Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'inmigrante' translates to 'immigrant' in English. An immigrant is a person who moves to another country, voluntarily or by force, with intentions to settle, typically as permanent residents or naturalized citizens, and often with the promise of a better lifestyle, job prospects, or for safety reasons. Similarly, in Spanish, an 'inmigrante' is someone who has relocated to a different country, often for the same reasons expressed in English.

Example sentences with  inmigrante

The Spanish word 'inmigrantes' translates to 'immigrants' in English. An immigrant is a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country. They may do this for a variety of reasons, such as seeking greater economic opportunities or escaping from difficult situations in their home countries. Whether voluntary or involuntary, immigration has been a significant source of population growth and cultural change throughout much of the world's history.

Real estate

The Spanish word 'inmobiliaria' translates to 'real estate' in English. This term is often used in the context of buying, selling, or renting properties, including land, homes, and buildings. The industry of real estate is known as 'inmobiliaria' in Spanish. This might be a little confusing for beginners as the word 'real' in English sounds like 'real' in Spanish but in this context, they don't have the same meaning. 'Real estate' refers to property and land, 'inmobiliaria' is used in the same context in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'inmortalidad' translates to 'immortality' in English. This term is used to describe the concept of being able to live forever without dying or decaying. It has been a topic of interest and speculation in literature, philosophy, and religions worldwide due to the human desire for eternal life. Inmortalidad is a noun and it's commonly used in literary work and profound philosophical discussions.

Example sentences with  inmortalidad
innovación científica
scientific innovation

The Spanish phrase 'innovación científica' translates to 'scientific innovation' in English. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, but it most commonly relates to new methods, ideas, or products stemming from the science field. It's associated with advancements and progress in scientific research and application.

Example sentences with  innovación científica
innovación tecnológica
technology innovation

The term 'innovación tecnológica' in Spanish translates to, 'technology innovation' in English. Its usage is majorly in the fields of science, industry, or business where technological advancements or novel concepts are being introduced. It encompasses a wide range of enhancements, from new products or services to changes in the way they are produced or provided, that result from the application of new technology.

Example sentences with  innovación tecnológica

The Spanish word 'inocente' translates to 'innocent' in English. This word is an adjective and it can be used to describe someone who is not guilty of a crime or offense, or someone who is simple or naive in nature, just as we use the word 'innocent' in English. For example, in a sentence, 'Él es inocente' means 'He is innocent'. It can also be used in different contexts to express lack of guilt or simplicity.

Example sentences with  inocente

The Spanish word 'inorgánico' translates to 'inorganic' in English. The term 'inorganic', in a general scientific context, often refers to substances that do not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds. These include minerals, metals, nonmetals, and their compounds. However, in the context of chemistry, 'inorganic' compounds can include some that do have carbon-hydrogen bonds, like cyanide. The definition can vary based on context.

Example sentences with  inorgánico
to worry

The Spanish word 'inquietarse' translates to 'to worry' in English. It can represent a strong feeling of uncertainty or anxiety about something that has happened or may happen. It is often used in situations where there is a concern for personal issues or situations that might result in a negative outcome.

inscribirse en un club
sign up for a club

The Spanish phrase 'inscribirse en un club' translates in English to 'sign up for a club'. The verb 'inscribirse' is a reflexive verb referring to the action of enlisting or registering oneself. The phrase is often used in the context of joining clubs, teams, or organizations, where one is required to enter their personal data in a form or a similar kind of entity to become a member of said club or organization. Thus, 'inscribirse en un club' can also mean to enroll in or to join a club.

inscribirse en un grupo
enroll in a group

The Spanish phrase 'inscribirse en un grupo' translates to 'enroll in a group' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts where one is looking to become a member of a group or organization. For instance, 'inscribirse en un grupo' might be used when signing up for a sports team, a club, or a class. Especially in educational settings, this phrase is commonly used in the processes of registration for classes or extracurricular activities.

inscribirse en una asociación
enrollment in an association

The Spanish phrase 'inscribirse en una asociación' translates to 'enrollment in an association' in English. This refers to the act of officially joining a group, club, or organization, expressing your intention to be a member and participate in its activities. This could be done either for a social cause, academic purpose, or recreational activities. Throughout the process, you may be required to provide personal information and/or pay a fee.

inscribirse en una lista de distribución
enroll in a distribution list

The Spanish phrase 'inscribirse en una lista de distribución' translates to English as 'enroll in a distribution list'. This can be used in various contexts, particularly in business and digital communication scenarios where a person's contact details are added to a list for regular distribution of information, newsletters or updates. The act of 'inscribing' or adding one's details to such list is explained by the verb 'inscribirse' and 'en una lista de distribución' refers to being entered on a distribution list.


The Spanish word 'insecto' translates to 'insect' in English. Insects are a group of small animals with six legs and a body divided into three parts. They often have one or two pairs of wings and live nearly everywhere in the world. Examples of insects are bees, ants, butterflies, and beetles. 'Insecto' can be used in various contexts in Spanish, just like 'insect' can be used in English.

Example sentences with  insecto
insertar una palabra
insert a word

The Spanish phrase 'insertar una palabra' translates to 'insert a word' in English. This phrase could be used in a literal sense to instruct someone to add a specific word into a text, speech, or conversation. It can be a common phrase used in communication, writing or modifying documents, as well as in programming terminology where one might need to insert variables or values.

Example sentences with  insertar una palabra

The Spanish word 'insípido' translates to 'insipid' in English. In both languages, the term is typically used to describe something that is lacking in flavour or interest. It can be used in different contexts; for example, it can describe food that is bland or unappetizing, or it can also denote an activity or idea that is dull or uninspiring. This adjective, insípido, can be very useful when talking about experiences that are not particularly entertaining or stimulating.


The Spanish word 'inspección' translates to 'inspection' in English. It is often used to indicate a detailed examination of something to assess its condition. This could apply to various contexts such as a vehicle inspection, a building inspection, or checking the quality of a product. Hence, when you hear or see the word 'inspección' in Spanish, you can understand it to mean a thorough, detailed check or examination, synonymous with the English term 'inspection'.

Example sentences with  inspección
inspección de mercancías
inspection of goods

The term 'inspección de mercancías' in Spanish translates to 'inspection of goods' in English. This is generally used in a logistic or commercial context and refers to the process of checking, reviewing, or assessing goods or merchandise for the purpose of complying with certain standards and regulations. This can be concerning their quality, safety, legality, and more. It can occur at various points like during preparation, transit, arrival, etc.

Example sentences with  inspección de mercancías
inspeccionar el equipaje
inspect the luggage

The Spanish phrase 'inspeccionar el equipaje' translates to 'inspect the luggage' in English. It is a verb phrase used in settings such as airports or bus stations where security officials may need to check the contents of passengers' luggage for security purposes. The phrase is made up of the verb 'inspeccionar' meaning 'to inspect', and the noun 'equipaje' meaning 'luggage'.

Example sentences with  inspeccionar el equipaje
inspeccionar las maletas
inspect the bags

The Spanish phrase 'inspeccionar las maletas' translates to 'inspect the bags' in English. This is a phrase commonly used in situations like airports or train stations where security personnel might need to check a passenger's luggage for any prohibited items. In this phrase, 'inspeccionar' is the verb that means 'to inspect' and 'las maletas' is a noun which translates to 'the bags. It is a regular verb of the -ar group, which means its conjugation follows a certain established pattern.

Example sentences with  inspeccionar las maletas
inspector (de policía)
inspector (police)

The Spanish word 'inspector (de policía)' translates to 'inspector (police)' in English. It refers to a person who inspects something. In this case, it refers to a police officer of a rank above a sergeant. In other contexts, 'inspector' can also refer to a person who ensures that official regulations or standards are being met in various public or local authority departments.

inspector de hacienda
property inspector

The Spanish term 'inspector de hacienda' translates to 'property inspector' in English. In many Spanish-speaking countries, an inspector de hacienda is a government official who is responsible for supervising and examining activities related to taxes, duties, and the assessment of property value. These individuals ensure that all the necessary procedures are carried out in compliance with the country's tax and property laws. Their job is similar to that of a tax inspector or property appraiser in English-speaking countries.

Example sentences with  inspector de hacienda

The Spanish word 'inspiración' translates to 'inspiration' in English. This term is a noun, often used to refer to the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, particularly to do something creative. It could also mean a sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea.

Example sentences with  inspiración
inspirar afecto
inspire affection

The Spanish term 'inspirar afecto' translates into English as 'inspire affection'. Essentially, it is used to describe the act of evoking or inciting positive feelings or deep fondness in others. It could refer to a variety of actions, behaviors, attitudes, or qualities that make someone feel loved or deeply cared for. The term holds a strong emotional significance and fully embraces the concept of inspiring profound emotional admiration or fondness.

Example sentences with  inspirar afecto
inspirar cariño
Inspire love

The Spanish phrase 'inspirar cariño' refers to the act of invoking or causing feelings of affection, love, or deep fondness in others. It might be used in contexts where someone's actions, behaviour, or general aura inspires love or warmth in people around them.

Example sentences with  inspirar cariño
inspirar confianza
inspire confidence

The Spanish phrase 'inspirar confianza' translates to 'inspire confidence' in English. This phrase is used when someone encourages trust or faith in another person. Typically, it's applied in situations where someone's behavior, actions, or reputation inspire a feeling of certainty or belief in their abilities, honesty, or reliability. It is frequently used in the personal, professional, and motivational contexts.

Example sentences with  inspirar confianza
instalación de equipos
installation of equipment

The Spanish phrase 'instalación de equipos' translates to 'installation of equipment' in English. This could refer to the set up or fixing up of a variety of mechanical, electrical, or electronic devices, systems, or machinery. This term is typically used within technical and commercial contexts and can be applied across a broad swath of industries—from telecommunications and computing to construction and engineering.

Example sentences with  instalación de equipos
instalación de máquinas
installation of machines

The Spanish phrase 'instalación de máquinas' translates to 'installation of machines' in English. It refers to the process of setting up machines in a suitable state for operation, which often involves constructing or otherwise establishing the machine in a specific location, connecting it to power and other essential services, and ensuring it is ready for its intended use. The phrase can be used in various contexts in both languages, such as in manufacturing, information technology, or any other field where machines are utilized.

Example sentences with  instalación de máquinas
instalación de piezas
installation of parts

The Spanish term 'instalación de piezas' translates to 'installation of parts' in English. This phrase can pertain to a wide array of contexts, from the assembly of machinery or technology to the setting up of furniture or artwork. Essentially, it refers to the process of fitting, attaching, or setting up individual components (or 'parts') into a structured whole or system. Respective fields where one might commonly encounter this term include engineering, computing, interior designing, and mechanics.

Example sentences with  instalación de piezas
instalaciones deportivas
sports facilities

The Spanish phrase 'instalaciones deportivas' translates to 'sports facilities' in English. This term is used to describe a building, place, or establishment equipped for sports training, physical education, or competitive sports. Sports facilities can include sports complexes, swimming pools, football fields, tennis courts, gyms, and more.

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