Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The noun 'gato' in Spanish refers to the domestic animal known for its agility and independence. They are often kept as pets and are valued for their ability to hunt mice.

Example sentences with  gato
gato callejero
Street cat

The given Spanish term 'gato callejero' is translated to 'street cat' in English. This term is often used to refer to cats that live on the streets rather than in a home or other organized living situation. Generally, these cats are not taken care of by any particular person but instead survive by hunting and scavenging for food. 'Gato' means cat and 'callejero' refers to the street, collectively representing the rough, independent lifestyle of these animals.

Example sentences with  gato callejero

The word 'gaviota' in Spanish translates to 'seagull' in English. Seagulls are a large group of birds that are usually found near the sea. 'Gaviota' is generally used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to these species of birds. As seagulls are common sightings in coastal areas, knowing this term might be particularly useful if you are visiting a Spanish-speaking country near the ocean.

Example sentences with  gaviota

Gazpacho is a traditional Spanish soup, served cold. It is made from a base mix of ripe tomatoes, bread, cucumber, bell peppers, garlic, olive oil, vinegar, and salt. Though primarily consumed in Spain and Portugal, it has gained popularity worldwide as a refreshing and healthy dish. The name 'gazpacho' is also used in English, as it is specific to this particular recipe and there is no single-word equivalent in the English language.


The Spanish word 'gel' translates to the English word 'gel'. This is a substance that has a consistency similar to jelly, elastic and often transparent. It is used in various industries including food, cosmetic, medical, and more. For instance, it is often used in hair styling products to help shape and hold hair styles, or in food products for its thickening and stabilizing properties.

Example sentences with  gel
gel de afeitar
shaving gel

The Spanish term 'gel de afeitar' refers to a product widely used in personal hygiene, particularly by men, but also by women. This product is known as 'shaving gel' in English. Shaving gel is a type of cream or gel that is applied to the skin before shaving. It softens the hair and provides a smooth surface, allowing for an easier and more comfortable shave.

Example sentences with  gel de afeitar

The Spanish word 'gen' translates to 'gene' in English. A 'gen' is a basic unit of heredity in a living organism. Genes hold the information to build and maintain an organism's cells and pass genetic traits to offspring. It's a key element in the field of biology and genetics, reinforcing the understanding of how traits or characteristics of living beings are transmitted from one generation to another.

Example sentences with  gen

The Spanish word 'generación' translates to 'generation' in English. It is used to describe all of the people born and living around the same time, regarded collectively. It can also refer to the production or creation of something. Similar to its English equivalent, 'generación' can refer to the period of time, typically around 20-30 years, separating two age groups, or, more broadly, different stages in a family lineage or the continual process of creating new ideas, products, etc.


In Spanish, 'general' means the same as in English, which can refer to something that is common or usual, not specific or specialized. It could also denote someone holding the highest rank in the army. It can be used in different contexts, and the meaning is usually clear based on the context in which it's used.

Example sentences with  general

The Spanish word 'general' has a direct translation in English, which is also 'general'. It is used in similar contexts in both languages. This word can be used as an adjective or as a noun. As an adjective, 'general' refers to something that affects or involves all or nearly all people or things. For instance, 'una guía general para el cuidado de las plantas' translates as 'a general guide for plant care'. As a noun, 'general' often refers to a high-ranking officer in the military, like 'el general del ejército', which translates as 'the army general'.

Example sentences with  general
género literario
literary gender

The term 'género literario' in Spanish translates to 'literary gender' in English. This phrase is used within literature studies to categorize and differentiate various forms and styles of literature. This could include genres such as fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, among others. These different genres or 'géneros literarios' allow for a more structured and organized understanding of literature.

Example sentences with  género literario

The word 'generosidad' in Spanish is used much like its English counterpart, 'generosity'. It refers to the quality of being kind and generous. It can incorporate sharing time, money, or resources with others. It is often used to praise someone's willingness to give or share unselfishly.

Example sentences with  generosidad

The Spanish word 'generoso' translates to 'generous' in English. It is an adjective used to describe someone who is willing to give and share unstintingly, someone who shows a readiness to give more of something, especially money, than is strictly necessary or expected.


The Spanish word 'genética' translates to 'genetics' in English. Genetics is the branch of science that deals with all aspects of genes, including how traits such as eye color or risk of disease are passed from parents to their offspring. Genes are segments of DNA present in every cell of an organism that carry codes for the synthesis of proteins, which ultimately determine the form and function of an organism. In essence, 'genética', or genetics, is the study of heredity and variation in organisms.

Example sentences with  genética

The Spanish word 'genético' translates to 'genetic' in English. It is an adjective that relates to genes or heredity. The term is commonly used in the field of biology and genetics, where it is used to describe traits, disorders, or conditions that are passed down from one generation to another through genes. It can also be used more broadly in the sciences to denote anything that relates to genes or the genetic makeup of an organism.

Example sentences with  genético

The Spanish word 'gente' is used to refer to a group or body of individuals. It is often used in a general sense, similar to how we use 'people' in English. For example, 'La gente está hablando' translates to 'People are talking'. Remarkably, even though 'gente' refers to a group of individuals, it is treated as singular in Spanish.

Example sentences with  gente

The Spanish word 'geografía' translates to 'geography' in English. Geography is a scientific field of study that explores the lands, the features, the inhabitants, and the phenomena of Earth. It is an all-encompassing discipline that seeks an understanding of the Earth and its human and natural complexities. 'Geografía' in Spanish carries the same meaning and is used in the same context.

Example sentences with  geografía
geografía física
physical geography

The term 'geografía física' in Spanish translates to 'physical geography' in English. Physical geography is a sub-field of geography, and it primarily focuses on studying the natural environment and its components. This includes studying the Earth's various physical features and patterns, such as landforms, climates, soils, vegetation, and water bodies. It is an important discipline that helps us understand the physical characteristics of the Earth and how these characteristics interact and influence human activities.

Example sentences with  geografía física
geografía humana
human geography

The term 'geografía humana' in Spanish translates to 'human geography' in English. Human geography is a branch of geography that deals with the study of people and their communities, cultures, economies, and interactions with the environment by studying their relations with and across space and place.

Example sentences with  geografía humana
geografía política
political geography

The term 'geografía política' in Spanish translates to 'political geography' in English. Political geography is a field of study concerned with the spatial analysis of political phenomena. It includes studying the spatial structures and processes associated with the functioning of political systems and the study of geographical influences on political behavior. The term is used to explain the politics and geography of a particular region or area.

Example sentences with  geografía política

The Spanish word 'geográfico' translates to 'geographical' in English. It is an adjective used to describe something related to geography, the study of the physical features of the Earth and its atmosphere. It can also refer to anything connected with the interaction between humans and their environment including population distribution, land use, and industries.

Example sentences with  geográfico

Geology is the science dedicated to studying the solid, liquid, and gaseous matter that constitutes the Earth and other terrestrial planets. It also explores the processes that have shaped Earth over the course of its 4.5 billion-year history.

Example sentences with  geología

The Spanish word 'gerencia' translates to 'management' in English. It is often used in a business or organizational context to refer to the act of managing operations, resources, people, or strategies. Similar to its English equivalent, 'gerencia' can refer to both the process of managing and the group of individuals who are in charge of managing an organization or project.

Example sentences with  gerencia

The word 'geriatría' in Spanish translates to 'geriatrics' in English. 'Geriatrics' is a branch of medicine or social science dealing with the health and care of old people. It includes services provided to keep old age people fit and healthy, as well as diagnosing and treating diseases that they may face. So, 'geriatría' concerns the overall well-being and medical care of the elderly.

Example sentences with  geriatría

The Spanish verb 'germinar' translates to 'germinate' in English. It is usually used in the context of plant biology to describe the process of a plant growing from a seed. For example, you might use 'germinar' to talk about a flower seed beginning to sprout and grow into a flower. This word can also be used metaphorically in both languages to describe ideas, plans, or feelings that are beginning to develop.

Example sentences with  germinar

The Spanish word 'gestión' translates to 'management' in English. In business context, it refers to the process of dealing, controlling and organizing things or people. Similar to its English counterpart, 'gestión' can also relate to the responsibility of running a business or project, the act of managing something, or the people who manage a corporation or institution. It can be used in various contexts where there's a need to describe the act of taking care of or steering something to achieve a desired outcome.

Example sentences with  gestión

The word 'gesto' in Spanish translates to 'gesture' in English. It refers to a movement or position of the hand, arm, body, head, or face that expresses a particular attitude or meaning. Gestures are used in everyday life as a form of non-verbal communication and carry their own significance across different cultures. It can be used in various contexts in Spanish, similar to its use in English. It can indicate a physical action or a subtle sign of a certain emotion or opinion. Examples of usage in a sentence could include 'El hizo un gesto con la mano' which means 'He made a gesture with his hand'.

gesto amable
friendly gesture

The term 'gesto amable' in Spanish translates to 'friendly gesture' in English. It refers to acts performed with a kindness or generosity of spirit that are intended to be helpful or kind to someone else. A friendly gesture is particularly characterized by its informal, everyday nature and general air of goodwill.

gesto frío
cold gesture

The Spanish term 'gesto frío' translates to 'cold gesture' in English. This can refer to an action or expression that is perceived to be unfriendly, unemotional, or devoid of warmth. It is often used to describe interpersonal interactions where there is a lack of kindness, empathy, or affection. Please note that, like many phrases, the exact connotation can depend on the context in which it is used.


Gimnasia in Spanish is gymnastics in English. It involves the performance of exercises requiring strength, flexibility, balance, and control.

Example sentences with  Gimnasia
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