Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'guantes' translates to 'gloves' in English. It is a noun that is used to refer to a covering for the hands, typically made from cloth, leather, or a similar material. Gloves are often worn for protection against harsh weather conditions, or for safety while doing various tasks and activities. In language usage, 'guantes' is a masculine, plural noun in Spanish.

guantes de boxeo
Boxing gloves

The Spanish phrase 'guantes de boxeo' translates to 'boxing gloves' in English. These are special gloves that boxers wear during their matches to protect their hands and to cushion the impact when they hit their opponents. They can be made of various materials, such as leather or synthetic materials, and come in different weights and sizes. Apart from professional boxing, these gloves are also widely used in other martial arts and fitness training activities.


The Spanish word 'guardar' is used similarly to the English word 'save'. It can mean to conserve or keep something, such as saving food for later. It is also used in a technological context, for saving a document or file on a computer. Remember to conjugate it according to the subject of the sentence.

Example sentences with  guardar
guardar un documento
save a document

The Spanish phrase 'guardar un documento' translates to 'save a document' in English. This phrase is commonly used in the context of computer technology, particularly saving digital files. It can refer to the process of storing a text file, image, video, or other types of data in a secure location on a storage device, such as a computer hard drive or cloud storage. This allows the data to be retrieved and accessed at a later time. Just like in English, 'guardar un documento' can also mean to keep a physical paper document for future reference.

Example sentences with  guardar un documento

The Spanish word 'guardería' translates to 'kindergarten' in English. In many cultures, this is the place where children who are too young to start formal education are usually taken care of. They can learn basic skills, play, socialize, and prepare for formal schooling. 'Guardería' can also be used to refer to a day care center in certain contexts, where working parents leave their children during the day.


The word 'gubernamental' in Spanish translates to 'governmental' in English. This adjective is often used to describe something that is related to or is involved with the government. It can be used in various contexts, such as in 'política gubernamental' which means 'governmental policy'. This word stems from 'gobierno' which means 'government' in Spanish, and the '-al' suffix can be likened to the English suffix '-al' used to form adjectives.

Example sentences with  gubernamental

The Spanish word 'guerra' translates to 'war' in English. This word is often used in the context of conflict between nations or groups within a nation. It can be employed in various contexts, however, including in phrases and idioms. For instance, 'estar en guerra' means 'to be at war'. It represents a state of armed conflict or hostilities, and can be used metaphorically to describe intense disputes or competitions.

Example sentences with  guerra
guerra atómica
Atomic war

The Spanish term 'guerra atómica' translates to 'atomic war' in English. An atomic war is characterized by the use of nuclear weapons, devastating in their potential to cause mass destruction, particularly in terms of their impact on environment, life and infrastructure. These wars are a pivotal topic of concern in modern international relations and disarmament dialogues.

Example sentences with  guerra atómica
guerra biológica
Biological war

The term 'guerra biológica' translates to 'biological war' in English. A biological war refers to the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi with the intent to kill or incapacitate humans, animals, or plants as an act of war. Biological weapons (often termed as bio-weapons, biological threat agents, or bio-agents) are living organisms or replicating entities viruses, which are not universally considered 'alive'.

Example sentences with  guerra biológica
guerra civil
Civil war

The Spanish term 'guerra civil' translates to 'civil war' in English. This usually refers to a war between organized groups within the same country or state. Such wars are often characterized by intense violence, social disruption, and economic destruction, often impacting civilians more than traditional wars. Countries usually go into civil war due to political, ethnic, religious, or socio-economic disagreements or issues.

Example sentences with  guerra civil
guerra de guerrillas
guerrilla warfare

The term 'guerra de guerrillas' is a Spanish terminology that translates to 'guerrilla warfare' in English. It refers to a type of unconventional warfare and refers to small group actions conducted by a country's armed civilians. This is often initiated against an invading or occupying force, with an aim to cause disruption and damage through ambushes, sabotage, raids and elements of surprise. The purpose of guerrilla warfare is usually to disrupt the enemy's activities, bring about substantial losses and drain their resources.

Example sentences with  guerra de guerrillas
guerra de independencia
war of independence

The phrase 'guerra de independencia' in Spanish translates to 'war of independence' in English. This term is widely used in history and signifies a conflict in which an entity, often a country or a nation, fights to gain independence from the controlling power. Throughout history, many countries around the world have experienced such wars in their quest for freedom and sovereignty. 'Guerra de independencia' underscore the concepts of struggle, liberty, and nationalism.

Example sentences with  guerra de independencia
guerra fría
Cold war

The term 'guerra fría' in Spanish translates to 'cold war' in English. This phrase is often used historically to refer to the political tension and military rivalry between nations that stopped short of full-scale war, especially that which developed between the United States and Soviet Union and their respective allies after World War II. It can also be used metaphorically to refer to a state of constant conflict or competition between two parties which never escalates into direct confrontation.

Example sentences with  guerra fría
guerra mundial
World War

The Spanish term 'guerra mundial' translates to 'world war' in English. This phrase is typically used in a historical context, referring to significant military conflicts that involved many of the world's countries, namely World War I and World War II.

Example sentences with  guerra mundial
guerra santa
holy war

The term 'guerra santa' in Spanish translates to 'holy war' in English. Derived from the religious context, a holy war is often declared in the name of a god or a religious figure. It involves a conflict or a war fought by religious entities or groups, who consider it a duty or a divine command. This phrase is used across various contexts in literature, history, and dialogues, usually tied to religious motivations or justifications for a military conflict.

Example sentences with  guerra santa
guía telefónica
phone book

The term 'guía telefónica' in Spanish translates to 'phone book' in English. A phone book, also known as a telephone directory, is a listing of telephone subscribers in a geographical area or subscribers to services provided by the organization that publishes the directory. It allows individuals to look up the phone number of a specific person or business by their name.

guía turístico
tourist guide

The Spanish phrase 'guía turístico' translates to 'tourist guide' in English. This phrase is typically used to refer to an individual who provides assistance, information on cultural, historical and contemporary heritage to people on organized tours and individual clients at educational establishments, religious and historical sites, museums, and at venues of other significant interest. In professional terms, a 'guía turístico' has the role of managing and facilitating the client’s holiday through knowledge of the area and by offering insights that the guidebooks and websites do not.

Example sentences with  guía turístico
guiñar un ojo
wink an eye

The Spanish phrase 'guiñar un ojo' translates to 'wink an eye' in English. It is a verbal phrase often used in casual conversation, and can refer to the physical act of quickly closing and opening one eye, generally as a signal or hint, or metaphorically to suggest someone is not fully revealing the truth or is not completely serious about something they are saying. It is also commonly used in idiomatic phrases or expressions.


The word 'guión' refers to the written text that provides the basis for a film. It includes dialogues, actions, and instructions for the actors and director.

Example sentences with  guión
guión cinematográfico
cinematic script

The Spanish phrase 'guión cinematográfico' translates to 'cinematic script' in English. It refers to the written work that contains the story that will be filmed in the process of making a movie. It is the foundational basis upon which a film is built, comprising the storyline, character development, dialogue, and stage directions. This term is vital in the fields of film and television production.

Example sentences with  guión cinematográfico

The Spanish word 'guionista' refers to a person who writes scripts for films, TV shows, or plays. In English, this profession is known as a 'screenwriter'. A screenwriter's job is to craft the narrative of the story, including the dialogues between characters, the plot development, and sometimes the stage directions, if it's in the context of a play. They play a crucial role in the filmmaking process as they set the foundation of the story that is to be visually portrayed.


The Spanish word for 'wreath' is 'guirnalda'. In Spanish, it is generally used to refer to any type of circular band, often adorned with flowers or leaves, similar to the English use. It can be applied to holiday decorations, floral tributes or even crowns in historic or traditional contexts.

Example sentences with  guirnalda

The Spanish word 'guisantes' translates to 'peas' in English. It is a noun and refers to small spherical green vegetables which is a seed of a plant from the legume family. They are commonly used in a variety of culinary contexts including soups, stews, and salads. They are also considered beneficial for health due to their high nutritional content that includes vitamins and protein.


Guitarra refers to the musical instrument with typically six strings. It's one of the most popular instruments in many types of music.

Example sentences with  guitarra

The word 'guitarrista' is a Spanish term that translates to 'guitarist' in English. This term is often used to refer to someone who plays the guitar, whether as a hobby or professionally. Known for its versatility, the guitar is a popular musical instrument across the globe, which makes the term 'guitarrista' widely recognized in many Spanish-speaking cultures. In the grammatical aspect, 'guitarrista' is a common noun and it's predominantly used in musical contexts.

Example sentences with  guitarrista

In Spanish, 'like' is translated as 'gusta'. It is primarily used in expressing likes and preferences. It is usually followed by a verb in infinitive form in expressions such as 'Me gusta correr', which translates 'I like to run'. However, it is essential to know that the Spanish verb to like 'gustar' doesn't work the same way as it does in English. Instead of 'I like', it is closer to 'it pleases me'.

Example sentences with  gusta

The Spanish word 'gusto' translates to 'taste' in English. It is used to refer to the sensation that something creates in your mouth when you eat or drink it. It is also used metaphorically to express a liking or preference for something or someone. Example: 'A mi gusto, esta es la mejor película del año.' Meaning: 'To my taste, this is the best movie of the year.'

haber (un) atasco
there is (a) jam

The Spanish phrase 'haber (un) atasco' translates to 'there is (a) jam' in English. It is often used to describe traffic situations where the vehicles cannot move due to congestion, similar to a jam or blockage. Note that 'hay' is commonly used for 'there is' while 'un' is 'a' and 'atasco' is 'jam'. Apart from traffic context, it can also be metaphorically used for any kind of hindrance or obstruction. It's a handy phrase to remember when you find yourself in a crowded or halted situation.

Example sentences with  haber (un) atasco
haber caravana
have a caravan

The Spanish term 'haber caravana' directly translates to 'have a caravan' in English. However, in Spanish, this phrase is often used in an idiomatic context to indicate a traffic jam or a situation where a long line of cars has formed on the road, similar to a caravan of vehicles. The use of this phrase may vary by region and context.

Example sentences with  haber caravana
haber deflación

The Spanish phrase 'haber deflación' translates to 'deflation' in English. This is used in the economic context to refer to a general decrease in the price levels of goods and services. It is considered an economic indicator and is the opposite of inflation, which denotes increased prices. Understanding these concepts is vital for comprehending economic discussions in Spanish.

Example sentences with  haber deflación
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