Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

hacer una maniobra de aparcamiento
make a parking manoeuvre

The phrase 'hacer una maniobra de aparcamiento' in Spanish contextually translates to 'make a parking manoeuvre' in English. This is typically used when speaking about the act of maneuvering a vehicle into a certain place or position in a parking lot or garage. This can include parallel parking, angle parking, perpendicular parking, and other forms of parking a vehicle. Good skills in parking manoeuvres are considered crucial for safe and proficient driving.

Example sentences with  hacer una maniobra de aparcamiento
hacer una marcha
go on a hike

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una marcha' is a common way to express 'go on a hike' in English. This phrase is used when someone is planning or intending to walk in the countryside, typically for leisure or exercise. This could be in the hills, mountains, or forested areas. This term embodies the spirit of outdoor adventure and nature exploration that is associated with hiking.

Example sentences with  hacer una marcha
hacer una operación
make an operation

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una operación' translates to 'make an operation' in English. This can refer to performing a mathematical operation or undertaking a specific action or task. In medical terms, it can refer to performing a surgery. The verb 'hacer' means 'to do' or 'to make', and 'una operación' means 'an operation'. Therefore, depending on context, the phrase can have multiple interpretations in English.

Example sentences with  hacer una operación
hacer una pausa

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una pausa' translates to 'make a pause' in English. It carries the same sentiment as to 'take a break', 'stop briefly' or simply, 'pause'. It's often used in conversational Spanish when referring to taking a small break during a task or activity. For example, you might use it say 'I need to take a pause from walking', in Spanish this would be 'Necesito hacer una pausa de caminar'.

hacer una película
make a movie

'Hacer una película' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'make a movie' in English. This phrase is commonly used to refer to the process of filmmaking, which includes pre-production, producing, directing, filming, and post-production. In a broader context, it could also imply the act of creating a motion picture or a cinematic work. This phrase implies the collective effort that goes into the creation of a movie.

Example sentences with  hacer una película
hacer una presentación
make a presentation

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una presentación' translates to 'make a presentation' in English. This phrase is utilized often in academic, business, or other formal settings when someone is arranging or preparing a formal talk about a particular topic. The verb 'hacer' signifies 'to make' or 'to do'. The noun 'una presentación' signifies 'a presentation'. Together, they form the phrase 'hacer una presentación', meaning 'make a presentation'.

hacer una promesa
make a promise

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una promesa' translates to 'make a promise' in English. This phrase combines the verb 'hacer' (to make) with the noun 'promesa' (promise), usually states that someone guarantees they will do a specific action in the future. Making a promise implies commitment, responsibility, and trustworthiness. For instance, we use it in sentences like 'Voy a hacer una promesa' which translates to 'I am going to make a promise'.

Example sentences with  hacer una promesa
hacer una prueba (de nivel)
test (level)

The phrase 'hacer una prueba (de nivel)' in Spanish translates to 'test (level)' in English. It is primarily used in the academic and professional environments to denote the process of determining a person's proficiency or understanding in a particular field or subject. For instance, in an academic context, this phrase can be referenced to define an evaluation in a course or subject to ascertain a student's comprehension or skill level. Similarly, in a professional set-up, it can be usage to illustrate a sort of evaluation done to measure an employee's or prospective employee's capability in a particular area of work.

hacer una prueba de recuperación
make a recovery test

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una prueba de recuperación' translates to 'make a recovery test' in English. It refers to creating or organizing a test or examination which is specifically meant for recovering or catching up on knowledge or skills that were missed or not fully understood in the initial learning period. This phrase is frequently used in educational contexts, often when students have the opportunity to re-take a test or exam they initially performed poorly on, to improve their score and demonstrate their learning progress.

hacer una prueba tipo test
to do a multiple choice test

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una prueba tipo test' translates to 'to do a multiple choice test' in English. It's often used in educational settings, especially in schools, colleges or universities where students are required to select the right answer from a set of options provided on a test paper. Each option is designed to test the learner's understanding of a particular concept or subject matter.

hacer una receta (médica)
get a prescription (medical)

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una receta (médica)' translates to 'get a prescription (medical)' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of healthcare, where a patient visits a doctor or a healthcare professional to receive a written instruction (a prescription) for medication or other treatment. The use of this phrase may vary in different Spanish-speaking regions, but its general meaning remains consistent.

Example sentences with  hacer una receta (médica)
hacer una redacción

The phrase 'hacer una redacción' in Spanish refers to a common academic assignment in which you need to write or draft a structured piece of writing, often on a given subject. This could be relatable to writing essays or articles in English. The literal translation of 'hacer una redacción' is 'to do a composition'. It involves organizing thoughts, ideas and arguments in a logical manner to effectively communicate a message or present information on a certain topic.

hacer una reducción de capital
to reduce capital

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una reducción de capital' translates to 'to reduce capital' in English. This is typically used in financial and business contexts, referring to the action of decreasing a company's capital. The reduction can be carried out through different methods, like by decreasing the nominal value of the shares, reducing the number of shares, or by even direct withdrawal of resources.

Example sentences with  hacer una reducción de capital
hacer una reforma

'Hacer una reforma' in Spanish translates to 'make a reform' in English. This phrase could be used in various contexts where changes or improvements are being made, similar to the English term 'reform'. Examples could include making alterations in a governmental system, modifying a law or policy, or changing physical structures or architecture. It is a common phrase in Spanish-speaking countries when discussing modification, transformation, or improvement of an existing structure, system, or situation.

hacer una reserva
make a reservation

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una reserva' translates to 'make a reservation' in English. It is often used in contexts related to booking or reserving something such as a hotel room, a table at a restaurant, tickets for an event, etc. It is a quite useful phrase for travellers or those who are dealing with arrangements for accommodation, food establishments, and event tickets.

Example sentences with  hacer una reserva
hacer una síntesis
make a synthesis

The phrase 'hacer una síntesis' in Spanish translates to 'make a synthesis' in English. This is usually used in an academic context, where it refers to the act of combining various sources of information to generate a new idea or perspective. In a broad sense, it's like taking different elements and merging them into a single, coherent whole.

hacer una tabla
make a table

The phrase 'hacer una tabla' in Spanish translates to 'make a table' in English. It can be used both in a literal sense, such as when someone is physically building a table, or a figurative sense, such as creating a table of information or data.

hacer una transacción
make a transaction

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una transacción' translates to 'make a transaction' in English. It is composed of the verb 'hacer' (to make), the indefinite article 'una' (a), and the noun 'transacción' (transaction). This phrase is typically used in financial contexts and is comparable in usage to the English phrase. Comparable phrases include 'realizar una transacción' or 'efectuar una transacción', both also meaning 'make a transaction'.

Example sentences with  hacer una transacción
hacer una transferencia (bancaria)
make a transfer (banking)

The term 'hacer una transferencia (bancaria)' in Spanish translates directly into English as 'make a transfer (banking)'. This refers to the process of shifting funds from one account to another within the same bank or different banks. The transfer can be scheduled or done immediately, based on the individuals' preference. Transfer types can include online transfers, wire transfers, or Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfers. This is a commonly used term in personal or business banking.

hacer una venta
make a sale

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una venta' translates to 'make a sale' in English. It is commonly used in business contexts, particularly in retail, to refer to the action of successfully selling a product or service to a customer. The word 'hacer' in Spanish can have various meanings such as 'to do', 'to make', or 'to build', and 'venta' means 'sale'. Therefore, metaphorically putting it together, it means to accomplish a sale.

Example sentences with  hacer una venta
hacer una visita
make a visit

'Hacer una visita' is a phrase in Spanish that translates to 'make a visit' in English. It is often used when referring to the action of visiting a place, person, or going somewhere with a specific purpose. It implies the temporary nature of the stay. For instance, 'Voy a hacer una visita a mis abuelos' means 'I am going to visit my grandparents'. Note that the literal word-to-word translation, 'make a visit', might not sound as natural in English as the simple term 'visit' does.

hacer universitarios
do colleges

The phrase 'hacer universitarios' in Spanish literally translates to 'do colleges' in English. However, it isn't a common phrase in Spanish since it doesn't have a clear direct meaning. 'Hacer' can mean 'to do' or 'to make', and 'universitarios' refers to things relating to a university or university students. If you want to convey the action of managing, or performing activities in universities, a more accurate expression could be 'gestionar universidades' or 'realizar actividades universitarias'.

hacer viento
to be windy

'Hacer viento' in Spanish translates to 'to be windy' in English. It is a phrase used to describe the weather condition where the wind blows significantly. For example, if you were to describe a day with strong wind in Spanish, you may say 'Hace viento', which means 'It is windy'. Please note that in this context, 'hacer' is not used in its literal translation which is 'to do' or 'to make', but used to describe weather conditions.

Example sentences with  hacer viento
hacerse budista
becoming Buddhist

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse budista' translates to 'becoming Buddhist' in English. It implies a person's transition or decision to follow Buddhism, a path of spiritual growth, meditation, and understanding proposed by Buddha. The phrase can refer to the adoption of Buddhist beliefs, customs, and practices due to a change in personal religious or spiritual perspective.

Example sentences with  hacerse budista
hacerse católico
becoming Catholic

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse católico' translates to 'becoming catholic' in English. This is usually used in the context of a person converting their religious beliefs to Catholicism. It's a verb phrase and the process it refers to is often considered a significant life event in many cultures.

Example sentences with  hacerse católico
hacerse implantes

The Spanish term 'hacerse implantes' translates to 'getting implants' in English. This term is commonly used in medical contexts, referring to the surgical procedure where a foreign material, often in a form of a prosthetic, is inserted into the body to replace or enhance a certain part. It can be used in various situations such as dental implants, breast implants, or any other kinds of artificial insertions into the body for medical or cosmetic purposes.

Example sentences with  hacerse implantes
hacerse la cirugía estética
to get cosmetic surgery

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse la cirugía estética' translates to 'to get cosmetic surgery' in English. This phrase is commonly used in the context of discussing aesthetic body modifications, particularly those done voluntarily to enhance or alter one's appearance according to personal preferences. Such surgery includes, but not limited to, rhinoplasty (nose job), liposuction, breast augmentation, and others.

Example sentences with  hacerse la cirugía estética
hacerse la manicura
to get a manicure

The phrase 'hacerse la manicura' in Spanish translates to 'get a manicure' in English. It is used when someone is having their fingernails cleaned, trimmed, shaped, or painted usually at a beauty salon or spa. However, the term can also be used when someone does a manicure for themselves at home. The phrase is mainly used by women, but is not exclusive to them, as men can also 'hacerse la manicura'.

Example sentences with  hacerse la manicura
hacerse la pedicura
get the pedicure.

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse la pedicura' translates to 'get the pedicure' in English. This is an action in beauty treatments where care is undertaken for the feet and toenails. This treatment consists of a foot bath, the removal of dead skin, nail shaping, and usually the application of nail polish. This phrase is often used in salons and spas and can be commonly heard in contexts where beauty and personal care are the subjects of conversation.

Example sentences with  hacerse la pedicura
hacerse mayor
Getting older

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse mayor' translates to 'getting older' in English. The phrase 'hacerse mayor' is formed by two parts, 'hacerse' and 'mayor'. 'Hacerse' is a reflexive verb formed by the base verb 'hacer' and the reflexive pronoun 'se', in this context, it can be understood as 'to become'. 'Mayor' translates directly to 'older' or 'greater'. Therefore, when combined as 'hacerse mayor', the meaning becomes 'to become older' or 'getting older'. This phrase is commonly used to describe the process of growing or aging.

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