Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word for 'drop' is 'gota'. It is mainly used to denote a small amount of liquid, which can be suspended in air or falls by its own weight. Just like in English, it can also be used metaphorically to imply a small quantity of something.

Example sentences with  gota

The word 'gotas' in Spanish translates to 'drops' in English. This word can be used in several contexts. In the physical sense, it can refer to the small particles of a liquid that fall, for example, 'gotas de lluvia' would mean 'raindrops'. Furthermore, it can be used in a medicinal environment when referring to liquid medication that is administered in droplet form, such as 'gotas para los ojos', meaning 'eye drops'. It's a common word used in various situations in Spanish language.

Example sentences with  gotas
gozar de buena salud
good health

'Gozar de buena salud' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'enjoy good health' in English. It is often used to refer to someone who is in good physical condition or who does not have any health problems. It can also be used more figuratively to indicate that something is functioning well or in a good state, similar to how 'in good health' can be used in English.

Example sentences with  gozar de buena salud
grabadora de CD-ROM
CD-ROM recorder

The Spanish term 'grabadora de CD-ROM' translates to 'CD-ROM recorder' in English. It is a technological device that is put to use for recording data onto a re-writable CD-ROM. The CD-ROM recorder allows users to record new data, delete or modify existing data on the CD-ROM. This device plays a significant role in offices, institutions, or homes for data storage purposes. It is typically attached to a personal computer and makes use of associated software to carry out data recording processes.

Example sentences with  grabadora de CD-ROM
grabadora de DVD
DVD recorder

The Spanish term 'grabadora de DVD' translates to 'DVD recorder' in English. A DVD recorder is an electronic device that records data onto a DVD. This device is commonly used to store, back up and transfer files. It works by using a laser that burns microscopic holes into the DVD to digitally represent data. You might frequently find a DVD recorder as a built-in feature in computers or televisions, or available as a standalone item in electronics stores.

Example sentences with  grabadora de DVD
grabar un archivo
record a file

The Spanish phrase 'grabar un archivo' translates to 'record a file' in English. This can refer to the process of creating a new digital file, such as an audio or video recording. The verb 'grabar' has multiple meanings, but in this context it is used to mean 'record' or 'capture'. The noun 'archivo' translates directly to 'file'. This phrase may frequently appear in the context of computer usage, where one might create or record a new file.

Example sentences with  grabar un archivo
grabar un programa de radio
record a radio program

The Spanish phrase 'grabar un programa de radio' translates to 'record a radio program' in English. This can refer to the act of capturing audio content, typically a show or broadcast of some sort, from a radio station with the purpose to listen to it at a later time. It is comprised of 'grabar' which means 'to record', 'un' an indefinite article meaning 'a', 'programa' meaning 'program', and 'de radio' meaning 'of radio'.

grabar un programa de televisión
record a television program

The Spanish phrase 'grabar un programa de televisión' translates to 'record a television program' in English. Grabar means to record, while un programa de televisión means a television program. Therefore, if you want to say that you are recording a television program in Spanish, you would say 'Estoy grabando un programa de televisión.'


The Spanish word 'gracias' is used in the same context as the English word 'thank'. It is typically used to express gratitude or thanks in response to a kind gesture or good deed. Just like 'thank', 'gracias' can be used in various situations – whether it's thanking someone for a gift, a meal, or a favor.

Example sentences with  gracias

The word 'grada' does not mean graduate in English. It actually means 'stand, step, or tier' in Spanish, specifically referring to seats in a stadium or any similar structure arranged in levels or layers.


The Spanish word 'grado' stands for the English term 'degree'. It can be used to refer to someone's academic degree or to measure angles. Like degree in English, 'grado' is widely used in scientific, educational, and daily contexts.

Example sentences with  grado
graduado escolar
School graduate

The Spanish term 'graduado escolar' translates into English as 'school graduate'. This refers to a person who has completed a course of study at a school, particularly at a high school level. It marks the completion of the basic education level required by law. The term is used to signify educational accomplishment and achievement.


The Spanish word 'granada' translates to 'grenade' in English. It is a noun often used in military context, referring to a small bomb that can be thrown by hand. However, it also can refer to a type of fruit with a hard shell and sweet, juicy seeds inside, similar to a pomegranate. In geographical context, it is the name of a city and a province in Andalusia, southern Spain. The context in which the word 'granada' is used typically determines its correct, intended translation.

Example sentences with  granada

The word 'grande' is used in Spanish to depict something that is large, grand or big. For instance, 'El elefante es muy grande.' translates to 'The elephant is very big.'

Example sentences with  grande

The Spanish word 'granero' translates to 'barn' in English. It's mainly used in the context of rural, agricultural settings where it serves as a storage place for grains, hay, and often to house livestock. This term is common in both Castilian Spanish, which is spoken in Spain, and Latin American Spanish.

Example sentences with  granero

The Spanish word 'granizar' translates to 'hail' in English. It is a verb used to describe the precipitation of small balls or pellets of ice that fall from the clouds like rain. 'Granizar' is most commonly encountered in weather contexts, particularly when describing stormy weather conditions. Over the years, it has been widely used in meteorology and other weather-related studies. It's not to be confused with similar Spanish words like 'granizo' which is the noun form meaning 'hail'.

Example sentences with  granizar

The Spanish word 'granizo' translates to 'hail' in English. It is a noun that refers to the pellets of frozen rain which fall in showers from cumulonimbus clouds. In the context of weather, when we talk about hail, we're referring to balls or lumps of ice that fall from the sky. Thus, 'granizo' in Spanish communicates the same meteorological phenomenon.

Example sentences with  granizo

A 'Granja' is a place where animals or crops are raised. It is typically rural and may include areas for livestock and planting.

Example sentences with  granja

The word 'granos' in Spanish translates to 'beans' in English. This term is mainly used to describe a variety of pulses that are included in many traditional Spanish dishes. Beans are often cooked or soaked prior to eating and serve as a primary or secondary ingredient in many dishes due to their nutritional benefits and versatility in cuisine.

Example sentences with  granos

The Spanish word 'grapa' translates to 'staple' in English. It is a common office supply used to fasten sheets of paper together. It can also refer to a fastener used in various trades, such as carpentry and construction, to secure or join materials.


The Spanish word 'grapadora' refers to a mechanical device that joins pages of paper or similar material by driving a thin metal staple through the sheets and folding the ends. Staplers are widely used in government, business, offices, homes and schools.


In Spanish, 'gratitud' is used in the same context as the word 'gratitude' is in English. It is an expression of thankfulness and appreciation. It is a noun that represents the feeling or attitude of recognizing the benefit that one has received or will receive.

Example sentences with  gratitud
gratuidad de los medicamentos
free medicine

The Spanish phrase 'gratuidad de los medicamentos' translates to 'free medicine' in English. This can refer to the provision of medicines to the public free of charge, usually by a government or healthcare institution. It is often a topic of discussion in the context of public health and social services. Understanding this phrase can be particularly important in conversations about healthcare policy and accessibility.


The word 'grosella' in Spanish translates to 'currant' in English. This term is used to describe small berries of several distinct species of shrubs in the family Grossulariaceae. These berries are often red, black, or white and are frequently used in making jams, jellies, and baked goods. They should not be confused with the dried 'zante currants' used in baking, which are actually a type of small grape.


The Spanish word 'grúa' translates to 'crane' in English. It's a noun that is used to refer to a type of large machinery used to move heavy objects by suspending them from a beam, or a type of bird known for its long legs, neck, and bill. In certain contexts, 'grúa' can also refer to a tow truck in Spanish.

Example sentences with  grúa
to growl

The Spanish verb 'gruñir' translates to 'to growl' in English. It is used to describe the sound that an animal, often a dog, makes. It can also figuratively refer to a person who is expressing discontent or disapproval.

Example sentences with  gruñir

The Spanish word for 'group' is 'grupo'. It is used in similar contexts as in English, referring to a collection of individuals or items classified together due to common attributes or characteristics. For instance, it can be used to describe a 'group' of people, a 'group' of animals, or a 'group' in a class or team.

Example sentences with  grupo
grupo (musical)
group (musical)

The Spanish term 'grupo (musical)' translates to 'group (musical)' in English. In the context of music, it is used to designate a collection of individuals who play music together. They form what is referred to as a band in everyday English language. It may consist of musicians playing a variety of musical instruments and often includes vocalists as well. The word 'grupo' translates to 'group' and '(musical)' is added to specify the context of the group being referred to.

Example sentences with  grupo (musical)
Grupo de amigos
Group of friends

This is the Spanish phrase for 'group of friends'. It refers to several people who are friends and often do things together.

Example sentences with  Grupo de amigos
grupo terrorista
terrorist group

The Spanish term 'grupo terrorista' translates to 'terrorist group' in English. A terrorist group refers to a political group that employs violent measures and intimidation in pursuit of a particular aim. These groups pose a global threat and their activities can have international ramifications, leading to tragic loss of life, substantial damage to properties, and compromising national security. Please note that this is a general explanation, actual definitions could vary based on contextual usage.

Example sentences with  grupo terrorista
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