  juez
juez de lo civil
civil justice

The Spanish term 'juez de lo civil' translates to 'civil justice' in English. It refers to a judge who specializes in civil law, mainly handling cases that involve private disputes between parties - individuals or organizations. These disputes can range from contracts, property ownership, divorce proceedings, family law, and more. In contrast to criminal law, where the state prosecutes an individual, in civil law cases, the plaintiff is usually seeking some type of compensation from the defendant.

Example sentences with  juez de lo civil
juez de lo penal
criminal justice

The Spanish term 'juez de lo penal' translates to 'criminal judge' in English. It refers to a judge that presides over criminal cases and is responsible for applying the provisions of criminal law during trials. These types of judges play a crucial role in determining the guilt or innocence of defendants and ensuring that justice is served. The term is commonly used in Spanish-speaking legal contexts and jurisdictions.

Example sentences with  juez de lo penal
juez de menores
juvenile judge

The term 'juez de menores' in Spanish refers to a 'juvenile judge' in English. It is a legal term, used to designate a judge who presides over cases that involve persons under the age of majority, usually understood to be 18 years of age in most countries. These cases often involve matters of delinquency, dependency, or other legal issues concerning minors.

Example sentences with  juez de menores
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