Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

hacerse mechas
Get in the way

'Hacerse mechas' does not translate to 'get in the way' in English. In fact, it literally translates to 'making highlights' and is commonly used in the context of hair styling where 'mechas' refers to 'highlights' or 'streaks'. Therefore, 'hacerse mechas' would typically be used to describe someone getting highlights in their hair.

Example sentences with  hacerse mechas
hacerse socio de un club
become a partner of a club

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse socio de un club' translates to 'become a partner of a club' in English. It's used when somebody wants to join a club, often with rights of ownership or voting privileges. This can apply to any kind of club, for example a sports club, a hobby club, or a business club. This phrase emphasizes the intention to actively participate, not just to receive the benefits associated with membership.

hacerse socio de una asociación (deportiva)
become a partner of an association (sport)

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse socio de una asociación (deportiva)' translates to English as 'become a partner of an association (sport)'. It is used in the context where an individual chooses to join or become a member of an organization, often specific to sports. For example, if you want to join a local football club, you would 'hacerse socio de una asociación (deportiva)'. Thus, it signifies active participation and partnership in any association or club, particularly those related to sports.

hacerse un corte (de pelo) atrevido
make a bold (hair) cut

The phrase 'hacerse un corte (de pelo) atrevido' in Spanish translates to 'make a bold (hair) cut' in English. It could be used when someone decides to change their hairstyle radically. For instance, if a person with long hair decides to cut it very short or in an unconventional style, they are 'haciéndose un corte de pelo atrevido'. It's not limited to hair and can be used in other contexts where one makes a bold or daring choice.

Example sentences with  hacerse un corte (de pelo) atrevido
hacerse un empaste
Make yourself a pack

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse un empaste' does not exactly translate to 'make yourself a pack' in English. Instead, it's more accurately translated as 'to get a filling'. This phrase is commonly used in a dental context to refer to the process where a cavity in a tooth is filled with a substance by a dentist to prevent further decay. The three words in the phrase can be separately translated as 'hacerse' meaning 'to get', 'un' meaning 'a', and 'empaste' meaning 'filling'.

Example sentences with  hacerse un empaste
hacerse un esguince
Make a sprain

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse un esguince' is typically used in a medical or health context. This term is used to describe the action of injuring a ligament in your body through over-stretching, tearing, or pulling. In English, this phrase is equivalent to 'make a sprain' or 'to sprain oneself'. It's useful to know if you're involved in sports or physical activities where sprains might occur. In general conversation, it might refer to someone who has recently suffered this type of injury.

Example sentences with  hacerse un esguince
hacerse un moño
make a bun

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse un moño' translates as 'make a bun' in English. It is often used to describe the process of styling hair into a bun, a type of hairstyle where the hair is pulled back from the face, twisted or plaited, and wrapped in a circular coil around itself, typically on the back of the head or neck. However, it can also be used figuratively in different contexts.

Example sentences with  hacerse un moño
hacerse una coleta
make a ponytail

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse una coleta' translates to 'make a ponytail' in English. It is a casual phrase typically used in the context of hairstyles, especially referring to the style in which the hair is pulled back and bound usually at the back of the head.

Example sentences with  hacerse una coleta
hacerse una idea
getting an idea

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse una idea' generally translates to 'getting an idea' in English. It is usually used in the context of forming or developing a concept, opinion, or understanding about something. As phrases often depend on the context in which they're used, keep in mind that it might not always directly translate to 'getting an idea'. It's often utilized in conversations where ideas or perspectives are discussed.

hacerse una liposucción
to get liposuction

The Spanish term 'hacerse una liposucción' translates to 'to get liposuction' in English. Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure where excess fat is removed from different parts of the body. It's used to reshape particular areas or to improve body contours. In Spanish, the term 'hacerse una liposucción' can be broken down to 'hacerse' which is the reflexive form of 'hacer' meaning 'to do or make', 'una' meaning 'a', and 'liposucción' which is the same term for 'liposuction'. So, in essence, 'hacerse una liposucción' literally means 'to do or make a liposuction' which is understood as 'to get liposuction'.

Example sentences with  hacerse una liposucción
hacerse una prótesis
getting a prosthesis

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse una prótesis' translates to 'getting a prosthesis' in English. It is often used in medical contexts, referring to the process of obtaining an artificial device to replace a missing body part such as a limb, tooth, eye, or heart valve. This could be due to various reasons such as disease, injury, or a condition present at birth. The phrase could also be used metaphorically in some circumstances.

Example sentences with  hacerse una prótesis
hacerse una revisión
get a checkup

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse una revisión' translates to 'get a checkup' in English. This phrase is often used in a medical context, such as when scheduling a routine physical examination or assessment with a doctor. Much like the English equivalent, 'hacerse una revisión' is a common phrase that one may encounter in various circumstances, particularly those involving healthcare and medical situations.

Example sentences with  hacerse una revisión
hacerse una trenza
to make a braid

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse una trenza' translates to 'to make a braid' in English. This verb phrase is commonly used to describe the action of weaving three or more strands of hair, rope, or other material together in a specific pattern to form a distinct hairstyle or design. 'Hacerse' is a reflexive verb form of 'hacer', meaning 'to do' or 'to make', where 'se' indicates that the action is performed on oneself. 'Una trenza' translates to 'a braid'. Therefore, when you 'hace una trenza' (make a braid) on yourself, you 'te haces una trenza' (are making a braid on yourself).

Example sentences with  hacerse una trenza
hacerse unas pruebas de orina
get some urine tests.

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse unas pruebas de orina' translates to 'get some urine tests' in English. This might be used in a medical context when someone needs to have their urine tested for various reasons. It can be for routine check-ups, diagnosis of a disease, or monitoring the condition of a disease. The term directly translates to 'to have oneself some urine tests' as a suggestion or a necessity.

Example sentences with  hacerse unas pruebas de orina
hacerse unas pruebas de sangre
get some blood tests.

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse unas pruebas de sangre' translates to 'get some blood tests' in English. This is a common phrase used in medical settings. For example, a doctor might tell a patient to 'hacerse unas pruebas de sangre' to screen for potential illnesses or conditions. It's often used in the context of routine check-ups or if a medical professional believes there may be underlying health issues that need to be assessed with blood tests.

Example sentences with  hacerse unas pruebas de sangre

The Spanish word for 'toward' is 'hacia'. It is typically used to indicate the direction or orientation of something. For example, where in English you would say 'I am going toward the store', in Spanish you would say 'Voy hacia la tienda'. Just as in English, it can also be used in more abstract senses, like 'Hacia' can also mean 'towards' in the sense of being in favor of, or partial to, something or someone.

Example sentences with  hacia

The word 'hamburguesa' in Spanish translates to 'burger' in English. It is a common term used in many Spanish-speaking countries and is typically associated with fast-food or casual dining. A 'hamburguesa' usually refers to a cooked patty of ground meat, usually beef, placed inside a bread roll and served with various condiments and toppings.


The Spanish word 'hamburguesería' is a noun, it generally refers to a place, specifically a restaurant or a shop where hamburgers are predominantly sold or served. In English, it can be roughly translated as 'burger joint' or 'burger shop'. This word is quite common in Spanish speaking territories where American fast food culture is prevalent. Synonyms could also include 'restaurant de hamburguesas' which can directly translate to 'hamburger restaurant'.

harina de maíz
corn flour

The Spanish term 'harina de maíz' translates to 'corn flour' in English. Corn flour is a type of flour made from dried corn kernels. It is commonly used in cooking for making cornbread, tortillas, tamales, and many other types of food. Corn flour is considered a staple food in many countries and it is especially prevalent in Mexican and South American cuisine. It's gluten-free, rich in fiber and can be used in a variety of dishes, both sweet and savory.

harina de trigo
wheat flour

The Spanish term 'harina de trigo' directly translates to 'wheat flour' in English. This is a fundamental ingredient used in many types of baking and cooking around the world. It is created by grinding wheat down into a fine powder. Different types of wheat flour are used for specific purposes and can be found in many baking recipes such as breads, pastas, cakes, and pastries.


The Spanish word 'hasta' is used in a similar context to the English word 'until'. It can be used to indicate a point of time or an event that something will continue up to. For example, in the sentence 'I will wait until tomorrow', the word 'until' would be translated to 'hasta' in Spanish - 'Voy a esperar hasta mañana'.

Example sentences with  hasta
Hasta entonces
Until then

This farewell is used when you have specified a time or event when you will see the person again.

Example sentences with  Hasta entonces
Hasta la próxima
Until next time

This phrase is used when you expect to see the person again at an unspecified time in the future.

Example sentences with  Hasta la próxima
Hasta la vista
Until we meet again

A more formal way of saying goodbye, similar to 'until we meet again' in English.

Example sentences with  Hasta la vista
Hasta mañana
See you tomorrow

This phrase is used when you expect to see the person the next day.

Example sentences with  Hasta mañana
Hasta pronto
See you soon

This is used when you expect to see the person again soon but maybe not immediately.

Example sentences with  Hasta pronto

In Spanish, 'fact' is translated to 'hecho'. It is mainly used to describe something that is true or has really happened. For example, in the sentence 'Es un hecho que él ganó el partido' means 'It is a fact that he won the match'. Similarly, like its English counterpart, 'hecho' can also be used in various expressions and idioms.

Example sentences with  hecho
helado de chocolate
chocolate ice cream

The phrase 'helado de chocolate' in Spanish can be translated to English as 'chocolate ice cream'. Ice cream, known as 'helado' in Spanish, is a popular dessert enjoyed all around the world, and chocolate, or 'chocolate' in Spanish, is one of the most beloved flavors. Therefore, 'helado de chocolate' refers specifically to ice cream that has been flavored with chocolate or includes chocolate components.

helado de fresa
strawberry ice cream

The Spanish phrase 'helado de fresa' translates to 'strawberry ice cream' in English. This is a common dessert item enjoyed worldwide. 'Helado' is the general Spanish term for 'ice cream', and 'fresa' stands for 'strawberry'. This term can be seen in many Spanish-speaking regions on menus at ice cream shops, in supermarkets, and at restaurants.

helado de turrón
nougat ice cream

The Spanish phrase 'helado de turrón' translates to 'nougat ice cream' in English. It is a popular dessert in Spain, especially during the holiday season. 'Helado' is the Spanish word for 'ice cream' and 'turrón' refers to a specific type of Spanish nougat made with honey, sugar, egg whites, and nuts. This type of ice cream is often made by blending turrón into a creamy ice cream base, creating a sweet and nutty treat.

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