Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

imagen impactante
shocking image

The Spanish term 'imagen impactante' translates in English to 'shocking image'. This refers to an image that delivers a strong or emotional reaction, often unexpected and typically due to its startling, impressive or controversial nature.

imagen movida
blurry image

The Spanish phrase 'imagen movida' translates to 'blurry image' in English. The direct translation would be 'moved image', but in practice, it refers to an image that is not clear, crisp, or focused. It is often used in the context of photography or digital imaging where the clarity of the image is vital. It could result from various factors such as quick motion, out-of-focus lens, long exposure, or camera shake, among others. Therefore, 'imagen movida' in Spanish effectively communicates the concept of an image that lacks sharpness, detail, and clarity, as understood in English.

Example sentences with  imagen movida
imagen violenta
violent image

The Spanish word 'imagen violenta' translates to 'violent image' in English. It is composed of two words - 'imagen' which means 'image', and 'violenta' which means 'violent'. This term is typically used to denote any representation of events or people that involve violence, especially to an extreme degree. It could be found in various forms of media such as films, video games, or news reports.


In Spanish, 'imagina' is the equivalent of the English word 'imagine'. It is a verb used to express forming an image or concept of something in your mind. Often, it is used in a correlative sentence structure when asking someone to place themselves in a hypothetical situation.

Example sentences with  imagina

The word 'imaginación' in Spanish translates to 'imagination' in English. It is a noun and is generally used to refer to the capacity of the mind to form and manipulate images or ideas, particularly of things never actually present to the senses. It's used in various contexts, for instance, when talking about the power of creativity, when conjuring up scenarios or possibilities in one's mind, and when thinking about things that are not tangible or concrete.

Example sentences with  imaginación

The word 'imán' is a Spanish term that translates to 'magnet' in English. This term originated from the Latin word 'magnēs', which means 'magnet'. Magnets are objects or pieces of material that generate a magnetic field. This field is invisible, but it is responsible for a magnet's most notable property - a force that pulls on other ferromagnetic materials such as iron, and attracts or repels other magnets. Thus, in general usage, 'imán' refers to an object that exhibits the typical properties of a magnet.

Example sentences with  imán
imitar un estilo
imitate a style

The Spanish phrase 'imitar un estilo' translates to 'imitate a style' in English. It is used to describe the act of copying or replicating a specific style or pattern in conduct, fashion, art or any other form of expression. The usage extends to various contexts and can relate to copying the style of a famous personality, an art form, a trend and so on.

Example sentences with  imitar un estilo
impacto medioambiental
environmental impact

The Spanish term 'impacto medioambiental' translates to 'environmental impact' in English. This phrase is often used in contexts of discussing the effects, positive or negative, that human actions or natural events can have on the environment or ecosystem. The 'environmental impact' can be evaluated in terms of its scale or severity and it frequently informs strategies for conservation or sustainable development.

Example sentences with  impacto medioambiental

The Spanish word 'imperdible' is incorrectly translated as 'impermissible' in English. The correct translation of 'imperdible' is 'safety pin'. This term is commonly used in Latin American countries to refer to small, usually metal, fastening devices that are used to hold pieces of fabric or clothing together.

importación de mercancías
import of goods

The phrase 'importación de mercancías' is a term used commonly in Spanish-speaking economies and businesses. In English, it translates to 'import of goods'. This refers to the act of bringing goods or services into a country from abroad for the purpose of selling. It is a common term in the fields of commerce and economics. Apart from its literal meaning, it might also convey further contexts in business language, depending on the situation.

Example sentences with  importación de mercancías

The word 'importador' is a noun in Spanish that translates to 'importer' in English. An 'importador' refers to an individual or a company that buys goods or services from another country for the purpose of selling them in their own country. They play an essential role in international trade, importing goods or products that may not be available or are cheaper in the other country. The act of buying these goods and services is called 'importing', and it greatly contributes to the global economy.

Example sentences with  importador

The Spanish word 'importante' translates directly to 'important' in English. It can be used in a wide range of contexts, such as describing a person, event, or idea that significantly affects or matters to an individual, society or a situation. Just like in English, 'importante' can be used in Spanish to express urgency, significance or worthiness of note.

Example sentences with  importante

In Spanish, the word 'importe' is a noun, and it is primarily used in economic or trade contexts. Unlike the English word 'import', which can mean the act of bringing goods or services into a country from abroad, 'importe' typically refers to the amount of money a product, a service, or a transaction is worth, similar to 'amount' or 'sum' in English. It can also denote the money value of a foreign goods or service being brought into the country. It's also frequently used in tax and customs contexts. So, while 'importe' can be loosely related to the concept of 'import', it's important to note the differences in its usage and meaning.

Example sentences with  importe

The Spanish word 'impresora' translates to 'printer' in English. A 'printer' is a device that accepts text and graphic output from a computer and transfers the information to paper. Similarly, in Spanish, an 'impresora' does the same thing. It is commonly used in both business and home environments to print documents. The term 'impresora' can also refer to software that produces a file or data in print format.

impresora en color
color printer

The Spanish term 'impresora en color' directly translates to 'color printer' in English. This term is used in the context of computer peripheral devices, specifically printers. An 'impresora en color' is a device that produces hard copy representations of digital or electronic files. Unlike a black and white ('blanco y negro') printer which produces only monochromatic images, a 'impresora en color' can produce images with multiple colors.

impresora láser
laser printer

The Spanish phrase 'impresora láser' translates to 'laser printer' in English. A laser printer is a type of printer that uses a laser and electrical charge model instead of the traditional printing of ink onto paper. Laser printers are known for their efficiency and quality, making them a common choice for business settings.

Example sentences with  impresora láser

The Spanish word 'imprimir' translates to 'print' in English. It is often used in contexts like printing a document or an image from a computer. Sometimes, it can also refer to impressing or imprinting something on a surface, especially in a metaphorical sense. This verb is primarily used in its various conjugated forms, which depend on the subject and the tense of the sentence.

Example sentences with  imprimir
imprimir un libro
print a book

The Spanish phrase 'imprimir un libro' translates to 'print a book' in English. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, such as when you want to have a manuscript printed into a hard copy or when you want to replicate a book via a printing press. The verb 'imprimir' implies the act of printing, while 'un libro' is a singular form, referring to 'a book'.

Example sentences with  imprimir un libro

The Spanish word 'improvisar' translates to 'improvise' in English. It is a verb often used when someone needs to spontaneously create or alter something in an unplanned situation. It is about being flexible and creative in the moment to solve a problem or meet a need. An example in use could be: 'No planee mi discurso, tuve que improvisar', meaning 'I did not plan my speech, I had to improvise.'

Example sentences with  improvisar

The Spanish word 'imprudencia' translates to 'imprudence' in English. This term refers to a lack of caution or care, often leading to hasty decisions or rash actions that might result in undesirable consequences. It is commonly used in situations where someone acts without thinking or considering the potential outcomes, demonstrating a disregard for potential risks or negative effects. It might be utilized in various contexts, such as personal behavior, financial decisions, or safety measures.

Example sentences with  imprudencia
impuesto de aduana
Customs tax

The phrase 'impuesto de aduana' in Spanish refers to a specific type of tariff or fee that is imposed on goods as they cross international boundaries. This is generally imposed by government institutions and its main purpose is to help control the flow of goods, particularly in the context of restricting or facilitating imports and exports. This is commonly known as 'customs tax' in English.

Example sentences with  impuesto de aduana

The Spanish word 'inauguración' translates to 'opening' in English. This can refer to the act or ceremony of formally starting something, such as an event, building, or institution. It can also denote the start or first part of something. Additionally, it can represent a formal celebration that marks the beginning of a major public event.


The Spanish word 'inaugurar' corresponds to the English term 'inaugurate'. It typically refers to the formal beginning or introduction of a system, policy, or period, or the formal opening of a public event, such as a meeting, business, project, or newly built structure. It can also indicate the start or first public use of an airport, building, business, etc. It conveys a sense of commencement or initiation, and is often used in political, business, and organizational contexts.

inaugurar las fiestas
inaugurate the holidays

The Spanish phrase 'inaugurar las fiestas' translates to 'inaugurate the holidays' in English. This phrase is often used to signify the official opening or the starting of holiday festivities or events. Similar to its English equivalent 'inaugurate', 'inaugurar' refers to the act of formally or ceremoniously initiating something. In the context of 'las fiestas', which means 'the holidays', 'inaugurar las fiestas' refers to the official commencement of holiday celebrations.

inaugurar un acto
inaugurate an event

The phrase 'inaugurar un acto' in Spanish can be translated in English as 'inaugurate an event'. This is often used in the context of formal ceremonies or public events, when an individual officially declares the event as being open or in progress. The term 'inaugurar' refers to the act of beginning or introducing something, typically with a formal ceremony. The term 'un acto' refers to an event or occasion.

inaugurar un comercio
inaugurate trade

The phrase 'inaugurar un comercio' in Spanish translates to 'inaugurate a trade' in English. It can be used when establishing or opening a new business or marketplace, signifying the beginning of operations. The act of inaugurating typically involves a formal ceremony or ritual marking the official opening. The term 'inaugurar' directly relates to 'inaugurate' in English, and 'comercio' to 'trade' or 'business'. The phrase as a whole can signify embarking on a new commercial endeavor.

inaugurar un curso
inaugurate a course

The phrase 'inaugurar un curso' in Spanish translates to 'inaugurate a course' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of education and academia to denote the official opening or commencement of an academic course or study program. It can also be used more generally to refer to the start of any organized series of events, activities, or a new system. The term mirrors the concept of 'launching' or 'starting' something new.


The Spanish word 'incendiar(se)' primarily denotes the act of intentionally setting fire to property, which is typically illegal and destructive in nature. This word can be used both in its reflexive form 'incendiarse', meaning to catch fire, as well as in its non-reflexive form 'incendiar', meaning to set fire. In English, this term is commonly referred to as 'arson'.

Example sentences with  incendiar(se)

The Spanish word 'incineradora' translates to 'incinerator' in English. An incinerator is a device used mostly in waste treatment technology, especially in the disposal of solid waste materials. It involves the combustion of waste products converting them into ash, flue gas, heat, or steam. In Spanish, when you say 'incineradora', it can refer to the same device or system used in waste management and disposal.

Example sentences with  incineradora

The Spanish word 'incluir' is used to denote the act of including, incorporating, or adding something as part of something else, similar to its English counterpart 'include'. It is widely used in different contexts whether in general conversation, written language, and even formal usage. However, it's important to be aware that the verbs' conjugation changes according to the tense and subject.

Example sentences with  incluir
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