Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

interpretación convincente
convincing interpretation

The Spanish phrase 'interpretación convincente' translates to 'convincing interpretation' in English. This term is often used in arts and literature or in any discourse where there is analysis and explanation. An 'interpretación convincente' implies that the interpretation provided is persuasive, compelling, and believable, resonating strongly with the intended meaning, context, or theme.

Example sentences with  interpretación convincente
interpretación pésima
Petty interpretation

'Interpretación pésima' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'petty interpretation' in English. The phrase is typically used to describe an interpretation that is done poorly or without much regard for detail or accuracy. It implicates a subjectively bad or undue explanation or understanding of a given material, concept, situation or conversation. Such interpretation is narrow-minded or selfishly skewed.

Example sentences with  interpretación pésima
interpretación textual
Textual interpretation

The term 'interpretación textual' in Spanish translates to 'textual interpretation' in English. It refers to the process of discerning and understanding the meanings, themes, and messages expressed in textual content, such as books, articles, poems, etc. This involves reading between the lines, examining the context, and interpreting the language used by the author to convey their thoughts and ideas. Textual interpretation is a critical skill in many fields, including literature, law, education, and journalism.

Example sentences with  interpretación textual
interpretar un papel
interpreting a role

The Spanish phrase 'interpretar un papel' translates to 'interpreting a role' in English. This can refer to the process of an actor taking on a character role in a theatrical performance or film. It can also be used metaphorically to describe any situation where a person assumes a specific role or set of responsibilities, often different from their usual ones. For example, in a workplace setting, one might 'interpretar un papel' when stepping into a new position or role.

Example sentences with  interpretar un papel
interpretar un texto
interpreting a text

The Spanish phrase 'interpretar un texto' translates to 'interpreting a text' in English. This essentially involves understanding and explaining the meaning or significance of a written text. This action is often performed in the fields of literature, law, and others where comprehensive understanding of text is needed. It's important because it allows for more in-depth discussions about the text and can foster a greater appreciation for the work in its original language.

Example sentences with  interpretar un texto
interpretar una canción
play a song

The Spanish phrase 'interpretar una canción' translates to 'play a song' in English. This might be used when someone is performing a song, perhaps playing the notes on an instrument or singing. It is worth noting that while 'interpretar' directly translates to 'interpret', within this context, it's better translated as 'perform' or 'play'. Thus, 'interpretar una canción' denotes the action of bringing a song to life through performance.

Example sentences with  interpretar una canción
interpretar una obra
interpreting a work

The term 'interpretar una obra' in Spanish translates to 'interpreting a work' in English. Generally, it can refer to the analysis or understanding of any piece of work — like a book, painting, or piece of music. In a broader context, it expands to be associated with the task of an artist, reader, or performer in figuring out, and expressing, the meaning or theme encoded in a piece of art or literature. This encompasses the wide range of humanistic and creative activities, from literary criticism to performance arts.

Example sentences with  interpretar una obra
interpretar una pieza
interpret a piece

The Spanish phrase 'interpretar una pieza' generally refers to making an artistic judgement or rendering a personal performance of a specific piece (of music, theatre, etc). In English, this phrase translates directly to 'interpret a piece'. This could involve forms of art such as music, where an individual gives their own unique performance of a musical composition, or in visual arts, where an artist might recreate an existing artwork in their own style. More generally, in any form of expression, it can refer to understanding and portraying a particular thing or idea in one's unique perspective.

Example sentences with  interpretar una pieza
interrogar a un delincuente
interrogate a criminal

The phrase 'interrogar a un delincuente' in Spanish translates to 'interrogate a criminal' in English. This is typically used in context of law enforcement or legal proceedings, where a suspect, who is believed to have committed a crime, is subjected to questioning to extract information or a confession. This phrase could be used in either informal or formal conversations.

interrogar a un sospechoso
interrogate a suspect

The Spanish phrase 'interrogar a un sospechoso' translates to 'interrogate a suspect' in English. This phrase is typically used in a law enforcement or legal context, where an individual who is suspected of committing a crime is questioned extensively by law enforcement officers or lawyers. The verb 'interrogar' means 'to interrogate', 'a' is a preposition generally used to mean 'to', and 'un sospechoso' translates to 'a suspect'.

interrogation interrogation

The Spanish word 'interrogatorio' translates into English as 'interrogation'. It is typically used to describe a formal, systematic questioning process, often used by police, military, or intelligence agencies to gather information or elicit a confession from a suspect or a prisoner. It can also apply to any situation where exhaustive questions are asked, such as a job interview or a cross-examination during a legal proceeding.

interrumpir la digestión
interrupt digestion

The Spanish phrase 'interrumpir la digestión' translates to 'interrupt digestion' in English. This is generally used to express the act of disrupting the process of breaking down food into smaller parts, so the body can use them to build and nourish cells and provide energy. It's often used in medical or colloquial context when certain activities, illnesses, or substances cause a disruption or halt in the normal digestion process.


The Spanish word 'interruptor' translates to 'switch' in English. It's typically used to refer to a device for making, breaking, or changing the connections in an electrical circuit as in a light switch ('interruptor de luz'). Though less common, it can also be used metaphorically as it is in English, such as switching topics in conversation.


The Spanish word 'intersección' translates to 'intersection' in English. It is primarily used in the context of paths or roads crossing each other. An intersection can be a point where two or more things intersect, especially roads. 'Intersección' can also refer to the act of cutting or dividing by passing through or across. Therefore, it can be used in various contexts like transportation, mathematics, or even in general conversation when referring to things crossing or meeting.

Example sentences with  intersección

The word 'intestino' in Spanish is translated to 'intestine' in English. This term is used in anatomy and specifically refers to a part of the digestive system which includes the small intestine and the large intestine. The function of these organs is to digest food and absorb nutrients and water into the body. They also help to remove waste products from the body. The word 'intestino' is often used in medical and health contexts.

íntimo amigo
intimate friend

The term 'íntimo amigo' in Spanish is translated into English as 'intimate friend'. It is used to refer to a very close friend with whom one shares personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences. They are friends who are trusted and thought highly of, so the relationship is very close and personal. In English, similar phrases may be used such as 'close friend', 'good friend', or 'trusted friend' for example. The term does not necessarily imply a romantic or physical intimacy, but rather it speaks to the depth and strength of the friendship.


The Spanish word 'intransigencia' translates to 'intransigence' in English. This term is used to illustrate a trait of being stubborn, unwilling to change one's views, or showing an extreme unwillingness to accept views that are different from one's own. The principle usage is often related to politics to depict individuals or parties who refuse to change their position or compromise on issues.


The Spanish word 'intransigente' translates to 'intransigent' in English. It is often used to describe someone who is unwilling to change their views or to agree about something. This word is usually applied to a person who is stubborn, uncompromising, and rigid in their beliefs or views, refusing to alter them even in the face of persuasive arguments or evidence to the contrary.


The Spanish word 'intriga' translates to 'intrigue' in English. It is a noun that refers to the feeling of curiosity or interest that makes you want to learn more about something or to be involved in something. It can also refer to a secret scheme or plot, much like how it is used in English language. Similar to its English counterpart, 'intriga' can be used in different contexts such as literature, conversations, and expressions related to mystery, curiosity, and clandestine activities.

Example sentences with  intriga
introducir datos en el ordenador
enter data on the computer

The Spanish phrase 'introducir datos en el ordenador' translates to 'enter data on the computer' in English. This phrase is usually used in places where computer systems are utilized to manage, store or process data. For instance, in a corporate setting, an employee may be asked to 'introducir datos en el ordenador' for various purposes like data analysis, decision making, or record keeping among others.

introducir una técnica
introduce a technique

The Spanish phrase 'introducir una técnica' translates to 'introduce a technique' in English. This could typically be used in a professional context, like in a business meeting or an academic discussion, where someone might 'introduce a technique' as a new way of doing something or solving a problem. It could also, for example, be used in a sports training context, where a coach might 'introduce a technique' to help athletes improve their performance. In Spanish, as in English, the verb 'introduce' can carry the implication of presenting something for consideration or use for the first time.

Example sentences with  introducir una técnica

The Spanish word 'introvertido' translates to 'introverted' in English. It is an adjective used to describe a person who is shy, reticent, and typically self-focused. Introverted people often prefer solitary activities over social ones, and may feel drained by social interactions. They often engage in activities that allow them to work independently and may need alone time to recharge.


The Spanish word 'inundación' translates to 'flooding' in English. This is a noun that describes an excess of water submerging land that is usually dry. It is often linked to heavy rainfall, natural disasters, or overflow of water bodies such as rivers or lakes. 'Inundación' is typically used in the context of natural disasters or extreme weather conditions.

Example sentences with  inundación

The Spanish verb 'inundar(se)' is translated as 'to flood' or 'to flood oneself' in English. This word is generally utilized when a large amount of water overflows onto typically dry land. 'Inundar' is the regular form, but 'inundarse' is the reflexive form, which transmits the idea of 'to flood oneself', insinuating that the subject of the sentence does the action to itself. This can be used figuratively to indicate overwhelming situations or feelings that flood over a person, in addition to the literal flooding of water.

Example sentences with  inundar(se)

'Invadir' is a transitive verb in Spanish language that translates to 'invade' in English. It comes from the Latin word 'invadere', where 'in' means 'into' and 'vadere' means 'go'. 'Invadir' is used to express the action of entering forcibly or hostilely into a place or territory, usually in the context of military or geopolitical situations. However, it can also be used metaphorically to describe situations where something spreads or overwhelms something else, like a feeling or an idea.

Example sentences with  invadir

The Spanish word 'invasión' translates to 'invasion' in English. It is a noun term often used to describe an instance where an army or a large number of people suddenly enter and start to control a region. It can also refer to the arrival of a large number of people or things at the same time, often causing problems. Furthermore, it may also denote the act of entering a place in large numbers, especially when unwanted and in a manner causing damage or discomfort.

Example sentences with  invasión

The Spanish word 'inventar' translates to 'invent' in English. It is used to describe the process of creating something new or unique, which has never been made before. This could apply to a broad range of new creations including, but not limited to, new designs, technologies, theories, stories, etc. In Spanish verb conjugation, 'inventar' belongs to the 'ar' verb group, and its various forms would be used based on the subject and tense.

Example sentences with  inventar

The Spanish word 'invento' translates to 'invention' in English. This word is commonly applicable in several contexts such as technology, arts, or any field where a new product, idea, or method is developed. Just like in English, 'invento' in Spanish can also refer to an inaccurate concoction or a lie, depending on the context it is used in.

Example sentences with  invento

The Spanish word 'invernadero' translates to 'greenhouse' in English. A greenhouse is a structure with walls and roof made chiefly of transparent material, such as glass, in which plants requiring regulated climatic conditions are grown. These structures range in size from small sheds to industrial-sized buildings. In Spanish, 'invernadero' can be used in various contexts, but its primary usage remains in the reference to the aforementioned structure used in botany and agricultural science.

Example sentences with  invernadero

Investment refers to the action or process of investing money for profit. In business, it may also refer to purchasing goods or services with the expectation of earning a profit or increasing operational capabilities.

Example sentences with  inversión
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