Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

información de primera mano
first-hand information

The Spanish phrase 'información de primera mano' translates to 'first-hand information' in English. This term is often used to refer to immediate, direct information or data that has not been subject to interpretation, modification or distillation. Essentially, it is the most direct and original information one can obtain. It is common to use this phrase in reports, journalism, research and in any context where the purity of the information is a high priority.

información y asesoramiento
information and advice

The Spanish phrase 'información y asesoramiento' translates to 'information and advice' in English. This phrase, often used in business and service contexts, refers to the process of providing data and guidance to individuals or groups. The first word, 'información', comes from the verb 'informar' which means 'to inform'. The second word, 'asesoramiento', comes from the verb 'asesorar' which means 'to advise'. Together, they convey the act of enlightening someone with data and guiding them towards a decision or course of action.


The Spanish word 'informática' corresponds with 'computers' in English. It is a term derived from 'information' and 'automatic', indicating the automatic processing of information. In many contexts, it is used to refer not only to computers themselves, but also to the broad field of computing and computer technology.

Example sentences with  informática
informatizar una empresa
computerize a company

The Spanish phrase 'informatizar una empresa' translates to 'computerize a company' in English. This means introducing or increasing computer applications, digital tools, and automation into a business or company's operations. It involves replacing manual processes with electronic ones, to improve efficiency and productivity in the business environment. 'Informatizar' comes from 'informático' (computer) implying making something computerized and 'empresa' means business or company.

Example sentences with  informatizar una empresa

The Spanish word for 'report' is 'informe'. It is used much in the same way as it is in English, to relate information that has been compiled or to inform someone about a particular situation. The context and usage are the same as you would find in an English statement or document providing information on a certain topic, often as a result of research or investigation.

Example sentences with  informe
infringir el código de circulación
to violate the highway code

The Spanish phrase 'infringir el código de circulación' translates to 'to violate the highway code' in English. It refers to the act of not complying with the rules and regulations established for navigating roads, streets or highways. Purposely or unintentionally, such an act can lead to legal implications such as fines, penalties, or even more severe punishments depending on the severity of the violation and the laws of the respective country.

Example sentences with  infringir el código de circulación
infringir el código de circulación de tráfico)
to infringe the traffic code

The Spanish phrase 'infringir el código de circulación de tráfico' translates to 'to infringe the traffic code' in English. This refers to the act of violating the set rules and regulations that have been established to regulate the actions of individuals using the road for transportation. This could encompass numerous actions such as speeding, going through a red light, not signaling turns, among other possible traffic offenses.

Example sentences with  infringir el código de circulación de tráfico)
infringir las normas (de circulación)
violation of (traffic) rules

The Spanish term 'infringir las normas (de circulación)' translates to 'violation of (traffic) rules' in English. This phrase is typically used in the context of traffic or driving, referring to acts such as speeding, running a red light, not wearing a seat belt, etc. It consists of the verb 'infringir', which means 'to breach' or 'to violate', followed by 'las normas', meaning 'the rules', and finally '(de circulación)', indicating that the rules in question are specifically traffic rules.

Example sentences with  infringir las normas (de circulación)
infringir las normas de tráfico
violation of traffic regulations

The Spanish phrase 'infringir las normas de tráfico' is translated into English as 'violation of traffic regulations'. This phrase refers to the act of breaking or not adhering to the rules established for traffic or road use. In many parts of the world, traffic regulations are statutory requirements enacted by authorities to regulate the flow of vehicles and pedestrians on the road to prevent accidents. Violations of these rules can result in penalties, fines, or charges depending on the severity of the violation.

Example sentences with  infringir las normas de tráfico
infusión de manzanilla
infusion of chamomile

The phrase 'infusión de manzanilla' comes from the Spanish language, where 'infusión' translates to 'infusion', typically referred to a drink made by soaking the leaves of a plant or herb in hot water, and 'manzanilla' translates to 'chamomile', a herb that is frequently used in teas. Hence, 'infusión de manzanilla' is seen usually used in Spanish-speaking cultures to talk about a chamomile tea, which is a type of herbal tea that is appreciated for its warm, floral flavor and its potential health benefits, including reducing inflammation, aiding sleep, and calming anxiety.

infusión de poleo
infusion of pollen

The Spanish term 'infusión de poleo' does not translate to 'infusion of pollen' in English. It actually means 'pennyroyal infusion'. Pennyroyal is a plant that is commonly used in herbal teas in Spain. In this context, 'infusión' refers to the process of extracting medicinal or flavorful properties from the plant in hot water, and 'poleo' is a type of plant in the mint family known for its strong aroma.

infusión de tila
lime infusion

The term 'infusión de tila' in Spanish refers to a type of herbal tea or infusion made from the flowers of the lime tree (Tilia). Widely enjoyed across Spain and Latin America, this infusion is often consumed for its calming effects and pleasant, mildly sweet taste.


An 'ingeniero' is a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, public works, and other types of structures. The job of an 'ingeniero' can vary greatly across different fields such as civil, mechanical, and software engineering.

Example sentences with  ingeniero

The word 'ingerir' in Spanish translates to 'ingest' in English. It is a verb which means to take (food, drink, or another substance) into the body by swallowing or absorbing it. It is often used in medical or scientific context, and can also be used more generally to mean consume or intake something.


The Spanish word 'ingrediente' translates to 'ingredient' in English. It refers to any of the foods or substances that are combined to make a particular dish or meal. For instance, an important ingrediente in a pizza could be cheese, and in a sandwich, it could be bread or ham. The use of this word is widespread in cooking and culinary activities where different substances are combined to create various dishes.


The Spanish word 'ingredientes' translates to 'ingredients' in English. It is primarily used in the context of food preparation and recipes. Just like in English, 'ingredientes' denotes any item or substance that is used as a component part in creating a prepared dish or food item. It forms a critical part of understanding cooking, baking, and other culinary methodologies. The knowledge of 'ingredientes' serves as an enabler for ensuring accurate translation of menus, recipes or shopping lists from Spanish to English.


The Spanish word 'ingresar' translates to 'entry' in English. It is often used in contexts referring to the act of entering a place or enrolling in an institution. Additionally, it can also mean the process of putting money into a bank account, similar to the English 'deposit'. This is a common term used in various scenarios in Spanish language.

ingresar dinero
enter money

The Spanish phrase 'ingresar dinero' translates to 'enter money' in English. This is most commonly used within the context of financial transactions, such as depositing money into a bank account. It may also be used in numerous other scenarios that demand for a financial transaction or adding an amount of money into a system. Thus, this phrase is particularly useful when conversing about banking and finance.

ingresar en el conservatorio
enter the conservatory

The Spanish phrase 'ingresar en el conservatorio' translates to 'enter the conservatory' in English. This could be used in various contexts such as suggesting that someone is entering a botanical conservatory, or entering a music conservatory for study or practice. This phrase highlights an action (entering) and the location (the conservatory).

Example sentences with  ingresar en el conservatorio
ingresar en urgencias
emergency admission

The Spanish phrase 'ingresar en urgencias' translates to 'emergency admission' in English. The term is typically used in healthcare settings, referring to the immediate admission of a patient into a hospital due to an urgent or critical medical situation. In a broader context, it implies a sudden or unanticipated need for immediate action or attention.

Example sentences with  ingresar en urgencias
ingresos brutos
Gross income

The Spanish phrase 'ingresos brutos' translates directly to 'gross income' in English. It refers to the total earnings or revenue generated by an individual or business before taking into account any deductions such as taxes, operating expenses, capital costs and other relevant business expenditures.

ingresos elevados
high income

The Spanish phrase 'ingresos elevados' translates to 'high income' in English. In Spanish, 'ingresos' means 'income' or 'earnings', and 'elevados' means 'high' or 'elevated'. Together, they denote a substantial amount of money that an individual, a business, or a country receives in a specific period, typically from providing goods, services, or through investments. Examples of use in a sentence can include: 'Ellos tienen ingresos elevados debido a sus exitosos negocios' which means 'They have high income due to their successful businesses'.

ingresos extra
Extra income

The Spanish phrase 'ingresos extra' translates to 'extra income' in English. This term typically refers to any upcoming funds or financial increase that a person does not usually receive in their regular salary or main source of income. This extra income may come from different sources like a second job, freelance work, investments, or side businesses, among other activities that generate money outside of essential earnings.

ingresos netos
net income

The Spanish term 'ingresos netos' translates to 'net income' in English. This phrase is often used in financial contexts. It represents the amount of revenues that exceeds the costs and expenses incurred by a business or individual. The net income can be found by subtracting the total expenses from the total revenues. This term is key in analyzing the financial health of a business or the financial state of an individual.

ingresos periódicos
Recurrent income

The term 'ingresos periódicos' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'recurrent income' in English. It refers to a steady and predictable flow of income that is received regularly, perhaps on a monthly or yearly basis. This could be salaries, wages, rent from properties, dividend from investments, etc. It is usually in a fixed amount and is expected to continue over a long period of time. These predictable and continuous cash inflows contribute to the financial stability of individuals, families, and businesses alike.

to graft

The Spanish word 'injertar' translates to 'to graft' in English. This verb basically refers to the process of taking a piece of one plant and joining it onto another plant, so that the two grow together. The purpose of grafting is usually either to propagate desirable characteristics of one plant onto another, or to repair damaged plants. 'Injertar' can also be used in a figurative sense to mean introducing or incorporating something into something else, similar to the English word 'engraft'.

Example sentences with  injertar

The Spanish word 'injerto' translates to 'grafting' in English. Grafting or 'injerto' is a horticultural technique whereby tissues of plants are joined so as to continue their growth together. 'Injerto' can also refer to a piece of living tissue that is transplanted surgically.

Example sentences with  injerto
to insult

The Spanish word 'injuria' translates to 'insult' in English. It is largely used to denote a disrespectful or scornful act or statement directed towards another person. In essence, it describes an action that offends or harms the dignity or honour of an individual. Therefore, 'injuria' signifies an act of rudeness or incivility, a derogatory comment or a slight that can potentially hurt someone's feelings or reputation.

Example sentences with  injuria

The Spanish word 'inmediaciones' can be translated to English as 'nearby' or 'vicinity'. It is usually used to refer to areas or locations that are close to a certain point of reference. For instance, it could be used to describe the area around your current location or near a specific, mentioned place.

Example sentences with  inmediaciones

The Spanish term 'inmigración' translates to 'immigration' in English. Immigration refers to the international movement of people into a destination country of which they are not natives, or where they do not possess citizenship, in order to settle or reside there, especially as permanent residents or naturalized citizens, or to take up employment as a migrant worker or temporarily as a foreign worker.

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