Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

amor espiritual
spiritual love

The Spanish term 'amor espiritual' translates to 'spiritual love' in English. This phrase is used to express a form of affection that transcends the physical realm, often incorporating elements of deep understanding, respect, and emotional connection. It's commonly used in the context of religious, philosophical, or personal growth conversations.

amor imposible
impossible love

The term 'amor imposible' is a Spanish phrase meaning 'impossible love' in English. This term is often used in the context of a romantic relationship that cannot be actualized or materialize due to certain obstacles or challenges. These challenges could range from societal expectations, family outcries, geographical distance, personal conflicts, to a mismatch of feelings. Despite the evident impossibility, the involved individuals still harbour deep emotional affection for each other. A typical usage of 'amor imposible' may be found in Spanish literature, songs, movies, and daily conversations, encapsulating the bittersweet phenomenon of unattainable love.

amor platónico
Platonic love

The Spanish phrase 'amor platónico' translates to 'platonic love' in English. This love is a type of deep affection that is non-sexual. It refers to a relationship where one feels a strong sense of love and attraction towards someone, but not necessarily in a romantic or physical way. One might say it's a love of the mind or the soul, rather than the body. This term originates from the philosophy of Plato, hence the name 'platonic'. It's used quite often in both formal and informal conversations in Spanish-speaking countries.

amor prohibido
forbidden love

The Spanish term 'amor prohibido' translates to 'forbidden love' in English. This is a term used to describe a love or affection between two individuals that is not accepted or allowed due to certain cultural, societal, or familial rules or norms. It is a common theme in literature and media, often creating dramatic tension or conflict within the narrative.


The Spanish word 'amortizar' translates to 'amortize' in English. The term relates to finance and economics, and it essentially means to gradually reduce or write off the initial cost of an asset. Typically, this is done through regular payments over a particular period of time. The idea is that, eventually, the full amount of the debt or loan will be paid off in full.

ampliar estudios

'Ampliar estudios' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'expand studies' in English. It is often used to refer to the act of enhancing one's knowledge or skills in a particular field by undertaking additional studies or courses. Its use could vary depending on the context. In a sentence, you may hear it being used in a situation such as 'Voy a ampliar estudios en psicología', which translates to 'I'm going to expand studies in psychology', essentially meaning you're intending to study further or deepen your understanding in the field of psychology.


The Spanish word 'amueblado' translates to 'furnished' in English. It is mainly used to describe a property, usually a room or a house, that comes with furniture. For example, if a house is rented 'amueblado', that means it is equipped with necessary furniture like chairs, tables, beds etc. This term is commonly seen in real estate and rental contexts.

amueblar una habitación
furnish a room

The Spanish phrase 'amueblar una habitación' directly translates to 'furnish a room' in English. It's generally used when discussing interior design or setting up a space within a home, such as a bedroom or living room. For example, if someone is moving into a new place they might say 'Necesito amueblar mi habitación', which means 'I need to furnish my room'. It can refer to adding any type of furniture such as beds, chairs, tables, or shelves, and can also include embellishments like curtains or rugs.


The Spanish word 'anagrama' translates to 'anagram' in English. An anagram is a word or phrase that is formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase using all the original letters exactly once. For example, the English word 'cinema' can become the anagram 'iceman'. It can be used in games and can also be an interesting form of wordplay in literature or writing.

Example sentences with  anagrama

The word 'analgésico' translates to 'analgesic' in English. An analgesic is a type of medication used to relieve pain. It is commonly available in pharmacies without a prescription for minor ailments such as headaches or toothaches. The word 'analgésico' is derived from the Greek 'an-', meaning 'without', and 'algos', meaning 'pain'. Hence, analgésico literally means 'without pain' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  analgésico

The Spanish word 'análisis' is used in many of the same contexts as the English word 'analysis'. It can refer to an in-depth examination of the elements or structure of something, typically as a basis for discussion or interpretation. Like the English equivalent, 'análisis' is used in various fields such as mathematics, science, and linguistics.

Example sentences with  análisis
análisis clínicos
clinical analysis

The Spanish phrase 'análisis clínicos' translates to 'clinical analysis' in English. It refers to various types of medical procedures conducted in a laboratory setting aiming to acquire information about a patient's health. Such procedures may include blood tests, urine tests, tissue examinations, and other health screenings used to diagnose, treat or prevent disease.

Example sentences with  análisis clínicos
análisis de orina
urine analysis

The Spanish term 'análisis de orina' translates directly into English as 'urine analysis'. It refers to a series of tests conducted on a urine sample to measure different substances in the urine. It is a routinely conducted medical test used to check for various disorders such as urinary tract infections, kidney diseases, and diabetes.

Example sentences with  análisis de orina
análisis de sangre
blood analysis

The phrase 'análisis de sangre' in Spanish translates to 'blood analysis' in English. It is a general term for various tests performed on a blood sample to provide insights into a person's health. The blood sample can be analyzed to measure the levels of various substances and count of blood cells. Physicians ordered this type of analysis to diagnose diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, anemia, and other blood disorders.

Example sentences with  análisis de sangre
análisis de texto
Text analysis

The Spanish term 'análisis de texto' translates to 'text analysis' in English. In English, 'text analysis' refers to the process of examining and interpreting written or printed data. This includes understanding the main idea, identifying the author's purpose, determining the tone or mood, identifying the use of literary devices, or exploring the text's structure among other aspects. It is a frequently used technique in many disciplines, including data analysis, literature, language studies, and various academic research fields.

Example sentences with  análisis de texto

The Spanish word 'analizar' translates to 'analyze' in English. It refers to the action of examining something methodically and in detail, typically in order to explain and interpret it. In Spanish, 'analizar' is used in various contexts much like its English equivalent, including academic, scientific, and casual conversations.

Example sentences with  analizar
analizar un tema
analyze a topic

The Spanish phrase 'analizar un tema' translates to 'analyze a topic' in English. It implies a deep and detailed examination or studying of a particular subject or issue. The term 'analizar' means to analyze - to break something down into its parts to understand it better. 'Un tema' translates to a topic, which refers to a subject or subject matter that is being discussed or studied.

analizar un texto
analyze a text

The Spanish phrase 'analizar un texto' translates to 'analyze a text' in English. This phrase is related to the act of examining a written or printed work closely and systematically for purposes such as explanation, interpretation or obtaining an understanding of its content, structure, or meaning.

Example sentences with  analizar un texto

The Spanish word 'anarquía' translates to 'anarchy' in English. This term is often used to describe a state of society without government or law. Similarly, it can also indicate a situation in which there is a lack of order or coherence. It has been widely used in political discourse, where it is applied to scenarios in which societal or government structures are disregarded or absent.

Example sentences with  anarquía

The Spanish word 'anciano' translates to 'old' in English. Specifically, it is often used to refer to an old man or an elderly person. The term is used to describe someone who has lived for many years, often beyond the average lifespan. Its synonyms can include 'viejo', a more generic term for 'old', though 'anciano' is more respectful. It can also be used as a noun to refer directly to an old man, the same way the term 'elder' is used in English.


The Spanish word 'andamio' translates to 'scaffolding' in English. Scaffolding refers to a temporary structure used to support workers and materials during the construction, repair, or maintenance of buildings or other structures. It's generally made of metal pipes or tubes, and it's assembled in such a way to be safe, stable and allow workers to reach high places of a building. 'Andamio' can also be used metaphorically in Spanish to refer to a support or base for an argument or concept.

Example sentences with  andamio

The Spanish word 'andar' is commonly used to mean 'walk' in English. It refers to the activity of moving by putting one foot in front of the other, as humans do in their daily life. Andar can also be used in a general sense referring to the ability of something or someone to function or to progress. For instance, 'Esta máquina no anda bien.' translates to 'This machine doesn't work well.'

andar con alguien
Walking with someone

The Spanish phrase 'andar con alguien' translates directly to 'walk with someone' in English. However, in a colloquial context, it can also mean 'to date someone'. It's used to refer to the action of walking or moving around in the company of another person. It can be used in the context of casual walks, travel, or various activities that involve walking or going around with another person. Additionally, when referring to romantic relationships, 'andar con alguien' implies a less formal and more casual romantic involvement compared to other terms like estar en una relación (to be in a relationship).


The Spanish word 'anécdota' translates to 'anecdote' in English. An 'anecdote' is a brief, often funny story, usually of an interesting or amusing incident. It is often used to make a point in a conversation, essay or speech, or just to entertain or make people laugh. Therefore, in Spanish, if someone tells you an 'anécdota', they are sharing a short, amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.


The Spanish word 'anemia' translates directly to 'anemia' in English. It refers to a medical condition where your blood has lower than normal amounts of red blood cells or hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is crucial as it helps red blood cells to deliver oxygen throughout your body. Thus, if you have anemia, your body does not get enough oxygen-rich blood, resulting in feeling tired or weak. It can be temporary or long term, and it can range from mild to severe.

Example sentences with  anemia

The Spanish word 'anestesiar' is a verb, which refers to the act of administering anesthesia, a medical practice that is used to prevent patients from feeling pain during surgery. In English, this action is described by the verb 'to anesthetize'.

Example sentences with  anestesiar

Anestesista is the Spanish term for an 'anesthetist' in English. This person is a medical professional who is specialized in anesthesiology, the branch of medicine dedicated to the relief of pain and total care of the surgical patient before, during, and after surgery. They play a crucial role in monitoring and adjusting a patient's anaesthetic levels during surgical procedures as well as in providing preoperative consultations and postoperative pain management.

Example sentences with  anestesista

The Spanish word 'anfitrión' translates to 'host' in English. It is used to refer to a person who receives or entertains guests at home or other places. Similarly to English, this word can also refer to a person or organization that invites guests to a function or event and provides the facilities for it. Interestingly, 'anfitrión' can also be used in a biological context to refer to an organism that harbors a parasite.


The Spanish word for 'angels' is 'ángeles'. It is a common noun used in religious contexts to refer to celestial beings that are considered messengers of God. 'Ángeles' can also be used to denote figurative angels - individuals who possess extraordinary kindness and goodness. Like in English, it can also be employed to depict symbolic or metaphorical angels in art, literature, and popular culture. Note that in Spanish, nouns have gender and 'ángeles' is masculine despite the feminine-looking 'a' marker. Therefore it can be used to refer to angels of any gender.

Example sentences with  ángeles
ángulo (recto)
angle (recto)

The Spanish word 'ángulo (recto)' translates to 'angle (right)' in English. It is a geometrical term that is used to describe the space between two intersecting lines or surfaces at the point where they meet, when this space measures 90 degrees. Ángulo recto is a fundamental concept in geometry, denoting one of the basic shapes that is used to define and study geometrical figures and spaces.

Example sentences with  ángulo (recto)
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