Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

helado de vainilla
vanilla ice cream

The Spanish phrase 'helado de vainilla' translates to 'vanilla ice cream' in English. It is a popular dessert made from cream, sugar and vanilla beans, that is often served cold. This flavor is appreciated for its characteristics sweet and delicate taste that perfectly pairs with other desserts like cakes or fruits.


The Spanish verb 'helar' translates to 'freeze' in English. It's mostly used to describe the process of a liquid becoming solid due to cold temperatures or the action of freezing something. Its conjugation can change depending on tense and who's acting, as is common with Spanish verbs.

Example sentences with  helar

A helicopter is a type of aircraft that uses rotating wings, called rotors, to fly. It can take off and land vertically, which makes it versatile and very useful, especially in emergencies and difficult terrains where a regular plane cannot function.

Example sentences with  helicóptero

The Spanish word 'helipuerto' translates to 'heliport' in English. A heliport is a small airport suitable only for use by helicopters. Helipuertos are different from standard airports because they have a much smaller operation area and do not have runways. Instead, they consist of a takeoff and landing area, and may have limited support facilities. The main advantage of a helipuerto over a typical airport is that it can be located closer to the locations people need to reach, especially in urban areas where space for runways is not available.

Example sentences with  helipuerto

The Spanish word 'hembra' translates to 'female' in English. It is typically used to refer to female gender across various contexts. For instance, when identifying the gender of animals, people, or even objects sometimes in Spanish, 'hembra' is used to denote the female specification. This noun is pronounced as 'em-brah'.

hemisferio norte
Northern hemisphere

The Spanish term 'hemisferio norte' translates to 'northern hemisphere' in English. The northern hemisphere refers to the half of the planet that is north of the equator. This hemisphere includes parts of North America, Europe, Asia, and significant portions of Africa. In the context of astronomy, the northern hemisphere is also a term used to refer to the half of the celestial sphere that is north of the celestial equator.

Example sentences with  hemisferio norte
hemisferio sur
Southern hemisphere

The Spanish term 'hemisferio sur' translates to 'southern hemisphere' in English. The term is used in geography to refer to the half of earth that is located to the south of the equator. It includes all the parts of South America, Australasia, half of Africa, Antarctic and parts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Example sentences with  hemisferio sur

The Spanish verb 'heredar' translates to 'inherit' in English. It is used in the sense of receiving property, money, a title, etc., as an heir at the death of the previous holder. This can be related to both a legal context or a biological one, where it may indicate the acquisition of genetic features. Just like in English, this verb can also be used in a metaphorical sense, for instance, inheriting a situation or a problem.


The word 'herida' is the translation of the English word 'hurt' in Spanish. It is widely used both in the physical context, for example, 'Me hice una herida' - I hurt myself, and in emotional context, for example, 'Estoy herida' - I am hurt or I feel hurt. It can also be used as the past participle of the verb herir which means to wound or to injure.

Example sentences with  herida
herida leve
mild wound

The Spanish phrase 'herida leve' translates to 'mild wound' in English. In the medical field, it is used to describe a minor injury that doesn't involve serious damage to the body, like a small cut, bruise, or abrasion. It does not require serious medical attention typically, but must be taken care of immediately to prevent infection or complications. A 'herida leve' is considered non-severe and people usually recover from it without any major treatment necessary.

Example sentences with  herida leve
herida profunda
deep wound

The Spanish phrase 'herida profunda' translates to 'deep wound' in English. It can be used medically to denote an injury that penetrates deeply into the body or metaphorically to indicate serious emotional or psychological damage. Care should be taken with its use, as, due to its strong connotations, it may be considered powerful or evocative language.

Example sentences with  herida profunda
herida superficial
superficial wound

The phrase 'herida superficial' in Spanish translates to 'superficial wound' in English. This refers to a wound that only affects the topmost layer of the skin, also known as the epidermis. It is not deep or severe and does not damage any underlying tissues or structures. Examples of superficial wounds include minor cuts, abrasions, or first-degree burns. 'Herida' means wound and 'superficial' retains the same meaning in both Spanish and English describing something on the surface or not deep.

Example sentences with  herida superficial

The Spanish word 'hermana' is used to refer to a sibling who is female. Just like in English, it can refer to a biological sister or be used more broadly for a female member of a religious community or someone who you feel a close bond with.

Example sentences with  hermana

The Spanish word 'hermano' is used in exactly the same context as the English word 'brother'. It is used to refer to a male sibling. Just like in English, the word can also be used in a broader sense to refer to any male in a similar generational level within a group, especially in religious or fraternal contexts.

Example sentences with  hermano

The Spanish word 'hermoso' is an adjective used to describe something or someone as beautiful or handsome. It can be used in a variety of contexts, much like its English equivalent. For example, you can use 'hermoso' to describe a beautiful view ('vista hermosa'), a beautiful woman ('mujer hermosa'), or a beautiful day ('día hermoso'). It is a common term in both spoken and written Spanish.

Example sentences with  hermoso

The Spanish word 'hernia' translates to 'hernia' in English. It refers to a medical condition that occurs when an organ pushes through an opening in the muscle or tissue that holds it in place. Hernias are most common in the abdomen, but they can also appear in the upper thigh, belly button, and groin areas. Most hernias are not immediately life-threatening, but they don't go away on their own and can require surgery to prevent potentially serious complications.

Example sentences with  hernia

The Spanish word 'hervir' translates to 'boil' in English. It is a verb that is used to describe the process of heating a liquid, often water, until it reaches a temperature at which it bubbles and turns to vapor. The action of boiling is commonly used in cooking, especially when preparing foods like pasta, eggs, or certain vegetables. The verb 'hervir' can also be used metaphorically to describe intense feelings or emotions, much like the English phrase 'boiling with anger'.

hervir agua
boil water

The Spanish phrase 'hervir agua' translates to 'boil water' in English. In this phrase, 'hervir' is a Spanish verb that refers to the process of heating a liquid (in this case, water) until it starts to bubble and turn to vapour. This term is commonly used in cooking context in Spanish-speaking countries.

hervir leche
boil milk

The Spanish phrase 'hervir leche' translates to 'boil milk' in English. It's a common instruction in Spanish recipes, similar to how an English recipe might call for you to 'simmer soup' or 'melt butter'. When you hervir leche, it means you're heating up the milk to a temperature where it starts to bubble and steam, but you usually won't let it get so hot that it scalds or burns. Remember, just as with English boiling instructions, always keep an eye on the milk to prevent it from overflowing!


The Spanish word 'heterosexual' is the same in English and it refers to a person who is sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex. It's derived from 'hetero' meaning different and 'sexual'. This term is widely used in various contexts, from casual conversations, in literature, to formal discussions about human sexuality and relationships.


The Spanish word 'hidroavión' translates to 'seaplane' in English. It is a type of powered aircraft that is designed to take off and land on water. This differs from a standard airplane which requires a traditional runway to take off and land. Seaplanes can be mainly divided into two categories: flying boats (where the fuselage also serves as a boat hull) and floatplanes (equipped with pontoons for buoyancy). They are especially useful in areas with a lot of water but few runways, thus making them popular in places like seacoast cities, lake districts or in the archipelagos.

Example sentences with  hidroavión

The Spanish word 'hielo' translates to 'ice' in English. It represents the solid state of water when it is frozen, often used to cool drinks or in reference to frigid temperatures. In general use, you might find it in various contexts such as weather reports, cooking instructions, or descriptions of cold objects.

Example sentences with  hielo

The Spanish word 'hierba' translates to 'grass' in English. It refers to any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavoring, food, medicine, or perfume. It can also convey a broader meaning and include shrubs, vines, trees, mosses, ferns, etc., in certain contexts. It's often used in relation to lawns and the fields on which animals graze, presenting an image of lush greenery.

Example sentences with  hierba

The Spanish word 'hierro' translates to 'iron' in English. In both languages, this word can be used to refer to the hard, malleable, magnetic heavy metal that is a part of our everyday life, used in making infrastructure, machinery, ships, automobiles, and various other things. It is also a nutritional element essential for human health, responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood.


The Spanish word 'hígado' translates to 'liver' in English. The term is commonly used in the context of anatomy to refer to the vital organ that performs many functions in the human body. It processes nutrients from food, makes bile, eliminates toxins and wastes from the body, and enables proper digestion.

higiene bucal
oral hygiene

The Spanish term 'higiene bucal' translates to 'oral hygiene' in English. Oral hygiene is the practice of maintaining cleanliness of the mouth and teeth to prevent dental problems such as cavities, gingivitis, and bad breath. Generally, it involves methods such as brushing and flossing the teeth, and using mouthwash. Good oral hygiene is an essential part of personal health and wellbeing.

Example sentences with  higiene bucal
higiene corporal
Body hygiene

The Spanish term 'higiene corporal' translates to 'body hygiene' in English. It refers to the practice of keeping one's body clean in order to prevent illness or maintain health. This can include activities such as bathing, washing hands, brushing teeth, and more. Practicing good body hygiene is important for overall physical health and wellbeing.

Example sentences with  higiene corporal
higiene industrial
industrial hygiene

Industrial hygiene, or 'higiene industrial' in Spanish, refers to the science of anticipating, recognizing, evaluating, and controlling workplace conditions that may cause workers' injury or illness. Industrial hygienists use environmental monitoring and analytical methods to detect the extent of worker exposure and employ engineering, work practice controls, and other methods to control potential health hazards.

Example sentences with  higiene industrial
higiene personal
personal hygiene

The term 'higiene personal' in Spanish translates to 'personal hygiene' in English. This refers to the cleanliness and care of one's body. Personal hygiene routines may include activities such as showering, washing hands, brushing teeth, and more. The practices aim to maintain health and prevent diseases. Additionally, personal hygiene impacts personal comfort and social interactions.

Example sentences with  higiene personal

The Spanish word 'hija' translates to 'daughter' in English. It is used to refer to a person's female child. The masculine form is 'hijo', meaning son. 'Hija' can also be used in possessive contexts, like 'su hija' meaning 'his/her daughter'.

Example sentences with  hija
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