Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


In Spanish, the word 'hijo' translates to 'son' in English. It refers to a person's male offspring. This term is used in a variety of contexts and is a central concept in family-related terminology. Embedded in many other expressions, 'hijo' is often used as a term of endearment or in grammatical structures to signify possession.

hijo único
only child

The Spanish phrase 'hijo único' directly translates to 'only child' in English. It is used for describing a person who has no siblings. In this phrase, 'hijo' means 'son' or 'child' and 'único' means 'only' or 'unique'. So, 'hijo único' can also refer to 'unique child', but it is commonly understood as 'only child'.

hilo dental

The Spanish term 'hilo dental' directly translates to English as 'dental floss'. It refers to a cord of thin filaments used to remove food and dental plaque from between teeth in areas a toothbrush is unable to reach. Its use is recommended for an essential part of personal oral hygiene and dental health.

Example sentences with  hilo dental

The Spanish word 'himno' translates to 'hymn' in English. A hymn is a type of song, typically religious in nature and often used in Christian churches. It's designed for congregational singing and played during liturgical services. In a more general sense, 'hymn' may also mean a song of praise. When using 'himno' in Spanish, it carries the same meanings and contexts.

Example sentences with  himno
himno (nacional)
anthem (national)

The Spanish word 'himno (nacional)' translates to 'anthem (national)' in English. This word often refers to a rousing or uplifting song identified with a particular group, body, or cause, and in this specific context, it refers to a country's national anthem, which is a patriotic song officially adopted by a country as an expression of national identity.

Example sentences with  himno (nacional)

In Spanish, 'hymns' is translated to 'himnos'. 'Himnos' is used in much the same way as 'hymns' in English, to refer to a type of song, often religious in nature, intended to be sung in congregational or communal settings. It is typically used in relation to church services and can also refer to patriotic songs in the context of national celebration or events.

Example sentences with  himnos

Hinduismo, in English known as 'Hinduism', is a major religion that originated in the Indian subcontinent. It encompasses a wide variety of beliefs, practices and spiritual traditions. Hinduism is considered the world's third largest religion and has a diverse system of thought with beliefs spanning monotheism, polytheism, panentheism, pantheism, pandeism, monism, and atheism among others.

Example sentences with  hinduismo

The Spanish word 'hipocondriaco' translates to 'hypochondriac' in English. A hypochondriac is a person who is excessively worried about their health and often believes they are sick, even when there are no medical reasons to support this belief. They have mental distress related to fear of having serious illness, which often persists despite medical reassurance. This fear or belief might interfere with their daily life. The word 'hipocondriaco' originates from the Greek word 'hypokondrios', which means 'under the cartilage (of the sternum)', in reference to the ancient belief that this area was the seat of melancholy and anxiety.


The Spanish word 'hipocresía' translates to 'hypocrisy' in English. Hypocrisy is the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform. It is often associated with actions that contradict previous statements and behaviors. In a general sense, a person can be called a hypocrite if they criticize others for something that they themselves are guilty of.

Example sentences with  hipocresía

The Spanish word 'hipoteca' translates to 'mortgage' in English. A mortgage is a legal agreement by which a bank or similar organization lends you money to buy a house, etc., and you pay the money back over a particular number of years. You can also use the mortgage to buy other kinds of property. If you fail to make these payments, the organization can take the property from you. Similarly, 'hipoteca' in Spanish would describe the same legal and financial scenario.

hipotecar una vivienda
to mortgage a home

The phrase 'hipotecar una vivienda' in Spanish translates to 'to mortgage a home' in English. It is a term commonly used in the realm of real estate and finance, where 'hipotecar' means to mortgage, and 'una vivienda' means a home. Thus, this term is used when a homeowner uses his or her property as collateral to secure a loan from a lending institution. The property is then held by the institution until the loan is 'paid off' by the homeowner, a process known as 'mortgaging a home'.


The Spanish word 'historia' translates to 'history' in English. History is a chronological collection of past events and developments related to a place, an institution, or a concept. It is studied to understand time and factors leading to current situations, thereby becoming the basis for future actions and decisions. The term 'historia' in Spanish carries the same implications and is used in various contexts, like 'historia de España' (history of Spain), 'historia del arte' (history of art), etc.

Example sentences with  historia

The Spanish word for 'story' is 'historia'. It can be used in a variety of contexts, just like in English. For instance, it can refer to a narrative or tale, as in a book, movie or anecdote. Additionally, it can also refer to history in a general context. For example, 'la historia del mundo' would be translated to 'the history of the world'. Thus, context is important to discern the intended meaning.

Example sentences with  historia
historia antigua
ancient history

The Spanish term 'historia antigua' translates to 'ancient history' in English. This refers to the period of history from the beginning of writing and recorded human history to the Early Middle Ages or the Postclassical Era. Subjects under this term would include the civilizations of Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Ancient Egypt, and others. It can also include the study of these periods, their people, cultures, events, and their influence on the present.

Example sentences with  historia antigua
historia clínica
clinical history

The Spanish term 'historia clínica' translates to 'clinical history' in English. Clinical history, in a healthcare context, is a record of relevant information about a patient's past and present health conditions and treatments. It may include details about past illnesses, surgeries, allergies, and medications, as well as family medical history and lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise. Having a thorough clinical history can help healthcare professionals identify potential health risks, make accurate diagnoses, and develop effective treatment plans.

Example sentences with  historia clínica
historia contemporánea
contemporary history

The term 'historia contemporánea' in Spanish translates to 'contemporary history' in English. This term refers to a subset of history that reflects the historical period from approximately 1945 to the present day. Contemporary history includes the end of World War II through the early 21st century. As the study of the recent past, it often uses sources such as photographs, newspaper clippings, and other primary sources that were created at the time and provide a firsthand account of the events under study.

Example sentences with  historia contemporánea
historia del arte
history of art

The Spanish term 'historia del arte' translates to 'history of art' in English. The phrase is universally used in the field of academics, art institutions, and even in daily conversations referring to the study, development, and interpretation of visual arts over time. This study encompasses wide-ranging art forms including ancient, medieval, and modern as well as various geographic areas. It is a discipline that investigates the role of art as a reflection of the culture and society in which it was created.

Example sentences with  historia del arte
historia medieval
medieval history

The Spanish term 'historia medieval' translates to 'medieval history' in English. The term refers to the study or account of the Middle Ages period in history, which is generally recognized as taking place from the 5th to the 15th century. This period was marked by significant events such as the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the rise of Islam, and the beginning of the Renaissance.

Example sentences with  historia medieval
historia universal
universal history

The term 'historia universal' in Spanish is translated into English as 'universal history'. Universal history refers to an overview of the history of mankind as a whole, presenting the rise and fall of empires and civilizations from the ancient times to the present, focusing on the significant happenings, events and notable figures that shaped the world as we know it today.

Example sentences with  historia universal

The word 'historiador' is a noun in Spanish that translates to 'historian' in English. A 'historiador' is a person who studies, researches, and writes about the past, and is regarded as an authority on it. Historians are concerned with the continuous, methodical narrative and research of past events as relating to the human race; as well as the study of all history in time.

Example sentences with  historiador

The word 'hocico' is a Spanish word that refers to the part of an animal's head that is projecting forward and includes the jaws, mouth, and nose. It is typically associated with mammals, especially those that have a relatively long and pointed shape such as dogs, pigs, or horses. In English, the term used to describe this is 'snout'. The use of this word can extend to describe human noses in a pejorative or playful way. Just like its English counterpart, 'hocico' can also be used metaphorically to indicate the protruding part of anything.

Example sentences with  hocico

Hockey in Spanish is translated as hockey in English. It is a sport where two teams play against each other by trying to maneuver a ball or a puck into the opponent's goal using a hockey stick.

Example sentences with  Hockey

The Spanish word 'hoja' translates to 'leaf' in English. It is a term used in botany to refer to the main organs of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants. Apart from this, 'hoja' can also be used in the context of a sheet of paper in Spanish.

hoja de cálculo

The Spanish term 'hoja de cálculo' translates to 'spreadsheet' in English. A spreadsheet is a file made of rows and columns that help sort, organize, and arrange data efficiently. It can also provide computations using mathematical formulas. Spreadsheets are often used in finance, accounting, and budgeting.

Example sentences with  hoja de cálculo

The Spanish word 'hombre' translates to 'man' in English. It is a commonly used noun in the Spanish language, representing an adult male human. In a broader context, it can also refer to human beings in general, regardless of their gender, much like 'mankind' in English. However, its most typical use is to identify an individual male person.


The Spanish word 'hombros' translates to 'shoulders' in English. It is used in reference to the part of the human body where the arm connects to the torso, which helps in movement and carrying things. 'Hombros' is a noun in Spanish language and can be used in various contexts such as in describing body parts, expressing physical pain or strain, or when carrying out physical activities. This word is plural in form, the singular is 'hombro', without 's' at the end.


The Spanish word 'homosexual' directly translates to 'homosexual' in English. It is used to refer to a person who is attracted to individuals of the same sex. This term is a classification for sexual orientation and it applies to both men and women. Similar to English, it can be used as both a noun and an adjective in Spanish. Moreover, it is important to note that the context and tone of the conversation could change the sensitivity of this term's usage.


The word 'honor' in Spanish translates to 'honour' in English. The term is used to represent the esteem, respect, or regard in which a person or thing is held. It outlines a sense of integrity in one's beliefs and actions and is usually associated with a high reputation and a sense of pride and fulfillment. For instance, it is often used in contexts like 'man of honor', 'honor student', etc., where it denotes respectability and nobility.

Example sentences with  honor

In Spanish, the word for 'hour' is 'hora'. It is used in similar contexts to its English equivalent. For example, when telling the time, if it is 'one hour' or 'una hora' in Spanish, this is a common usage. But it's also found in phrases like 'every hour' ('cada hora') and 'hourly' ('cada hora' or 'por hora'). Note that when used in the plural form 'horas' it still translates to 'hours'.

Example sentences with  hora

The word 'horario' in Spanish translates to 'schedule' in English. It refers to an organized list or a plan that specifies the time at which certain events are to take place. It might pertain to various contexts; for example, it could be a work schedule, a class schedule, a train schedule, etc. It refers to the system of planning time effectively and could be either an outline of events and procedures or a fixed program.

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