Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

haber inflación

The Spanish phrase 'haber inflación' translates to 'there is inflation' in English. It is used to indicate or predict the general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing power of money, a phenomenon known as inflation. This phrase is often used in economic contexts and financial discussions.

haber instalaciones para minusválidos
facilities for disabled persons

The Spanish phrase 'haber instalaciones para minusválidos' translates to English as 'facilities for disabled persons'. This phrase can be used in various contexts such as public buildings, transportation, or events. It refers to structures or services designed to aid persons with disabilities enjoy their rights and freedoms equally with others. These can be ramps for wheelchairs, special restrooms, elevators among other modifications intended to ease mobility and accessibility for disabled persons.

Example sentences with  haber instalaciones para minusválidos
haber límite de velocidad
There's speed limit

The Spanish phrase 'haber límite de velocidad' translates to 'there's a speed limit' in English. This is typically used in the context of driving or traffic rules, where a maximum speed at which a vehicle may legally travel is instituted to ensure safety on the road. Just like in English, this term is used to communicate to drivers that they must regulate their speed according to the set limit.

Example sentences with  haber límite de velocidad
haber mucho movimiento
there's a lot of movement

The Spanish phrase 'haber mucho movimiento' translates to 'there's a lot of movement' in English. This can be used to describe a situation or place where many things are happening at once, or many people moving or busy. For example, a bustling marketplace or a crowded party may represent a situation with 'mucho movimiento'. It can also refer to a metaphorical or abstract situation where a lot of changes are happening, such as in a company or organization.

Example sentences with  haber mucho movimiento
haber mucho tráfico
there's plenty of traffic

The Spanish phrase 'haber mucho tráfico' translates to 'there's plenty of traffic' in English. This phrase could be used to describe a situation on the road where many vehicles are moving slowly or not moving at all, which could result in delays. It's typically used in conversations related to commuting or travelling.

Example sentences with  haber mucho tráfico
haber plazas libres
there are free places

The Spanish phrase 'haber plazas libres' is translated to English as 'there are free places'. It is often used to denote availability of spaces or spots in a specific context, such as in an event, a venue, an institution, etc. It can also imply unoccupied job positions in a professional scenario. The verb 'haber' here is used in its existential sense, literally meaning 'there is/are'. 'Plazas' translates to 'places', and 'libres' means 'free' or 'unoccupied'.

Example sentences with  haber plazas libres
haber rebajas
there are sales

The Spanish phrase 'haber rebajas' translates to 'there are sales' in English. It is often used in the context of shopping, particularly in retail, to indicate that items' prices have been reduced for a limited time. Both 'haber rebajas' in Spanish and 'there are sales' in English are likely to be seen on signs or advertisements intended to attract customers. In Spain specifically, there are two official sales seasons recognized by the government: once after Christmas and once during the summer, though sales may certainly occur at other times as well.

haber resaca

The Spanish term 'haber resaca' commonly translates to 'being hungover' in English. It is generally used to describe a constellation of unpleasant physical and mental symptoms that can occur after drinking too much alcohol. It can include symptoms like headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, and difficulty concentrating. Just as the English term 'hungover', 'haber resaca' is widely used among Spanish speakers to convey this specific state after an episode of heavy alcohol consumption.

Example sentences with  haber resaca
haber sala de reuniones
meeting room

The Spanish term 'haber sala de reuniones' directly translates into English as 'there is a meeting room'. Typically, in Spanish, you would see 'sala de reuniones' to represent 'meeting room'. 'Haber' is a verb that is often used to express the existence of something in a place, so 'haber sala de reuniones' could be loosely understood as 'there is a meeting room'.

Example sentences with  haber sala de reuniones
haber servicio de habitaciones
room service

The Spanish phrase 'haber servicio de habitaciones' translates to 'room service' in English. It's a common term used in hotels and accommodations, referring to services provided in guest rooms, examples of which include meal delivery, cleaning, or other requests made by guests during their stay. The phrase literally translates to 'there is room service', with 'haber' meaning 'there is', 'servicio' meaning 'service', and 'de habitaciones' meaning 'of rooms'.

Example sentences with  haber servicio de habitaciones
haber un accidente
There was an accident.

The Spanish phrase 'haber un accidente' translates to 'there was an accident' in English. This phrase uses the verb 'haber' which is used to indicate the existence of an event or a condition. The noun 'accidente' indicates any unexpected event causing damage or harm. So when these are put together, they are usually referring to an unfortunate event that has already happened.

Example sentences with  haber un accidente
haber un corte (en el suministro) de agua
there is a water cut (in the supply)

The Spanish phrase 'haber un corte (en el suministro) de agua' translates to 'there is a water cut (in the supply)' in English. It is typically used to indicate a disruption or interruption in water supply due to pipeline repairs, maintenance work, or unforeseen circumstances resulting in a temporary halt of water availability.

haber un corte (en el suministro) de electricidad
there is a cut (in the supply) of electricity

The Spanish phrase 'haber un corte (en el suministro) de electricidad' translates to 'there is a cut (in the supply) of electricity' in English. It commonly refers to situations where the electrical power has been interrupted or disconnected, either intentionally or due to a problem such as equipment failure. The phrase may be used in a variety of contexts including residential, commercial, or industrial power supply.

haber un embotellamiento
there's a bottleneck

The Spanish phrase 'haber un embotellamiento' translates to 'there's a bottleneck' in English. It is usually used to describe a situation where the flow of traffic is severely constrained in a particular area, similar to how liquid is limited by the narrow neck of a bottle, hence the term 'bottleneck'. It could also be used metaphorically to describe any situation where progress or productivity is slowed down due to a hindrance or restriction at one point in a process or system.

Example sentences with  haber un embotellamiento
haber un puesto disponible
to have a position available

The phrase 'haber un puesto disponible' in Spanish translates to 'to have a position available' in English. It is often used in job descriptions or announcements to indicate that there is a job opening or space available. The verb 'haber' means 'to have' in the sense of existing or in the impersonal form, 'puesto' means 'position', and 'disponible' means 'available'. Therefore, when combined, these words convey the concept of a space or position that is open and available.

haber un puesto libre
There is a free post

The Spanish phrase 'haber un puesto libre' translates to 'there is a free post' in English. It is commonly used to indicate that a specific position or job is available or unoccupied. An example of its usage in a sentence could be in the context of employment where an employer might say, 'haber un puesto libre' to denote that there is an open position in a particular job role that needs to be filled.

haber un puesto vacante
to have a vacant position

The Spanish phrase 'haber un puesto vacante' translates to 'to have a vacant position' in English. This phrase is typically used in a work or job setting, indicating that there is a position available or open for hire. It's often used in job postings or when discussing employment opportunities.


The Spanish word 'habilidad' refers to the ability or capability to do something, which can be innate or learned. Just like its English counterpart, 'habilidad' can be used in a wide range of contexts, such as physical abilities, mental skills, and specific competencies in various subject areas.

Example sentences with  habilidad

The Spanish equivalent for 'room' in English is 'habitación'. It is a noun that is particularly used in terms of representing a part of a house, such as a bedroom or a dining room. For instance, you can say 'Mi habitación está desordenada' which translates to 'My room is messy'. Also note that 'habitación' can be used in hotel context as 'room' in English.

Example sentences with  habitación
habitación con aire acondicionado
air-conditioned room

The Spanish phrase 'habitación con aire acondicionado' translates to 'air-conditioned room' in English. It's often used in the context of hotels, hostels, or lodging destinations in Spanish-speaking countries, where having air conditioning can be a notable feature of a room. The word 'habitación' means room, 'con' means with, and 'aire acondicionado' means air conditioning. Therefore, when combined, they make the phrase 'room with air conditioning'.

Example sentences with  habitación con aire acondicionado
habitación con baño
room with bathroom

The Spanish term 'habitación con baño' translates to 'room with bathroom' in English. This phrase is primarily used in the context of real estate, hotels, or accommodations, referring to a room that comes with its own private bathroom facility. It is often a desired feature in home or hotel room descriptions as it signifies privacy and convenience. The term emphasizes the inclusion of essential facilities within the privacy of a personal space.

Example sentences with  habitación con baño
habitación con teléfono
room with telephone

The Spanish phrase 'habitación con teléfono' translates to 'room with telephone' in English. This could refer to a hotel room or any other type of room that is equipped with a telephone. It is a common phrase for accommodations in travel-related contexts, where such amenities are typically listed.

Example sentences with  habitación con teléfono
habitación con televisión
room with TV

The phrase 'habitación con televisión' in Spanish means 'room with tv' in English. This could refer to a room in a house, hotel, or other type of lodging where a television is provided for entertainment. The word 'habitación' translates to 'room' and 'con televisión' translates to 'with tv'. It is often used in contexts such as in hotel room descriptions or in a home setting.

Example sentences with  habitación con televisión
habitación individual aire acondicionado
Single room air conditioning

The Spanish phrase 'habitación individual aire acondicionado' translates to 'single room air conditioning' in English. It is often used to describe accommodations in hotels or buildings where each individual room has its own air conditioning system, providing a comfortable environment regardless of the overall building or outdoor temperature.

Example sentences with  habitación individual aire acondicionado
habitación individual baño
Single room bathroom

The Spanish phrase 'habitación individual baño' translates to 'single room bathroom' in English. This phrase is often used in contexts such as hotel reservations or real estate. 'Habitación' means room, 'individual' denotes single or one-person, and 'baño' means bathroom. Therefore, when combined, it refers to a bathroom designated for a single room, typically indicating a private bathroom in a hotel or lodging context.

Example sentences with  habitación individual baño
habitación individual teléfono
Single room telephone

The Spanish phrase 'habitación individual teléfono' refers to a 'single room telephone' in English. This phrase is typically used within the context of hotels or other accommodation-based settings, where a telephone is allocated to a single room. It tells you that the room is designed for one person and features a telephone among its amenities.

Example sentences with  habitación individual teléfono
habitación individual televisión
Single room TV

The Spanish phrase 'habitación individual televisión' translates in English to 'single room tv'. It refers to a single-occupancy hotel room or apartment equipped with a television set. This type of room is typically catered to solo travelers or individuals seeking accommodation whether for travel, work, or any other reasons.

Example sentences with  habitación individual televisión

The word 'habitante' in Spanish translates to 'inhabitant' in English. It is used to refer to a person who resides in a particular place. For instance, if someone lives in Madrid, they could be referred to as a 'habitante de Madrid' meaning 'inhabitant of Madrid'. Depending on the context, the word 'habitante' can also indicate plants or animals living in a particular environment.

Example sentences with  habitante
habitantes por metro cuadrado
inhabitants per square meter

In English, 'habitantes por metro cuadrado' translates to 'inhabitants per square meter'. This term is used in demography and geography to measure the density of population in a specific area, usually an urban or rural region. It calculates the average number of people living in each square meter of that area. The higher the number of 'habitantes por metro cuadro', the more densely populated the area is.

Example sentences with  habitantes por metro cuadrado

The Spanish verb 'habitar' translates to 'inhabit' in English. It is used to describe the action of living in a certain place or environment. It can be employed in various contexts, just like the English equivalent, and it is commonly used in both formal and informal communication.

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