Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

hacer una actividad
do an activity

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una actividad' translates to 'do an activity' in English. It comes from the verb 'hacer' which means 'to do' and 'una actividad' which means 'an activity'. This phrase can be used in various contexts in a conversation. For example, in a school scenario, a teacher might ask the students to 'hacer una actividad' as part of their learning. In English, the teacher would be asking the students to 'do an activity'.

hacer una actividad de forma individual
do an activity individually

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una actividad de forma individual' translates to 'do an activity individually' in English. It addresses the idea of performing a task or an action on one's own, without the aid or interference of others. This could be applied to a myriad of scenarios, such as studying, working, or engaging in a hobby. In other words, it speaks to a level of self-sufficiency, independence, or personal choice.

hacer una actividad en grupos
do an activity in groups

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una actividad en grupos' directly translates to English as 'do an activity in groups'. This phrase is usually used in an educational or recreational context to denote the act of performing a task or participating in an event together as a team or a collective.

hacer una actividad en parejas
do an activity in pairs

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una actividad en parejas' translates in English to 'do an activity in pairs'. It refers to participating in an event or completing a task with another person, often with the intention of promoting teamwork, learning from each other, or achieving an objective together. This phrase can apply to various contexts, such as in a classroom, where students are grouped together for a joint project, or in a social setting where pairs might compete in a contest or game.

hacer una ampliación

'Hacer una ampliación' in Spanish translates to 'make an enlargement' in English. It could be used in various contexts such as increasing the size of a photo, a plan or a space amongst others. When used in a sentence, it denotes the action of making something larger in size, extending or expanding it.

Example sentences with  hacer una ampliación
hacer una ampliación de capital
make a capital expansion

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una ampliación de capital' translates to 'make a capital expansion' in English. This is a financial term often used in the business context. It refers to the increase in capital of a company by issuing new shares. It's a strategy to raise money for expanding a business, to reduce debt, or to fund new projects. The process can include either issuing additional shares or increasing the value of existing shares.

hacer una apuesta
make a bet

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una apuesta' translates to 'make a bet' in English. This term is usually used in the context of gambling, where one commits money or something else of value on an event with an uncertain outcome. However, it can also be used idiomatically to suggest an assumption or prediction about the outcome of a certain situation.

hacer una carrera
make a career

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una carrera' directly translates into English as 'make a career'. It refers to the process of studying, usually at a university or professional school, to become qualified to work in a particular field. It also indicates the act of building a professional path, through gaining experience, skills, and achievements in a specific occupation or in a specific industry, with the aim of advancing in status, responsabilities, and income. In a broader sense, it embodies the idea of commiting to one's job, professsion, or occupation, in a long-term perspective.

hacer una casa
make a house

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una casa' translates to 'make a house' in English. This is used when referring to the act of building or constructing a house. In a broader context, it can symbolize creating a home or environment where one can live and feel comfortable. It's important to note that 'hacer' is a multipurpose verb in Spanish and it can mean to do or make, depending on the context.

hacer una compra
make a purchase

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una compra' translates to 'make a purchase' in English. It is a commonly used expression in Spanish speaking countries when referring to the action of buying goods or services. For instance, it could refer to buying groceries, clothes, or anything else of that sort. This phrase is commonly used in different contexts, such as at the supermarket, in a clothing store, or when talking about online shopping.

Example sentences with  hacer una compra
hacer una copia
make a copy

'Hacer una copia' is a Spanish phrase that translates into 'make a copy' in English. It is used when you want to reproduce an exact replica of an original document, picture, or piece of work. The phrase can be broken down into 'hacer' which means 'to make' in English, and 'una copia' which means 'a copy'. This expression is commonly used in work or school environments where the replication of important material is a common task. Remember, it is pronounced 'ah-thair oo-na ko-pee-ah'.

Example sentences with  hacer una copia
hacer una declaración
make a statement

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una declaración' translates to 'make a statement' in English. It is commonly used in situations where one expresses an opinion or a fact clearly and publicly. This could be used in legal situations where one may 'make a statement' to the police or in everyday conversations where one might 'make a statement' about a particular topic or event.

hacer una despedida de soltero
make a bachelor party

The phrase 'hacer una despedida de soltero' in Spanish translates to 'make a bachelor party' in English. This refers to the act of organizing a celebratory event or party typically held for a man shortly before he enters marriage, to mark the end of his 'bachelor' or single status. In this phrase, 'hacer' means 'to make' or 'to do', 'una despedida' means 'a farewell', and 'de soltero' means 'of bachelor'. Thus it collectively signifies the planning or organizing of a bachelor party.

hacer una devolución
make a return

The Spanish term 'hacer una devolución' is translated to 'make a return' in English. It is typically used in the context of retail or business, where it refers to the process of a customer returning a product or service due to dissatisfaction, fault, or other reasons. The term can also be used more broadly in other situations to describe the act of giving something back which was previously given to you.

hacer una entrevista (de trabajo)
do an interview (working)

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una entrevista (de trabajo)' translates to 'do an interview (working)' in English. This phrase typically suggests the act of conducting or participating in a job interview. A similar English phrase is 'to have a job interview.' It generally refers to the process where an employer evaluates a potential employee for prospective employment in their company or organization. In this context, 'trabajo' refers to work or job, 'hacer' translates as 'do' or 'make', and 'una entrevista' means 'an interview'.

hacer una escapada de fin de semana
to take a weekend getaway

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una escapada de fin de semana' can be translated into English as 'to take a weekend getaway'. This usually describes a short trip or vacation that you take for one or two nights over the weekend. It is a common phrase used when someone needs a break from work or daily monotony and they decide to visit some place for relaxation.

Example sentences with  hacer una escapada de fin de semana
hacer una factura
make an invoice

'Hacer una factura' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'make an invoice' in English. In business and commerce, this phrase is often used to describe the process of creating an itemized bill for goods sold or services provided, typically listing quantities, prices, and details about the goods or services. Its usage is common in fields such as accountancy, sales, and management.

Example sentences with  hacer una factura
hacer una fiesta (de cumpleaños
party (birthday)

The term 'hacer una fiesta (de cumpleaños)' in Spanish translates to 'throw a party (birthday)' in English. It's used when one is planning or organizing a party, especially a birthday party. 'Hacer' means 'to do' or 'to make', 'una fiesta' means 'a party', and 'de cumpleaños' means 'of birthday' or 'birthday'. All together, it represents the idea of preparing or holding a party to celebrate someone's birthday.

hacer una fiesta de fin de curso)
party at the end of the course)

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una fiesta de fin de curso' translates to 'have a party at the end of the course' in English. This usually refers to a celebration that is done in conclusion of an academic term or a course. There may be food, drinks, games and entertainment involved. This can be held at various venues such as schools, colleges or houses where individuals gather to celebrate the end of their academic journey.

hacer una guardia
make a guard

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una guardia' when translated to English, equates to 'make a guard'. However, this is a direct, literal translation. This phrase is often used in medical contexts in Spanish-speaking countries and can better be translated as 'to be on duty' or 'to be on shift'. For instance, a doctor or a nurse doing their routine shift in a hospital are said to 'hacer una guardia'.

Example sentences with  hacer una guardia
hacer una inversión
make an investment

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una inversión' translates to 'make an investment' in English. This phrase often used in financial contexts, refers to the act of allocating resources, usually money, into a venture or project with the expectation of generating a profit or material result in the future. Just like in English, it can be used in various contexts in Spanish, all pointing to the idea of putting resources into something to gain a return later.

Example sentences with  hacer una inversión
hacer una jugada
make a move

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una jugada' translates to 'make a move' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as initiating a plan, making a decision, or making a physical move in sports or games. Its usage largely depends on the situation it's being applied to. It's broadly used in discussing strategies in board games, sports, business, or life decisions.

hacer una llamada
make a call

'Hacer una llamada' is a Spanish phrase used when someone wants to make a phone call. Just like in English, the phrase can be used in various contexts, such as making a business call, calling a friend, or calling for a service. One might use it in a sentence like 'Necesito hacer una llamada', which translates to 'I need to make a call' in English.

hacer una llamada gratuita
make a free call

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una llamada gratuita' translates to 'make a free call' in English. This is typically used in the context of telecommunication where someone is not charged for the phone call they make. It is made up of the Spanish words 'hacer' (to make), 'una' (a), 'llamada' (call), and 'gratuita' (free).

hacer una llamada internacional
make an international call

The term 'hacer una llamada internacional' translates from Spanish to English as 'make an international call'. It is a common phrase used when one needs to make a phone call to another country. With technological advancements, making an international call has become much easier and affordable. One can make an international call by dialing the international access number, followed by the country code, area code, and then the phone number.

hacer una llamada interprovincial
make an interprovincial call

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una llamada interprovincial' translates to 'make an interprovincial call' in English. 'Hacer' is a verb that means 'to make' or 'to do'. 'Una' is an indefinite article meaning 'a'. 'Llamada' is a noun that means 'call'. 'Interprovincial' is an adjective signifying something that happens between provinces. In this context, 'hacer una llamada interprovincial' can be used to refer to the action of making a long-distance call across different provinces in countries where such divisions exist, such as Spain or Argentina.

hacer una llamada interurbana
make an interurban call

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una llamada interurbana' translates to 'make an interurban call' in English. This describes the action of making a phone call that is not local, often requiring a specific dialing protocol such as inputting a country code, area code, or other specialized dialing instructions. The use of this phrase suggests that the speaker is contacting someone outside their immediate geographic area.

hacer una llamada local
make a local call

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una llamada local' translates to 'make a local call' in English. It's an action phrase and often used in a context where someone needs to make a call that is within their locality or country. It's composed of 'hacer' which means 'to do' or 'make', 'una' meaning 'a', 'llamada' meaning 'call', and 'local' which translates to the same word in English, 'local'.

hacer una llamada urbana
make an urban call

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una llamada urbana' translates to 'make an urban call' in English. This means to place a phone call within the same city or immediate local area. It's used in contrast to a long-distance phone call, which would be referred to as an interurban call. In modern usage, the distinction between urban and interurban is less significant due to the prevalence of mobile communications and flat-rate call plans.

hacer una maniobra de adelantamiento
to overtake

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una maniobra de adelantamiento' translates to 'to overtake' in English. This action implies that one vehicle is passing another while both are generally moving in the same direction. Overtaking or passing is the act of one vehicle going past another slower moving vehicle, travelling in the same direction, on a road. Please note that the rules for overtaking vary between countries and jurisdictions.

Example sentences with  hacer una maniobra de adelantamiento
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