Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'inversor' translates to 'investor' in English. An 'inversor' or 'investor' is an individual or entity that allocates capital with the expectation of receiving some sort of return or profit. They may invest in business ventures, real estate, commodities, stocks, bonds, or a variety of other opportunities with potential for economic growth.

invertir dinero
invest money

The Spanish phrase 'invertir dinero' translates into English as 'invest money'. It refers to the act of using money in a way that you hope will increase its value over time. This could involve buying assets such as shares or property, or putting it into a business. The process of investing money often involves a level of risk as the value of investments can go up as well as down.

invertir en una vivienda
investment in housing

The Spanish phrase 'invertir en una vivienda' translates to 'investment in housing' in English. This phrase pertains to the act of putting money or capital into purchasing a house, apartment or any other form of residential property with the expectation of achieving a return on the investment. This return could come in the form of rental income, future resale of the property, or even both. It is a common form of long-term investment that many individuals participate in for the purpose of wealth accumulation, providing a home for their families or both.

investigación (policial)
investigation (police)

The Spanish term 'investigación (policial)' translates to 'investigation (police)' in English. This is primarily used in contexts involving law enforcement authorities conducting systematic and official inquiries to discover evidence about criminal acts or incidents. Its usage also extends to any formal examination of facts to uncover truths or establish facts, particularly those associated with potential criminal activities or suspicions. The term 'policial' that tags along implies that the investigation is specifically conducted by police or law enforcement agencies.


The Spanish word 'investigador' translates to 'researcher' in English. This term is most commonly used in academic or professional contexts, referring to an individual who conducts studies or investigations in a particular field or subject to discover new information, produce new insights, or develop new theories. An 'investigador' might work in a variety of settings, such as a university, government agency, private company, research institute, etc. They typically use different research methods depending on their area of expertise, following established protocols to ensure the validity and reliability of their findings.

Example sentences with  investigador

The Spanish word 'investigar' translates to 'investigate' in English. It is primarily used as a verb and can be related to explore, inquire or examine something closely and carefully with the aim of discovering something new. This could reference to various contexts such as scientific, analytic or detective work where thorough analysis or evaluation is required to gain insight or uncover facts or details otherwise unknown.

Example sentences with  investigar
investigar el delito fiscal
investigate the prosecution offence

The Spanish phrase 'investigar el delito fiscal' translates to 'investigate the prosecution offence' in English. It is commonly used in legal or financial contexts, referring to the process of examining or studying a claimed violation related to fiscal or tax laws. This could be part of seeking evidence, gaining understanding, or preparing a case around such a monetary law infringement.

Example sentences with  investigar el delito fiscal

The Spanish word 'invierno' translates to 'winter' in English. It refers to one of the four seasons of the year that is typically the coldest. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is often associated with cold weather, snow, and shorter days. In the Southern Hemisphere, 'invierno' arrives during what North America and Europe consider as summer months. It is the season between autumn ('otoño') and spring ('primavera') in a year.

Example sentences with  invierno

The Spanish word 'invitación' translates to 'invitation' in English. It is a noun and is most commonly used to request the presence or participation of someone in an event such as a party, wedding, meeting or ceremony. Similar to its English counterpart, 'invitación' can be used both in a formal and informal context.


The term 'invitado' is a Spanish word which translates to 'guest' in English. It is primarily used to refer to someone who is welcomed or invited to participate in a specific occasion or location. Examples include being invited to a party, social gathering, or an event. The 'invitado' could either be known or unknown to the hosts, and the function or duration of their stay would depend on the specific circumstance. Another context in which it is used is in the hospitality sector to describe someone staying or dining in a hotel or restaurant. In general, an 'invitado' is an individual who is included in an activity or event by someone else's invitation.


The Spanish word 'invitar' translates to 'invite' in English. It is a verb that is used in the context of asking someone to attend an event, participate in an activity, or to join in something. Example usages include 'invitar a un amigo a una fiesta' which translates to 'invite a friend to a party', or 'voy a invitar a mis padres a cenar' meaning 'I am going to invite my parents to dinner'. The word 'invitar' is also used in certain phrases or expressions, like 'te invito a pensar' which in English becomes 'I invite you to think'.

invitar a una despedida de soltero
invite to a bachelor party

The phrase 'invitar a una despedida de soltero' in Spanish translates to 'invite to a bachelor party' in English. A bachelor party is a party given for a man who is about to get married, typically thrown by his friends, where he celebrates his last days of being single. To 'invitar a una despedida de soltero' means to extend an invitation to such an event.

invitar a una fiesta de fin de curso
invite a party at the end of the course

The Spanish phrase 'invitar a una fiesta de fin de curso' translates to 'invite to a party at the end of the course' in English. This phrase can be used in a situation where someone is asking another person to attend a celebration that marks the conclusion of a specific course or academic term.


The Spanish word 'involucrar' corresponds to the English term 'involve.' It is commonly used in Spanish conversations and writing to express the notion of including someone or something as a part of a situation, event, or action. It can also denote the idea of making someone become closely connected or associated with someone else in some form of activity. Usage of 'involucrar' typically depends on the subject matter and context.

Example sentences with  involucrar

The Spanish word 'inyección' translates to 'injection' in English. It is a noun often used in a medical context. It refers to the act or process of introducing a substance into the body, usually with a needle and syringe. This substance can be a medicine or a vaccination. 'Inyección' can also refer to the act or an instance of injecting, or something that is injected, in a non-medical context as well.

Example sentences with  inyección

The Spanish word 'inyectar' translates to 'inject' in English. It is primarily used in the context of medical or scientific scenarios, usually referring to introducing a substance into the body with a syringe. It can also be used metaphorically to convey the idea of introducing something forcefully or significantly into a situation or context.

Example sentences with  inyectar
to go

'Ir' is used to indicate movement or motion away from one place to another.

Example sentences with  ir
ir a clase
go to class

The Spanish phrase 'ir a clase' translates to 'go to class' in English. It is generally used to indicate the action of attending a class in an educational setting, such as a school or university. This phrase can be utilized in various contexts, for instance, when a teacher is instructing students to attend a class, or when students are discussing their plans to attend a class. It's important to note that in Spanish, the verb 'ir', which means 'to go', is conjugated according to the subject.

ir a la cárcel
go to jail

The Spanish phrase 'ir a la cárcel' translates to 'go to jail' in English. It is composed of the Spanish verb 'ir' which means 'to go', the definite article 'a la' translates as 'to the' in English, and 'cárcel' is the Spanish noun for 'jail' or 'prison'. Thus put together, 'ir a la cárcel' means 'to go to jail'. You may encounter this phrase in legal contexts, books, movies or when discussing legal issues.

Example sentences with  ir a la cárcel
ir a la iglesia
go to church

The Spanish phrase 'ir a la iglesia' translates to 'go to the church' in English. It is a verb phrase, with 'ir' being the verb meaning 'to go', 'a' being a preposition meaning 'to' and 'la iglesia' being a noun phrase meaning 'the church'. This phrase is often used to talk about the action of going to attend a church service or visit a church.

Example sentences with  ir a la iglesia
ir a la mezquita
go to the mosque

The Spanish phrase 'ir a la mezquita' translates to 'go to the mosque' in English. It is a verb phrase made up of the verb 'ir' which means 'to go', the preposition 'a' which means 'to', and the noun 'la mezquita' which means 'the mosque'. It is used in specific contexts when someone is intending or planning to visit a mosque.

Example sentences with  ir a la mezquita
ir a la montaña
go to the mountain

'Ir a la montaña' is a Spanish phrase that directly translates to 'go to the mountain' in English. This phrase is often used when someone is expressing their desire or plan to travel or hike up a mountain. Like in English, it can be used in various contexts. It's a basic phrase that's important for learners to understand when starting to comprehend Spanish phrases related to travel and outdoor activities.

Example sentences with  ir a la montaña
ir a la playa
go to the beach

The Spanish phrase 'ir a la playa' translates to 'go to the beach' in English. It combines the verb 'ir', which means 'to go', with the preposition 'a', which means 'to', and the noun phrase 'la playa', which means 'the beach'. It expresses an action of traveling or moving to a beach.

Example sentences with  ir a la playa
ir a la sinagoga
go to the synagogue

The Spanish phrase 'ir a la sinagoga' translates to 'go to the synagogue' in English. This phrase is typically used when one is expressing the act of going to a synagogue for worship or other religious activities. In Spanish, 'ir' means 'go', 'a' is a preposition that generally means 'to', 'la' is a definite article that translates to 'the', and 'sinagoga' is the noun referring to a 'synagogue'. Therefore, when these words are put together, they mean 'go to the synagogue'.

Example sentences with  ir a la sinagoga
ir a Madrid
go to Madrid

The Spanish phrase 'ir a Madrid' translates to 'go to Madrid' in English. This is a command or instruction, used when the speaker is directing someone to move toward the city of Madrid. The verb 'ir' means 'to go', and 'a Madrid' means 'to Madrid'. This phrase perfectly illustrates the use of 'a' as a preposition suggesting direction or motion in Spanish, similar to 'to' in English. The use of this phrase can vary depending on the context, but generally, it is used when speaking about travel or movement towards the Spanish city of Madrid.

Example sentences with  ir a Madrid
ir a misa
go to mass

The phrase 'ir a misa' in Spanish translates to 'go to mass' in English. It is an idiomatic expression that is used to describe the action of attending a Catholic religious ceremony known as mass. This phrase can broadly be used in general conversations, and would mainly be understood by Spanish speakers who are familiar with Catholic Church activities or events.

Example sentences with  ir a misa
ir a un bar
go to a bar

The Spanish phrase 'ir a un bar' translates to 'go to a bar' in English. It is composed of 'ir' which means 'to go', 'a' a preposition equivalent to 'to' in English, 'un' which translates to 'a', and 'bar' which is the same in both languages. So, when you say 'ir a un bar', you are basically saying you are going or want to go to a bar.

ir a un café
go to a coffee

The Spanish phrase 'ir a un café' translates to 'go to a coffee shop' in English. This refers to the act of travelling to a location where coffee is served, often in a casual, relaxed setting. Coffee shops are popular social spots where people often go to meet friends, read, study, or work. The phrase can be used in many different conversational contexts.

ir a un concierto
go to a concert

The Spanish phrase 'ir a un concierto' translates to 'go to a concert' in English. This phrase is commonly used in scenarios leading to attending a live musical event, where 'ir' means 'to go', 'a' implies 'to', 'un' indicates 'a', and 'concierto' translates to 'concert'. Thus, if you want to express the idea of going to a concert in Spanish, you would use 'ir a un concierto'.

ir a un museo
go to a museum

The Spanish phrase 'ir a un museo' translates to 'go to a museum' in English. This phrase can be broken down into 'ir' meaning 'to go', 'a' meaning 'to', and 'un museo' meaning 'a museum'. This phrase is often used when mentioning plans or desires to visit a museum. Like English, the phrase is versatile and can be used in a variety of contexts such as 'Vamos a ir a un museo mañana' which means 'We are going to a museum tomorrow.

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