Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'gimnasio' translates to 'gym' in English. 'Gym' is a place where people go to exercise and stay fit. It can include areas for aerobic exercise, weightlifting, and various sports activities. In many cases, a gym is a membership-based commercial establishment, but it can also refer to a public or school facility.


The word 'ginebra' is a noun in Spanish, which translates to 'gin' in English. Gin is a spirit which derives its predominant flavor from juniper berries. It is common in a variety of cocktails, including the well-known gin and tonic. The Spanish word 'ginebra' is pronounced as [hee-ne-vra].


The term 'ginecológico' in Spanish translates to 'gynecological' in English. It is used to refer to anything related to the branch of physiology and medicine that deals with the functions and diseases specific to women and girls, especially those affecting the reproductive system. It is often used in medical contexts, such as a gynecological examination or a gynecological clinic.

Example sentences with  ginecológico

The word 'ginecólogo' is a masculine noun in Spanish, deriving from Greek roots. It refers to a medical doctor specialized in the female reproductive system, who often provides care to women throughout their pregnancy period as well. This medical specialist can diagnose and treat various women-related health issues such as menstrual problems, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, and others. In English, the term for 'ginecólogo' is 'gynecologist'.

Example sentences with  ginecólogo

The Spanish word 'girar' is used in the same context as the English word 'turn'. It can refer to the action of changing direction. For example, 'girar a la derecha' means 'turn to the right'. However, it can also be used in a figurative sense, such as 'girar en torno a' which means 'revolve around' something metaphorically.

Example sentences with  girar
girar (un planeta)
spin (a planet)

The Spanish word 'girar' translates to 'spin' in English. Specifically, when used in the context of 'un planeta', it refers to the rotation of a planet. Just as a planet spins on its axis in our galaxy, 'girar' describes this astronomical phenomenon. It is commonly used in both scientific and everyday conversations to talk about the motion of celestial bodies. In a larger context, it can also be used to describe the movement around an axis or center point.

Example sentences with  girar (un planeta)
giro postal
postal order

The Spanish term 'giro postal' translates to 'postal order' in English. A postal order, often used as a method of sending money through the mail, is a financial instrument purchased at a post office. It is considered a safer alternative than sending cash as it can be tracked and only cashed by the person to whom it is issued.

giro prohibido
prohibited turn

The phrase 'giro prohibido' in Spanish translates to 'prohibited turn' in English. Essentially, this phrase is often used in traffic contexts to indicate that a specific turn or direction is not allowed. For example, you might see a traffic sign with this phrase informing that turning to a certain road or lane is prohibited due to various reasons such as road works, one-way road among other reasons. Understanding such phrases can be essential especially if you are driving in a Spanish-speaking region.

Example sentences with  giro prohibido
giro telegráfico

The term 'giro telegráfico' in Spanish actually translates to 'telegraphic transfer' in English. It refers to a method of transferring money from one bank to another, especially across international borders, which used to be done via telegraph signals before the digital era.


The Spanish word 'glándula' translates to 'gland' in English. In biology, a gland is an organ in the human or animal body that secretes particular chemical substances for use in the body or for discharge into the surroundings.

Example sentences with  glándula

The Spanish word 'global' is used exactly like the English word 'global'. It refers to relating to the whole world, a particular group of things, or all parts of something. It can be used in various contexts such as global warming (calentamiento global), global affairs (asuntos globales), global economy (economía global), and so on. Although a direct translation, it serves the same purpose as in English.

Example sentences with  global

The Spanish word 'globalización' translates to 'globalization' in English. This is a process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. It involves the interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. This term is commonly used in economics and politics, referring to the way countries and people of the world interact and connect.


The Spanish word 'globo' translates to 'balloon' in English. Apart from its most common usage to denote a helium or hot-air filled spherical object often used for decoration purposes or transportation in certain situations, it may also refer to a comic strip or the dialogue box in a comic strip in an extended sense. Moreover, in a colloquial context, 'globo' may mean an idea that is impractical or unrealistic, much like the English phrase 'an air balloon idea'. However, the appropriate meaning is usually determined by the context.

Example sentences with  globo

The Spanish word 'glotón' translates to 'glutton' in English. It is mainly used to describe a person who is excessively fond of eating and consumes food in large quantities. The term can also metaphorically describe someone with an insatiable desire or a person greedy for some activities or things.

to govern

The Spanish verb 'gobernar' translates to 'to govern' in English. It pertains to the exercise of authority in controlling an organization, country or state. The term is commonly used in the context of political power. In use, an example could be: 'El presidente gobierna el país', which translates as 'The president governs the country'.

Example sentences with  gobernar

The term 'gobierno' is used in Spanish to refer to the group of people who control and make decisions for a country, state, etc. It is used in the same way as 'government' in English. For instance, you can use it to talk about politicians, institutions, policies, and more. Moreover, it is a common term when discussing politics and societal issues.

Example sentences with  gobierno
gobierno central
central government

The term 'gobierno central' is Spanish for 'central government'. In politics and law, a central government is the entity responsible for a nation. It creates and enforces laws, manages state affairs, and typically has executive, legislative, and judicial authority. The central government often has the power to make decisions and dictate policies that are implemented nationwide, as opposed to those decided on by regional or local governments.

Example sentences with  gobierno central
gobierno democrático
Democratic government

The term 'gobierno democrático' translates to 'democratic government' in English. A democratic government is a form of government in which power resides in the people and is exercised by them either directly or through elected representatives. This system respects and upholds the principles of democracy, including equality, freedom, and social justice. The concept is a critical aspect of political science and is fundamental to understand international relations, law, historical developments, and societal structures.

Example sentences with  gobierno democrático
gobierno independiente
independent government

The Spanish term 'gobierno independiente' translates to 'independent government' in English. The phrase is used to describe a body of power within a nation or state that operates without control or influence from outside authorities or institutions. It suggests a level of autonomy and self-governance, often in the context of political discussions. For instance, following a regime change or during periods of rebellion or revolution, a region or group might establish their 'gobierno independiente'.

Example sentences with  gobierno independiente
gobierno liberal
Liberal government

The term 'gobierno liberal' in Spanish translates to 'liberal government' in English. A liberal government typically supports ideas such as free political institutions, the free expression of opinion, and a free market economy. Moreover, they often advocate for policies promoting social liberalism, including civil rights and the use of government intervention to promote social justice. These ideologies and principles may vary slightly between different countries and regions based on historical and cultural contexts.

Example sentences with  gobierno liberal
gobierno nacionalista
Nationalist government

The term 'gobierno nacionalista' from Spanish translates to 'nationalist government' in English. This refers to a form of government where the state derives its political legitimacy from the unity of the individuals it governs. 'Gobierno' means 'government' and 'nacionalista' indicates 'nationalist'. This type of government is typically characterized by the promotion of national myths and folklore, and a drive to advance the interests of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining self-governance, or full sovereignty, over the group's homeland.

Example sentences with  gobierno nacionalista
gobierno progresista
progressive government

The term 'gobierno progresista' in Spanish translates to 'progressive government' in English. A progressive government is one that advocates for or implements progressive policies, which typically involve reform or innovative changes. These governments are often characterized by their focus on social equality, environmental protection, and labor rights. The word 'gobierno' stands for 'government' and 'progresista' stands for 'progressive'. Hence, 'gobierno progresista' can be used to describe a government that is forward-thinking, inclusive, and committed to advancing societal norms and standards.

Example sentences with  gobierno progresista
gobierno totalitario
totalitarian government

The Spanish phrase 'gobierno totalitario' translates to 'totalitarian government' in English. A totalitarian government is a political system in which the state holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever possible. In this system, individual freedom is quite limited. It's important to note that understanding how different political systems are described can be helpful for communicating about world events or historical periods in Spanish.

Example sentences with  gobierno totalitario

Golf is a sport where players use various clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course using the fewest number of strokes. It's typically played individually or in teams.

Example sentences with  Golf

The Spanish word 'golfo' translates to 'gulf' in English. It is used to describe a large area of a sea or ocean that is partially enclosed by land. It is usually much larger than a bay and provides a wide opening for navigation into coastal areas. 'Golfo' is often used in geographical contexts or when discussing features of the earth's surface.

Example sentences with  golfo

The Spanish word 'golosinas' translates to 'candies' in English. This noun is often used to describe various kinds of sweet food items which are typically enjoyed as a treat or a snack. The candies could include items like chocolates, gummies, hard candies, and other similar items. It is worth mentioning that 'golosinas' is plural in Spanish language, hence, its singular form is 'golosina' in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'goma' translates to 'eraser' in English. It is a common object found in various settings including schools, offices, and homes. It is primarily used to erase pencil marks from paper, making corrections or altering work. This is a noun in both languages. 'Goma' can also have other meanings depending on the context, such as rubber or glue. However, in most basic and common uses it is understood to mean 'eraser'.


The word 'gorra' in Spanish translates to 'cap' in English. A 'gorra' is an item of clothing that is typically worn on the head. It has a peak that helps to shade the eyes from the sun. Caps are wore commonly by people all around the world not only as a protective gear against weather conditions but also as a fashion accessory or parts of uniforms.

gorro de baño
bath cap

The Spanish phrase 'gorro de baño' translates to 'bath cap' in English. This refers to a cover worn over the hair while showering or bathing to prevent the hair from getting wet. It is particularly used by women to protect styled or processed hair from water. Bath caps are also used in swimming to reduce drag and increase speed. In strict terms, 'gorro' translates to 'cap' or 'hat' in English, while 'baño' refers to 'bath' or 'bathroom'. Therefore, when combined, 'gorro de baño' means 'bath cap'.

Example sentences with  gorro de baño
gorro de ducha
shower cap

The Spanish term 'gorro de ducha' translates to 'shower cap' in English. It is a term commonly used to refer to a cover made from plastic or waterproof material that is worn over the hair to keep it dry while taking a shower. In many Spanish-speaking countries, it can be found in stores where personal care or hygiene products are sold.

Example sentences with  gorro de ducha
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