Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


In Spanish, 'incluso' represents the English term 'even'. It is often used in contexts to emphasize that everything or everyone in a group is included, similar to its usage in English. However, it's important to note that while 'even' can also mean flat or level in English, 'incluso' does not carry this definition. In this case, the word 'llano' or 'plano' would be used.

Example sentences with  incluso

The term 'incluyendo' in Spanish is used in the same context as 'including' in English. It is mainly used to introduce one or more elements that form a part of the whole item or group. Just as in English, it's not typically used to start a sentence, but instead acts as a connector within the sentence or statement.

Example sentences with  incluyendo
incorporación inmediata
immediate incorporation

The Spanish term 'incorporación inmediata' translates to 'immediate incorporation' in English. It's typically used in job advertisements or offers to denote that the person who is hired will begin work immediately or very soon after being hired. In a broader sense, it can also refer to the process of adding something in a prompt manner, whether it's the inclusion of a new member in a team or the introduction of a new concept into a system.


The Spanish word 'incubadora' translates to 'incubator' in English. It can be used in various contexts. In a general or literal sense, it refers to an apparatus used to hatch eggs or grow microorganisms under controlled conditions. For example, in a hospital, a special kind of incubadora is used for newborn infants which provides the right conditions for them to survive and grow. It can be also used metaphorically, as in English, to refer to an environment promoting the development of new ideas, companies, technologies etc.


The Spanish word 'indicar' is equivalent to the English word 'indicate'. It is commonly used in sentences to show, point out, or make a statement of advice. It can also be used to suggest the necessity or possibility of a specific action. The usage is similar to the English version and is often used in both formal and casual contexts.

Example sentences with  indicar

The Spanish word 'índice' translates to 'index' in English. It is a noun and it can refer to either a pointer or a sign, an indicator, or a list arranged usually in alphabetical order of some specified datum such as authors, subjects, etc. 'Índice' can be used in various contexts such as in a book, where it describes a list at the end or beginning of a book; in mathematics in terms of index numbers; or in programming for array index.

índice de audiencia
audience rating

The Spanish term 'índice de audiencia' translates to 'audience rating' in English. This phrase is primarily used in the context of television or radio broadcasting industry. It measures and provides an estimate of the audience size or composition that a particular television or radio program, station, or network is able to attract. The audience rating can be an important factor for broadcasters as it helps them determine their programming and advertising strategies.

índice de mortalidad
Mortality index

The term 'índice de mortalidad' translates to 'mortality index' in English. It refers to a statistical measurement typically used in epidemiology and public health that reflects the number of deaths in a given population, usually in relation to the population's size and they are often divided into specific causes and age groups, and are often recorded annually. It is a valuable tool in assessing health and development in countries around the world.

Example sentences with  índice de mortalidad
índice de natalidad
birth rate

The term 'índice de natalidad' in Spanish refers to the 'birth rate' in English. The birth rate is a demographic measure of population, usually expressed as the number of live births per thousand population per year. It is frequently used in public health, demography, economics, and geography for planning and resource allocation. The Spanish term 'índice' means 'index' or 'rate', and 'natalidad' means 'natality' or 'birth', which together translate to 'birth rate'.

Example sentences with  índice de natalidad
índice de población
Population index

The term 'índice de población' in Spanish translates to 'population index' in English. This is a statistic that is used to measure the number of individuals residing within a specified geographical area. It could be anything ranging from a city, a country, a continent, or the entire world. This term is frequently used in demographics, geography, sociology, and various other fields that require population analysis. In certain contexts, the population index could also be used to analyze population trends over time, which can provide insights into growth rates, migration patterns, and population dynamics.

Example sentences with  índice de población

The Spanish word 'indiferencia' translates to 'indifference' in English. Indifference refers to a lack of interest, concern, or sympathy. This term is often used in a variety of contexts, indicating a person's lack of concern about the events that are going on around them. It's a state of mind in which the individual doesn't care about the effects of an event or action because they have no preference for any specific outcome.


The Spanish word 'indignado' translates to 'outraged' in English. It is an adjective, used to describe a strong feeling of shock or anger very often resulting from a perceived insult or injustice. In a sentence, you might use it to describe your own feelings or the feelings of others. It can be used in various contexts, both formal and informal.


The Spanish word 'indisposición' translates to 'indisposition' in English. Generally, it refers to a state of being slightly unwell or in poor health. It's often used to describe a minor illness which is not serious in nature, such as a mild cold or a temporary bout of fatigue. However, it can also indicate a lack of willingness or readiness to do something.

Example sentences with  indisposición

The Spanish word 'individual' directly translates to 'individual' in English. It is commonly used to refer to a single, separate person or thing. It may be used in various contexts, such as in sentences like 'Cada individuo tiene derechos únicos', which translates to 'Each individual has unique rights'.

Example sentences with  individual

The Spanish verb 'inducir' translates to 'inducing' in English. It is used to describe the action of bringing about or giving rise to something. It is generally associated with inferences, suggestions, or the cause of specific action or condition. For instance, one can 'inducir' a state of relaxation or 'inducir' someone to make a certain decision, much like the way 'inducing' is used in English.


In Spanish, 'industria' is a feminine noun that means 'industry'. It is used largely in the same context as it is in English, for example, referring to a particular form or branch of economic or commercial activity. It may also translate to 'industriousness' in some contexts.

Example sentences with  industria
industria ligera
light industry

The Spanish term 'industria ligera' translates in English to 'light industry'. Light industries require less capital investment compared to heavy industries and produce smaller consumer goods such as clothing, food, and electronics. They typically don't use heavy machinery or have as harmful impacts on the environment in their production processes. 'Industria ligera' is used in the context of categorizing and discussing sectors and types of manufacturing and business.

Example sentences with  industria ligera
industria pesada
heavy industry

The term 'industria pesada' in Spanish translates as 'heavy industry' in English. This term is frequently used in economic contexts and categorizes industries that are capital intensive, that is, they require a significant amount of capital to produce goods or services. Such industries include automobile manufacturing, ship building, steel production, chemical production, and mining. These industries often have a substantial environmental impact due to the volume and nature of their outputs.

Example sentences with  industria pesada
industria siderúrgica
steel industry

The Spanish term 'industria siderúrgica' translates to 'steel industry' in English. The steel industry is a sector of the economy involving production and trading of steel, a key material in building infrastructure and manufacturing of goods. Siderúrgica refers specifically to any industry related to iron and steel, and is a compound of the words 'sidero-', meaning iron, and '-úrgica' deriving from the Greek word 'ergon', meaning work.

Example sentences with  industria siderúrgica
industria textil
Textile industry

The Spanish term 'industría textil' translates to 'textile industry' in English. The textile industry is a sector of the economy dedicated to the production of cloth, fabric, and other materials through weaving, knitting, spinning, and other processes. The industry includes fashion, clothing, carpets, and drapery manufacturing. It is a sector that plays a significant role in a nation's economy and has a rich history globally.

Example sentences with  industria textil

The Spanish term 'industrialización' translates to 'industrialization' in English. It refers to the process or period of social and economic change where human societies transform from primarily agricultural to industrial and manufacturing societies. This term is often associated with increased technology usage, shift in economy, and notable impact on sociocultural aspects.

Example sentences with  industrialización

The Spanish word 'ineptitud' translates to 'ineptitude' in English. This is a noun that refers to a lack of skill or aptitude for a particular task or assignment. It's often used to critique a person's ability to accomplish a task or do a job effectively. It can also be used more broadly to describe a general lack of ability or knowledge in something. This word comes from the Latin 'ineptus' which combines 'in-' (not) and 'aptus' (fit, suitable).

Example sentences with  ineptitud

The Spanish word 'infección' translates to 'infection' in English. An infección in the medical field in Spanish-speaking countries refers to the invasion and multiplication of harmful microorganisms in the body, particularly bacteria, viruses, and fungi. These harmful microorganisms can cause disease, damage tissue, and cause other health problems. Hence, the English equivalent for infección is infection, which has similarly unpleasant connotations in the healthcare context.

Example sentences with  infección

The Spanish verb 'infectar(se)' translates to 'to infect' or 'to get infected' in English. It is primarily used in medical contexts to explain the process through which a disease spreads or an individual contracts a disease. 'Infectar' is used when talking about the action of causing an infection, while 'infectarse' refers to the action of contracting an infection. Like many other Spanish verbs, its form changes based on the subject and tense.

Example sentences with  infectar(se)

Infierno is the Spanish equivalent of the English word hell. It is used in pretty similar contexts as in English. It refers to a place of suffering in religious contexts, but it can also be used figuratively to depict harsh or unbearable situations. Additionally, it can be part of colloquial expressions.

Example sentences with  infierno

The Spanish word 'inflamación' translates to 'inflammation' in English. This term is used in the medical field to refer to a part of the body that has become red, swollen and often painful due to injury or infection. It is a typical reaction of the body to defend itself against harmful stimuli. Inflammation may occur due to various reasons which include external injuries like cuts, scraps and foreign elements like splinters; or internal issues like an immune response to an infectious disease, an allergic reaction, or autoimmune diseases.

Example sentences with  inflamación

The Spanish term 'inflamar(se)' translates to 'to inflame' or 'to swell up' in English. It is often used in medical contexts to describe inflammation. When employed as a reflexive verb, as in 'inflamarse', it means that the subject itself is experiencing inflammation or swelling. However, it is essential to stress that it does not literally translate to 'flaming' in English.

Example sentences with  inflamar(se)

The Spanish word 'influencia' translates to 'influence' in English. Influence indicates the capacity to have an effect on someone or something, or the power to shape policy or ensure favorable treatment from someone, especially through status, contacts, or wealth. It can be used in various contexts in both languages, often relating to personal interaction, business, politics or other sectors where power and control are present.

Example sentences with  influencia

The Spanish word 'información' is used just like its English counterpart 'information'. It refers to facts or details about a subject. For example, you can say 'Necesito más información' meaning 'I need more information'. Unlike in English, 'información' is typically used in Spanish in singular form.

Example sentences with  información
información confidencial
confidential information

The Spanish phrase 'información confidencial' translates to 'confidential information' in English. This term is often used in business, legal, and government contexts. It describes any sort of data or information that should not be disclosed or is intended to be kept secret. Confidential information could be personal data, trade secrets, proprietary data, or any sensitive information that is covered by privacy law or agreement.

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