Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'icono' translates to 'icon' in English. Icons are typically small images or symbols that represent a program, function, or file on a computer. In general, 'icono' can also refer to a person or thing regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of veneration.

Example sentences with  icono

In Spanish, 'idea' is used in the same context as it is used in English. It refers to a concept or a belief. It can also mean a plan or intention in someone's mind. For example, in the sentence 'Tengo una idea', it means 'I have an idea'.

Example sentences with  idea
identidad cultural
cultural identity

Cultural identity is a feeling of belonging to a group or culture. It's a part of a person's self-conception and self-perception, and is related to nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality or any kind of social group that has its own distinctive culture. In this way, cultural identity is both characteristic of the individual but also of the culturally identical group of members sharing the same cultural identity.

Example sentences with  identidad cultural
identidad lingüística
linguistic identity
Example sentences with  identidad lingüística
identidad religiosa
religious identity

The term 'identidad religiosa' in Spanish can be translated to English as 'religious identity'. A religious identity is the set of beliefs and practices generally held by an individual, involving adherence to codified beliefs and rituals and study of ancestral or cultural traditions, writings and history. It is a specific type of identity formation where an individual is influenced by their religion to express, and oftentimes become a part of, their personal identity.

Example sentences with  identidad religiosa
identificación de llamadas
caller id

The Spanish phrase 'identificación de llamadas' translates to 'caller id' in English. This is a telephone service that transmits a caller's number to the called party's phone equipment during the ringing signal, before the call is answered. The service is often used for call filtering. The term is commonly abbreviated to 'caller ID'.


The Spanish word 'identificar' is typically used in the same context as the English word 'identify'. This can refer to the process of recognizing and naming someone or something. It is typically used in sentences such as 'Puedes identificar al ladrón?' which means 'Can you identify the thief?' in English. It can also be used in the context of acknowledging or admitting the existence or truth of something.

Example sentences with  identificar

The Spanish word 'ideológico' translates to 'ideological' in English. It is an adjective that describes something related to or concerned with ideas, the study of their origin and nature. It is often used in the contexts of politics, philosophy, or society, where it might refer to a particular system of ideas that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.

Example sentences with  ideológico

The Spanish word 'ideólogo' translates to 'ideologist' in English. An ideologist is a person who strongly supports a particular set of ideas or theories, especially in politics. It refers to someone who has a systematic body of concepts and who supports certain views or doctrines. For instance, a political ideologist would be someone who deeply believes and promotes particular political ideas or doctrines.

Example sentences with  ideólogo

In English, 'idilio' translates to 'idyll', which is typically used to describe an extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque episode or scene, often an idealized or unsustainable one. This comes from the Greek word 'eidyllion' which speaks of a little picture and generally refers to a short poem with a romantic or sentimental mood. The term in both languages is commonly used in literature to depict scenes of simple, unspoiled joy or happiness.


The Spanish word 'idioma' translates as 'language' in English. It is used in the same context as in English, to refer to a system of communication used by a particular country or community. Just as you would say 'English language' or 'Italian language' in English, you would say 'idioma inglés' or 'idioma italiano' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  idioma

The Spanish word 'idolatría' translates to 'idolatry' in English. Idolatry refers to the worship of idols or physical objects as a representation of God. It can also imply an excessive attachment or devotion to something. Historically, many religions have considered it as a major sin. This term is widely used in religious and philosophical discussions.

Example sentences with  idolatría

The Spanish word for church is 'iglesia'. Just like in English, 'iglesia' is used to refer to a physical place of worship for Christians. It is a common noun that can be used in a variety of contexts, such as 'Vamos a la iglesia' which means 'We are going to the church'. It can also be used symbolically to refer to the organization or institution of a religious group.

Example sentences with  iglesia
Iglesia anglicana
Anglican Church

The term 'Iglesia Anglicana' translates to 'Anglican Church' in English. The Anglican Church represents the English national branch of the Christian Church which originated from the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century, separating from the Roman Catholic Church. This church spread worldwide through England's global influence and colonization, forming the Anglican Communion. It is known for its middle-way theology between Protestant and Catholic traditions.

Example sentences with  Iglesia anglicana
Iglesia católica
Catholic Church

The Spanish phrase 'Iglesia católica' translates to 'Catholic Church' in English. The literal breakdown of this phrase is 'Iglesia', meaning 'Church', and 'católica', meaning 'Catholic'. This phrase is often used to refer to the entire body of churches in communion with the Pope in Rome, worldwide. It's one of the oldest and largest institutions in the world, making this a very widely recognized phrase.

Example sentences with  Iglesia católica
Iglesia evangélica
Evangelical Church

The Spanish phrase 'Iglesia evangélica' translates to 'Evangelical Church' in English. This is a term used to denote a specific type of Christian church that identifies with the beliefs associated with Evangelicalism, a global Protestant movement. The Evangélica Church is known for their emphasis on personal conversion experience, the Bible as the supreme authority in matters of faith and conduct, and the belief in the active evangelism or spreading of the Christian message.

Example sentences with  Iglesia evangélica

The Spanish word 'iluminación' translates to 'lighting' in English. It can refer to the arrangement or type of light in a place, or the equipment that produces light such as lamps or ceiling fixtures. Various kinds of 'iluminación' can set the mood of the room or outdoor spaces. 'Iluminación' is also used in the context of enlightenment or illumination of the mind or spirit.

iluminación alegre
cheerful lighting

The Spanish phrase 'iluminación alegre' translates to 'cheerful lighting' in English. This phrase can be used to describe lighting that brings about a joyful or pleasant atmosphere. This can include colorful, bright, or uniquely arranged lights that contribute to a lively and cheerful setting or mood.

iluminación directa
direct lighting

The Spanish phrase 'iluminación directa' translates to 'direct lighting' in English. Direct lighting implies that the light source is directly visible or that the majority of light is being emitted directly from a lamp or fixture into a space. This could be from any type of light source such as a light bulb or the sun. The light travels in a linear direction and hits objects without being reflected or refracted beforehand. It is often used in lighting design to create shadows or to put focus on a specific object or area.

iluminación indirecta
indirect lighting

Iluminación indirecta is a term used in Spanish speaking countries to refer to a light source that is not directly visible but its light is reflected off surfaces to light the space. This technique is usually used in interior decorating to create a warm and soft atmosphere, reducing shadows and contrast. It is a common practice in the field of interior and theatrical design, photography and cinema. Indirect lighting can be achieved through various methods, such as reflecting light off walls or ceilings, or by using fixtures that conceal the light source, such as cove or valance lighting.

iluminación suave
soft lighting

The Spanish phrase 'iluminación suave' translates to 'soft lighting' in English. Soft lighting is a term used in photography and cinematography to describe a style of lighting that reduces the contrast and produces softer shadows, especially useful in creating flattering portraits or creating a cozy ambience in interior design. This concept, as in English, in Spanish can be applied in several contexts such as photography, cinematography, interior design and more.

iluminación tenue
dark lighting

The Spanish phrase 'iluminación tenue' translates to 'dark lighting' in English. It is commonly used to describe an environment or setting that is not strongly lit, often creating a subdued or romantic atmosphere. This phrase is usually used when discussing interior design, photography, visual arts, or atmospheric conditions.

iluminar un espacio
illuminate a space

The Spanish phrase 'iluminar un espacio' translates to 'illuminate a space' in English. It is commonly used to denote the action of shedding or providing light in a certain area or space, making it brighter or more visible. This could be achieved through various means such as turning on lights or using other light sources.

iluminar una habitación
illuminate a room

The Spanish phrase 'iluminar una habitación' translates to 'illuminate a room' in English. This can refer to both literal illumination, such as turning on a light to brighten a room in a physical sense, or metaphorical illumination, such as clarifying an idea or issue within a discussion taking place in a room. In any use, it suggests the process of making something clearer and more visible.


The term 'ilustrador' in Spanish translates to 'illustrator' in English. An illustrator is an artist who specializes in enhancing writing or elucidating concepts by providing a visual representation that corresponds to the content of the associated text or idea. The illustration may be intended to clarify complicated concepts or objects that are difficult to describe textually, which is the reason illustrations are often used in books, magazines, and business reports.

Example sentences with  ilustrador

The Spanish word 'imagen' is used to refer to a picture, photograph, or a mental representation of something. It can be used in several contexts similar to English, like digital image ('imagen digital'), image quality ('calidad de imagen'), or mental image ('imagen mental'). Its usage is common both in casual conversations and in more formal or technical discussions.

Example sentences with  imagen
imagen borrosa
blurred image

The Spanish phrase 'imagen borrosa' directly translates to 'blurred image' in English. It is primarily used in the context of photography or any other domain where imagery plays a crucial role, for instance, computer graphics, videography, vision-related studies in biology, etc. It could also refer to trouble in vision, portraying metaphoric connotations in literature and day-to-day conversation. Care needs to be taken, as the usage and meaning could change with the context.

Example sentences with  imagen borrosa
imagen conmovedora
moving image

The Spanish phrase 'imagen conmovedora' translates to 'moving image' in English. This can be used in the context of a picture, photograph, or piece of artwork that stirs powerful emotions such as sadness, joy, or sympathy within the viewer. However, it is important to note that 'moving' does not imply motion or action within the image, but rather the emotional response it induces.

imagen desgarradora
heartbreaking image

The Spanish phrase 'imagen desgarradora' translates to 'heartbreaking image' in English. This phrase is often used to describe a picture, view, or scene that invokes a strong feeling of sadness or sorrow, typically due to an intense or overwhelming situation of suffering, distress, or pain captured or depicted in the image. The phrase can also metaphorically be used in literary and conversational contexts to express a poignant or deeply touching description or idea.

imagen enfocada
focussed image

The Spanish phrase 'imagen enfocada' translates to 'focused image' in English. In photography, a focused image is one where the subject of the photograph is sharp and clear, with all details visibly crisp. This term could also be used metaphorically to refer to a clear, concentrated idea or aim.

Example sentences with  imagen enfocada
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