Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

ir a un restaurante
go to a restaurant

The Spanish phrase 'ir a un restaurante' translates to 'go to a restaurant' in English. This is in the infinitive form and is generally used when one is expressing the intention or plan to go to a restaurant. It can be used in a variety of contexts and can be adapted to different tenses based on the intended meaning.

ir a una discoteca
go to a disco

The Spanish phrase 'ir a una discoteca' translates to 'go to a disco' in English. This phrase is typically used to indicate one's intention to visit a nightclub or disco, and can be used in both casual and formal contexts. It comes from the verb 'ir' which means 'to go', 'a' which is a preposition that typically means 'to' or 'at', and 'una discoteca' which means 'a disco'. Overall, this phrase is a representation of a common activity in many Spanish-speaking cultures, offering insight into social behaviors and entertainment preferences.

ir a ver un piso
go see a floor

The phrase 'ir a ver un piso' in Spanish is commonly used in the context of real estate or housing. It directly translates as 'go see a floor' in English, however, it is more accurately interpreted as 'go view a flat' or 'go view an apartment'. This is usually used when someone is interested in renting or purchasing a new home and they are going to inspect or view the property.

ir al campo
go to the field

The Spanish phrase 'ir al campo' translates to 'go to the field' in English. It's often used to describe the activity of going to the countryside or a rural area for relaxation, work, or other purposes. The phrase is made up of 'ir' which means 'to go', 'al' a contraction of 'a' (to) and 'el' (the), & 'campo' meaning 'field' or 'countryside'. So, 'ir al campo' literally translates to 'to go to the field.'

Example sentences with  ir al campo
ir al cine
go to the movies

The phrase 'ir al cine' in Spanish translates to 'go to the movies' in English. It is typically used in everyday conversation, and is indicative of a common leisure activity. Similar to its usage in English, 'ir al cine' is applicable in a variety of scenarios, from making plans with friends, to sharing past events or future intentions. You can use it in sentences like 'Vamos a ir al cine esta noche.' which means 'We are going to the movies tonight.' in English.

ir al circo
go to the circus

The Spanish phrase 'ir al circo' translates to 'go to the circus' in English. It is often used when someone expresses their desire or plan to go to a circus, as in ‘Voy a ir al circo’, which means ‘I’m going to go to the circus’.

ir al hospital
go to the hospital

The Spanish phrase 'ir al hospital' translates into English as 'go to the hospital'. It is an action phrase necessitating movement to a place of medical treatment and care, usually during situations that require immediate medical attention. The verb 'ir', in this context, indicates 'going' or moving towards a certain destination, which in this case is 'hospital', meaning a medical institution.

Example sentences with  ir al hospital
ir al médico
go to the doctor

The Spanish phrase 'ir al médico' when translated into English means 'go to the doctor'. It is often used to express the action of visiting a doctor for a medical consultation or check-up. For example, one might say 'Necesito ir al médico' in Spanish which means 'I need to go to the doctor' in English.

Example sentences with  ir al médico
ir al parque
go to the park

The Spanish phrase 'ir al parque' translates to 'go to the park' in English. It's a common phrase that is used to discuss plans or suggest an activity. The word 'ir' is the base form of the verb which means 'to go'. 'Al' is a contraction of the preposition 'a' which means 'to' and 'el' which means 'the'. 'Parque' simply means 'park'. Together, they literally translate to 'to go to the park'.

ir al teatro
go to the theater

The phrase 'ir al teatro' in Spanish translates to 'go to the theater' in English. In this instance, 'ir' means 'go', 'al' is a contraction of 'a el' which means 'to the', and 'teatro' translates directly to 'theater'. This phrase could be used to tell someone about your plans for the evening. For example, you might say 'Voy a ir al teatro', meaning 'I am going to go to the theater'.

ir andando

The phrase 'ir andando' in Spanish translates to 'walking' in English. It is commonly used to describe the action of moving along by putting one foot in front of the other at a slow pace. 'Ir' is an irregular verb that denotes the act of going somewhere, while 'andando' is the gerund form of the verb 'andar', which translates as 'to walk' or 'to go'. Together as a phrase, 'ir andando' is used to express the idea of going somewhere by walking.

Example sentences with  ir andando
ir con retraso
going late

The Spanish phrase 'ir con retraso' translates to 'going late' in English. It is usually used to express when someone or something is delayed or behind schedule. This phrase is commonly used in both formal and informal settings, similar to its English counterpart. Please take note that 'ir con retraso' is generally used in the context of time and schedule and does not refer to being 'late' in the sense of the finality of life or passing away.

Example sentences with  ir con retraso
ir de camping
go camping

The Spanish phrase 'ir de camping' translates to 'go camping' in English. This is usually used to express an outdoor recreational activity where people take temporary residence in outdoor areas, typically in forests or near designated campgrounds. It is an common activity for people who want to enjoy nature and participate in activities like hiking, fishing, or just enjoy the serenity of a night under the stars.

ir de compras
go shopping

The Spanish term 'ir de compras' directly translates to 'go shopping' in English. It is a common phrase used in Spanish-speaking regions to signify the act of visiting stores and purchasing goods or services. This can refer to any form of shopping, including grocery shopping, clothes shopping, or simply browsing through products at different stores. Just like in English, it can also be used in various contexts, such as planning to shop ('Vamos a ir de compras') or being currently at the shopping mall ('Estoy yendo de compras').

ir de copas
go for drinks

'ir de copas' is a common phrase in Spanish, which directly translates to 'go for glasses'. However, in context, it is typically used to mean 'go for drinks'. This phrase is often used when inviting someone out to a bar or a similar establishment where alcoholic beverages are served. For example, one might say 'Vamos a ir de copas esta noche' to suggest going out for drinks that night.

ir de corbata
wear a tie

The Spanish phrase 'ir de corbata' translates to 'wear a tie' in English. This is typically used in conversation to indicate that someone is wearing a tie or needs to wear a tie for a formal event or occasion. The verb 'ir' means 'to go' but in this context, it is used to indicate the act of 'wearing' something. 'Corbata' directly translates to 'tie', the neck accessory often worn by men and women in professional or formal situations.

ir de excursión
go hiking

The phrase 'ir de excursión' is a Spanish term which translates to 'go hiking' in English. It involves activities like walking or climbing mountains, hills, or any similar outdoor environments. This phrase is often used when planning or referring to outdoor activities or trips in Spanish-speaking regions.

ir de fiesta
go party

The Spanish phrase 'ir de fiesta' translates to 'go party' in English. This phrase is commonly used in casual and social contexts, referring to going out to have fun, typically at a nightspot or party. It conveys an idea of music, dance, enjoyment, and socializing with other people. It's a verb phrase, and the usage depends on the subject people are referring to.

ir de juerga
go play

The Spanish phrase 'ir de juerga' does not exactly translate to 'go play' in English. It is actually more accurately translated as 'to go on a spree' or 'to party'. The phrase is used in a colloquial context, often referring to going out to have fun with friends, which may involve partying, drinking, dancing, etc. It implies a sense of indulgence and celebration, rather than simple play.

ir de marcha
go on.

'Ir de marcha' is a Spanish phrase which translates to 'go on' in English. It is often used to describe the act of going out, especially socially or recreationally. Contextually, it specifically refers to going to party or enjoying the nightlife. However, the translation could vary depending upon the context in which it's used.

ir de paisano
go from countryman

'Ir de paisano' is a Spanish phrase that does not directly translate to 'go from countryman' in English. It is a colloquial expression often used to describe someone who is not in their usual work uniform or who is in casual dress, especially in the context of police or military personnel. Therefore, you could understand it as 'to be in plain clothes' or 'to be off duty' in English.

ir de paseo
go for a walk

The Spanish phrase 'ir de paseo' is commonly used in casual conversation. As a phrase, 'ir de paseo' translates most directly to 'to go for a walk' in English. It is typically used to imply leisurely movement, often for enjoyment, relaxation, or exercise. Though 'walk' is the simplest translation, 'paseo' can also refer to a stroll, outing, or excursion, depending on the situation.

ir de pesca
go fishing

The Spanish phrase 'ir de pesca' translates to 'go fishing' in English. It is a common phrase used in Spanish-speaking countries used to refer to the recreational activity of catching fish, often as a pastime or sport. The direct translation of 'ir' is 'to go' and 'pesca' is 'fishing', making the whole phrase mean 'to go fishing'.

Example sentences with  ir de pesca
ir de rebajas
go for sale

'Ir de rebajas' is a phrase in Spanish which translates to 'go for sale' in English. However, a more common and accurate interpretation would be 'go sale shopping', as it is often used in the context of shopping during a sale period. For example, it is commonly used when stores have seasonal discount periods and people go to shop for discounted items. The phrase is often associated with consumer behavior and retail culture.

ir de tapas
go from tapas

'Ir de tapas' is a staple activity in Spanish culture and translates in English as 'go from tapas'. It usually indicates the act of going from one tapas bar to another, trying different small-sized dishes known as 'tapas'. This activity is not only about food, but also about socializing, as it's often done with friends or family.

ir de tiendas
go shops

The phrase 'ir de tiendas' in Spanish directly translates to 'go shops' in English. However, its more accurate translation and intended meaning is 'go shopping'. It's a common phrase used to express the action of visiting several stores or shops, usually for purchasing goods or commodities. The verb 'ir' means 'to go', and 'tiendas' refers to 'shops' or 'stores'. So when you say 'ir de tiendas', it implies that you are going out to visit stores, most probably with the intention to buy something.

ir de traje
go in suit

'Ir de traje' is a Spanish phrase which, when directly translated to English, means 'go in suit'. It is most commonly used to describe a person's dress code or attire for an event or occasion. For example, when a person is described to 'ir de traje', it means this person will be attending an event dressed in a suit or formal attire.

ir de uniforme
go in uniform

The Spanish phrase 'ir de uniforme' translates to 'go in uniform' in English. This is typically used in context where individuals are required to wear specific attire, often in school, work, or military environments. It describes a person's action of wearing a prescribed set of clothes, often for identification purposes within a collective or institution.

ir de urgencias
to the emergency room

The Spanish phrase 'ir de urgencias' translates to 'to go to the emergency room' in English. This phrase is often used in situations of immediate and serious health-related problems that require immediate medical attention. It can be seen used in conversation when someone is badly injured or their condition rapidly worsens and they need to be taken to the hospital immediately.

ir de vacaciones
go on vacation

The Spanish phrase 'ir de vacaciones' translates to 'go on vacation' in English. This is often used to express the action of leaving regular duties behind for a period of relaxation, travel, or recreation. In Spanish-speaking cultures, going on vacation can be a common way to spend holidays or special occasions. It is noteworthy to remember that 'ir', the first word in the phrase means 'to go', 'de' indicates 'on' and 'vacaciones' means 'vacation'.

Example sentences with  ir de vacaciones
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