Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

ir de viaje
go travel

The Spanish phrase 'ir de viaje' translates to 'go travel' in English. This expression is typically used to reference going on a trip, a journey, or a vacation. It could also be used in various contexts depending on additional words that accompany it. It is an action phrase, often included in planning or discussing future travelling activities or aspirations. As with most expressions, context is key to fully understand the nuances in meaning.

Example sentences with  ir de viaje
ir de visita
go visit

The Spanish phrase 'ir de visita' translates to 'go visit' in English. It is used when someone intends to visit a place or a person for a short period of time. It can be any location - a friend's house, a family member's home, a place of interest, or even a city or country. It is a neutral phrase and can be used in both formal and informal situations. In terms of structure, 'ir' means 'to go', 'de' is a preposition often translating as 'of' or 'from', and 'visita' means 'visit'. So, as a whole, 'ir de visita' indeed refers to the action of going for a visit.

ir en autobús
go by bus

The Spanish phrase 'ir en autobús' translates to 'go by bus' in English. It is an idiomatic expression that indicates the action of traveling or moving from one place to another place using a bus as the mode of transportation. The verb 'ir' denotes 'to go', 'en' is a preposition that can be understood in this context as 'by', and 'autobús' is the noun 'bus'. In use, you could find it in a sentence like 'Voy a ir en autobús al trabajo' meaning 'I am going to go to work by bus'.

Example sentences with  ir en autobús
ir en avión
go by plane

The Spanish phrase 'ir en avión' directly translates to 'go by plane' in English. It's used when someone intends to travel via an airplane. In this phrase, 'ir' is the Spanish verb that means 'to go'. 'En' is a preposition which is equivalent to the English 'by', and 'avión' is the Spanish word for 'plane'. So, the phrase 'ir en avión' is commonly used in Spanish to discuss travel plans involving an airplane.

Example sentences with  ir en avión
ir en barco
go by boat

The Spanish phrase 'ir en barco' translates to 'go by boat' in English. This could be used in various contexts where one is referring to traveling or moving from one place to another place by a boat. It is a common phrase in Spanish-speaking locales that have rivers, lakes, or seas as prominent geographical features.

Example sentences with  ir en barco
ir en coche
go by car

The Spanish phrase 'ir en coche' translates to 'go by car' in English. This is used to denote the action of traveling or commuting via a car, similar to how one would say 'drive' or 'go for a drive' in English.

Example sentences with  ir en coche
ir en metro
go by metro

The phrase 'ir en metro' in Spanish translates to 'go by metro' in English. It is often used when providing directions or sharing travel plans, especially in city areas where underground trains are a commonly used form of transport. Remember, in Spanish, the verb 'ir' changes according to the subject while 'en metro' remains constant. So, master the variations of 'ir' for different subjects to use this phrase accurately.

Example sentences with  ir en metro
ir en taxi
go by taxi

The Spanish phrase 'ir en taxi' translates to 'go by taxi' in English. This phrase is often used in situations where someone is planning to travel somewhere by taxi, similar to how it would be used in English. In Spanish, the verb 'ir' means 'to go', 'en' is a preposition often translated as 'by' in this context, and 'taxi' is the same in both languages. So if you say 'Voy a ir en taxi', it simply means 'I am going to go by taxi'.

Example sentences with  ir en taxi
ir en tren
go by train

The Spanish phrase 'ir en tren' translates to 'go by train' in English. This is a common phrase used to express the mode of transportation, specifically when one is traveling by train. It is a part of useful travel vocabulary. In a sentence, you could use it like this: 'Voy a ir en tren a Madrid.' which means 'I am going to go by train to Madrid.'

Example sentences with  ir en tren

The Spanish word 'ira' translates to 'anger' in English. It is a common term often used to describe a strong feeling of displeasure, annoyance, or hostility. This word is used in a similar way as 'anger' in English context, portraying intense emotional states. An example of its use could be: 'La ira se apoderó de él' which means 'Anger took over him'. Remember, emotions in Spanish are usually utilized as verbs, and 'ira' can also be expressed through the verb 'enojar' or 'to get angry'.


The Spanish word 'ironía' translates to 'irony' in English. It is a figure of speech in which the intended meaning is the opposite of what is actually said. It is often used to emphasize the absurdity or discrepancy of a situation. For instance, if it's a sunny day and someone says it's raining, it is considered ironic because the reality is opposite to what is stated.

Example sentences with  ironía
IRPF (Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas)
IRPF (Income Tax for Physical Persons)

IRPF is an acronym in Spanish for 'Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas', which translates to 'Income Tax for Physical Persons' in English. In Spain, this is a personal income tax applicable to all physical persons residing in the country who have financial income (such as salaries, pensions, and savings) or real estate income. This tax is a direct, personal, subjective, analytic, and progressive tax collected annually.

Example sentences with  IRPF (Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas)
irse (a vivir) a
go (to live) to

The Spanish phrase 'irse (a vivir) a' can be translated into English as 'go (to live) to'. In a sentence, it is commonly used to indicate a change in one's place of residence. The verb 'irse' implies departure, the addendum '(a vivir)' equates to 'to live', and 'a' means 'to'. Therefore, the phrase is used when someone is leaving their current location to live somewhere else. For instance, one might say in Spanish 'Me voy a vivir a España', which translates to 'I am going to live in Spain' in English.

irse de fin de semana
leave the weekend

'Irse de fin de semana' is a Spanish phrase that does not directly translate to 'leave the weekend' in English. Instead, it is more accurately translated as 'to go away for the weekend'. It implies leaving one's usual place of residence to spend the weekend elsewhere, often for relaxation, vacation or leisure purposes.

Example sentences with  irse de fin de semana
irse de luna de miel
leave honeymoon

'Irse de luna de miel' in Spanish literally translates as 'to leave on a honeymoon' in English. It refers to the traditional holiday, which newlyweds embark on, immediately following their wedding ceremony. This phrase is commonly used to describe the action of going away for a dedicated time of celebration and relationship-building immediately after getting married.

irse de puente
leave the bridge

'Irse de puente' is a Spanish phrase which does not translate directly to 'leave the bridge'. Instead, it refers to taking a long weekend or a mini-vacation, especially when a holiday falls near the weekend. This phrase is commonly used in Spain and some parts of Latin America. It's derived from the literal meaning of 'puente' which is 'bridge'. In this context, however, 'puente' means bridging the gap between a public holiday and a weekend, in order to create a longer period of rest.

Example sentences with  irse de puente

The Spanish word for island is 'isla'. It's used much in the same way as it is in English. For example, 'Vivo en una isla' means 'I live on an island'. Like in English, 'isla' can be used metaphorically to describe isolation or remoteness as well.

Example sentences with  isla

The term 'islamismo' in Spanish translates to 'Islam' in English. It refers to the monotheistic religious belief system originated in Mecca in the 7th century CE, propagated by the Prophet Muhammad. The faith of Islam emphasizes submission to God, with followers known as Muslims. It is one of the major religions in the world, with over 1.8 billion followers or approximately 24.1% of the global population.

Example sentences with  islamismo

'Itinerario' is a Spanish term, which means 'itinerary' in English, referring to a planned route or journey.

Example sentences with  itinerario
IVA (Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido)
VAT (Value Added Tax)

IVA, short for 'Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido', is a Spanish term which translates to 'Value Added Tax' in English. This tax is consumption tax added to the price of goods and services. It is called a 'value added' tax because it is imposed on the value that has been added at each stage of production or distribution of goods and services. Therefore, the term 'IVA' is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries in matters related to economy and finance.

Example sentences with  IVA (Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido)

The word 'izquierda' in Spanish is used to denote the direction 'left'. It's an adjective used to specify a direction or location. For instance, 'gira a la izquierda' translates to 'turn to the left'. It's also used in political context similar to English to refer to left-wing politics.

Example sentences with  izquierda

The word 'jabón' is a common noun in Spanish which translates to 'soap' in English. It's a term that you'll likely hear or use in daily conversation, particularly when discussing hygiene or cleaning. 'Jabón' might refer to things such as a bar of soap you use for washing your hands or a liquid soap used for washing dishes.

Example sentences with  jabón

The word 'jade' in Spanish refers to the same semi-precious hard stone used for ornaments and implements and typically green in color. It is known as 'jade' in English as well. It's known for its use in artifacts and jewelry due to its sturdy and beautiful characteristics.

Example sentences with  jade
jamón serrano
Serbian ham

The Spanish term 'jamón serrano' actually translates to 'mountain ham' in English, not 'serbian ham'. This refers a type of dry-cured ham from the Sierra mountains in Spain. It is a term that covers all Spanish ham which is served raw and cured for around a year. The flavor is rich, salty and deeply satisfying, typically sliced thin for appetizers or incorporated into a variety of Spanish dishes.

jamón York
York ham

The term 'jamón York' refers to a specific type of ham that is commonly consumed in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries. It is known as 'York ham' in English. From a culinary standpoint, this type of ham is mild in flavor and is often used in sandwiches, tapas, and other dishes. Despite its Spanish name, York ham originates from England, specifically the historic town of York, where this style of curing ham was first implemented. This has led to its unique taste and texture which is appreciated by many food enthusiasts around the world.


The word 'japonés' is a Spanish term that translates into 'Japanese' in English. It may be used to refer to anything relating to Japan - its people, language, or culture. Used as an adjective, 'japonés' describes something as being of Japanese origin. It links not only to the geographical country of Japan but also encompasses the rich historical, cultural, and linguistic dimensions associated with it. Therefore, when one is referring to a Japanese food, person, language or any other element, the term 'japonés' is used in the Spanish language.


The Spanish term 'jaqueca' translates to 'headache' in English. It is a common term used to refer to a continuous, often severe pain occurring in the head. This could be felt anywhere in the head or neck region. The term is often used in both medical and non-medical contexts. In Spanish communication, you would use 'jaqueca' to express that you or someone else is experiencing a headache.

Example sentences with  jaqueca

The Spanish word 'jardín' translates to 'garden' in English. It's a noun used to describe an area of ground, typically in a residential property, where flowers and plants are grown. A 'jardín' can also refer to a public park or a green space in a city. It's commonly used in various contexts, such as in 'jardín botánico' meaning 'botanic garden', or 'jardín de niños' meaning 'kindergarten'.

jardín de infancia

The Spanish term 'jardín de infancia' is translated into English as 'kindergarten'. It is used to refer to a type of preschool educational institution where children learn basic social and academic skills through games, singing, drawing, and creative activities. The term 'jardín de infancia' directly translates to 'garden of children', signifying a place where young kids grow, learn and develop much like plants in a garden.


The word 'jardinera' in Spanish translates to 'gardener' in English. Gardener signifies a person who tends and cultivates a garden either as a hobby or profession. 'Jardinera' can also imply the feminine gender in Spanish due to the 'a' suffix. Hence, it is especially used to address female gardeners. Besides, 'jardinera' further refers to a kind of Spanish vegetable stew, thereby bearing a dual meaning.

Example sentences with  jardinera
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