Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

hacer transbordo

The Spanish phrase 'hacer transbordo' translates to 'transfer' in English. It's commonly used in the context of transportation, where you might need to 'hacer transbordo' or 'transfer' from one bus or train to another to get to your destination. You can also 'hacer transbordo' in a metaphorical sense, switching from one subject, task, or state of mind to another.

Example sentences with  hacer transbordo
hacer turnos
take turns

The Spanish phrase 'hacer turnos' translates to 'take turns' in English. It is typically used in contexts where individuals, often in a group, perform an action one after another, rather than simultaneously. This could be in a game setting, work-related tasks, or other activities that require shared responsibility or participation.

Example sentences with  hacer turnos
hacer un adelantamiento prohibido
to make a forbidden advance

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un adelantamiento prohibido' translates into English as 'to make a forbidden advance'. This phrase is often used in the context of driving, where making a 'forbidden advance' might mean an illegal overtaking of another vehicle. However, it's important to note that, like in English, this phrase could be used metaphorically in other contexts, such as making an inappropriate advance in a personal or professional relationship.

Example sentences with  hacer un adelantamiento prohibido
hacer un aterrizaje de emergencia
to make an emergency landing

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un aterrizaje de emergencia' translates to 'to make an emergency landing' in English. This phrase is typically used in the context of aviation, when due to some unforeseen situation such as a mechanical failure, bad weather, or health emergencies on board, the pilot is forced to land the plane at the nearest possible airport, airstrip or, in extreme cases, even on open terrain. The process aims to protect the lives of passengers by getting the aircraft on the ground in the safest and quickest way possible.

Example sentences with  hacer un aterrizaje de emergencia
hacer un aterrizaje forzoso
make a forced landing

In English, 'hacer un aterrizaje forzoso' translates to 'make a forced landing'. This phrase typically involves aviation scenarios where an aircraft has to land, usually due to technical problems. The word 'hacer' on its own means 'to make' or 'to do', 'aterrizaje' refers to 'landing', and 'forzoso' signifies something that is 'forced' or 'compulsory'. Together, this phrase is commonly used in emergency situations where an aircraft must land due to unforeseen circumstances.

Example sentences with  hacer un aterrizaje forzoso
hacer un balance
make a balance

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un balance' directly translates to 'make a balance' in English. This phrase is usually used in a financial or business context, in terms to evaluate or examine various aspects of something, for instance the income and expenditure of a company, or the positives and negatives of a situation to weigh them against each other. However, it can also be used more broadly to mean making an evaluation or assessment of any situation.

Example sentences with  hacer un balance
hacer un brindis
make a toast

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un brindis' translates to 'make a toast' in English. This can refer to the act of raising one's glass and saying something nice before drinking at a celebration or special occasion. This phrase is commonly used at weddings, family gatherings, parties, and other festive events where people wish to express their good wishes, gratitude or celebration publicly before sharing drinks together.

hacer un cambio
make a change

The phrase 'hacer un cambio' in Spanish translates to 'make a change' in English. It can be used both in the context of making a change in one's personal life or to signify a physical change in an environment or situation. As in English, it can signify both a small adjustment or a significant transformation.

hacer un control
Do control

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un control' translates to 'do control' in English. It denotes an action or task that concerns with examing, testing, or adjusting something in order to ensure its correct functioning or quality. This phrase is most commonly used in the context of work tasks or projects, where maintaining quality standards and functionality is essential.

hacer un croquis
make a sketch

'Hacer un croquis' in Spanish translates to 'make a sketch' in English. It's a phrase often used in contexts where someone is asked to draw a quick, informal diagram or map. Pronounced as 'a-ser un croh-kees', it encompasses the act of drafting a brief and basic illustration, often to visualize an idea or concept.

Example sentences with  hacer un croquis
hacer un crucero
make a cruise

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un crucero' translates to 'make a cruise' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the action of going on a cruise, typically as a vacation or leisure activity. This can involve a journey by sea or river, often stopping at various places for sightseeing or additional activities. It is important to note that though the direct translation is 'make a cruise', it is more naturally translated in everyday English conversation as 'go on a cruise'.

Example sentences with  hacer un crucero
hacer un cuadro
make a picture

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un cuadro' translates to 'make a picture' in English. This can refer to the action of creating a visual piece of art such as a painting or a drawing. It can imply the use of different materials, for instance, paint, charcoal, or pencil. Generally, it is used to indicate the process of crafting a visual representation on a surface.

hacer un curso
make a course

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un curso' translates to 'make a course' in English. It signifies the action of creating, participating or enrolling in a course, class or study program. Primarily, it is employed in educational contexts. The verb 'hacer' means 'to make' while 'un curso' means 'a course'. However, within differing contexts, 'hacer un curso' could be interpreted as a variety of actions related to courses - from developing and preparing a new course as an educator, to simply participating in a course as a student.

hacer un curso de cocina
make a cooking course

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un curso de cocina' translates to 'make a cooking course' in English. This means to enroll and participate in a class or program specifically designed to teach the culinary arts. It could be a professional course aiming to train professional chefs, or simply a hobby course for individuals who are interested in improving their cooking skills. Learning in such a course could include various aspects of cooking from preparing basic and simple dishes to more complex and elaborate meal preparations.

hacer un curso de jardinería
do a gardening course

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un curso de jardinería' translates to 'do a gardening course' in English. It implies that one is participating in or intends to take up a study or learning program specifically focused on gardening. Gardening encompasses the practice of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture. In this context, a gardening course could include lessons on various topics such as plant identification, gardening techniques, plant care and maintenance, and landscape design.

hacer un curso de reciclaje
make a recycling course

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un curso de reciclaje' translates to 'make a recycling course' in English. This phrase could be used in various contexts, such as someone wanting to learn new methods and techniques in recycling materials or someone wanting to lead or instruct such a course. It signifies the act of either enrolling in or creating a course specifically focused on the education and practices of recycling.

hacer un descanso
make a break

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un descanso' directly translates into English as 'do a break' or 'make a break.' It is often used in a similar context as the English phrase 'take a break.' This phrase is used to signify pausing or taking a temporary stop from an activity or task that you are performing. For example, if you're working on a long project, you might want to 'hacer un descanso' to refresh yourself and maintain your productivity.

hacer un descuento
make a discount

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un descuento' translates to 'make a discount' in English. This phrase is often used in retail or other transactional situations where the seller may reduce the price of an item or service, thereby offering a 'discount' to the buyer. It is frequently used in bargaining and negotiating contexts, or during sales promotions.

hacer un día espléndido
to have a splendid day

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un día espléndido' translates to 'to have a splendid day' in English. It can be used to express a hope or desire for someone to experience a wonderful day, full of joy and happiness. Similarly, it can describe the state of an exceptionally good day.

Example sentences with  hacer un día espléndido
hacer un día estupendo
make a great day

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un día estupendo' translates to 'make a great day' in English. It's often used to express the idea of making the most out of a day, or taking steps to ensure that a day is enjoyable or successful. It encapsulates a sense of proactivity and positivity.

Example sentences with  hacer un día estupendo
hacer un día horrible
to have a horrible day

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un día horrible' translates to 'to have a horrible day' in English. It denotes experiencing a day filled with unfortunate, unpleasant, or distressing events. This phrase is often used in conversational language to express or convey one's negative emotions or experiences about a specific day.

Example sentences with  hacer un día horrible
hacer un dibujo
make a drawing

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un dibujo' translates to 'make a drawing' in English. This is a common term used in Spanish language instruction, often in art or creative context. One could use it when instructing someone to create a sketch, image, or any other form of drawn artwork.

hacer un doctorado
make a doctorate

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un doctorado' translates to 'make a doctorate' in English. This could be used in situations where someone is pursuing or planning to pursue a doctoral degree. It's a way of saying that you are actively working on achieving this level of academic distinction, much in the same way that you would 'make' a meal. In English, we usually say 'earn a doctorate' instead of 'make a doctorate.'

hacer un edificio
make a building

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un edificio' translates to 'make a building' in English. This can be used in various contexts such as construction or creation where one is creating a structure, particularly a building. The verb 'hacer' translates to 'make' or 'do', while 'un edificio' refers to 'a building'. This phrase could be used to convey the process of building construction.

hacer un ejercicio

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un ejercicio' can be translated into English as 'to do an exercise'. The verb 'hacer' means 'to do', 'un' is an indefinite article which can be translated as 'a', and 'ejercicio' is a noun that means 'exercise'. So in context, 'hacer un ejercicio' can be understood as the act of performing a physical activity, mental task, or coursework assignment for the purpose of improving skills or fitness.

hacer un esbozo
make a sketch

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un esbozo' translates to 'make a sketch' in English. This can be used in a variety of contexts such as drawing, planning, or brainstorming where a preliminary or rough version is created. Just like in English, this phrase in Spanish can be used both in literal and figurative senses. For instance in art (making a sketch of a portrait) or in an idea for a project(drafting an initial plan or outline).

Example sentences with  hacer un esbozo
hacer un esquema
make a scheme

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un esquema' is generally translated into English as 'make a scheme'. It can be utilized in many contexts where one is preparing or drafting a plan or strategy, often related to abstract or concrete actions. The phrase denotes the process of formulating an arrangement or system; it implies creating a detailed proposal of action. Care should be taken with the word 'scheme', as in informal English it may suggest a dishonest plan. Therefore, it might sometimes be better translated as 'make a diagram' or 'draft a plan' according to context.

hacer un examen
make a review

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un examen' translates to 'make a review' in English. It is often used in educational or academic contexts, referring to the process of creating a test or examination. However, it can also be used more broadly to refer to the action of reviewing, evaluating, or assessing something in detail.

hacer un examen de recuperación
do a recovery test

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un examen de recuperación' in English means 'do a recovery test'. This phrase is most commonly used in the academic field. When a student performs poorly or fails a test, they might be given a chance to 'do a recovery test' or 'hacer un examen de recuperación'. This provides a student with the opportunity to improve their grades by showing their understanding of the material that they failed to demonstrate previously.

hacer un examen oral
do an oral examination

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un examen oral' translates to 'do an oral examination' in English. This phrase is used in academic contexts, when students have to orally present or explain their understanding of a particular subject in front of a teachers or a group. The verb 'hacer' means 'to do', 'un' means 'an', and 'examen oral' refers to 'oral examination'. Thus, the phrase literally translates to 'do an oral examination'.

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