Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

instalar un antivirus
install an antivirus

The Spanish phrase 'instalar un antivirus' translates to 'install an antivirus' in English. This is an action phrase commonly used when discussing computers or digital devices. It refers to the action of adding an antivirus program to your device in order to protect it against harmful software like viruses and malware. Antivirus programs are essential for the security and safe operation of digital devices.

instalar un programa
install a program

The Spanish phrase 'instalar un programa' translates to 'install a program' in English. It is a common phrase in the tech industry, specifically when it comes to computer software. When you 'instalar un programa', you are adding a particular software to your computer or device. This process often involves downloading the software from the internet, or transferring it from a physical source, and then going through a guided setup process to make the program ready for use.

institutional institutions

The word 'institucional' in Spanish translates to 'institutional' in English. It is an adjective frequently used to describe something that is related to or is part of a institution. These institutions can range from governmental bodies, educational institutions, companies or any established public or private organization. It is quite often used in both formal and informal contexts. The subject that the adjective 'institucional' modifies will determine its exact implications.

Example sentences with  institucional
high school

The Spanish word 'instituto' translates to 'high school' in English. In Spanish-speaking countries, an 'instituto' is the educational institution where teenagers typically go after primary school. They spend four to six years there, typically between the ages of 12 and 18, studying a wide range of subjects to prepare for university or vocational training. The English equivalent is a 'high school', where students usually go from the age of 14 to 18 before entering college or university or joining the workforce.

Instituto Nacional de Empleo (INEM)
National Employment Institute (INEM)

The 'Instituto Nacional de Empleo (INEM)' is a formulation in Spanish that translates to 'National Employment Institute (INEM)' in English. It refers to a governmental organization whose primary purpose is to provide and regulate employment services. This includes but is not limited to dealing with unemployment issues, providing job training programs, and managing job vacancies. Its main objective is to connect employers with job seekers, provide career counseling, benefits, and help to the unemployed individuals as well as promoting sustainable employment.


The word 'instructivo' in Spanish corresponds to the English word 'instructive'. This is an adjective used to describe something that provides instructive or useful information. It is often used in the context of a lesson, guide, or other form of teaching material that imparts knowledge or skills. Instructive can refer to anything that serves to instruct or provide information, often aimed at educating or improving one's understanding in a particular field or subject.


The Spanish word 'instructor' translates to 'instructor' in English. It is used to denote a person who teaches a skill or subject. This is a common term used in sports, education, and training sectors where such a person imparts knowledge or practical expertise to students or trainees. The term is not gender-specific and can refer to both male and female persons involved in teaching or instructing activities.

instrumento de cuerda
string instrument

The Spanish term 'instrumento de cuerda' translates to 'string instrument' in English. This refers to a musical instrument that generates sound by resonating strings which are plucked, struck or bowed. Different types of string instruments can be found all around the world, including the guitar and violin. This term is commonly used in music and cultural study contexts.

Example sentences with  instrumento de cuerda
instrumento de percusión
percussion instrument

The phrase 'instrumento de percusión' is a Spanish term that translates to 'percussion instrument' in English. These are musical instruments that produce sound by being struck, shaken, or scraped. In an orchestra or concert band, the percussion section is typically diverse and can include instruments such as the drums, cymbals, triangle, xylophone, and many others. Other types of percussion instruments include global varieties like the African djembe or the Latin American maracas. So when you come across 'instrumento de percusión', you now know it refers to the wide-ranging family of percussion instruments.

Example sentences with  instrumento de percusión
instrumento de viento
wind instrument

The Spanish phrase 'instrumento de viento' refers to a class of instruments known grouped as wind instruments in English. These are musical instruments that create sound by causing a body of air to vibrate, without the need for strings or membranes, and include instruments such as flutes and trumpets.

Example sentences with  instrumento de viento

The Spanish word 'insulso' is an adjective that is used to describe something that is lacking in flavor, character, or interest. In English, this word can be translated as 'bland'. It can be used to refer to food that is not seasoned well and doesn't have a tasty flavor. Additionally, it can also be used to critique a movie, book, or an event that is not interesting or engaging.


The Spanish word 'integración' directly translates to the English word 'integration'. It is a noun used to describe the process of combining one entity into another compatible and relatively larger entity. In various contexts, it refers to the process of making populations, systems, or individuals into a unified whole. It is used in different fields such as mathematics, social sciences, and technology.

integración social
social integration

The term 'integración social', in English means 'social integration'. This refers to the process by which individuals and communities are both reinstated and included within a community. Social integration involves inclusion of individuals or groups such as newcomers or immigrants, in a society. It implies an increased sense of belonging, more participation in social functions and activities, and increased access to opportunities, resources and rights, which were previously unattainable.

Example sentences with  integración social
to integrate

The Spanish word 'integrar' translates to 'integrate' in English. In many contexts, it refers to the act of combining one thing with another to become a whole or make up a whole. It can be applied in various fields such as mathematics, business, and technology. For example, 'integrar' a team means to become a part of a team. In a broader social context, it can imply inclusion or incorporation of various elements into a whole. It's a verb and its forms change according to tense, mood, and who is being referred to.

Example sentences with  integrar

The Spanish word 'integridad' translates to 'integrity' in English. It is a noun which refers to the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. It is also used to describe the state of being whole and undivided. The term is often used in both personal and professional contexts to describe individuals or organizations that adhere to ethical standards and values.


The Spanish word 'integrismo' translates to 'fundamentalism' in English. It generally refers to a form of strict adherence to a particular set of ideals, beliefs, theories, or rules which is often associated with a religious, political, or philosophical viewpoint. This term is often used to describe movements that believe in return to traditional authority and are opposed to modernism or liberal views.

Example sentences with  integrismo
inteligencia artificial
Artificial Intelligence

The term 'inteligencia artificial', in English, refers to 'artificial intelligence'. This is a multidisciplinary field in computer science that focuses on creating systems or machines capable of exhibiting human-like intelligence. These systems are designed to solve complex problems, learn from experience, understand human language, recognize patterns, and adapt to new inputs. The field of artificial intelligence includes various subcategories such as machine learning, neural networks, robotics, etc.

Example sentences with  inteligencia artificial

'Inteligente' is a Spanish adjective that translates to 'smart' in English. It is used to refer to someone who has a good understanding or a high mental capacity. Frequently, it is attached to individuals who have the ability to easily learn or understand things, or deal with new or difficult situations.

intercambiar datos
exchange data

The Spanish term 'intercambiar datos' translates to 'exchange data' in English. This phrase is commonly used in technological and data managing contexts, referring to the process of sending and receiving data between two or more devices or systems. This could involve data transfer through various methods such as wired or wireless networking. It's a key component in ensuring smooth and effective communication within and between digital systems.

intercambiar documentos
exchanging documents

The Spanish phrase 'intercambiar documentos' translates to 'exchanging documents' in English. This refers to the process of giving one document and receiving another in return, which can happen in various contexts such as in a business setting, a legal process, or between individuals for various purposes. It can be paperwork, electronic documents or some type of formal notification.

intercambiar imágenes
exchange images

The Spanish phrase 'intercambiar imágenes' translates to 'exchange images' in English. It is generally used in the context to describe an action where two or more individuals swap or trade images. It can be used in both digital and physical environment, such as the exchange of digital files like photos, illustrations, diagrams, etc., or swapping of physical pictures or photographs.

intercambiar información
exchange of information

The Spanish phrase 'intercambiar información' translates to 'exchange of information' in English. It describes the process of giving and receiving information between two or more parties. In this context, information can vary depending on the conversation - it could be data, knowledge, news, or insights. The phrase is commonly used in business scenarios, educational settings, and other social interactions where information needs to be communicated from one party to another.


In Spanish, 'interés' is used much as it is in English. It can refer both to a sense of curiosity or concern about something ('Tengo interés en este tema' - 'I have interest in this topic'), as well as the money paid regularly at a particular rate for the use of money lent, or for delaying the repayment of a debt ('El banco cobra un 3% de interés' - 'The bank charges 3% interest').

Example sentences with  interés

The Spanish word 'interesante' is used in similar contexts as it is in English. This means that something is engaging or exciting, worthy of attention. It can be used in both positive and negative contexts, just as in English, and can describe people, places, ideas, or situations. It is used to describe something that catches your attention and makes you want to know more about it.

Example sentences with  interesante

The Spanish word 'interino' translates into English as 'acting'. It refers to an interim or temporary position where the individual steps into a role to fill in for another person who is absent or when that position is currently vacant. This term is widely used in the business world, government sector, and various institutions.


The Spanish word 'intermitente' translates to 'intermittent' in English. It is typically used to describe something that alternates or fluctuates, not occurring in a steady, continuous stream, but rather with pauses or interruptions. One may use it to refer to a signal that flashes on and off, a sound that comes and goes, or any other activity or phenomenon that starts and stops repeatedly over a period.

Example sentences with  intermitente

The word 'internacional' is used in Spanish similarly as 'international' is used in English. It is most often used when referring to things, events, or people that involve more than one country. For example, if someone participates in an 'evento internacional', they are taking part in an 'international event'. It can also be used as an adjective to describe something that is known, recognized or present in many different countries.

Example sentences with  internacional

The Spanish word 'Internet' also means 'Internet' in English. It is a global network connecting millions of computers. More than 100 countries are linked into exchanges of data, news and opinions. Unlike online services, which are centrally controlled, by design, the Internet is decentralized. Each Internet computer, called a host, is independent.


The word 'interpretación' in Spanish translates to 'interpretation' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as in arts (for example, the interpretation of a role in a drama), in law (for example, the interpretation of laws and regulations), in language (for example, the interpretation of one language to another), and in many other fields. It generally signifies explaining or understanding something in a particular way.

Example sentences with  interpretación
interpretación brillante
brilliant interpretation

The Spanish phrase 'interpretación brillante' translates to 'brilliant interpretation' in English. It is often used in contexts such as arts, literature, music and performances to highlight an exceptional understanding and delivery of someone's work. Just like in English, the word 'interpretación' refers to the action of explaining or making sense of something, and 'brillante' means shining or outstanding, often used to describe excellence.

Example sentences with  interpretación brillante
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