Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

horario comercial
business hours

The Spanish phrase 'horario comercial' translates to 'business hours' in English. This term is generally used to refer to the typical hours during which a business is open for operation. It usually refers to a set schedule established by a company for the convenience of its customers, specifying the opening and closing times, including any breaks. The exact schedule can vary widely depending on multiple factors including the type of business, cultural norms, and local regulations.

horario continuo
Continuous schedule

The Spanish term 'horario continuo' refers to the concept of a 'continuous schedule' in English. This term is commonly used in contexts such as working hours and schedule planning. A 'horario continuo' suggests a working or operating period without interruptions or breaks. For instance, it might refer to businesses or stores that remain open throughout the day, schools on a single continuous schedule, or employees following a continuous work schedule without split shifts.

horario flexible
flexible schedule

The Spanish term 'horario flexible' translates to 'flexible schedule' in English. This terminology is often used in work environments or institutions where individuals are given the autonomy to choose their own starting and ending hours of work or study, within agreed limits. The flexibility allows for better work-life balance and typically increases overall productivity and satisfaction.


The Spanish word 'horizonte' translates to 'horizon' in English. It refers to the apparent line that separates earth from sky, the line where the earth seems to end and the sky begins. It's often used metaphorically to represent the limits or possibilities of knowledge or experience.

Example sentences with  horizonte

The Spanish term 'hormigón' translates to 'concrete' in English. It is a hard building material made by mixing a cementing material (such as mixed with sand, small stones, or gravel), and water, which, when dried, results in a strong, stone-like structure. It is commonly used in the construction of infrastructure like buildings, roads, and bridges due to its strength and durability.


The word 'hormona' is a noun in Spanish that translates to 'hormone' in English. A hormone is a substance produced by the body that travels through the bloodstream to regulate particular functions or processes in the body, like growth or metabolism. Similar to English, 'hormona' in Spanish is commonly used in medical and scientific contexts.

Example sentences with  hormona

An oven is a tool which is used to expose materials to a hot environment. In the context of cooking, an oven is to heat food in a controlled and consistent way.

Example sentences with  horno

The word 'horóscopo' in Spanish translates to 'horoscope' in English. A horoscope is a forecast of a person's future, typically including a delineation of character and circumstances, based on the relative positions of the stars and planets at the time of that person's birth.

Example sentences with  horóscopo

The Spanish word 'horrorizarse' is a verb that does not exactly translate to 'horror' in English. While 'horror' is a noun meaning an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust, 'horrorizarse' is a reflexive verb which means 'to be horrified' or 'to react with horror'. It implies a strong, negative, emotional response to something deeply disturbing or frightening.


A 'Hospital' is a health care institution where patients receive treatment from specialized medical staff and equipment.

Example sentences with  hospital
hospital de guardia
hospital on call

The Spanish term 'hospital de guardia' translates to 'hospital on call' in English. This refers to a hospital that is ready to provide immediate treatment in emergency situations. It is similar to the concept of an 'emergency department' in English-speaking countries. The phrase is often used in Spanish-speaking regions to refer to facilities that are open around the clock for urgent care cases.

Example sentences with  hospital de guardia

The Spanish term 'hospitalizar' translates to 'hospitalization' in English. It is a verb that originates from the noun 'hospital'. Essentially, it refers to the act or process of admitting a patient to a hospital for treatment. It is typically used in the context of medical and health-related conversation. The term can be applicable for either humans or animals. In a sentence, you could say in Spanish, 'El paciente necesita ser hospitalizado' which translates to, 'The patient needs to be hospitalized' in English.

Example sentences with  hospitalizar

The Spanish word 'hostelero' does not refer to a hostel itself. It refers to a person who owns or operates a hostel, similar to a 'hotelier' in English. These individuals are crucial in the hospitality industry, as they contribute to the management or ownership of hostels, ensuring the comfort and convenience of guests who choose to stay in these types of accommodations.


'Hotel' in Spanish is the same as in English, 'hotel'. It is a commercial establishment providing lodging, meals, and other guest services.

Example sentences with  hotel

The word 'hoy' is used in Spanish to denote the current day, exactly as 'today' is used in English. It is commonly used in daily conversations and is often found in expressions related to time, like 'hoy en día' (nowadays) or 'hoy mismo' (today itself).

Example sentences with  hoy

The Spanish word 'huelga' translates into 'strike' in English. It is commonly used to denote situations where workers refuse to do their jobs as a way to protest against working conditions, pay, or other workplace issues. This term can be found not only in labour movements but also used in more general contexts to indicate a stop or halt in activities. For instance, in the sentence 'La huelga de transporte detuvo la ciudad' (The transport strike stopped the city), 'huelga' is conveying an interruption or cessation of an activity.

Example sentences with  huelga

The Spanish word 'huella' translates to 'fingerprint' in English. This term often refers to the unique, tiny, detailed traits left behind from the friction ridges of a human finger. It's primarily used in forensic sciences and identification processes. It's not only limited to the human context, but 'huella' could also be used to describe traces or footprints left by any object or creature.


The Spanish word 'huerta' translates to 'orchard' in English, referring to a plantation of trees or shrubs that bear fruits or nuts. Often consisting of a variety of trees, such as apple, pear, or peach trees, an orchard is usually intended for commercial production. However, in a domestic context, it might refer to a smaller area where fruit trees are cultivated for personal use.

Example sentences with  huerta

The Spanish word 'hueso' translates to 'bone' in English. It is a part of the body that makes up the skeleton. Bones provide structure for the body and support for muscles and tissues. They also protect some of our most vital organs. This word is very commonly used in both biological and medical contexts.

huevo de avestruz
ostrich egg

The Spanish phrase 'huevo de avestruz' translates to 'ostrich egg' in English. An ostrich egg is the egg laid by an ostrich, a species of large flightless bird native to Africa. These eggs are the largest of any living bird, and have been known to be used in various ways, such as for food, in art, or even as containers, throughout history and across different cultures.

huevo de codorniz
quail egg

The Spanish phrase 'huevo de codorniz' translates to 'quail egg' in English. A quail egg is the egg produced by the quail bird, which is notably smaller than the eggs produced by common poultry, such as chickens. Despite their smaller size, quail eggs are often considered a delicacy and they are used in various types of cuisine all over the world. The usage of the phrase 'huevo de codorniz' might be the same as how 'quail egg' is used in English language, whether in culinary context or when likening something to the small size and distinctive speckled appearance of a quail egg.


'Huevos' means 'eggs' in Spanish. Eggs are a breakfast staple in many cultures, including those of Spanish-speaking countries, hence making this term fundamental in Spanish vocabulary.

Example sentences with  huevos

The Spanish word 'humano' similar to English word 'human' can be used in many ways, but it usually refers to a member of the Homo Sapiens species. It can be used to describe individuals, populations or the humanity as a whole. It is also used in the broader context of human rights ('derechos humanos'), human nature ('naturaleza humana'), or 'ser humano' for human being.

Example sentences with  humano

The Spanish word 'humildad' translates to 'humility' in English. It encapsulates the concept of having a modest view of one's own importance. This is not to be mistaken with low self-esteem, but rather understanding and acknowledging one's limitations. It is considered a virtue in many cultures and religions, encouraging respectful behavior towards others.


The Spanish word 'humilde' translates to 'humble' in English. It is used to describe a person who has an unpretentious or modest viewpoint about oneself. In a broader sense, it can also represent simplicity or lack of vanity in one's lifestyle. 'Humilde' is an adjective in Spanish and generally used to compliment a person's modest attitude or behavior. It shows respect and admiration for their ability to stay grounded, irrespective of the achievements they might have. Furthermore, it can be used in various contexts to portray humility, which is considered a virtue.

hundirse en una depresión aguda
sink into acute depression

The Spanish phrase 'hundirse en una depresión aguda' translates as 'sink into acute depression' in English. This phrase is used idiomatically to describe a rapid, severe decline in mental health characterized by intense feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities. The metaphor 'sink' evokes the image of a person getting overwhelmed by the negative emotions associated with depression.

hundirse en una depresión profunda
sink into deep depression

The phrase 'hundirse en una depresión profunda' in Spanish translates to 'sink into deep depression' in English. It's a figurative phrase used to express the act of becoming extremely depressed. It conveys a sense of someone falling into a state of intense sadness, as if sinking into a deep pit or hole. This phrase is usually used to describe severe emotional states and it's often used in both casual and formal contexts.

hundirse una empresa
sinking a company

The Spanish phrase 'hundirse una empresa' translates to 'sinking a company' in English. This phrase is often used in business contexts and refers to a company that is facing severe difficulties maintaining its operations, usually due to financial problems. As a result, it may be in a state of decline or collapse, similar to how a ship might sink in water.

Example sentences with  hundirse una empresa

The Spanish word 'huracán' translates to 'hurricane' in English. A hurricane is a severe storm that occurs in the Atlantic or northeastern Pacific Ocean. It forms in the sea, often in the tropics, and is characterized by its strong, destructive winds, heavy rainfalls, and potentially devastating coastal flooding. The word 'huracán' itself is used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to such storms. It is also the basis for the English term. This word is a common example of a term that is universally recognized across different languages due to the global nature of such natural disasters.

Example sentences with  huracán

The Spanish word 'hurto' translates to 'theft' in English. It is a noun that refers to the act of stealing another person's possessions or property without their consent and typically without their knowledge. The term usually implies a stealthy or deceitful action, where the person committing the theft takes something without the owner noticing at the time. It is a criminal act punishable by law.

Example sentences with  hurto
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